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I was thinking about doing a dervish dancer (the bard archetype) with the kensei (magus archetype), but I'm not sure how to go about it.
If it's possible; can the magus become a spontaneous charisma/dex type of caster/fighter? if so, how?
Would it hurt to loose the level of spells from the kensei?
is it (in general) a good idea for a build, or is it a waste of paper? (dps/dpr wise).
I'm not looking for a min/max or OP char, but i do want one that can hold it's own.
If anyone has an advice or info on this, i would be grateful for your help.

Gwaedh |
I'll be starting out in with a third level magus hex crafer in a new campaign next month. He is dex based with one level of dervish bard and will go magus for the rest. I likr what the bard dip does, spells and battle dance in addition to the free dervish dance feat, but I am mindful of losing a level of magus spell casting. Our games generally don't get much above 10th level. I'd be concerned with taking a class that further compromises casting. But my play style is very spell focused.
Are you sure you dont want to just hang tight until you can get an agile weapon?
There is nothing publishrd that will make a magus chr based or spontaneous. At least not that I've ever seen.

Graeme |
oO how is it you have a "dex based magus"?
Magus usually concentrate on one of DEX or STR for their combat abilities. If it's DEX, they usually take the Dervish Dancer feat so they can use their DEX bonus for attack and damage when using a scimitar. That's a dex based magus. It's one of the reasons there are so many scimitar-wielding maguses in the world....

Zotsune |

Cha would give you x amount of Bardic Performances more per day that is about it though... Considering that you only have 4 with only a 1 level dip (though you can get more through Extra Performance feat 6 more per feat) that is only 4 rounds per day and with it already costing one move action to start really it is only 3 rounds per day unless you start it when engaged in melee combat.

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Having at least an 11 Cha is also what you would need to be able to use 1st level spells.
Remember access to casting spe3lls of a level requires the casting stat be at least equal to 10 plus the spell level, so 10 for cantrips, 11 for 1st level spells, etc.
IIRC, a 12 gives you one bonus spell for 1st level spells. Not known, but castable, for a spontaneous caster.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

why bother with the bard levels at all? just go kensai and focus on dex and int (tiefling is a good option if its available to you)- take weapon finesse @1st and just spend the feat for dervish dance at 3rd. the battle dance looks appealing but the +1 to hit only counteracts the extra point of lost BAB, and it costs a move to activate. plus, you set back your magus spells and abilities...

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

if you want to dip, dawnflower dervish (dervish of dawn on PFSRD) is clearly a better route than dervish dancer. as i said previously, dervish dancer is not (IMO) worth dipping- you gain an ability that balances out the BAB you just cost yourself, but have to waste a move action to activate it. dawnflower dervish (while probably an inferior archetype to play to high level) is a decent dip for a build like this- it does set your casting and other abilities back a bit, and knocks another 1 off your BAB (which is already not as good as you would like), but you do get +2hit/dmg from the dance and the dervish dance feat for free (which also saves you from needing weapon finesse)... so it is a viable option.

Gwaedh |
Just a note. You can gain extra rounds for battle dance: inspire courage (+2 to hit/dam) with the harmonic spell feat.
Benefit: Whenever you cast a 1st or higher level spell while you are maintaining a bardic performance, you can maintain the bardic performance for that round without expending one of your rounds of performance for the day. In addition, you can switch from one bardic performance to another as a swift action when you cast a spell while maintaining a bardic performance.
At lower levels you would probably get more milage out of extra performance, but in the long run I think this feat might pull ahead. I'm still trying to make up my mind which to go with.

Zotsune |

Remember this is only a one level dip so the total number of Bardic Performances per day will stay at 4 unless Cha mod says otherwise or Extra Performance feat. Harmonic Spell would be a nice way to circumvent having to have a lot of Bardic Performances though and as the OP is playing as a Magus using spells and fighting should be no problem. Good call on that feat.

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Just a note. You can gain extra rounds for battle dance: inspire courage (+2 to hit/dam) with the harmonic spell feat.
Benefit: Whenever you cast a 1st or higher level spell while you are maintaining a bardic performance, you can maintain the bardic performance for that round without expending one of your rounds of performance for the day. In addition, you can switch from one bardic performance to another as a swift action when you cast a spell while maintaining a bardic performance.
At lower levels you would probably get more milage out of extra performance, but in the long run I think this feat might pull ahead. I'm still trying to make up my mind which to go with.
The ability to switch performances doesn't come up much but it can be an absolute life saver when it does.
Lingering performance can also be VERY useful. Far more useful than extra performance

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Also, you might want to consider taking the Magical Knack trait, if you are OK with not taking magical lineage to help with the damage dice of your spells. Wayang spellhunter is a regional, or religional, trait that is magical lineage but not a magic trait essentially if you are sold on reducing that 1 level.
A bard/kensai could be a nice combo, the bard also grants you proficiency with other weapons and with light armor. Darkleaf Studded leather only has a 5% spell failure chance, so when you cast spells (that are concerned with spell fail), you just need to not roll a 1 on the d20.

Gwaedh |
Gwaedh wrote:Just a note. You can gain extra rounds for battle dance: inspire courage (+2 to hit/dam) with the harmonic spell feat.
Benefit: Whenever you cast a 1st or higher level spell while you are maintaining a bardic performance, you can maintain the bardic performance for that round without expending one of your rounds of performance for the day. In addition, you can switch from one bardic performance to another as a swift action when you cast a spell while maintaining a bardic performance.
At lower levels you would probably get more milage out of extra performance, but in the long run I think this feat might pull ahead. I'm still trying to make up my mind which to go with.
The ability to switch performances doesn't come up much but it can be an absolute life saver when it does.
Lingering performance can also be VERY useful. Far more useful than extra performance
Lingering performance isnt compatible with battle dance.