LadyBriar |
Absolutely. Darkness and deeper darkness can create an area of darkness even in direct sunlight. That might also help. :)
However, illusions will not. The illusions only fool a creature's vision, it doesn't stop the light from hitting the caster in the first place.
Speaker for the Dead |
There is a cantrip called Penumbra . Although it's not legal for Pathfinder Society;
...not legal in Pathfinder Society play. Note that penumbra was changed into the higher-level spell protective penumbra. The cantrip version is similar, but does not replace its higher-level counterpart.
rat_ bastard |
I've always been a fan of the full body suit and mask style. Can also add an extra level of creepy if done right. Since none of the vampire's body is exposed to the light then sunlight won't burn them up. It would suck if someone decided to start tearing chunks of the clothing off though.
Um, how does the vampire see?
PathlessBeth |
There is a cantrip called Penumbra . Although it's not legal for Pathfinder Society;pfsrd wrote:...not legal in Pathfinder Society play. Note that penumbra was changed into the higher-level spell protective penumbra. The cantrip version is similar, but does not replace its higher-level counterpart.
The cantrip doesn't protect against a vampire's vulnerability to sunlight, it just protects against stuff like a drow's light blindness. Protection against a vampire's vulnerability was the change explicitly added in the 2nd level version of protective penumbra.
Helic |
Illusions might work. You wouldn't be able to see an illusion unless it either produced its own light or reflected normally available light.
Shadow illusions would definitely work, as they create quasi-real items that definitely would block sunlight. Phantasms and Patterns would definitely not work, as they create sensations only in the minds of their targets.
Figments and Glamers, however, are less clear-cut. They change the sensory qualities of an object. Whether or not the shadows cast by an illusion are part of the illusion or illusions can actually block light isn't clear.
When illusions are revealed to be false they don't disappear (patterns and phantasms are reduced to outlines, as they affect the mind); you just recognize them for what they are, a false image. Standing in the middle of an illusion doesn't let you see out of it (or through it), even if you know it's false.
Personally I'd rule that shadows, figments and glamers can block light. Otherwise they'd generally be far too easy to discern (I can see that torch behind it!). The majority of illusions would be inadequate for a vampire to hide from the sun for long (limited duration or area of effect).
I do wonder about Invisibility, however. An invisible vampire isn't casting a shadow. Now, that's not the same as to say the light isn't touching him, any less than an incorporeal creature could be coterminous with him and still have an effect. So sunlight passing through is invisible body could still burn him, YMMV.
Invisibility does offer that invisible light sources still give off light. This is a case of a glamer specifically NOT blocking light, but the whole point of Invisibility is that it's supposed to not block light at all.
LazarX |
Would a spells like darkness, deeper darkness or Lunar Veil protect vampires from sunlight?
What about illusions like minor/major image or mirage arcana?
That's small scale. Take the approach that the Vampires of Grendel went for.... put out the Sun itself!
Magda Luckbender |
I'm shocked no one mentioned Malack from The Order of the Stick. He was a Vampire Cleric (3.5) who had researched a new spell, Protection from Daylight.
Here is Malack using the spell on his new vampire chylde
Here is Malack turning to dust when the spell is Dispelled while he is daylight
PathlessBeth |
I'm shocked no one mentioned Malack from The Order of the Stick. He was a Vampire Cleric (3.5) who had researched a new spell, Protection from Daylight.
Here is Malack using the spell on his new vampire chylde
Here is Malack turning to dust when the spell is Dispelled while he is daylight
A spell like that already exists, Protective Penumbra:)
Yes, depending on a spell to survive is risky, just like having no nonmagical flight is risky when someone AMFs you and you fall into the lava below.
Dukeh555 |
Would a vampire be affected by sunlight in their animal or mist forms? If not, couldn't they simply remain in the this form out of combat, as they have indefinite durations? By the way, why do you need this? How often do adventurers actually travel about outside? You guys can just travel at night and you can sleep in a tent during the day, heck, you guys could just stick a coffin in a cart and you can travel in this if you must travel in the day.