Being Type-Cast as a Player.


Okay, my friend is starting a Rise of the Runelords game next week, and I'm building my character. Unfortunately, I've run into a problem I've actually had before: being type-cast, by myself and others.

My characters always tend to be one of two things:
A: If male, almost always of a monstrous race, or somehow disfigured, deformed, or generally hideous.
B: If female, always extremely busty and attractive, even if of a race that usually isn't.

It's gotten to the point that a few people I usually play with always expect my character to be either a hideous freak or a some hot chick, and it'd probably shock them if they weren't....something that has not happened yet. Try as I might I can almost never come up with any concepts I actually like that aren't this.

So, my question is this. Is this wrong? Should I actually try to make something different? Should I break out of this trap or is it perfectly acceptable? If I should, are there any tips that could help me make a character I enjoy?

Thanks in advance for your time.

It's way too easy to tell you to try and break out of the mold, but you're playing a game, and games are supposed to be fun. If you enjoy the characters you play, then you're doing it right.

I've tried playing some six plus races and seven plus classes; I've disliked/hated all those that aren't male, dwarf barbarians. If you have fun playing a deformed guy or Chesty LaRoux, then there's nothing wrong with that.

Enjoy the characters you make; that's the most important thing.

Shadow Lodge

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Just play a hideous monster female that is extremely busty.

Baby steps get on the bus.

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Heck, Iget typecast for females or fat female bards. Mainly cuz I can find pics of female fantasy characters easier...

If you are having fun, there's nothing wrong with it.

If you think you might also have fun trying something different, go for it.

princeimrahil wrote:

If you are having fun, there's nothing wrong with it.

If you think you might also have fun trying something different, go for it.

I've found that characters look super neat on paper and in the imagination right up until they get played.

Hopefully he'd won't encounter that problem if he ventures out of his box.

Grand Lodge

Sexy male PC.

In fact, go nearly angelic, and be Aasimar.

Play a Bard, Paladin, Oracle, or Sorcerer.

Are you a male IRL?

Is the typecasting a problem? Are your fellow players ignoring what you are actually trying to do with the character, and focusing on their assumptions about the character? Are you displeased with the your usual chracters in some way?

It doesn't sound like there's any reason to say that you would not actually like roleplaying another character type,
it just seems that you are simply in a pattern of not trying to play other character types.
Try trading characters with somebody else. Talk backstory, motivation, everything to get an idea of the character's personality.
Listen to them and ask questions to get them to reveal more.
No reason that you need to create the character yourself to play it's role.
The GM is roleplaying loads of NPCs whose role and personality wasn't made by them, after all.
Movie and stage actors play roles written by other people all the time.
You could just create one of your typical 2 and give that to somebody else to play,
but perhaps knowing that somebody else would play it might free your creativity.
And then you might be one step closer to being able to create different characters for yourself to play.
If they aren't interested in playing one your favorite 2 types, and you can't come up with another character right away,
perhaps don't try to do a trade, but just try roleplaying a character that somebody else came up with.
You will also need to play a part in co-creating this character, because you can't always be asking them how to roleplay it,
but starting with something that is outside your confort zone and having strong support in how to start playing it
could give you the impetus to take it and run with it, and make it your own character so to speak.

Play an average looking dude. Let the RP come from a source not based on appearance. Being in a group with someone who plays the same two characters gets tired pretty quick.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Are you a male IRL?

In answer to that, yes.

And actually, the group I'll be playing with I don't really know, I was simply trying to make a more original character concept and came up empty. I think I base them too much on appearance. As for the idea of playing a character someone else made, though a good idea, I don't trust anyone I know enough to make one I'd actually enjoy playing.

Anyways, I think I have come up with a cool design. If you wonderful people aren't bored with my banter, I'll post the build and backstory when I'm done, if people are interested of course.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Sexy male PC.

In fact, go nearly angelic, and be Aasimar.

Play a Bard, Paladin, Oracle, or Sorcerer.

Are you a male IRL?

So basically he should play a pair of characters called Fabio and Agatha Trunchbull?

Or maybe a female halfling that pretends to be a little girl (although that might have far, far worse implications). It brings an interesting psychological distinction from the usual characters, since you could play her as highly manipulative and conniving while wearing an innocent face. It is a bit simple, but an easy new place to springboard from.

Kazarath wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Are you a male IRL?
Anyways, I think I have come up with a cool design. If you wonderful people aren't bored with my banter, I'll post the build and backstory when I'm done, if people are interested of course.

Do go ahead.

Damn, it's not turning out the way I wanted. I might come up with a few more, we'll see.

Well, that took way, waaay, WAAAAAY longer than it should have. Sorry about taking so long, hopefully people are still (somewhat) interested.

Anyways, here's what I got.

