Tels |

The legacy of fire stuff was lots of fun to read. ^_^
Did you get the PM I sent to you the other day? Found something fun and interesting in Legacy of Fire.
I've got several fun stories from Legacy of Fire, many of which are my Monk going 'overprotective brother' on Shynt and enemies. Also invented a 'signature move' for my Monk, but I figured I'd share those later.

Ashiel |

Ashiel wrote:The legacy of fire stuff was lots of fun to read. ^_^Did you get the PM I sent to you the other day? Found something fun and interesting in Legacy of Fire.
I've got several fun stories from Legacy of Fire, many of which are my Monk going 'overprotective brother' on Shynt and enemies. Also invented a 'signature move' for my Monk, but I figured I'd share those later.
Oh wow, yeah I did! I forgot that I haven't replied to it yet. Q.Q
I've been so busy with studying for an exam and doing Pathfinder games that I haven't responded yet. I'm sorry. T.T
Let me say "Thanks much, and that was awesome (so awesome I shared it with my skype friends :P)" and I look forward to seeing your next post about your monk too. ^_^
A friend of mine on skype just recently discovered my psychic monk and wants to make an old-aged monk in the future, so maybe I'll have some more nice stories to share in the near future too. ^_^

Tels |

Tels wrote:Ashiel wrote:The legacy of fire stuff was lots of fun to read. ^_^Did you get the PM I sent to you the other day? Found something fun and interesting in Legacy of Fire.
I've got several fun stories from Legacy of Fire, many of which are my Monk going 'overprotective brother' on Shynt and enemies. Also invented a 'signature move' for my Monk, but I figured I'd share those later.
Oh wow, yeah I did! I forgot that I haven't replied to it yet. Q.Q
I've been so busy with studying for an exam and doing Pathfinder games that I haven't responded yet. I'm sorry. T.T
Let me say "Thanks much, and that was awesome (so awesome I shared it with my skype friends :P)" and I look forward to seeing your next post about your monk too. ^_^
A friend of mine on skype just recently discovered my psychic monk and wants to make an old-aged monk in the future, so maybe I'll have some more nice stories to share in the near future too. ^_^
It's fine, I was just wondering whether or not it got lost with all of the instability the boards have had for the last few days.
We've currently reached 10th level in Legacy at this point, and my Monk has fallen to the support role in combat (which I'm fine with) as he just doesn't have the raw damage potential the fighter and barbarian possess. I'm looking forward to 12th level though, as I gain the ability to Slow Time (Monk of the Four Winds) and am going to start doing so 'interesting' stuff. Like Move - Grapple with a standard - Pin with second standard - tie up with third standard; I expect jaws to drop when I do it.
Gonna hog-tie me some bad guys!

gnomersy |
My personal experiences as a Monk.
Stunning Fist out of 6+ uses from level 1-4 I've had it stick one time and that one was blind luck. Genuinely gotten to the point where I just tack it onto attacks because why not instead of actually using it with the expectation of it making a difference that being said it was neat in one particular combat where it wound up stunning a caster for a round long enough to kill her without her getting away.
As far as my ability to hit, well it's not great, a good round for me is landing 2 out of 3 hits after burning a ki point and even with dragon style my damage is just breaking even with a relatively unoptimized Barbarian and against anything with DR it's cut in half or worse. In one combat against an ice elemental I couldn't even put damage though at all and had to withdraw just to save my own hide.
It was even worse in the latest ranged encounter we had with an invisible flier all I could do was sit around I couldn't see it and my ranged options were awful even when it went visible.
As for my AC well it's the highest in the party when I use a potion of mage armor but our party isn't really loaded with frontliners otherwise it would just be on par and even as is he's not that hard to hit by other frontliners.

