250k at level 1. What do you buy?


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Scarab Sages

Wow! Thanks everyone! Lots of great stuff here.

I think I may be more conflicted than I started :-)

Jaxtile wrote:
What the hell is tossing death effects a you at level one?

Anything that can cast Sleep. It's only one Coup de Grace from a much longer sleep and could theoretically affect the entire party in one go.

Coup de grace is not a death effect. Only things that specifically say they are death effects are death effects. Coup de grace says no such thing.

A castle full of servants. Then i retire.


Elemental belt, it's like 22k and you get to be a huge elemental for 11minutes 1/day oh and you can't be forcibly moved and you get +4 con at all times... yeah it's not a sexy +6 to everything, but elemental form (earth) is pretty freaking sweet, oh and earth glide... you can go far in 11minutes.

gloves of shortened path, manipulate things from a distance! Attack from a distance!

Eyes of the dragon for the big cash item....

Lantern Lodge

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Scale Mail (50g)
Masterwork Composite Shortbow (+1 Str) (150g)
20 Cold Iron Arrows (4g)
2 (Masterwork?) Concubines (50g)

Spend the rest on cocaine.

Silver Crusade

Ok, make a fighter with a good alignment. Then spend your gold on 2x Sun Blades, a +6 Dex/Con belt, Celestial armor, and a cloak of resistance +5. You said 25 point buy, right? I'd recommend stats looking like:

22 (+6 from belt)
24 (+2 human bonus, +6 from belt)

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice

You're attacking at +7 (1d10+5/19-20/x2) with MH and OH attacks.
Against evil creatures this goes to +9 (1d10+7/19-20/x2).
Against creatures from the negative energy plane or undead, you deal double damage on a hit and the crit multiplier goes to x3.

Your AC is 26 (17 touch, 19 flat-footed) and you have 16 HP. Your saves are +13/+12/+6.

The best part is you still have 15,000 gold or so left over to buy whatever else you might want.

Off the top of my head:

21-ish Scrolls of Extended Magic Jar (CL 12, 24 hour duration)
Handy Haversack
10 Scavenger's Stones
100gp in food, rations & alcohol...
... & a Cannon Golem


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

it costs at total of 23,500g to use a Greater Planar Ally scroll to recruit a Planetar to serve you for 15 days... the UMD DC is 35, but a synthesist with the skilled[UMD] evolution can pretty easily have +22 or better at 1st level (and there's no mishap/wasted scroll language anymore in pathfinder), so using one out of combat shouldn't be a problem!

i'd buy 10 of those and plan on finishing every adventure arc in 2 weeks or less (and being suitably rich and powerful enough after 10 adventures to not really miss that starting gold). having a Planetar guardian at all times should pretty much be a game changer (plus you'll be pretty tough with a handful of minor magic items, since you'll be a synthesist).

2 Rings of Three Wishes, and a halfling to carry around your extra 10 grand.

Mirror of Opposition, and something sturdy and clear to keep it in for safe keeping.

Items to boost my initiative super high.

A ton of dust of sneezing and choking.

...Then I engage in a dangerous game of taking on high level adventures, to exploit them for xp and even more loot.

Well... It's not very optimized, but I'd get these items:

Tome of Clear Thought +5 - 137,500gp
Ring of Regeneration - 90,000gp
Ring of Invisibility - 20,000gp

And I'd save the last 2,500gp for when i get an extra 3,000gp for a pair of Boots of Striding and Springing.

I'd play as a wizard, and with those items it would be pretty hard to kill me, and i could turn invisible and run away at a base speed of 40ft. Plus I'd never get tired, so technically I could sprint all day. with the right feat to run at 4x rates, I could cover 128 miles in 8 hours. While invisible.

Its hard to kill something thats faster than you, can regenerate, and is invisible... well up it attacks, then becomes invisible again.


Ring of Regeneration for sure, I'm still voting for the belt I mentioned (+4 con, huge earth elemental 1/day, immune to movement effects), ring of feather falling, ioun stones to keep you from needing food, water, or air. Boots of spider climbing. Something to enable truesight too. Warrior Jengasa

If you're a martial, best armor you can afford after the aboves.

