Confessions That Will Get You Shunned By The Members Of The Paizo Community

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

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I'm working on a novel: The Life and Lies (mostly lies) of Nesod the Monkchinegun

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omg does it talk about full bab rogue in plate

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Did you get in on Spheres of Power?

I got "in" on the concept when I bought my first Ars Magica book. Continued when I started playing Mage.

They both beats Spheres in that it offers two systems spontaneous "make it up as you go along" magic, and formulaic magic which uses established pre-defined "spells"(or rotes as they refer to them in Mage).

Batman is overrated.

Icyshadow wrote:
Batman is overrated.

Are you sure? Money is the greatest superpower of all, really.

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I am 100% sure. The moment he started dodging Darkseid's Omega Beams, I shifted fandom.

Something even the Flash can't exactly dodge should not be dodgeable by a normal human like Batman.

Icyshadow wrote:

I am 100% sure. The moment he started dodging Darkseid's Omega Beams, I shifted fandom.

Something even the Flash can't exactly dodge should not be dodgeable by a normal human like Batman.

can't favorite this enough.

Silver Crusade

Icyshadow wrote:

I am 100% sure. The moment he started dodging Darkseid's Omega Beams, I shifted fandom.

Something even the Flash can't exactly dodge should not be dodgeable by a normal human like Batman.

That just sounds like bad writing, rather than something being wrong with the character concept.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm ok with class bloat.

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I tend to look down on games that have dry or boring character sheets. It took me years to warm up to D&D 3rd edition because their character sheet looked like a tax-form with virtually no attempt to make it look pretty (unfortunately, Pathfinder RPG's sheet is not far ahead).

In comparison, the World of Warcraft RPG published by Arthaus in 2005 had virtually the same sheet but aesthetically pleasing. Only then did I consider playing 3rd ed...

I always make my own sheets so I can decorate them and leave a BIG box on the front for your "character sketch or symbol." Most of the people I play with are also big on drawing their PCs.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Laurefindel wrote:

I tend to look down on games that have dry or boring character sheets. It took me years to warm up to D&D 3rd edition because their character sheet looked like a tax-form with virtually no attempt to make it look pretty (unfortunately, Pathfinder RPG's sheet is not far ahead).

In comparison, the World of Warcraft RPG published by Arthaus in 2005 had virtually the same sheet but aesthetically pleasing. Only then did I consider playing 3rd ed...

You did know that Arthaus was just another label for the late and great White Wolf? Arthaus was where all the D20 compatible stuff including Sovereign Stone was published under.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
I always make my own sheets so I can decorate them and leave a BIG box on the front for your "character sketch or symbol." Most of the people I play with are also big on drawing their PCs.

I make custom miniatures for my PCs....

LazarX wrote:
Laurefindel wrote:

I tend to look down on games that have dry or boring character sheets. It took me years to warm up to D&D 3rd edition because their character sheet looked like a tax-form with virtually no attempt to make it look pretty (unfortunately, Pathfinder RPG's sheet is not far ahead).

In comparison, the World of Warcraft RPG published by Arthaus in 2005 had virtually the same sheet but aesthetically pleasing. Only then did I consider playing 3rd ed...

You did know that Arthaus was just another label for the late and great White Wolf? Arthaus was where all the D20 compatible stuff including Sovereign Stone was published under.

didn't know, but not surprised...

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
I make custom miniatures for my PCs....

Dang! I've only met one guy who went to that length, and he was an art major. Then again, in my games we don't use miniatures...

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Confession: I like mechanical balance and I think it matters.

Icyshadow wrote:

I am 100% sure. The moment he started dodging Darkseid's Omega Beams, I shifted fandom.

Something even the Flash can't exactly dodge should not be dodgeable by a normal human like Batman.

Batman dodging Omega Beams IS ridiculous. I mean he's not even an alien who looks exactly like a human and can fly as a result of being exposed to yellow sunlight.

Seriously if Justice League Unlimited had 'bad writing', then bad writing is the bomb.

Um, I think Numeria is overrated as a setting.

I like Numeria as a setting.

Confession: I really hate the art of the barbarian charging the giant robot scorpion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kryzbyn wrote:
I'm ok with class bloat.

The number* of options was never one of my issues with D&D, and I still scratch my head whenever someone complains about it. Bloat is a feminine problem, this stuff is icing on the cake!

*Although the quality of those options sometimes leaves much to be desired.

