Bill Dunn |

When I first picked up A Game of Thrones, and the thing happened to the kid, I was like "Whoa, this author doesn't mess around! How refreshing to know that any character can get killed/maimed at any time!" But all in all, it doesn't happen often to primary characters.Which, if anything, is slightly disappointing to me.
Egad, is this a reader even more bloodthirsty than George R. R. Martin?!?
Let's see, of the 14 major POV characters, 2 of 14 are dead (or undead?), 1 crippled, 1 maimed, 1 tortured into madness, and 1 facing death and 1 other in some uncertain state via cliffhanger (and 1 apparently having just survived one - maybe).
Of the 10 minor POV characters, 2 are dead, 1 is diseased, and another is missing, hiding, or dead depending on the source.
That's quite a casualty list - but then he was inspired by the War of the Roses which saw the deaths of plenty of prominent, protagonist-level nobles.

Tequila Sunrise |

Tequila Sunrise wrote:Egad, is this a reader even more bloodthirsty than George R. R. Martin?!?
When I first picked up A Game of Thrones, and the thing happened to the kid, I was like "Whoa, this author doesn't mess around! How refreshing to know that any character can get killed/maimed at any time!" But all in all, it doesn't happen often to primary characters.Which, if anything, is slightly disappointing to me.
lol, possibly. There's a whole lot of fiction that I like, but there is a part of me that yearns for stories where I can't predict who's going to make it to the end.

Bill Dunn |

It's hard to tell with some of GRRM's characters. The POV seems pretty stable with some (Jon, Bran, Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, Daenerys), in part, because there's no other easy way to get a POV in the areas where they are operating. But the POV could even be shifted off one of them and to a secondary character in the area like Dolorous Ed or Littlefinger. Doing either, however, would make for a fairly radical shift in tone and focus which, I think, would break up the narrative building there. That's not without precedent as the two major POV character deaths came with a substantial shift in the overall narrative's focus, but I don't think the time is ripe for it to happen with those characters I listed above right now.
I doubt they'll all make it to the end though...

Adamantine Dragon |

Adamantine Dragon wrote:Toby was a fine Spiderman. He nailed the nerdy self-conscious teenager better than any other so far.And completely missed the sarcastic wise-cracking during fights, while looking like an incontinent pug when not in costume.
LOL Tri, that was truly an inspired response.
I have to say that Toby isn't responsible for the writers' combat dialog, or lack thereof. And he did a few quips as I recall. But yes, I would have preferred more.
Funny thing is, I used to read Spiderman as a kid in the 60s and "incontinent pug when not in costume" is a pretty dang accurate description of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko's original Peter Parker.

Freehold DM |

TriOmegaZero wrote:Adamantine Dragon wrote:Toby was a fine Spiderman. He nailed the nerdy self-conscious teenager better than any other so far.And completely missed the sarcastic wise-cracking during fights, while looking like an incontinent pug when not in costume.LOL Tri, that was truly an inspired response.
I have to say that Toby isn't responsible for the writers' combat dialog, or lack thereof. And he did a few quips as I recall. But yes, I would have preferred more.
Funny thing is, I used to read Spiderman as a kid in the 60s and "incontinent pug when not in costume" is a pretty dang accurate description of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko's original Peter Parker.
I'm glad they didn't go overboard with the quips. After a while I was rooting for the villain in the comics. Some writers went overboard with it.

Fabius Maximus |

I hated Monty Python's Holy Grail.
Okay. I'm lying. I loved it, but it would get you shunned from the vast majority of gaming groups.
Meh. I don't think Holy Grail is a good movie. There are a few good bits in there, but it barely qualifies as a coherent narrative. Life of Brian is where it's at.
I can't stand Douglas Adams' writing. He was a hack.

Arnwyn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Confessions that will get be shunned by all gamers? Okay... it's time for me to be a pariah:
I think Game of Thrones is among the worst drek on TV today. And I certainly don't want to go anywhere near GRRM's novels.
I have zero interest in Wheel of Time.
I think Tolkien is/was the greatest fantasy writer who ever lived, and that the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings as a whole is a masterpiece that will never be bested. All fantasy writers wish they were even half as good as Tolkien.
Character restrictions are better than options. Race/class restrictions are AWESOME.
Lost and the new BSG were among the worst shows on TV.
Gaming cons are truly, truly awful places.
I believe there is very much a thing called wrongbadfun, and some people are having it. And they're wrong to do so.
Star Wars (the whole thing) is only - at best - meh. The whole 'extended universe' is an embarrassment.
I'm only interested in gaming with one set of rules, and a limited number of settings. Rules and setting matter.
I don't care for comics, and never did.
[Some hyperbole above, but that was a lot of fun.]

