nekoyami's page
Organized Play Member. 160 posts (161 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters.
BTW, this is a not mounted charge question
If I remember right there's a feat that let's you charge thru friends in pathfinder, or am I mixing that up with 3.5?
Is there any others? If not then thank you
I am wondering if there are any other paladin archetypes that take away paladin's spell casting besides "warrior of the Holy light". I noticed that d20 doesn't have all options available... Since I own a few splat books that d20 doesn't seem to have.
O.O OK, I'll look into all these options. Thank you all for the ideas ☺
So what would be a good melee healer type? Yes I would like to stick with scythe...
Ok, so what would you recommend for a scythe using, channeling build?
I'm wanting to use the scythe with a warpriest.. Basically Wade into combat, smash shit in the face, and channel when needed (using versatile channel)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I love that there is a thread about this ☺
I do have a question tho.. What would each of the Manhatten clan gargoyles' class be?
I.e. Goliath a paladin, Hudson a bard or some other class to represent his knowledge of the past, and sharing stories about those times...
I'm not worried about Ryo-oh-ki, otherwise I'd make a summoner or something like that :)
I'm wanting to make ryouko herself :)
Space pirate, who can manifest an energy blade, shoot energy balls(not sure if it would have an element type , teleport, fly, phase thru materials, and breathe in space.
Ryo-oh-ki is her pet who can transform from a rabbit, to a ship, and eventually into a human form about the size of a 10 year old
So, I've been bored and started watching some of my old favorite anime... And I'm sure this topic has been done... Many times..
But, how would ryouko from the tenchi muyo series be made in pathfinder?
Mind you, I'm only referring to the ryouko of ova 1,2, and the tenchi universe tv series..
lol, ok. again, i know, weird question..
OK...i know this sounds wrong, and/or stupid...but, based on rules, nd my possibly disturbed friends having a weird discussion based around rules/wording...
disarm let's you attempt to disarm a weapon from your opponents' hands
(assume the use of improved disarm)
improved unarmed strike states that the person using unarmed strikes is considered armed...
so, um...again, i know this is possibility stupid/disturbing...but, is it possible to "disarm" an opponent using IUS due to the wordings of these abilities/feats?
is this possibe?
i'm asking because i'm wondering if it's possible to have multiple challenged opponents, and be able to hit/attack them in one strike...
i.e. iaijutsu specifies it's only against the challenged enemy...
Is Cleave the only feat that lets you strike multiple enemies?
I'm looking for one that's possibly Dex based... Or works with piranha Stike, and/or weapon finesse...
Any ideas?
Make it possible to use weapon finesse with a melee one hand weapon
Is it possible to change a weapon from one type /catagory?
I.e. Melee 1 hand weapon into a light 1 hand weapon.
If so, how would I go about doing that?
K, just wanted to make sure thank you
In the path itself it says that the samurai should only kill if they must... I.e. Diplomacy /intimidate fails..
But..with the flat of the blade ability it says that if the samurai, or any of its party kills then the samurai losses its abilities...
So, would the samurai loose it's abilities if it had to kill, not using the blade ability, or does he only loose his abilities when he kills using the blade ability?
"When the cavalier makes use of this ability, he must attempt to subdue his target without killing it; dealing lethal damage after using this ability, or allowing his allies to kill the target, is considered a violation of his edicts."
This is where I run into issues tho... Seeing as how the rest of the group will obviously be murder hobos...
I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to have 2 paths/orders for a samurai.
Basically I'm attempting to make ruroni kenshin... As in, he mostly does subdue/nom lethal damage, until he is forced into having to kill... Which is against the order of the blue rose.
So, can anyone offer any help for me to accomplish this?
Before you suggest that I take the ronin path, I've looked at it, and it doesn't fit at all...
That's what I meant, Thank you for the clarification
Are these compatable even tho they change the same ability?
Cool, That's what I thought. Thanks
Hi all,
My friend is insisting that just because an ability does not state the action type that it uses to start it's considered a free action, instead of a standard... The rest of our group is telling him that if it was another type of action besides standard that it would be clearly defined in the ability description... So, who's interpretation is correct?
OK, Thank you for the help
Gauss wrote: Imbicatus, there is nothing preventing him from having the bite from Dragon Disciple while using the claws from Lesser Beast Totem.
Activate both types of claws, benefit from the Lesser Beast Totem claws (overrides the bloodline claws) and the Dragon Disciple bite.
