Game Master
Jacob DeCourcey
Greeting, team. Here's a link to the map of the town of Whiterush.
Map of Whiterush
1. Little Dock
2. Main Dock
3. Far Dock and the Chance’s Heart
4. Town Boardwalk
5. Greaves Riverboat Supplies (closed)
6. Statue of Breldus Greaves
7. Whiterush Customs House
8. Waterside Stableyard
9. Waterside Inn
10. Canton’s Cooperage
11. Ordok’s General Store
12. Blacksmith
13. Cobbler
14. Apothecary
15. Bargemen’s Guildhall
16. Elsa’s Fine Hunting Apparel
17. Frank’s Fine Dining
18. Kitty’s Krafts and Good Things
19. Greaves Park
20. Greaves Market Square
21. Bargeman’s Back Inn & Saloon
22. Leglow’s Halfpint’s Counting House
23. Whiterush Courthouse (closed)
24. Whiterush Carriage Post
25. Whiterush Jail (closed)
26. Town Watch Station (closed)
27. Quinn Mules, Wagons, & Tack
28. Caravan Staging Area
Male Human WItch3(Gravewalker)/Rogue 2
HP 10/10 | AC 14 | Init +4 | Passive Perc: 15
Not trying to be a overly assholish pc, just rping the elfs superiority complex over the rest of the races.. Ntm his 8 charisma.. He is seen as an outsider, because well he is.. Hence people do not really like him and therefore he doesnt really like them in return.. His sword and skills will make up for it when the time comes though :).. Ntm every group needs at least 1 or 2 a%%~!+!s lol..
Nah, you're fine, Vermathus. Ham it up - it's a one shot. I'm glad that your character has a defining trait. It actually cooperates very well with the story.
Anyone else having problems sometimes with the paizo site? Couldn't get on it last night. Stat block nearly rolled up prd not working held me up a bit. Just got to the the equipment.
Male Human Cavalier 5
I haven't been able to get on the site all evening so I'm a bit behind.
So should Abdul be leaving his mount behind to ride in the cart with the others?
Male Human HP 23/24 AC 22 FF 18 T 14 CMD 18 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 Init +6 Per +7
Not sure really. Cravans have outriders but maybe that would put off the ambush?
Then again lack of outriders might give the game away too. :)
A question OOC - What are Orks in this world?
Vile totally evil demons that will murder you as soon as look at you?
Or simply a different tribe, viewed with suspicion and dislike by the common folk but not fundamentally any worse than a different bunch of humans?
Put it another way: My character is very open minded - a good foil to some of the others in the group I hope - so how do I view the Orc?
Male Human HP 23/24 AC 22 FF 18 T 14 CMD 18 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 Init +6 Per +7
Reading the prd entry for orc actually probably answers my questions. assuming we follow that of course. :)
Hmmm...good question, Abdul. I suppose you could ask about it.
Meh, scratch that, Abdul. I want to keep things moving. You can ride your horse outside, but you'll have to hang back a ways, since you look more imposing than the rest of the guards, or you could just tether your horse to your wagon. Whatever you like. As soon as you and Agna confirm we'll be under way.
P.S. - I was having trouble with the site, too.
Hmm. That's what I get for leaving the screen open too long. You jumped right ahead of me. :)
Male Human Cavalier 5
That's what I thought. He'll trail the caravan and he's given Cireth his signal horn. If you need me to, I'll make a stealth check to stay out of sight.
I have this image of the horse tip-toeing from tree to tree.
Chacter nearly built.
I've not played any D&D for over a year so its take a while to remember how it all works. Plus I never built a character who wasn't level 1! :D
So many decisions. I should have picked a fighter or something simpler.
I'll finish it off tomorrow. :)
Human Male Sorcerer 4 (Draconic Bloodline) | AC 16 T 11 FF 15 IC 15 | Resist Fire 5 | HP 29/29 + 7 Temp | F +3 R +2 W +2 | Init +5 | Perc +6
GM - Couple of things, do you mind if players chime in on rules? You seem to have your own way of running a game which is cool with me. I just don't want to be a pain to you or the other players.
Just for example, Vermathus just announced a charge then cleave, which normally isn't allowed. I'm not trying to detract from your game and I'd just like to know your position and stance on 'rules lawyering' (this can mean different things to different people, I'd just like your position on it).
Secondly. Are we going to get maps for combat or do you prefer text based descriptions?
I'm fine with however you want to run things and I look forward to a fun module.
HP 10/10 | AC 14 | Init +4 | Passive Perc: 15
Tbh i dont normally choose cleave because its horrible after u have 2 attacks, therefore i didnt realize u couldnt charge and cleave.. I thought you might not be able to thats why i put the "if allowed" clause in there.. Just disregard the cleave.. The acrobatics was to dismount the wagon without issues, i figured a 14 was good for that..
Human Male Sorcerer 4 (Draconic Bloodline) | AC 16 T 11 FF 15 IC 15 | Resist Fire 5 | HP 29/29 + 7 Temp | F +3 R +2 W +2 | Init +5 | Perc +6
I'm not picking on you Vermathus - it was just used as an example and how the GM wants to run this group.