Sissyl |

Confessions that will get be shunned by all gamers? Okay... it's time for me to be a pariah:
I think Game of Thrones is among the worst drek on TV today. And I certainly don't want to go anywhere near GRRM's novels.
I have zero interest in Wheel of Time.
I think Tolkien is/was the greatest fantasy writer who ever lived, and that the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings as a whole is a masterpiece that will never be bested. All fantasy writers wish they were even half as good as Tolkien.
Character restrictions are better than options. Race/class restrictions are AWESOME.
Lost and the new BSG were among the worst shows on TV.
Gaming cons are truly, truly awful places.
I believe there is very much a thing called wrongbadfun, and some people are having it. And they're wrong to do so.
Star Wars (the whole thing) is only - at best - meh. The whole 'extended universe' is an embarrassment.
I'm only interested in gaming with one set of rules, and a limited number of settings. Rules and setting matter.
I don't care for comics, and never did.
[Some hyperbole above, but that was a lot of fun.]
Now we're getting somewhere...

Arcutiys |

I think the prequels are better than the original Star Wars trilogy, simply for the fight scenes, but both pale in comparison to the extended universe which is pretty much better in every way when you find the right games.
I can't stand tolkien, and the core races in particular. Nordic mythology is cool, just, way too much of it. I'd like to get in some greek mythology at least, if not some from the east, or even better, a mixture.
Even though I know it can be disruptive and probably isn't the best idea, all my characters that I don't find boring/a rip off of some other character are chaotic neutral at best, evil at worst. I'm trying to make the perfect evil character in that their evil is directed towards another group, and they're fairly good when it comes to everyone else. Currently, it's a god-hating cleric of Rovagug bent on killing all the deities.
I think pretty much everything in modern-day-japan is extremely stupid, and I don't know how anyone can enjoy anime, manga, or just Japanese culture in general, with a few exceptions like Naruto and Kingdom Hearts.
Oh yeah, I think Naruto is the best TV show of all time, and the one thing post-WWII Japan did right. If that doesn't put me in the shunning box, I don't know what will, but hey. You can't choose what you like

FanaticRat |
I don't get why people tell other people their names over the internet ever, unless it's something like facebook.
It makes me bitter when other people won't give new systems a chance, even though I know it's entirely reasonable for them to make that decision and doesn't hurt nobody.

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It makes me bitter when other people won't give new systems a chance, even though I know it's entirely reasonable for them to make that decision and doesn't hurt nobody.
It makes me bitter when someone writes off a system, not because it's simply a new system, but solely because it's not d20.

Tequila Sunrise |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I think pretty much everything in modern-day-japan is extremely stupid, and I don't know how anyone can enjoy anime, manga, or just Japanese culture in general, with a few exceptions like Naruto and Kingdom Hearts.
Oh yeah, I think Naruto is the best TV show of all time, and the one thing post-WWII Japan did right. If that doesn't put me in the shunning box, I don't know what will, but hey. You can't choose what you like
I'm not a japanophile so I'm not going to shun you, but imagine me saying "WHAAAAAAAT?" with a dropped jaw in response to the one thing you appreciate about modern Japan. Naruto is just about the last thing I'd ever recommend to anyone over the age of 9.
On a related note; I don't care how healthy it is, I refuse to eat sushi. My grandfather 700 generations removed tamed fire so that I can eat cooked meat. Not raw, or lightly smoked. Cooked.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

On a related note; I don't care how healthy it is, I refuse to eat sushi. My grandfather 700 generations removed tamed fire so that I can eat cooked meat. Not raw, or lightly smoked. Cooked.
Hey, another one! I despise eating meat 'rare'. Hell, the only time I do medium is if I'm at a hibachi and everyone else does. My preference is well done, or sometimes medium well depending on where I'm at. This also isn't a concern for eating raw meat, it's just how I prefer to taste it.
And sushi is terrible.

