Mai Asta Isabella |

Mai Asta Isabella |

Games that are offered are:
Below is the unoffical list that is Offered.
From Me:
Demon Within
Jade Regent
From Gregor Ward:
Shattered Star
Skull & Shackles
From Sgt. Drakus:
Savage Tide
Second Darkness
Carrion Crown
Star Wars: League of Shadows
Posting rate has slow for a good while due to RL pulling the GM away.
I figure we could get back up to a few times a week or once per day.

GM Mug |

I generally like at least once a day from games I GM, weekends notably slower. Much slower than that and my own interest starts to wane. Would that be a problem for the group, do you think?
I currently GM;
Carrion Crown - nearly 4500 posts.
Council of Thieves - roughly 3300 posts.
and play in five others of varying speeds.
I'm a pretty rules-relaxed GM, often winging things and shooting from the hip, etc... Sometimes I rely on more knowledgeable and experienced players for some things. I use Google Draw for combat viewing, and I like to roll init for the group and the badies, average the init for the two groups and the winning group goes first. Also for PC's, it's a first post wins init system during combat. So when it's the PC's turn, the posting order determines their init.
I've never played more than part of the first module of CotCT, and never GM'd it at all, so it'd basically a first time through for me.

Gregor Ward |

My posting fluctuates. I work shift work full time, which rotates every 4 weeks, I am taking 2 college classes, and have 15 PbP's I participate in. To top it off I have a weekly Fri night game, and a wife and kids.
Some days, I can post 6-10 times a day, sometimes it's 2-3 days between posts. Conversation posts are a lot easier to do more of than combat posts (as I may not be able to see maps or look up rules based on which shift I'm on).
Speaking of maps, I am very visual, so maps of some sort are very helpful to me.

GM Mug |

Hmmm, honestly it sounds like it's a little too slow a pace for my taste. Logically you'd think it'd still be very doable, but knowing myself the likelihood of me losing interest if things are slow-moving is high. Especially when it's an AP I didn't start and don't have that initial excitement you know?
Sadly I may not be the GM for this game.

Donagar |

I am not sure that the posting rate of the game was effected by mostly the players preferences or on the DM posting rate. The two things are directly related to each other.
I agree that I post less on weekends and daily (though not to a thread that has no activity) and sometimes more than once daily on threads.
For me it is impossible to say for certain who has set the pace of the game thus far.......

Arim Zeather |

I am a very experienced player and fairly weathered local DM but haven't ever run one on the boards. I'd like to get into it. While I may be a noob when it comes to some of the aspects specific to the board, rest assured I do know what I'm doing when it comes to DMing.
Another obstacle for me is I've never run a module before. I always have completely homebrew campaigns. How would I go about getting a "DM's copy" of CotCT?
Basically what I'm saying is if you guys can get me started with the technicalities, I'd be willing to run this. I want to get into running PBP games

Mai Asta Isabella |

To GM CotCT you'll need the CurseOfTheCrimsonThrone AP
Optional Materials would be Guide-to-Korvosa and Curse-of-the-Crimson-Throne-Map-Folio

Mai Asta Isabella |

The only one you'd need for the moment would be "Seven Days to the Grave" and as books get finished you'd be looking at the next book in the list.

Gregor Ward |

Mapping is all based on preference and ease of use for the GM.
A lot of people use google docs to draw crude colored square maps. Some use mapping programs and link them in shared sites.
Personally, I use a powerpoint I put together that allows me to map, post them in Flikr, then link them in portion of my DM profile that shows up in post.

Mai Asta Isabella |

I as a DM;

Wandering Wastrel |

Thanks, both of you - that sounds like something I could easily do.
When I DM at the table-top I have a map, but generally I run with a 'descriptive' approach to avoid getting bogged down - as long as I know the formation the PC's are in and rough distances between them (e.g. bunched up for support, or spread out to avoid area-effect spells) it seems to work.
My aim as DM is to get the players involved in creating a really good story about their characters, the goal(s) they want to achieve and the obstacles - and bad dice rolls! - they have to overcome in order to get there. If maps etc help with that then they get used, but I try to stay away from 'war-gaming' where it ends up all about the mechanics.
If that sounds like an approach that will work with your group, then I'd really like to get involved. Let me know.
(You have faced the Wall of Text, take D4 eye strain)