For the record if I make a mistake (and I most definitely make them) I'd be happy to be corrected by anyone. :)
Yeah, Cireth, that's fine. I might have glossed right over it had you not said something.
As for maps, the map in the module gave away part of the encounter, but now we're past that point, so I can safely post it. Unfortunately, I am not at my home computer, so I do not have access to the map. I'll post it tonight.
Ambush Map
Dario is the captain, by the way.
Male Human HP 23/24 AC 22 FF 18 T 14 CMD 18 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 Init +6 Per +7
Character built.
I changed out Precise shot for Weapon Finesse as the standard 3 archers feats were boring - probably mechanically worse but a Bard who can't leap into the fray with a rapier really doesn't appeal! :)
I should probably go back and calculate the skills but I'll do that some other time.
This is going really well, in my opinion. I don't think we've lost much by going gridless. You have all been really helpful by posting the details of your actions along with the posts, such as spells and special abilities. Let me know if there's anything that I could be doing differently or any improvements that I or we can make.
I agree I think it's going really well. Pace is good. Feels like we are making progress but not rushing. I can't think of any improvements really. :)
It's an intriguing story and I have some suspicions (but my character is in the dark! :) ). I will be interested to see how it plays out.
Male Human HP 23/24 AC 22 FF 18 T 14 CMD 18 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 Init +6 Per +7
I honestly have no idea if we just drove off the villains or if the mounted guys were the Barons elite guard who had come to congratulate us on driving off the Orc.
Be fun finding out though! :D
Male Human Cavalier 5
Woo-hoo! We brought down the hippogriff!
HP 53/53 | AC 20, T 12, FF 18 | F/R/W +7/+3/+7 (+2 vs psn, spl, sla) | Init +2, Percp +8
I'm going to be out camping for the next three days and won't be able to post. NPC me if necessary.
I must say I'm really enjoying this. :)
I want to know what the Orcs' story is and why we were duped.
Hopefully we'll get some answers now not axes thrown at us!
Male Human HP 23/24 AC 22 FF 18 T 14 CMD 18 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 Init +6 Per +7
Fixed an error in my character sheet, -1 AC due to Bracers not stacking with armour. Thanks Cireth :)
HP 53/53 | AC 20, T 12, FF 18 | F/R/W +7/+3/+7 (+2 vs psn, spl, sla) | Init +2, Percp +8
Do you think I should tell her that I dealt her brother the killing blow?
Male Human HP 23/24 AC 22 FF 18 T 14 CMD 18 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 Init +6 Per +7
Depends how suicidal Agna is feeling. :)
Seriously though do what your character would do.
"Dead." was totally the wrong thing to say, but so in character. I really liked that.
There's so many ways to go with this. Whether she is now sorry, isn't sorry and doesn't keep quiet or she plays dumb all could lead to interesting consequences.
HP 10/10 | AC 14 | Init +4 | Passive Perc: 15
A better question is if you should tell her you death knelled him.. Feeding off his very soul! She prob would not like that.. I do not recommend that route lol..
My mouse is broken, so I'm unable to do anything useful on my PC right now. I'm picking up a new mouse tomorrow, but it may be Friday before I can post due to work. :(
Human Male Sorcerer 4 (Draconic Bloodline) | AC 16 T 11 FF 15 IC 15 | Resist Fire 5 | HP 29/29 + 7 Temp | F +3 R +2 W +2 | Init +5 | Perc +6
Yeah, that's what I've been doing...Paizo has so many hotlinks! Right now I'm just using my phone, but I can't easily access any of my PDFs or RPG software. It's very annoying.
Incidentally, you can hold down control and press enter to open a highlighted link in a new tab, just like clicking on it. Who knew?
Male Human HP 23/24 AC 22 FF 18 T 14 CMD 18 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 Init +6 Per +7
Did I kill the game? Or is everyone waiting for everyone else to post?
Human Male Sorcerer 4 (Draconic Bloodline) | AC 16 T 11 FF 15 IC 15 | Resist Fire 5 | HP 29/29 + 7 Temp | F +3 R +2 W +2 | Init +5 | Perc +6
I'm hoping the game isn't dead :)
Hmm. I've been waiting. I'm not sure what your plan of attack is. There were a couple of ideas tossed out, but I don't think we ever settled on one.
Male Human HP 23/24 AC 22 FF 18 T 14 CMD 18 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 Init +6 Per +7
Glad to hear it.
There was a decision to make no decision until we saw the boat. Now we're here :) I've got loads of ideas but need some agreement from others. Hopefully someone will chime in soon.
Alright, friends, this is my last post for a bit. Getting married and such. Hopefully I've left you enough to talk about for at least a little bit. I'll try to post a few times this week, but no promises. I'll be back, though.
Don't worry about me I'll be here (and I'm sure the other will too :)) when you get time again.
Male Human HP 23/24 AC 22 FF 18 T 14 CMD 18 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 Init +6 Per +7
Moved house but still interested if this gets going again. :)
Male Human WItch3(Gravewalker)/Rogue 2
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