Rolf Haasterkin
Male Human Ogrekin Cleric of Zon-Kuthon 1
LN Medium Humanoid (giant, human)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5
Weakness light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20/x2)
Ranged Light crossbow +1 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks bleeding touch 1 rounds (6/day), cleric channel negative energy 1d6 (3/day) (dc 11)
Spell-Like Abilities
. . 6/day—Bleeding Touch 1 rounds (6/day)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Murderous Command (x2) (DC 14), Sleep (DC 14)
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Create Water, Light
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Blind-Fight, Fast Learner, Improvisation
Traits Bloodthirsty, Rich Parents, Student of Faith
Skills Acrobatics +3, Appraise +3, Bluff +2, Climb +4, Craft (alchemy) +5, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +3, Fly +3, Handle Animal +2, Heal +9 (+10 circumstance to treat wounds or deadly wounds), Intimidate +2, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (engineering) +3, Knowledge (geography) +3, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowledge (nature) +3, Knowledge (nobility) +3, Knowledge (planes) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Linguistics +3, Perception +7, Ride +3, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +3, Spellcraft +3, Stealth +3, Survival +5, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +2
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ aura, domains (murder, night), night hunter (1 rounds) (6/day), paranoid, spontaneous casting
Combat Gear Alchemist's kindness (10), Healer's kit; Other Gear Crossbow bolts (30), Dagger, Light crossbow, Backpack (4 @ 9 lbs), Bandolier (2 @ 6 lbs), Belt pouch (empty), Holy text (Zon-Kuthon), Journal, Scrivener's kit, Silk rope, Surgeon's tools, Unholy symbol, iron (Zon-Kuthon), 733 GP, 5 SP

When Sophia Haasterkin, the daugther of a prominent industrialist and a popular magnimarian socialite, went on a trade mission through northern Varisia, half her guards and aids never returned, and she came back battered, mutilated, and two months pregnant. Though she refused to speak on the matter, the few survivers who came with her said the caravan had been attacked by ogres, and that Sophia had been carried off and held captive by the brutes for nearly three weeks until she was saved by a band of adventurers. Her father spirited her away until she gave birth, and unfortunately she did not survive her basterd son's childbirth.

The product of that tragic event was Rolf. Born more or less human-looking, save for an extra toe on each foot, Rolf was the black sheep of the Haasterkin family, raised by nannies and mostly ignored by his grandfather and various cousins. Remarkably intelligent, Rolf showed a talent in many fields of study, but unfortunately, nothing can survive unchanged when tainted by ogre blood. Rolf was often possessed of fiendish and deviant urges, enjoying causing pain and revelling in shed blood. He would often find and capture small animals to 'play' with, usually resulting in dead carcasses and one hell of a mess. When he grew older, Rolf tried to enter the Magnimarian College of Physicians, but ended up flunking out because he seemed more intent on causing wounds than healing them. In his loneliness, Rolf turned to the one being who would listen and not judge him, Zon-Kuthon. Believing it is only through pain can one be considered human, and that it was his duty to help ease the suffering of others so that they may endure their hardships, Rolf took to the Midnight Lord's teachings with Gusto, and after his predilections become known by his family, they gave him a small stipend and told him to leave and never come back.

Rolf is a tall, chelaxian man in his mid-twenties, thin to the point of emaciated, with whispy greyish hair and leathery, withered skin despite his age. Soft-spoken and polite, if it weren't for his hideous complexion he could've been considered handsome, but instead he comes across as creepy and unnerving. He still wears the trappings of a doctor, and is almost never seen without his grisly surgeon's tools. Rolf truly wants to be a good, decent person, almost desperately so, but one can never escape the taint in one's blood....


Forgive me, but an ogrekin cleric of Zon-Kuthon with extra toes, a hideous complexion, and a taste for inflicting wounds sounds EXACTLY like the stereotype you said you wanted to avoid.

What is it about these kind of characters that you enjoy? Perhaps we could offer better suggestions with a greater understanding of what draws you to the stereotypes you mentioned in your initial post.

Ah, but usually it would've been a serpentfolk cleric of Zon-Kuthon or an incredibly attractive female ogrekin with extra toes that looked nothing like an ogre. The stereotypes I was trying to avoid were either physically monstrous characters, or amazingly hot female characters. Having a (mostly) basic human, who is neither hideously deformed, mosntrous, or hawt, is still quite a departure from my usual stuff.

Anyways, that aside, what is your opinion on it's general quality, forgetting about stereotypes for a moment.


The basic ability allocation looks sensible. The low Charisma will hurt if you plan to be channeling a lot -- but then, you channel negative energy, which is dangerous to the other players (unless they happen to be undead). So that's not as big a drawback as it might be.

It doesn't look like you're using the Ogrekin template from the bestiary (or your abilities would be much different). Is this a homebrew ogrekin variant? Or maybe a custom race using the ARG rules? Or just a core race reflavored?

I note you've got the human subtype, which most ogrekin don't. That would affect whether you qualify for Fast Learner and Improvisation, which are usually available only to humans. If you haven't already, consult your GM on that point.

Is your GM allowing 3 traits? Also, I've never heard of one called "Student of Faith" and I couldn't find it anywhere.