Arcutiys |

Arcutiys wrote:I think pretty much everything in modern-day-japan is extremely stupid, and I don't know how anyone can enjoy anime, manga, or just Japanese culture in general, with a few exceptions like Naruto and Kingdom Hearts.
Oh yeah, I think Naruto is the best TV show of all time, and the one thing post-WWII Japan did right. If that doesn't put me in the shunning box, I don't know what will, but hey. You can't choose what you like
I'm not a japanophile so I'm not going to shun you, but imagine me saying "WHAAAAAAAT?" with a dropped jaw in response to the one thing you appreciate about modern Japan. Naruto is just about the last thing I'd ever recommend to anyone over the age of 9.
On a related note; I don't care how healthy it is, I refuse to eat sushi. My grandfather 700 generations removed tamed fire so that I can eat cooked meat. Not raw, or lightly smoked. Cooked.
I know, I know, Naruto is a bit of a kiddy show, but that's why I like it. Simple, most of the time has good morals, likable characters, and a awesome soundtrack. Once you get invested in it, the moments start feeling less cheesy and more awesome. I can TOTALLY understand why people don't like it, some of the characters are just...I seriously don't. I just can't. For instance, Karin, is probably the worst character I have seen in my entire life. But I think most of the time, the show is really good.
I tried eating sushi once. My sister is a bit of a japanophile so she had her birthday at a sushi place. I almost threw up the moment it touched my tongue. That stuff was BAD

Tequila Sunrise |

FanaticRat wrote:It makes me bitter when other people won't give new systems a chance, even though I know it's entirely reasonable for them to make that decision and doesn't hurt nobody.It makes me bitter when someone writes off a system, not because it's simply a new system, but solely because it's not d20.
It just makes me roll my eyes. I mean if it's some stranger trying to sell you on their pet game, I get it. Most of us have lives and responsibilities, and there are a zillion games we'll never have time to try. But if it's a friend or someone in your group offering to GM a one-shot? Be a grown-up. Be a friend. Take a freakin chance.
Also, I've been to 4chan once and didn't even realize they have a game forum. Note to self:...

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Character restrictions are better than options. Race/class restrictions are AWESOME.
This is your opinion. I respect your right to have your opinion. I completely disagree with this.
I udnerstand when a GM/DM creates a world, runs the game, they have the vision of what they want to do in that game. But I often find that sometimes people want to take things too far. Of course players have to be willing to work with the GM/DM as well.
My opinion of a good example. Current Table-Top campaign I had a great idea for an android character. GM thought it was good, we talked about it, he liked it but didn't want to deal with android rules. Discussion and worked out well.
My opinion of bad examples.
1) Core rulebook only since everything else is too much to deal with. No half-orcs (darkvision and story reasons), no monks (too eastern), no archetypes (because not core). No discussion to be broached on anything.
2) Opens up classes. Make magus character. No magus, too complicated. No wizard/fighter/eldritch knight since no multiclassing either. Discussion ends 'poorly'.
3) You are texted a list of 3 classes. You can choose one. Core only. No multi-classing. Wizard class, almost denied ability to specialize. No discussion.

Orthos |

Tequila Sunrise wrote:On a related note; I don't care how healthy it is, I refuse to eat sushi. My grandfather 700 generations removed tamed fire so that I can eat cooked meat. Not raw, or lightly smoked. Cooked.Hey, another one! I despise eating meat 'rare'. Hell, the only time I do medium is if I'm at a hibachi and everyone else does. My preference is well done, or sometimes medium well depending on where I'm at. This also isn't a concern for eating raw meat, it's just how I prefer to taste it.
+1!!! So tired of the boggled looks I get for refusing to eat my steaks at less than medium well.

Drejk |

Tequila Sunrise wrote:On a related note; I don't care how healthy it is, I refuse to eat sushi. My grandfather 700 generations removed tamed fire so that I can eat cooked meat. Not raw, or lightly smoked. Cooked.Hey, another one! I despise eating meat 'rare'. Hell, the only time I do medium is if I'm at a hibachi and everyone else does. My preference is well done, or sometimes medium well depending on where I'm at. This also isn't a concern for eating raw meat, it's just how I prefer to taste it.
And sushi is terrible.
What prevents you from making/ordering sushi with fried meat/fish? It's delicious!

Josh M. |

Hey, food tastes are as unique and individual as the person doing the eating. I personally love sushi, but I wholeheartedly get why other people find it disgusting.
Kinda like M&M's on pizza(added after it's baked), which is actually quite delicious. I did this on a dare once, and discovered a new favorite. Something to do with sweet and savory mixing, chocolate complimenting the acidity of tomato sauce.