Sorry if I'm slow on understanding this..
But, even when I rage I can still get the bite since it's from a different source even when I'm raging?
I'm looking at the primalist right now, would it's ability to stack with the "sorcerer" level count with the bloodrager, since it is a barbarian /sorcerer?

question for yous...
if i were to multi-class barbarian, sorc, and dragon desciple...
barb i would go the beast totem route,
beast toem, lesser:
While raging, the barbarian gains two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus.
sorc dragon bloodline:
you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus.
dragon disciple: dragon bite
whenever the dragon disciple uses his bloodline to grow claws, he also gains a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage
so...the question is,
does the 2 claw attacks gained from both beast rage, and dragon blood basically stack..as in do i only get 2 attacks..
do i gain them as seperate attacks, so i would get 4 claw attacks.
from the dragon prc i gain a primary bite...
so...are my claws and bite considered all primaries, and if so, how many attacks would that be?
thank you for any constructive help :)
k, I'll look into them. :)
lay on hands:
is there a way to gain lay on hands without taking levels of paladin?
if not,
is there a way for lay on hands to stack with another class?
sneak attack:
besides ninja, and rogue is their any other way to get sneak attack (or something of the equivalent)?
So... My idea is possible, I would just need to get FCT if I wanted to add US feats to my NW?
I would not be using them for 2wf, merely as a way to use spell combat/spell strike. Since claws count as primary weapons wouldn't I be able to use them for this purpose?
I know naturally based on the definition of natural attacks with primary weapons I should get both claw/claw. Would that not be the same for purposes of claw/spell?
I've been thinking of making a magus that has claws naturally ( tiefling's claws), could I use those claws as a weapon and free hand, or would I still have to get IUS, or possibly dip 2 levels in ranger for the combat style feat(s) for natural weapon combat?
Would I be able to use spell combat/sprllstrike with the natural weapons without getting a feat/dip in another class just to use them as "weapons " even though I would have them naturally?
Another concept was a few levels monk ( moms: bore and dragon styles) , and rest NW ranger...but, I'm not sure if you can basically "turn" unarmed strike into a natural weapon without having to waste so many levels.
My idea for this PC is it charges in, shreds things apart, and carries on with whatever she was doing, licking clean her claws. before some other NPC is "stupid" enough to look at her the wrong way...
I know it sounds evil, but I'm using pfs as a testing ground to see how the build would play out.
*sweatdrop* thanks,
sorry for being one of the masses who can't get the race/racial traits right.
Don't mind the newbie-ness, but what is UCD, and UMR stand for?
As far as the options, thus far, I'll look into them. Thank you (so far)
I've been toying around with an NWR, dualed with either barb, or fighter...and using tiefling's maw/claw AR trait to get claws.
I'm hoping this is sounding possible so far...
Now for the wuestions;
1. Is it possible to use the "adopted" trait to get the orc's tooth trait?
2. Is there any way to get pounce, bite>grapple, rend, and/or rake with natural attacks, or is that available only to animals?
3. If I were to go barb (vanilla) it'd only be for 5 levels, mostly for the few rage abilities, and dodge/uncanny dodge, is it worth it?
4. If I were to go fighter I'd go with 2wf ( since the claws are technically 2 weapons/ attacks) would this work?
So, can I get some advice/perspectives to make this PC into basically something/someone who would charge (or pounce) into combat, and shred things to death. All while being a "respectful" part of a tiefling ranger sect/ order... after all there are plenty of tree huggers, and not enough who revel in the pure chaos of the natural hunt. :-)
Wow, thanks for all the input.
Btw, how does a gunslinger's ammo and what not work in Pfs? From the prices I see listed on the ammo one could go broke with only buying 2 bullets... O.o...
I've been racking my mind on making a gnome PC to go along with the theme of the group I'll be in...the theme being we're all gnome PCs, that tend to get on their opponents' nerves...
the group so far; CC oracle, Cold sorcerer, and then...me...
i came across the grenadier archetype for alchemist, and either vanilla gunslinger, or maybe the pistolero...
i am wondering/trying to figure out how the hell i can make the 2 blend together effectively...
I'm sure it's not as complicated as I'm making it out to be...
yay for over thinking...
any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
I have been thinking of making a monk/rogue, but I'm not sure if you can FoB with daggers.
If it's not possible by basic class rules/abilities, is there a feat for this?