rebuilds? with new cord thread

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Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 *

tacticslion already solved my problem.

The only gunslinger I would have had is a character I have not even built yet---IE a level 5 character built with GM credit that has not even had stats assigned

Grand Lodge

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I am not going to defend any particular build, but I would like to take a moment and let some in on some of the builders of some.

I know some that will build powerful builds, without malicious intent.

Some find putting together the right combo extremely satisfying, and it is simply part of their fun.

Some are afraid of being "the load" in any given group, so they make sure that they are able to pull their weight, even to an extreme.

Some want to also be viable, but are not as good with system mastery, so they look to guides, and fellow gamers, and end up with a combo, they have been told is very good, and will keep them viable.

Some have a hard time finding a group, and almost all their experience up until then, has been theorycraft. For them, it worked in theory.

So, not every player that walks up with a powerful combo, is a doing so in mean spirits.

Work with them, not against them.

Love and tolerate.


blackbloodtroll wrote:
So, not every player that walks up with a powerful combo, is a doing so in mean spirits.

I absolutely agree, and I give every player the benefit of the doubt.

But if you're that player, as soon as you see the GM getting frustrated, or the other players rolling their eyes or tuning out, it's up to you to adjust and make sure that you're not the one ruining everyone else's fun at the table. Yes, they should say something. But it's really not that hard to tell when you're hijacking encounters from everyone else.

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redward wrote:
But if you're that player, as soon as you see the GM getting frustrated, or the other players rolling their eyes or tuning out, it's up to you to adjust and make sure that you're not the one ruining everyone else's fun at the table. Yes, they should say something. But it's really not that hard to tell when you're hijacking encounters from everyone else.

Social awareness? In this hobby? That can be pretty hit or miss. I know plenty of people who are anything but aware of what the people around them do or think, and they don't mean to be malevolent, but sometimes it comes off that way because they're all excited and the like.

Andrew Christian wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
cnetarian wrote:
If a GM's ego is so fragile that it cannot handle a player in-game mocking a silly ruling they made, then the GM has some more serious problems.
There's a difference between handle and tolerate.


I can handle it.

But I refuse to tolerate it.

You seem to think mocking is no big deal. Perhaps your definition, and everyone elses definition of that word is different?

"I would take the grasping tail feat ... and make a point of grabbing items with my tail whenever not in combat..." is what constitutes mocking under everyone here's defintion, as that is the mocking noted in the post which started this tangent. It is the sort of mockery which I have found doesn't usually ruin a game or usually hurt people's psyches, although people here seem to feel otherwise, and in my experience really is only a problem if done after the GM says "I get the point, there is no need to continue."

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Michael Brock wrote:
People may sell back the weapon cord at full price if they like, but no rebuilds due to the change of one piece of equipment.

Whew! Thanks Mike, I know a lot of people that are going to refund this now terrible item. A move action to counter disarm without provoking? What a crock!

Walter Sheppard wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
People may sell back the weapon cord at full price if they like, but no rebuilds due to the change of one piece of equipment.
Whew! Thanks Mike, I know a lot of people that are going to refund this now terrible item. A move action to counter disarm without provoking? What a crock!

A whole silver! I could buy a candy bar for that. I think. How much is the going rate for candy in Absolom?

Rynjin wrote:

It's not better than the other FAQ since the other one didn't change anything. =/

This affects a LOT more than what they were trying to change. Including the very simple one: Combating Disarms.

Dragons that disarm s&#% are annoying, yo.

It was overdue.

Have you ever actually tried recovering a razor-sharp blade (say, a freshly-honed wakizashi) from a two foot cord tied to your wrist? Unless you have mad juggling skills or have practiced that particular maneuver a lot (enough to warrant a trait, feat, or minor class feature), I doubt you'll manage it on the first try without cutting yourself, even if you're a practiced swordsman. Being forced to take a moment to pull the weapon up reliably--and without even needing the other hand free--is hardly unreasonable.

Now, I still want to see a feat chain that lets you whirl the dangling weapon around effectively. : D Maybe Equipment Trick (weapon cord) or something.

blahpers wrote:
Have you ever actually tried recovering a razor-sharp blade (say, a freshly-honed wakizashi) from a two foot cord tied to your wrist?

Have you ever tried shooting a fireball and punching a dragon to death? Or regularly falling 200 feet and living?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

15 people marked this as a favorite.
MrSin wrote:
blahpers wrote:
Have you ever actually tried recovering a razor-sharp blade (say, a freshly-honed wakizashi) from a two foot cord tied to your wrist?
Have you ever tried shooting a fireball and punching a dragon to death? Or regularly falling 200 feet and living?