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What prevents you from making/ordering sushi with fried meat/fish? It's delicious!
Tried that once too and still didn't enjoy it. At this point I've officially tried sushi 4 times. My first time I literally threw up. Had a steak and chicken hibachi and was about halfway through. Someone convinced me to try some kind of eel. At first chewing it was kind of disgusting, but I went ahead and tried swallowing. Suddenly I couldn't hold anything down and didn't make it to the bathroom. Got my lunch for free at least that day!
It was over a year before I even attempted sushi again, and I feel like I want to gag every time. I know my second attempt was a california roll, and my fourth was some kind of kobe beef roll. The third was something cooked, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.

Tequila Sunrise |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Xzaral wrote:+1!!! So tired of the boggled looks I get for refusing to eat my steaks at less than medium well.Tequila Sunrise wrote:On a related note; I don't care how healthy it is, I refuse to eat sushi. My grandfather 700 generations removed tamed fire so that I can eat cooked meat. Not raw, or lightly smoked. Cooked.Hey, another one! I despise eating meat 'rare'. Hell, the only time I do medium is if I'm at a hibachi and everyone else does. My preference is well done, or sometimes medium well depending on where I'm at. This also isn't a concern for eating raw meat, it's just how I prefer to taste it.
Double ditto. I actually like to get a bit of that burnt flavor.

Tequila Sunrise |

Xzaral wrote:What prevents you from making/ordering sushi with fried meat/fish? It's delicious!Tequila Sunrise wrote:On a related note; I don't care how healthy it is, I refuse to eat sushi. My grandfather 700 generations removed tamed fire so that I can eat cooked meat. Not raw, or lightly smoked. Cooked.Hey, another one! I despise eating meat 'rare'. Hell, the only time I do medium is if I'm at a hibachi and everyone else does. My preference is well done, or sometimes medium well depending on where I'm at. This also isn't a concern for eating raw meat, it's just how I prefer to taste it.
And sushi is terrible.
Didn't know such a thing existed. I'd give it a try, but in the past the only sushi dishes people have suggested were the barely/not cooked ones.

Arnwyn |

Arnwyn wrote:Character restrictions are better than options. Race/class restrictions are AWESOME.This is your opinion. I respect your right to have your opinion. I completely disagree with this.
Of course you do. It's a shunning thread!
Just like the others, though, it's also not a debate thread.

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Xzaral wrote:Arnwyn wrote:Character restrictions are better than options. Race/class restrictions are AWESOME.This is your opinion. I respect your right to have your opinion. I completely disagree with this.Of course you do. It's a shunning thread!
Just like the others, though, it's also not a debate thread.
Very true. Apologies and shunned!

MMCJawa |

I think pretty much everything in modern-day-japan is extremely stupid, and I don't know how anyone can enjoy anime, manga, or just Japanese culture in general, with a few exceptions like Naruto and Kingdom Hearts.
Oh yeah, I think Naruto is the best TV show of all time, and the one thing post-WWII Japan did right. If that doesn't put me in the shunning box, I don't know what will, but hey. You can't choose what you like
Having lived 3 months in Japan, judging Japan by it's anime is kind of like judging the USA solely on the basis of DC comics. Other than the general stuff marketed towards children (pokemon, etc), most people who watch anime in Japan are looked down upon as weirdos by the general populace. There is way way more to Japan than Godzilla movies and Manga.

Arcutiys |

Arcutiys wrote:Having lived 3 months in Japan, judging Japan by it's anime is kind of like judging the USA solely on the basis of DC comics. Other than the general stuff marketed towards children (pokemon, etc), most people who watch anime in Japan are looked down upon as weirdos by the general populace. There is way way more to Japan than Godzilla movies and Manga.
I think pretty much everything in modern-day-japan is extremely stupid, and I don't know how anyone can enjoy anime, manga, or just Japanese culture in general, with a few exceptions like Naruto and Kingdom Hearts.
Oh yeah, I think Naruto is the best TV show of all time, and the one thing post-WWII Japan did right. If that doesn't put me in the shunning box, I don't know what will, but hey. You can't choose what you like
I'm not judging it solely off of anime. I'm talking about the entire culture in general, though some of my views on their government and most general outlook on life might be considered a little toooo offensive to be posting on the boards, so I'm keeping them to myself.

