Full attack vs. Pounce

Rules Questions

I am a bit confused.

How can a player full attack with appendages which are used to keep the creature from falling down, like its legs?

I understand that in a pounce move you can use them but in a normal full attack it doesnt seem to make sense.

Any help would be appreciated...


What appendages are you concerned about?

The only example of player having that option is, through dragon form (wing attacks while flying, which seems weird), or a monk using kicks (which he effectivily could do using only one leg).

Other than that, I cannot remember any creatures able to attack with every appendage they use to support themselves, barring rake (limited to grapples and pouncing).

The attacks occur over the timespan of 6 seconds, so you don't have to kick with both legs and both arms at once...

the wing buffet is a little iffy when flying, but I would count it slapping wings together around the target or something.

pounce is usually given to animals that have four or more legs. A 'pounce' in game terms is a creature clearing the distance in a charge manuever, and obtaining their normal full round attack, thus, while hindquarters remain on the ground, a creature gets a claw/claw/bite attack at the end of its move.

A player who somehow gets the pounce feat most likely has to have an animal form of some kind, I've not really encountered any way to subvert the rules in this area, so the way you word it leaves me confused as well.

Have you ever seen how a cat can pounce down on its prey, landing all four legs on the rabbit while biting? Then proceed to hold on with forelegs while raking the guts out with hind legs while lying on its back?

Pounce is meant to reflect the first half of that attack sequence. The Rake special ability filling the role of that second segment of the attack.

Yeah, it's not as clear-cut as in real life, but in real life we don't worry about 5-foot squares or acting in proper initiative order. It all happens at once.

Cool thats what I was figuring... The character has a wild shape of dienichus dinosaur and when he pounced no problem with the five natural attack because it jumps in the air. But he said he should get all five as a full round action... I said, 'look, you get your bite and your two claws and he was screaming that i was being unfair..

+1 with Donduckie. 6 seconds is the time to do the full attack. So why try to restrict?

A monk for example can perfectly do 5 kicks or 2 kicks, 1 headbutt and 2 punches during his full attack (provided he's got 5 attacks/round) and still stand on his feet.

So being natural attacks is the same.

Insnare wrote:

Cool thats what I was figuring... The character has a wild shape of dienichus dinosaur and when he pounced no problem with the five natural attack because it jumps in the air. But he said he should get all five as a full round action... I said, 'look, you get your bite and your two claws and he was screaming that i was being unfair..

By RAW, your player is correct. The entry for the attacks of a Deinonychus does not restrict the use of the Talons to "just a pounce". They're part of his regular full-attack routine, too.

But, as DonDuckie points out, a full-attack occurs over the span of six seconds. That's more than sufficient time to alternate which leg he's standing on.

I don't know many people who'd deny a monk saying that his flurry-of-blows ability included a few kicks.

But monk isn't a very awkward animal is he... Ok fair enough... I had another character who had a leopard and the pounce was the only time he could use all four of his claws... No problem... Thanks everyone...

Insnare wrote:

Cool thats what I was figuring... The character has a wild shape of dienichus dinosaur and when he pounced no problem with the five natural attack because it jumps in the air. But he said he should get all five as a full round action... I said, 'look, you get your bite and your two claws and he was screaming that i was being unfair..

I have a few different comments here:

1) By the rules he can make all attacks, so I can understand him being upset about the changes if they were made in the midst of a game.
2) The deinonychus, being a winged non-flying creature, might jump in the air slashing with all limps, so it might not be that far fetched.
3) Does dinosaurs exist in your game world? Since the druid need to know the animals he change into, it is reasonable to disallow some animal choices.
4) The deinonychus is mechanically problematic, in my opinion. 5 natural attacks is significantly better than the other choices. Ruling that it has 3 attacks + rake would make sense in regards to balance.

Both 3) and 4) however, requires a talk with the player beforehand. I sucks as a player to have a build shutdown in the midst of a game, just because the GM feels it is too strong.
Disallowing too strong builds is fair enough, but should happen in conversation with the player, away from the game.

The deinonychus 's stat block in the monster manual is a little different than the animal companion. It reads

Melee 2 talons +5 (1d8+2), bite +5 (1d6+2), foreclaws +0 (1d4+1)

The foreclaws are 1 attack, not two, when he turns into it.

The talons are the main weapon on those things, I'd be ticked if i suddenly couldn't use my best attacks.

The talons point forward and down, its significantly easier for a raptor to use them than someone with a bladed boot or a claw on their foot. When I had to dramatically describe how my druids Ac was killing someone with them, my favorite was he was digging the talons into the creatures legs, walking up his body like a lumberjack with leg spikes and biting into the creatures face.

It could also conceivably balance on its tail, kangaroo style.

Insnare wrote:

Cool thats what I was figuring... The character has a wild shape of dienichus dinosaur and when he pounced no problem with the five natural attack because it jumps in the air. But he said he should get all five as a full round action... I said, 'look, you get your bite and your two claws and he was screaming that i was being unfair..

The deinonychus only has 4 attacks, not 5. 2 talons an a bite primary and foreclaws a single secondary attack, and yes. He gets all of them in a full attack.

The pouncing cats and the allosaurus get rake on pounce but not on full attack actions, but that's because the hind-claws are a rake, not because they'ree the hind-claws. Deinonychus gets everything all the time.

Insnare wrote:
But monk isn't a very awkward animal is he... Ok fair enough... I had another character who had a leopard and the pounce was the only time he could use all four of his claws... No problem... Thanks everyone...

Leopards are not Dienonychuses. That's like saying that since a Wizard has to prepare spells, a Sorcerer has to as well.

Chengar, I understand your analogy however it is a smidge too macro and almost apples and oranges...

where i think this is crabapple with a macintosh...

Shadow Lodge

You tried to limit a player shifted into a Raptor from not using his talons? No wonder he threw a fit. Attacking with them on a pounce is the entire point of the talons, biologically speaking. The only way to make it more effective is to give the pounce a free grapple if both talons and claws hit.

Liberty's Edge

Insnare: Normally you would be right. However, the raptor is a very specific case and it can. This is an instance of specific rules trumping general rules.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Leopards and Deionychuses are built completely differently, a cat is built to pounce and grab its prey, raking it while holding on with its for limbs.

The dinosaur is all about gutting its prey, it uses its talons to make deep abdominal wounds while trying to land a bite, the forearms are almost an after thought, brought into play following the bite scratching at whatever is in reach.

How? The game mechanics tell you that's how.

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