![]() |

And, my personal experience with the Monk is: Fun
But, that is partially because we rolled for the ability scores. I am playing as a Human Monk in our home campaign with the below ability points..
19, 17, 14, 8, 14, 10
Well, I wasn't so lucky while I was rolling for INT, but.. He really hurts during combats, and its roleplaying is also fun. First time to play as a monk.
On the other hand, it won't be that much fun in PFS point-buy system. If I would have to build a Society legal monk, it would be one of those agile monks with 10 STR and high DEX.. Because you also need a high CON as your AC won't be that high.

Starbuck_II |

Atarlost wrote:Oddly enough, when Rogues try to be Monks, Rogues fail.Lord_Malkov wrote:Style Feats were a big help to the Monk
The real issue they have is that they don't get a full BAB progression, they can't wear armor, and they have a low HD. For a frontline sort of character, these are problems.
I think that unfortunately the Monk is being compared to fighter/ranger/barb when it should really be compared to a rogue.
You're not doing the monk any favors with this comparison.
Monks fail at being rogues. You let a rogue into your party so he can use his 8+int skill points per level and broad selection of class skills to handle noncombat chores for your 2+int cleric, fighter, and sorcerer. Monks fail. They don't have the skill points and they don't have the class skills.
Or you have a rogue so he can handle traps because your GM will kill any party that doesn't have the trap spotter rogue talent. Monks fail at that too.
The rogue at least has a place in an eigenparty as a skill monkey. Monks aren't good for anything except NPCs. Their strong defenses and weak offense can make them nice NPCs against parties overly reliant on novaing.
Not really, take enforcer so you deal intimidate when deal nonlethal punches (after taking feat Unarmed strike or talent).
Shatter defenses so you get sneak attack when unarmed striking.Yeah, Rogues make good monks.

K177Y C47 |

Justin Rocket wrote:Atarlost wrote:Oddly enough, when Rogues try to be Monks, Rogues fail.Lord_Malkov wrote:Style Feats were a big help to the Monk
The real issue they have is that they don't get a full BAB progression, they can't wear armor, and they have a low HD. For a frontline sort of character, these are problems.
I think that unfortunately the Monk is being compared to fighter/ranger/barb when it should really be compared to a rogue.
You're not doing the monk any favors with this comparison.
Monks fail at being rogues. You let a rogue into your party so he can use his 8+int skill points per level and broad selection of class skills to handle noncombat chores for your 2+int cleric, fighter, and sorcerer. Monks fail. They don't have the skill points and they don't have the class skills.
Or you have a rogue so he can handle traps because your GM will kill any party that doesn't have the trap spotter rogue talent. Monks fail at that too.
The rogue at least has a place in an eigenparty as a skill monkey. Monks aren't good for anything except NPCs. Their strong defenses and weak offense can make them nice NPCs against parties overly reliant on novaing.
Not really, take enforcer so you deal intimidate when deal nonlethal punches (after taking feat Unarmed strike or talent).
Shatter defenses so you get sneak attack when unarmed striking.Yeah, Rogues make good monks.
they just make bad rogues...

Starbuck_II |

Starbuck_II wrote:they just make bad rogues...Justin Rocket wrote:Atarlost wrote:Oddly enough, when Rogues try to be Monks, Rogues fail.Lord_Malkov wrote:Style Feats were a big help to the Monk
The real issue they have is that they don't get a full BAB progression, they can't wear armor, and they have a low HD. For a frontline sort of character, these are problems.
I think that unfortunately the Monk is being compared to fighter/ranger/barb when it should really be compared to a rogue.
You're not doing the monk any favors with this comparison.
Monks fail at being rogues. You let a rogue into your party so he can use his 8+int skill points per level and broad selection of class skills to handle noncombat chores for your 2+int cleric, fighter, and sorcerer. Monks fail. They don't have the skill points and they don't have the class skills.
Or you have a rogue so he can handle traps because your GM will kill any party that doesn't have the trap spotter rogue talent. Monks fail at that too.
The rogue at least has a place in an eigenparty as a skill monkey. Monks aren't good for anything except NPCs. Their strong defenses and weak offense can make them nice NPCs against parties overly reliant on novaing.
Not really, take enforcer so you deal intimidate when deal nonlethal punches (after taking feat Unarmed strike or talent).
Shatter defenses so you get sneak attack when unarmed striking.Yeah, Rogues make good monks.
But other than Ninja and Slayer, who does make good rogues?