I had trouble sorting out which skills you put actual ranks into, amidst all the ones that consists of the +2 Improvisation bonus plus your ability mod. But it looks like you put 1 rank into each of the following:

- Craft (alchemy) +5
- Diplomacy +4
- Heal +9 (+10 circumstance to treat wounds or deadly wounds)
- Perception +7
- Sense Motive +7

Assuming you're counting a total of 5 skill points (2 base + 1 INT + 1 human bonus + 1 favored class due to Fast Learner), I can make the numbers work for all of those except Heal, which I don't get at all. In Heal, the best I could do for you is +7 (1 rank + 3 WIS + 3 class). Where are the extra +2 (or +3 circumstantial) coming from? Is this the trait I didn't know?

Again, be sure your GM is okay with you taking those human-only feats. If you were in my game, I'd be fine with letting you play an ogrekin, but I wouldn't let you have the human feats too -- those are reserved for full-blood humans.

And backstory:

You've provided a solid reason for your character to be out adventuring (namely, his relatives kicked him out for being a creepy deviant). He also has an internal conflict (desire to be good vs desire to hurt things), which could make for some interesting role play.

Without any spoilers, let's just say this particular background gives your GM lots of interesting potential tie-ins with the general plot of the AP, especially in the first half. If the GM is so inclined, these could pose you some sticky scenarios.

Lastly, if I were your GM, I would want you to tell me about your moral code. As a lawful neutral character, you presumably have some set of guiding principles that you follow closely. Enumerating those at the outset would give a good sense of how the character might react to a given situation, what kind of situations might lead him to break his own rules.

In short, the mechanics are a little weird due to playing an ogrekin as a PC race, and you should talk that over with your GM if you haven't already. The backstory's okay.

It's not a character I'd enjoy playing -- but then, I don't have to play it, so all is well with the world.

I am using the one from the bestiary, though some of the abilities must not show up in Hero lab. The reason why my abilities are a little wonky is because it's 15-pt buy, and I've taken some out of str and pumped up int, wis, and cha. Other than that I'm not sure what you mean.

The 3 traits is because I took the drawback 'paranoid', which I believe is from Ultimate Campaign. 'Student of Faith' is a campaign trait for RotRL, which gives +1 CL on cure spells and +1 DC to channel.

The +2 for heal is from a healer's kit.

Hhhmmm, then of course there's the human thingy. I looked it up in the book and it does indeed say the subtype changes to giant. Of course it doesn't show that in hero lab >.<


I'll need to change that. Thanks for pointing it out, and thanks for the (hopefully what I assume to be) compliments.

Imrijka, the iconic inquisitor might be something to base your next character on. Half-orcs are not really known for their sexiness and are somewhat monstrous while as a race being flexible enough for any class.

Or throw yourself out into really wild waters as a Halfling with the Childlike feat. Be the scariest of monsters; an evil innocent looking child

Dark Archive

It's fun to break the mold, but everyone has their stereotypes. Even if not meaning to be most of my characters end up arrogant and haughty.. so every now and again I create a character that is the complete opposite (my hyper-depressed Darrin).

But it is a high fantasty game, which tends to make us all want to play an idealized person. You clearly idealize beautiful women and insanely strong, dark men (Conan style). There's nothing wrong with that if that is the ideal you are trying to adopt.

Well we played the first game today. Got through the first encounter, and well, I blew chucks! And still had fun, amazingly!

It wasn't my build's fault (I don't think at least), I just rolled really badly, but I did realize a few things.

1. Daggers are terrible unless you have a strength of 24+.
2. Channel negative energy at 1st level is terrible, even if they fail their will saves.
3. Due to things 1 and 2, I really need a better way of dealing damage.

Despite the fact the rest of the group was overshadowed by the Dragon Rider's silver dragon (3PP), it was still pretty fun. For once I actually had a well thought out character that I enjoyed playing. One of Rolf's personal rules I decided was always be nice to and protect children, so not only did I save several of them during the goblin raid, successfully stabilizing one at negative HP, but it was great fun having this incredibly creepy guy giving candy to kids during the Swallowtail festival and then successfully convincing the sherif that there was nothing wrong with this.

if you're a cleric if Zon-Kuthon and looking for better damage, might I suggest a spiked chain?

Kazarath wrote:

Okay, my friend is starting a Rise of the Runelords game next week, and I'm building my character. Unfortunately, I've run into a problem I've actually had before: being type-cast, by myself and others.

My characters always tend to be one of two things:
A: If male, almost always of a monstrous race, or somehow disfigured, deformed, or generally hideous.
B: If female, always extremely busty and attractive, even if of a race that usually isn't.

It's gotten to the point that a few people I usually play with always expect my character to be either a hideous freak or a some hot chick, and it'd probably shock them if they weren't....something that has not happened yet. Try as I might I can almost never come up with any concepts I actually like that aren't this.

So, my question is this. Is this wrong? Should I actually try to make something different? Should I break out of this trap or is it perfectly acceptable? If I should, are there any tips that could help me make a character I enjoy?

Thanks in advance for your time.

Play what you like. If those are the characters you like, then play 'em. Only change if you WANT to change, not because you feel you should or other people are pressuring you for it. This is your character, not theirs, and they should mind their own business.

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