You run at 4 times your base speed by default. You only run at 3 times in heavy armor. The Run feat lets you run at 5 times.

Ipslore the Red wrote:
You run at 4 times your base speed by default. You only run at 3 times in heavy armor. The Run feat lets you run at 5 times.

Thanks, i couldn't quite remember which was which.

So with the run feat thats 160 miles in 8 hours...

pretty impressive. Thankfully the ring of regeneration heals non-lethal damage too. Only thing you'd have to worry about would be water and food for that run...

if only you could wear a ring of sustenance too!


You know, if you gave those boots, the ring of regen, and the ring of sustenance to an olympic runner, he could probably cover ~300 miles in 8 hours.

Thats mindbogglingly fast.

Don't forget the Fleet feat. 5 feet each time you take it. Give your 20th level olympic runner monk that 10 times and Run once, and the two rings, and he'd have a base speed of 145 feet. A shame the boots and fast movement don't stack.

Running would give him 725 feet every 6 seconds for a final speed of a bit more than eighty-two and one-third miles per hour. Give him a Necklace of Adaptation and he can pull this off anywhere.

EDIT: Replace 3 iterations of Fleet with the Eldritch Heritage (elemental(fire)) series and you get a thrity-foot bonus to base speed, giving you 15 higher, or 160 feet a round. 800 feet every 6 seconds, so a shade under 91 miles per hour. This is awesome.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

if you use the standard pricing chart (and your DM is open to unique items) you could do some fun stuff with 8th level spells (at CL 15)...
like an item to do any of the following (all 240k):

- permanent Form of the Dragon 3
- permanent Giant Form 2
- permanent Iron Body
- Polymorph Any Object, at will
- Temporal Stasis, at will
- permanent Undead Anatomy 4
- Greater Shadow Evocation, at will
- Mass Charm Monster, at will
- Prismatic Wall, at will
- Summon Monster 8, at will
- permanent Sea Mantle
- Divine Vessel, at will
- Earthquake, at will

and those are just some funny examples at a convenient level/spell level! you could do similar things with 6th level spells @CL 20- or just make up items you like and price them... an item that does permanent Improved Invisibility (for example) would only cost 224k (leaving 26k for other trouble making supplies), or for 80k you could get one that you can use at will with a 10 round duration.

if you really want to be awesome/an ass... for 198k you could get an item that put a permanent Antimagic field on you, lol.

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A Kingdom.

The Ultimate Campaign rules are available here: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCampaign/kingdomsAndWar/kingdomB uilding.html

At the bottom of the page is the table for converting gold to Build Points (BP), the currency of Kingdoms, so you can build yourself a starting Settlement and, if necessary, an Army or two.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Two hundred fifty thousand fighting cocks.

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RJGrady wrote:
Two hundred fifty thousand fighting cocks.

Release them into the dungeon ahead of you. Whether the monsters eat well or the chickens somehow win the dungeon, you'll have a great running gag and great memories to come. Trust me, I've conquered a dungeon with chickens before!

Hookers, lots and lots of hookers.
On a serious note: you could buy a lot of novice artisans and commoners, start your own mini-kingdom, and effectively have them make money for you. You go out adventuring, when you come back they have already paid for your room and board--you own the place, and you pay them with the wages they earn--and there are probably a few level 1 adepts in there so you have free healing.

At level 7 take leadership so you have loyalty of your minions, and boom, you are set. Now, you have your own strong-hold of sorts--their task could be building it--and a cohort to follow you around and likely be your heal-bot.

Play a cleric with the artifice domain (you come from a family of rich golem-crafters; play a dwarf for extra cool factor).

* A construct channel brick.
* A phylactery of positive channeling.
* An iron golem with the "shield guardian" template.

At 1st-level, your channel heals your golem for 5d6 (1d6 base, plus 4d6 from the construct brick and phylactery of healing). In addition, it has fast healing 5, DR 15/adamantine, and absorbs half the damage you take (as per shield other).

After these initial purchases, you have 33,500 gp left over to purchase other items.

Ring of Telekinesis 75,000
Helm of Telepathy 27,000
Ring of Regeneration 90,000
Wings of Flying 54,000

Pretend to be a God.

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