Liberty's Edge

Lamontius wrote:

omg does it talk about full bab rogue in plate

It's about my PFS character and his backstory as a soldier in Tian Xia. Sorry. NEsod, Wizard, will be next, I promise.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lucky7 wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

omg does it talk about full bab rogue in plate

It's about my PFS character and his backstory as a soldier in Tian Xia. Sorry. NEsod, Wizard, will be next, I promise.

oh really


Shadow Lodge

magnumCPA wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:

I am 100% sure. The moment he started dodging Darkseid's Omega Beams, I shifted fandom.

Something even the Flash can't exactly dodge should not be dodgeable by a normal human like Batman.

Batman dodging Omega Beams IS ridiculous.

People need to stop repeating the lie that Batman is a normal human without powers. His power is that he's the biggest Mary Sue ever created. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way ain't got nothing on Bruce Wayne.

LazarX wrote:
Laurefindel wrote:

I tend to look down on games that have dry or boring character sheets. It took me years to warm up to D&D 3rd edition because their character sheet looked like a tax-form with virtually no attempt to make it look pretty (unfortunately, Pathfinder RPG's sheet is not far ahead).

In comparison, the World of Warcraft RPG published by Arthaus in 2005 had virtually the same sheet but aesthetically pleasing. Only then did I consider playing 3rd ed...

You did know that Arthaus was just another label for the late and great White Wolf? Arthaus was where all the D20 compatible stuff including Sovereign Stone was published under.

Arthaus also got Big Eyes Small Mouth 3rd ed. Great game imho, I wish it had been more popular.

Shadow Lodge

Arthaus just published BESM 3e. Guardians of the Order developed it fully before they folded.

I also wish BESM 3rd had been more popular. Means I might be able to get my hands on a print copy to go with my PDF of it for a price that isn't in the triple digits.

Johnico wrote:
I also wish BESM 3rd had been more popular. Means I might be able to get my hands on a print copy to go with my PDF of it for a price that isn't in the triple digits.

I had 2 copies pre-ordred from GOO before it disappeared. Arthaus sent me 4 hardcover copies as part of the takeover deal. So I got the game but after that, except for the main book in pdf there has been no support. A shame that it got buried like that but at least I have enough copies for almost a full playgroup to use at the table.

Calex wrote:
Johnico wrote:
I also wish BESM 3rd had been more popular. Means I might be able to get my hands on a print copy to go with my PDF of it for a price that isn't in the triple digits.
I had 2 copies pre-ordred from GOO before it disappeared. Arthaus sent me 4 hardcover copies as part of the takeover deal. So I got the game but after that, except for the main book in pdf there has been no support. A shame that it got buried like that but at least I have enough copies for almost a full playgroup to use at the table.

Are you talking about BESM d20? I have a hardcover of the "anime role-player's handbook" that has been sitting on my shelf, never used, like my EverQuest Player's Handbook.

As much as I love paperback for fiction, I am almost entirely pdf based when it comes to paizo stuff. I am considering going pdf for my own stuff.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
I always make my own sheets so I can decorate them and leave a BIG box on the front for your "character sketch or symbol." Most of the people I play with are also big on drawing their PCs.
I make custom miniatures for my PCs....

I've done that once - we were playing a superhero game and I was a mansized green amoeba from space. I melted a plastic army man.

Kryzbyn wrote:
I'm ok with class bloat.

I'm not just OK with it, I prefer it. I like to tinker and play with rules away from the table. I loved 3.x era for all the stuff we get.

Not surprisingly I have a bunch of PF 3PP books for just that reason.

Freehold DM wrote:
As much as I love paperback for fiction, I am almost entirely pdf based when it comes to paizo stuff. I am considering going pdf for my own stuff.

I made that switch a number of years ago myself. So much easier to store and carry. I wish Paizo had a Digital subscription - just everything on PDF. I can see business reasons they don't, but I'd like it. :D

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I prefer holding the actual book in my hands and turning the pages. Pdfs are a nice convenience when you have a lot of books and it isn't the DMs house you are meeting at (such as a game store, library, a player's house that is better than the DM's efficiency apartment, etc). But there is just something so much better about flipping a page compared to pressing an arrow key.

I too like "class bloat" and "race bloat", as I really enjoy options. I have something like 33 or so races available in my homebrew, and the Advanced Class Guide puts a big smile on my face.

Shadow Lodge

I agree. I tend to like how 3.5 handled it more than how PF handled it, personally, but that's just me. I kind of hate Golarion, and how so much of it is tied to Golarion, or at least designed with Golarion in mind doesn't help.