Tels |

Justin Rocket wrote:Atarlost wrote:Oddly enough, when Rogues try to be Monks, Rogues fail.Lord_Malkov wrote:Style Feats were a big help to the Monk
The real issue they have is that they don't get a full BAB progression, they can't wear armor, and they have a low HD. For a frontline sort of character, these are problems.
I think that unfortunately the Monk is being compared to fighter/ranger/barb when it should really be compared to a rogue.
You're not doing the monk any favors with this comparison.
Monks fail at being rogues. You let a rogue into your party so he can use his 8+int skill points per level and broad selection of class skills to handle noncombat chores for your 2+int cleric, fighter, and sorcerer. Monks fail. They don't have the skill points and they don't have the class skills.
Or you have a rogue so he can handle traps because your GM will kill any party that doesn't have the trap spotter rogue talent. Monks fail at that too.
The rogue at least has a place in an eigenparty as a skill monkey. Monks aren't good for anything except NPCs. Their strong defenses and weak offense can make them nice NPCs against parties overly reliant on novaing.
Not really, take enforcer so you deal intimidate when deal nonlethal punches (after taking feat Unarmed strike or talent).
Shatter defenses so you get sneak attack when unarmed striking.Yeah, Rogues make good monks.
With Knockout Artist (+1 damage per non-lethal sneak attack die with unarmed strike), Sap Adept (+2 damage per non-lethal sneak attack die with bludgeoning weapon), and Sap Master (doubles amount of non-lethal sneak attack dice against flat-footed which also doubles the bonus from Knockout Artist and Sap Adept) means a sneak attack character can be a pretty mean monk as long as they have a reliable way to make a target flat footed (Scout archetype, Shatter Defenses etc).
In fact, I took that idea and made it a reality with The Enforcer, an NPC Ninja/Monk built with, I think, 15 pt-buy and NPC wealth. I used Ninja for the Unarmed Combat Mastery (that I forgot to put on the sheet) that lets the Ninja be a pseudo-Monk which combos stupidly well with Monastic Legacy; he's effectively a 14th level Monk for unarmed damage dice purposes, as a 13th level character.

Tels |

K177Y C47 wrote:But other than Ninja and Slayer, who does make good rogues?Starbuck_II wrote:they just make bad rogues...Justin Rocket wrote:Atarlost wrote:Oddly enough, when Rogues try to be Monks, Rogues fail.Lord_Malkov wrote:I think that unfortunately the Monk is being compared to fighter/ranger/barb when it should really be compared to a rogue...You're not doing the monk any favors with this comparison...Not really, take enforcer so you deal intimidate when deal nonlethal punches (after taking feat Unarmed strike or talent).
Shatter defenses so you get sneak attack when unarmed striking.Yeah, Rogues make good monks.
Depends on what you want out of your Rogue. If you want a skill monkey, Bard's, Alchemists and the Investigator can fill this niche well; possibly the trapper ranger too. If you want a sneak attack character, you've got the Vivisectionist Alchemist and Slayer, if you want a party face, Bard's Summoner's Oracles, and any character with a high Charisma can do this.
Honestly, the Alchemist with that disable magical traps trait is a great replacement for Rogues.

Arachnofiend |

I wonder if it would be possible to make the Monk's defensive prowess at least comparable in worth to the amounts of damage a Fighter* can do. I had an idea where the Monk could use ki to become a sort of magical lightning rod, redirecting those Charm Persons and the other save or sucks that you really don't want your damage dealer to get hit with to the character who is rather unlikely to fail those saves. Neutering a Wizard's control abilities for just a couple turns would give your more high powered party member the time to smash his head in.
*Yes I know the fighter is bad, I'm less concerned with making the Monk an optimal pick and more just giving it a role in battle right now.