I did all 3 and then some. My 30s were super exciting. Now I've graduated to Decimverate and it sucks.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

I am not going to defend any particular build, but I would like to take a moment and let some in on some of the builders of some.

I know some that will build powerful builds, without malicious intent.

Some find putting together the right combo extremely satisfying, and it is simply part of their fun.

Some are afraid of being "the load" in any given group, so they make sure that they are able to pull their weight, even to an extreme.

Some want to also be viable, but are not as good with system mastery, so they look to guides, and fellow gamers, and end up with a combo, they have been told is very good, and will keep them viable.

Some have a hard time finding a group, and almost all their experience up until then, has been theorycraft. For them, it worked in theory.

So, not every player that walks up with a powerful combo, is a doing so in mean spirits.

Work with them, not against them.

Love and tolerate.


Our group is a player short of the magic number four, and one of the characters in the party is not optimized and is a bit light on the combat side, though useful in a support role (bardic performance). Being a badass gunslinger helps a lot, but my character has some quirks that prevent it from being as effective as some others (e.g., Small size, some assorted rounding-out abilities at the expense of More Dakka). Plus, I refused to use silly weapon cord shenanigans, and didn't see the idea of prehensile hair or a vestigial arm as appropriate. So I damned well am going to use whatever is at my disposal to pull my weight, whether it's a double-barreled pistol, a bandana of abundant ammunition (custom crafted, limited uses per day), weapon blanches, and whatever else I can scrounge up to stay alive.

Now I might get a weapon cord using the current rules just so I can switch guns quickly without having to drop my existing one. (Sadly, there's no Quick Holster feat or deed.)

MrSin wrote:
blahpers wrote:
Have you ever actually tried recovering a razor-sharp blade (say, a freshly-honed wakizashi) from a two foot cord tied to your wrist?
Have you ever tried shooting a fireball and punching a dragon to death? Or regularly falling 200 feet and living?

Here we go again. "I can crap lightning bolts, so I should be able to do anything I can imagine by RAW." C'mon, a 1st level commoner with no weapon experience at all could pull off the wakizashi trick with a 3 in every stat. Be serious.

blahpers wrote:
MrSin wrote:
blahpers wrote:
Have you ever actually tried recovering a razor-sharp blade (say, a freshly-honed wakizashi) from a two foot cord tied to your wrist?
Have you ever tried shooting a fireball and punching a dragon to death? Or regularly falling 200 feet and living?
Here we go again. "I can crap lightning bolts, so I should be able to do anything I can imagine by RAW." C'mon, a 1st level commoner with no weapon experience at all could pull off the wakizashi trick with a 3 in every stat. Be serious.

Actually I meant that our characters were probably at least a little super human. Punching a dragon in the face until it dies have to mean something.

Michael Brock wrote:
I did all 3 and then some. My 30s were super exciting. Now I've graduated to Decimverate and it sucks.

As a rule, I don't join any organization that says I have to wear a mask and I'm not allowed to tell anyone how great I am.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
MrSin wrote:

As a rule, I don't join any organization that says I have to wear a mask and I'm not allowed to tell anyone how great I am.

Then why are you still here? We sure didn't invite you. You came of your own free will. Feel free to leave when you like and don't let the door hit you where the good gods split you.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

I would like to mention that the weapon cord rule change actually made my caster slightly better. He uses a weapon cord to prevent his Persistent Metamagic rod from being disarmed. Now I can retrieve my item without burning the swift action that would go to a Quickened spell.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
cnetarian wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
cnetarian wrote:
If a GM's ego is so fragile that it cannot handle a player in-game mocking a silly ruling they made, then the GM has some more serious problems.
There's a difference between handle and tolerate.


I can handle it.

But I refuse to tolerate it.

You seem to think mocking is no big deal. Perhaps your definition, and everyone elses definition of that word is different?

"I would take the grasping tail feat ... and make a point of grabbing items with my tail whenever not in combat..." is what constitutes mocking under everyone here's defintion, as that is the mocking noted in the post which started this tangent. It is the sort of mockery which I have found doesn't usually ruin a game or usually hurt people's psyches, although people here seem to feel otherwise, and in my experience really is only a problem if done after the GM says "I get the point, there is no need to continue."

The fact that you feel the need to make a passive aggressive point is the issue.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***

MrSin wrote:
blahpers wrote:
Have you ever actually tried recovering a razor-sharp blade (say, a freshly-honed wakizashi) from a two foot cord tied to your wrist?
Have you ever tried shooting a fireball and punching a dragon to death? Or regularly falling 200 feet and living?

