In regards to Alchemist (suggestion)

Homebrew and House Rules

Alchemist cover quite a variety roles depending how you build or specialize and as such I think they deserve a bit more content, even a full on book dedicated to them.

They need more than one prestige class. That being said the master chymist could use some tweaking. Unless you are straight bestomorph alchemist and looking for longer durations or more uses of mutagens per day, the master chymist offers nothing else. You stand to lose to much from the lack of discoveries and class abilities. I understand it could be considered a "flavor" class but it kind of saddening its the only alchemist one available.
ie: play vanilla melee alchemist and you get longer lasting self buffs and once you hit persistant mutagen, you can essentially use your one mutagen all day while still getting discoveries that greatly enhance you.

So with that yes, more prestige classes and master chymist tweaking.

Next up is the actual use of craft alchemy.
Any joe shmo can take craft alchemy and craft the same things an alchemist can. The standard alchemy items are ok but I think alchemist deserve better.
So I offer up the suggestion that alchemist not only get a "higher tier" list of crafted alchemical items but can also enhance the "lower tier" alchemical items and even (eventually) craft things such as alchemical golems/contructs/dragons.
Aren't alchemist suppose to be awesome at making epic things? If I wanted a sunrod..I'd poke some low level character or just buy it.
I think this goes without say due to the number of post I've seen about it but the crafting system needs to get re-worked. It has some serious flaws that need to be addressed.

They also need a lot of rule clarification with them as well..just saying.

I have more things in mind but I am sure you get the idea. Alchemist have a large variety of roles and as such they need the content to back it up so we can utilize them properly. I don't want to be limited to melee or bomb chucka'

Master Chymist offers plenty to the alchemist. The augmentations can be pretty good, and they do get extra damage with their natural attacks. Since that's a style that's all about lots of smaller hits, more static damage boosts are good.

There is going to be the Alchemist's Handbook coming out next year. It's not 100% all alchemist, but offers many things for the alchemist, obviously.

Regarding Craft Alchemy, one thing you need to keep in mind is that while any 'joe shmo' can make the same things, the alchemist is far better at it thanks to their level bonus to it. The crafting rules for mundane items like alchemical stuff are pretty bad for PCs, and the one saving grace is that you can speed things up with a good check. Which the alchemist can easily pull off thanks to their level bonus. It almost makes it worthwhile to make things. Almost.

They definitely do need a fair chunk of rules clarifications.

I already ruled alchemy as spells equivalent(arcane), that means alchemist eldritch knight is now possible in my games.

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Honestly, all I really want for the alchemist is archetypes that let you trade out mutagen for something that requires less book-keeping (more bombs, more extracts, static bonuses, whatever).

I have a player that would love-love-love to play an alchemist, but it's just way too complicated for her. Either mutagens or extracts have to go and mutagens seem like the low-hanging fruit.

I wouldn't say no to more alchemical content, but it wouldn't get used in my game unless some conceptual space is cleared out first.


Landon Winkler wrote:

Honestly, all I really want for the alchemist is archetypes that let you trade out mutagen for something that requires less book-keeping (more bombs, more extracts, static bonuses, whatever).

I have a player that would love-love-love to play an alchemist, but it's just way too complicated for her. Either mutagens or extracts have to go and mutagens seem like the low-hanging fruit.

I wouldn't say no to more alchemical content, but it wouldn't get used in my game unless some conceptual space is cleared out first.


Since Mutagen exists as a discovery a quick fix I use is just replacing mutagen with a discovery.

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Malwing wrote:
Since Mutagen exists as a discovery a quick fix I use is just replacing mutagen with a discovery.

That's... actually really elegant. Thank you!


One of the earlier player companions had a bit on using alchemical items as spell components to gain greater effects. you could apply those same rules to alchemist extracts. (EX: I include a flask of Alchemist Fire as part of my Resist Cold Extract. It gives 12 resistance instead of the normal 10)

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