Adjule wrote:
I prefer holding the actual book in my hands and turning the pages. Pdfs are a nice convenience when you have a lot of books and it isn't the DMs house you are meeting at (such as a game store, library, a player's house that is better than the DM's efficiency apartment, etc). But there is just something so much better about flipping a page compared to pressing an arrow key.

I agree for actual books, novels and such, but for reference books a searchable document is far superior to a solid copy, I have to say.

Shadow Lodge

Rynjin wrote:
Adjule wrote:
I prefer holding the actual book in my hands and turning the pages. Pdfs are a nice convenience when you have a lot of books and it isn't the DMs house you are meeting at (such as a game store, library, a player's house that is better than the DM's efficiency apartment, etc). But there is just something so much better about flipping a page compared to pressing an arrow key.
I agree for actual books, novels and such, but for reference books a searchable document is far superior to a solid copy, I have to say.

There's also the matter of space. If I had a print copy of every PDF I own, I would need an apartment at least twice the size of my current one, mostly filled with bookshelves.

Shadow Lodge

Adjule wrote:
Are you talking about BESM d20?


No, there was a 3rd edition of BESM using the Tri-Stat system.

Adjule wrote:
Calex wrote:
Johnico wrote:
I also wish BESM 3rd had been more popular. Means I might be able to get my hands on a print copy to go with my PDF of it for a price that isn't in the triple digits.
I had 2 copies pre-ordred from GOO before it disappeared. Arthaus sent me 4 hardcover copies as part of the takeover deal. So I got the game but after that, except for the main book in pdf there has been no support. A shame that it got buried like that but at least I have enough copies for almost a full playgroup to use at the table.
Are you talking about BESM d20? I have a hardcover of the "anime role-player's handbook" that has been sitting on my shelf, never used, like my EverQuest Player's Handbook.

nope- BESM 3RD ED. It was rules-light with larger-than-life anime inspired game play and a point-buy character creation system analog to gurps or Champions. It was also DOA thanks to the financial shady-ness of GOO owner McKinnon. A great game over-shadowed by the failure of its creator's border-line fraudulent management, it never got a fair public showing imho.

EDIT: ninja'd by Kthulhu!

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have secretly, through many buffers and cat's paws, started every single monk thread ever.

Grand Lodge

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FFIX was to me, bar none, the best of the PS1 generation. The materia and junctioning systems in FFVII and FFVIII made every character play the same. I much preferred having an actual job system. And also, if people could just get over how . . . er, 'fabulous' . . . Kuja looked I think they might be able to see he's a much better and more effective villain than lame ol' Sephiroth. (And the only one who ever accomplished anything he set out to do---he killed what basically amounts to a god on his planet and destroyed it.)

I liked Justice League but LOVED Justice League: Unlimited because my favorite hero has always been Ollie Queen as Green Arrow. He's principled, kind of like Bats, but actually so and not so beloved by the fandom that writers are tempted to make him a ridiculously overpowered Mary Sue.

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't think that the d20 system is the end-all and be-all of roleplaying systems, making all others obsolete.

I think Monte Cooke is one of the most overrated game developers in the history if the industry.

Paizo does not have the highest production quality in the business.

I Think that 3.0/3.5/PFRPG has more in common with 4E than it does with prior editions of D&D.

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I am a published writer of erotica

limsk wrote:
I am a published writer of erotica

that is awesome.

I have a Deviantart account >.>'

Icyshadow wrote:
I have a Deviantart account >.>'

Me too. It's full of cheesecaKe, gaming related stuff and sweeping vistas.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There's cheesecake? Yum!

Freehold DM wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
I have a Deviantart account >.>'
Me too. It's full of cheesecaKe, gaming related stuff and sweeping vistas.

Links, please!

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You have been warned. NSFW

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I hate Pathfinder cleric domains and want the good old AD&D2 spheres back.

I hate 4th edition. (but that'll olny get me hated by half the forum, right? hihi)

Every time I build a PC for myself, I can't help but multiclass/cross-class-dip. (though I never do that when helping others or building npcs I DM?)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Icyshadow wrote:
You have been warned. NSFW

It's..... beautiful....

Kyoni wrote:
I hate Pathfinder cleric domains and want the good old AD&D2 spheres back.

I hate thumbing through domains, and I hate having my domains prepicked for me by my deity. Man, I thought creativity was part of her portfolio too.

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