Where can I find wizard builds?


Scarab Sages

I'm looking for a thread/site that has a bunch of well-thought-out wizard builds.

I know all about Treantmonk's Guide. I'm not looking for a guide, I'm looking for actual builds, designed around specific ideas and strategies about how to take advantage of wizard abilities. Pathfinder ONLY, no 3.5 feats allowed.

Thanks in advance.

There are 20 of those in NPC Codex - core only, but still.

Check out the thread entitled Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium. Probably just a few posts down the front page of these (Advice) forums.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NZCmD2-i6yTQlCWQalsN_W74RcesIkbGDspBDLW dTWg/edit?pli=1

Scarab Sages

I tried the link, but the document didn't exist. Can you give another link?

Silver Crusade

Mirrel's linkified

Pasting a link in the forums always adds an extra space that breaks the link. It needs to be edited out. I just formatted a copy of it according to 'how to format your text' below, and took out that space.

Scarab Sages

Great that worked thanks!

Grand Lodge

Wizard build...get 20 int at the start. Put all stat bumps into int. Win.

That is all.

Seriously, there isn't much in the way of building a powerful wizard. It's all about the spells and how well you use them. Being a good wizard is less about a build and more about play ability. I can give you the bestest best wizard build with the bestest best spell choices but if you can't play a wizard right, your just not gonna be all that great. And if your not willing to put time in for even a guide (much less actual combing the data pack that is the spell list yourself) and just want a build dropped in for you...the wizard is not your class.

Scarab Sages

Well, THAT's a lot of assumptions!

Did it ever occur to you that the reason I'm not looking for a guide is because I already consider myself an expert wizard player and I've already READ all the guides that are linked in this site?

I'm just looking for ideas on how to optimize my build. That's all.

If you just want to blow stuff up:

Some build suggestions in the discussion
Discussion Blockbuster

Sample build at the end
Actual guide

Scarab Sages

See? Now THAT's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

Very cool thanks for the link!

Low to mid levels you can cruise the PbP threads looking up wizard characters. Not real time effcient, but there's many, many builds. Also DMTools was a good resource at one time. I'm not sure of its current status. If Liz Courts drops by this thread, she could let you know.

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