Crimlock NL |

Hi all,
Are there any way that allows a kind of wildshape for non druids? I'm looking for something that lasts longer than change shape. Not all shapes are neccesary, for flavour i want to go "tiger".
My character idea is a ranger or rogue that can change into a tiger for extra stealth and combat bonus.
The wiz/sor spells that change shape are only for a short duration, druid is a better option, but i prefere not to do a double class build.
Any archtypes, feats, spells, traits i have overlooked? I prefere pathfinder material, but will also look at third party material is also welcom!
Hope somebody has some advice!

Kolokotroni |

There is a class walled the wolfshifter in wayfinder 5 that could be reflavored for a tiger. It is basically a barbarian that instead of rage changes into a sort of half wolf (think werewolf), but can also change into a full wolf for longer periods. It wouldnt require alot of changes to work with a tiger instead.

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Oracles of the Dark Tapestry can turn into small/medium animals at 7 and magical animals at 11 - might be worth taking a look at.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo---oracl e-mysteries/dark-tapestry
Kitsune can take the Fox Shape feat to be able to transform into a fox and back, but that's not very good in combat.
I don't suppose any of the Beast Shape spells would be available as potions, would they? Perhaps you could get a friendly Alchemist to make them for you as infusions.
Really, though, 4 levels of Druid with Shaping Focus is your best bet.

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Didn't that happen to Samurai Jack once?
...meanwhile, back at the thread, I'm sure a limited wish would cover a one-time, permanent transformation. But having the power to change back and forth at will, that might actually require wish (and even then, you'd probably get one 'alternate form' rather than the flexibility of wild shape. GM's call.)

Snowleopard |

Didn't that happen to Samurai Jack once?
That was exactly what I was thinking reading the thread
...meanwhile, back at the thread, I'm sure a limited wish would cover a one-time, permanent transformation. But having the power to change back and forth at will, that might actually require wish (and even then, you'd probably get one 'alternate form' rather than the flexibility of wild shape. GM's call.)
I agree it's a pretty powerfull ability, although you could let yourself get bit by a werewolf as an alternative. And that wouldn't even need a wish. Your strenght would increase greatly, although your stealth might leave something to desire with all the howling. But then again, it doesn't even cost 3 druid levels.

Dragonchess Player |

Well, magic items are an option. There are several magic items that grant the ability to take other shapes: giant hide armor (39,165 gp for the ogre version; but giant shape I is a Sor/Wiz 7 spell), winter wolf headband (32,000 gp; also grants cold resistance and a 1/day breath weapon), cloak of the bat (26,000 gp), cloak of the manta ray (7,200 gp), cloak of the scuttling rat (6,000 gp), eagle cape (7,000 gp), hunter's cloak (7,500 gp), lion cloak (12,000 gp), even the treeform cloak (6,000 gp).
Beast shape II (Sor/Wiz 4) can give you the form of a Large tiger. Looking at the items above, I'd say the cloak of the bat (the unlimited use with "cooldown"), the cloak of the scuttling rat (duration as desired, in one minute increments), and the lion cloak (the form of a large cat) are probably the closest to what you seem to want.
A magic cloak (which seems to be the most common form of item that allows you to change shape) that grants a beast shape II effect on command has a market price of: 4 (spell level) x 7 (caster level) x 1,800 gp = 50,400 gp (unlimited use). I'd say 25,200 gp (half the market price for any Tiny to Large animal form) is probably within the ballpark for an item that allows unlimited changing into a tiger (single form) on command (up to 7 minutes at a time); including a "cooldown" period after each use might reduce the market price even more (~20,000 gp is probably about as low as I'd go).

Crimlock NL |

Wow, there are a lot more ways than I thought. My issue with beast shape is that the spell doesn't last that long. A druid gets a hour, the spell is just a minute per caster level... Is there a way to prolonge the effect?
The magic items seems like a good way to go. It's very class indipendent :-)There aren't any real issues with this way, only the time you can spend as the animal.
Most easy way is to use a wish then and just "add" the ability... it could be given as a gift or reward maybe to a player... I wonder if other players find this a good option or wouldn't allow a wish for this.
I'll look into the classes mentioned :-)
Who is Samurai Jack... haven't seen him around in Golarion... :-)

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Wizard with a normal familiar (I prefer raven) who casts Share Shape.
I'm partial to turning into a raven for the movement and stealth, but you can do this with any of the standard wizard familiars.
Edit: Same thing works for rangers/sorcerers/witches with normal animal familiars/animal companions.

Stome |

There is shapeshifter archetype. But well its not very good... like at all.
In the teaser of advanced race guide there was a Druid/Ranger hybrid class. That might do the trick. But that book is still a ways off.
Beast-bonded witch can turn into forms similar to their familiar. So a cat familiar would get you tiger form. But well witch isn't so great in combat. I kind of want to give some thought to this mixed with a hexcrafer magus to make something useful. I love the idea anyway but likely it would not come out well. Mixing casting classes is almost never good.
Or flip the idea on its head and be a catfolk and look for ways to be human part of the time.

Crimlock NL |

Stome, you mean this: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lf8m&page=10?Advanced-Class-Guide (the advanced class guide).
Looks really cool, the hunter should be a perfect combination if he gets wild shape.... Guess i have to wait to find out :-S
Is there any more info known at this point??
Like how you think.. being a cat folk is a funny way to look at it :-)

TGMaxMaxer |
There's a catfolk monk that gets to Beast Shape 2 for 2ki, lasts an hour at 7th level. At 9th, it becomes beast shape 3.
That's a stealthy type scoutish class that would do it for you, especially as a catfolk.
Or, as a human, you can take the feat as Racial Heritage Catfolk, and use the archetype. A Scion of Humanity Aasimar could do it also, and get better stat mods.

Dragonchess Player |

Beast-bonded witch can turn into forms similar to their familiar. So a cat familiar would get you tiger form. But well witch isn't so great in combat.
A straight witch, no. However, a witch (beast-bonded, cat familiar, Transformation patron) 8/ranger (natural weapon style) 2/eldritch knight 10 has a BAB of +16 and can still cast 9th level spells at 20th level; decent as a skirmisher/secondary combatant while retaining most of the full spellcasting (hexes will suffer a bit, though). The Familiar Form ability is only for a number of minutes per day equal to class level, but Transformation patron grants beast shape II as a bonus spell at 8th level (the same time you pick up Familiar Form).

Tumskunde |
If you are an elf, there's the Brightness Seaker prestige class from the Elves of Golarion book.
They get it at level 3 and you can enter the class at level 5 dues to 5 skill ranks having to be in either Knowledge Nature or Religion.
At 2nd level you can can get a 'beastial' trait until you change forms.
At 5th level they can wildshape twice and have a limited reincarnate.
It's not a caster class, nor is it Society legal unfortunately.