MrSin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:What prevents you from making/ordering sushi with fried meat/fish? It's delicious!Didn't know such a thing existed. I'd give it a try, but in the past the only sushi dishes people have suggested were the barely/not cooked ones.
I once had sushi with deep fried shellfish. Was delicious! Lots of kinds of sushi in the world, and vegetarian options do exist for sushi and aren't a bad thing at all.

Terquem |
I'm not judging it solely off of anime. I'm talking about the entire culture in general, though some of my views on their government and most general outlook on life might be considered a little toooo offensive to be posting on the boards, so I'm keeping them to myself.
Well, dag nabbit it is a good thing you kept that to yourself.

Freehold DM |

Arcutiys wrote:Having lived 3 months in Japan, judging Japan by it's anime is kind of like judging the USA solely on the basis of DC comics. Other than the general stuff marketed towards children (pokemon, etc), most people who watch anime in Japan are looked down upon as weirdos by the general populace. There is way way more to Japan than Godzilla movies and Manga.
I think pretty much everything in modern-day-japan is extremely stupid, and I don't know how anyone can enjoy anime, manga, or just Japanese culture in general, with a few exceptions like Naruto and Kingdom Hearts.
Oh yeah, I think Naruto is the best TV show of all time, and the one thing post-WWII Japan did right. If that doesn't put me in the shunning box, I don't know what will, but hey. You can't choose what you like
nonsense. To many people showed up to look at the life size gundam for that to be completely true.
I will have part of my ashes scattered there when I die....

Umbriere Moonwhisper |

i am a fan of anime
whom has delved a little too deeply into the creepiest of japan's akward animated works
mentally advanced young girls who engage in awkward moments and do a lot of heroic tasks are a favorite of mine in said works
people tell me that my love for
*Hyperdimension neptunia
*Tales of (insert fancy word here)
*La Pucelle
*Luminous Arc
*Various Myriad Magical Girl Anime, especially Cardcaptor Sakura and Puella Magi Madoka Magica
*Fairies, especially nymphs and elemental fairies of humanoid appearance, bonus points if said fairies have a connection to science somehow
*genetically engineered living humanoid superweapons, using fey or outsider blood.
*Undead, Especially Vampires, Ghosts, and Well Preserved Porcelain Doll Liches (And Lichlikes) whom are human enough to decieve the mortal eye for infiltration
*Demons, especially anything resembling a cute and youthful (though not
neccessarily childlike, 20s works too) Succubus or Imp
*Various Moe Anime where the girls are outright huggable and you just wanna love them. some find this annoying though
*Corrupting Angels onto a path of Moral Descent as they slowly fall from their righteous ways to the path of taint, akin to how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader. a break the cutie kinda thing
*Characters of a lower Caste whom work their way up by bloody means and suffered great abuses alongside grandiose trials and epic labors as they climbed the cast
*Flawed and Vulnerable yet Plucky and Heroic Protagonists
*Detailed and Highly Artistic, Yet Grotesque and Disturbing levels of description that creep most people out, whether backstories, scenes, or simply a character's appearance. typically something related to death or sexuality draws attention to the character, even if they themselves, aren't of the type to normally engage in either.
*and just about any anime with an empowered small framed humanoid female as a protagonist
borders on creepy fetishism
i admit it kind of does
but i see it as unique, even though others see it as disturbing
i'm shunned by many groups online for being awkward

Sissyl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sushi is great. That said, seriously, I draw the line at salmon and tuna. The rice bun doesn't suddenly make crustaceans and bivalves stuff I want to eat. Thing you do have to know: There are few good sushi restaurants. Eat sushi in those and pay for it. Food poisoning is no fun at all. Eat your sushi at lunch, otherwise the fish isn't fresh anymore. And most people can handle deep fried tofu, omelet and avocado sushi. That said, sushi is really the least interesting part of the japanese cuisine.

Umbriere Moonwhisper |

Sushi is great. That said, seriously, I draw the line at salmon and tuna. The rice bun doesn't suddenly make crustaceans and bivalves stuff I want to eat. Thing you do have to know: There are few good sushi restaurants. Eat sushi in those and pay for it. Food poisoning is no fun at all. Eat your sushi at lunch, otherwise the fish isn't fresh anymore. And most people can handle deep fried tofu, omelet and avocado sushi. That said, sushi is really the least interesting part of the japanese cuisine.
many Weeaboos know about or at least heard of
Bento Box Picnic Meals, which often include Onigiri, Deep Fried Tofu, Omelet, Seafood, and some kind of sandwich