Need help with character creation block


So I have a feeling that my current PC is going to die soon.
Reason why in detail kingmaker spoilers

KM Book5:
We are in book 5 of Kingmaker and decided to very early in teleport to the roof of Irrovetti's castle and fight our way through. We just hit level 12.

Basically I think we are far too underleveled to survive our current situation. So I want to have a good backup character prepared. I saw a thread on reddit today about winter themed characters and it inspired me to do a Cleric with the Ice and Death domains(ice being a subdomain of water). However I got stuck on ability points since outside of high wisdom and possibly cha for channelling I wasn't sure what I wanted. I know I probably wont be doing melee. So my question is how would you build the guy?

Base things: Lvl 12 Cleric of Ice and Death. Human preferably but not necessarily. Inspiration: To bring endless winter upon the land., so probably NE or something.

Grand Lodge

What books are available?

What is the point buy?

Have you chosen a god?

What races are available?

Books: Core, UM, UC, APG, ARG, Ultimate Campaign
Points: 20
God: Was figuring to go for the pick 2 domains as an ideal portion of the cleric domain stuff. Unless there is a god of Water/Death in which case them.
Races: Stick with core I'd say unless there is something that would be insane in which case at least a mention of it would be nice. I can try to sweet talk the DM

Think as if instead of House Stark in Game of Thrones being all "Winter is Coming" it's more "Winter has come" or "Winter is Here"

Grand Lodge

Pharasma, Sithhud, or Charon are the gods with the two Domains you want.

Have considered any of the Cleric archetypes?

The Undead Lord or Theologian may be a good fit.

I want to do some necromancy so Pharasma is out I did find Hanspur though who is even a river kingdom based god. And both of those archetypes have their pluses though being single domained hurts a little. Though I could be an Ice Theologian and pick up the death domain spells as most are class spells anyways

Grand Lodge

Hanspur does not offer the Ice Subdomain.

As for thematic races, the Undine, Dhampir, and Hobgoblin are good choices.

Undine was the only only one that had relevant stat boosts. But as of now it's human. If I can debate my GM into undine I may well look closer at it.

I don't know if it really gains you much of anything useful, but if you really want to fly with the theme...

You could look into a decent charisma and take the eldritch heritage line with the marid or elemental (water) bloodline.

No one for clerics? I looked at the gides and they seem somewhat out of date

Grand Lodge

There are alternate heritage Dhampir.

The Vetala-Born Dhampir have +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Int.

Hobgoblin has some interesting favored class bonuses.

Working within a deity's portfolio is not something I'm used to.

There are some interesting flavourful variant channeling options available, though I'm not sure how many if any of them fall within any of the suggested portfolios.

If your GM is willing to favour flavour over RAW then I know there's one that causes Slow on a channel to harm, which could be flavoured as encrusting with rime or something. Other death/disease type effects include causing bleeding, the contagion spell or nauseating, but again no idea if they fall within any qualifying god's realm.

I said above I probably wasn't taking a deity. You don't have to have a god to be a cleric.

Oh cool heh the one post I happened to skim over =P

Grand Lodge

Choosing a god has some boons.

Free proficiency, and access to some Deity exclusive items, spells, traits, and feats.

The Hobgoblin's ability to add to Negative Channel and Inflict Spell damage is interesting.

currently with 20 pt buy I have mt stats as follows

Str 7
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 14

This is with not racial modifiers or the points from levels 4, 8, and 12. Though those would probably go 1 into Str(8), and the rest Wis(18). This character doesn't seem like he would necessarily be feat hungry so I could take the Dual Talented Human alternate trait to trade my bonus feat for a bonus +2.

Though I'm torn where I want to go. I know Sacred Summons could be a good route with a cleric, but then so could Necromantic feats. I want to basically have the flavor of a really powerful Cryo/Necro-mancer

After looking at hobgoblin its not that bad. The bonuses to dex and con allow me to re-allocate my point buy and the favored class bonus gives me currently +6 to the channel negative energy I'll be using. Not sure if my DM will allow the hobgoblin race but tis certainly a consideration if he does.

Grand Lodge

Battle-Hardened or Unfit are decent alternate racial traits for a Hobgoblin of this build.

Ok, I'll be honest all we've covered this whole thread is races. I said I'd probably be human for the bonus feat or bonus plus two. I'll look at the other suggestions sure, but can we move past race?

Grand Lodge

Well, Selective Channel, is a must.

Selective channel is a must since i plsn on channeling negative energy. What about sacred summons?

Grand Lodge

Well, do you want to focus on creating, and commanding, a mass of undead?

there is that. Atlevel 12 i was thinking i could do both

Grand Lodge

Well, Spell Focus is a choice as well.

I was thinking Spell focus for conjuration and necromancy at level 1. Selective channeling at level 3. Augment Summons at 5, sacred summons at 7, command undead at 9, and undead master at 11. Any thoughts?

Grand Lodge

That sounds like a very good feat progression.

For early on, I would look at some Channel Foci, for your gear.

Domains Death(Undead)& Weather (Storm)
HB Skill Focus (Reglion)
1 Comand undead
3 Eldritch Heritage(Grave Touch)
5 Versatile Channeler
7 Extra Channel
HB Skill Focus (you pick)
9 Slective Channel
11 Improved Eldritch Heritage (Grasp of the Dead)
13 Quick Channel
15 Improved Eldritch Heritage(Death's Gift)
HB Skill Focus (you pick)
17 Greater Eldritch Heritage (Incorporeal Form)
19 (you pick)

Or Drop Weather and go Undead Lord
and get 2 more feat because Command Undead and extra Channel become free. So take:
Abilty Focus (channel) Bestiary Feat if you can get it
School Focus (Necomancy)
School Focus (Necomancy)
Greater School Focus (Necomany)

That is very nice for a pure necromancer, if only there were good ice themed spells on the cleric list.

As a sidenot, how would one go about creating a staff of command undead?

EsperMagic wrote:

That is very nice for a pure necromancer, if only there were good ice themed spells on the cleric list.

As a sidenot, how would one go about creating a staff of command undead?

Well if your GM will let you go with New Arcana via Arcane blood line for cleric to put Wizard Spell on the Clric list.

New Arcana (Ex): At 9th level, you can add any one spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list to your list of spells known. This spell must be of a level that you are capable of casting. You can also add one additional spell at 13th level and 17th level.

Also you could go Samsaran for race and take Mystic Past Life and add some Druid Ice spell to the list.

Mystic Past Life (Su): You can add spells from another spellcasting class to the spell list of your current spellcasting class. You add a number of spells equal to 1 + your spellcasting class's key ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, and so on). The spells must be the same type (arcane or divine) as the spellcasting class you're adding them to. For example, you could add divine power to your druid class spell list, but not to your wizard class spell list because divine power is a divine spell. These spells do not have to be spells you can cast as a 1st-level character. The number of spells granted by this ability is set at 1st level. Changes to your ability score do not change the number of spells gained. This racial trait replaces shards of the past.

Dang it you just had to bring up sorcerer bloodlines. Now I'm all like sorcerers get the spells necessary for being a good necromancer. My other spells could be evocation-based and with the elemental bloodline all by ice based...

current feat progession on an elemental(cold) human sorcerer...
Elemental Focus: Cold
Greater Elemental Focus: Cold
Spell Focus: Necromancy
Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
Spell Penetration
Greater Spell Penetration
Craft Wondrous Item
Improved Initiative(Blooline Feat)

Str: 7
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 23(+2 racial bonus and +1 from 4th, 8th, and 12th)

Add in a +6 Cha headband and a +4 dex/con belt

And I died...time for a new guy

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