Yes, yes, yes and yes. The first is just a plain old bad idea because a razor sharp sword isn't a sword anymore. You just ruined a perfectly good sword by doing that. The second is only slightly less stupid as you have to F up before something bad say have vaporized fuel leaking while having the igniter spark go off. The third is fine...because puff the magic dragon deserved it when he made my godson cry. And the forth...I mean jumping out of a plane is fun. You have pay oddles of money to do it even. Outside of skydiving, I have fallen 70 feet with just scratches to show for it. Not a free fall mind you, but with a cliff side next to me for me to try and manage my fall. I have fallen 30 feet in a free fall off a cliff on my bike and managed to not break any bones. It hurt...but I could walk away...well maybe limping....

Liberty's Edge

Cameron Ackerman wrote:
I would like to mention that the weapon cord rule change actually made my caster slightly better. He uses a weapon cord to prevent his Persistent Metamagic rod from being disarmed. Now I can retrieve my item without burning the swift action that would go to a Quickened spell.

So, the new rule actually benefits casters and harms martials a lot. How wonderful !!!

I wonder if I am the only person who plays a gunslinger who misfires.

It happens every couple of combats at least, sometimes twice per.

Were gms just not checking that stuff? I mean, shooting a lot of shots is great, until you misfire :(

Dark Archive 2/5

Wow, it took less time than I thought for the gunslingers to start asking for rebuilds. I figured there would at least be a couple weeks before it all really set in. Shows how much I know. In any case, I really like the new ruling. The weapon cord was simply too powerful before. Now it's still a bit too powerful, but closer to being in line with what such a cheap item should be.

And for the guy being passive aggressive? If I had a player mocking me for one of my decisions at a table of mine, they'd get a single warning. If they kept doing it? Ejected from the table. There's a big difference between asking a GM to reconsider, and being an outright jackass just because of a decision you might not agree with. Besides that, that sort of thing really slows play down. It makes the other players uncomfortable.


The black raven wrote:
Cameron Ackerman wrote:
I would like to mention that the weapon cord rule change actually made my caster slightly better. He uses a weapon cord to prevent his Persistent Metamagic rod from being disarmed. Now I can retrieve my item without burning the swift action that would go to a Quickened spell.
So, the new rule actually benefits casters and harms martials a lot. How wonderful !!!

It helps any character that wants their swift action to do anything else, like a paladin for example.

Dark Archive 2/5

In all honesty it still isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination. You can retrieve your weapon without suffering an attack of opportunity. Sure, you won't be able to full attack in the same round you nab it, but at least you CAN nab it without getting tagged by whatever made you lose it.

Dark Archive

blahpers wrote:
a bandana of abundant ammunition (custom crafted, limited uses per day)

wait... in pfs? no custom gear allowed

Liberty's Edge

Kyle Baird wrote:
The black raven wrote:
Cameron Ackerman wrote:
I would like to mention that the weapon cord rule change actually made my caster slightly better. He uses a weapon cord to prevent his Persistent Metamagic rod from being disarmed. Now I can retrieve my item without burning the swift action that would go to a Quickened spell.
So, the new rule actually benefits casters and harms martials a lot. How wonderful !!!
It helps any character that wants their swift action to do anything else, like a paladin for example.

Except that the full attack of ANY martial is a full action, which precludes the move action to use the cord. While the equivalent for a caster is spell + Quickened spell, which is a standard and a swift.

So yes, benefit is for casters and huge drawback is for martials.

Dark Archive 4/5

I once had a player argue with me about how I was correct with the rules, and he was incorrect. I let him do as he pleased until he was all alone in a deeper darkness being sneak attacked multiple times in a row.

All I can say is.
THANKS KYLE. You gave me the tools to wreck absolute destruction upon some folks. I rained their blood upon them in a Quagmire inspired dance of blood / lust. Too bad no one could see in the darkness, but that's not really my problem now, is it?

Dark Archive 5/5

Perhaps it would be easier if we just ban cheese builds.....

All joking aside this is a prime reason I run pfs games from home... any players who plays cheesy builds .... such as our local pistelero/mystereous stranger... is not welcome at my game table.

wellsmv wrote:
Perhaps it would be easier if we just ban cheese builds.....

and where do we draw the line then, eh? Personal opinion?

Dark Archive 5/5

MrSin wrote:
wellsmv wrote:
Perhaps it would be easier if we just ban cheese builds.....
and where do we draw the line then, eh? Personal opinion?

alas this is the golden question....

Liberty's Edge 5/5

MrSin wrote:
wellsmv wrote:
Perhaps it would be easier if we just ban cheese builds.....
and where do we draw the line then, eh? Personal opinion?

For a game he runs in his home, he can be as restrictive or permissive as he wishes.

Nobody can tell him who he's allowed to invite into his home.

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