Oracle build suggestions?


So we are starting the new worldwound campaign and unlike everyone else I want to be evil, looking at a dark tapestry dual cursed oracle, maybe even aasimer race, we are doing a 27pt buy(gm doesn't want any scores less then 10), want to debuff and some battlefield control. Ideas?

Well, dark tapestry is certainly one of my favorite mysteries, and with spells like black tentacles and feeblemind, you can do your goals well. For debuffs, you want your saves high, so max out CHA.

With that point buy, you might be able to do some melee too? If yes, consider Angel blooded aasimar for the +2 STR and CHA.

I was also thinking of getting into eldritch heritage for more access to arcane spells, any other heritage that would be better?

When it comes to evil Oracles, I like the Occult bloodline as well.

Yes, an evil Occult or Lore mystery Gnome Dual-Cursed with Legalistic and Wasting. Play Mr. Gold aka Rumplestiltskin from Once Upon a Time.

While lore does have 1 really good revelation, occult does not seem to bring anything to the table, I think I will stick with dark tapestry for the abilities and the spell list, any spell recommendations that come to mind?

Occult Mystery? What book is that from? Link, maybe?

Pathfinder Adventure Path 71 Rasputin Must Die

Choant wrote:
While lore does have 1 really good revelation, occult does not seem to bring anything to the table, I think I will stick with dark tapestry for the abilities and the spell list, any spell recommendations that come to mind?

Occult is obviously situational, depending on your campaign (and how many incorporeal creatures there are), but some of the abilities are fun.

Lore is great if you use an archetype to replace most of the spells (Ancient Lorekeeper comes to mind).

But Dark Tapestry is fun too. I'd suggest checking out this guide for spell recommendations. The haunted curse and human/half-elf/half-orc favored class bonuses can help you end up with a lot of spells, if you want to focus on casting.

Thanks for the link. That mystery looks... Like garbage, really. The only thing I actually like is the capstone. My character would commit suicide the instant they got to level 20...

If you're evil, have you considering maybe doing some minionmancy? If yes, burn a feat for experimental spellcaster. The words of power version of animate dead (undeath) is so much better (range and no material component).

Yeah I have read the guide already, but its basically old now with all the new stuff and like 4 or so new mysteries. I did however forget that there are races that add to spells known, silly me.

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