Can a Tiefling take Tribal Scars?


Just wondering. If a Mammoth tribeswoman gave birth to a tiefling, would it be eligible for the feat?

I don't see why not, unless there's a particular reason a mammoth lord tribe wouldn't have a tiefling in the tribe. Not familiar with the lore myself, if I remember right they are usually humans but I don't see anything saying you can't be something else or planetouched aren't allowed.

Tieflings are Tieflings, no matter who gave birth to them. Even halfling born tieflings are tieflings (just short and slow).

You'd probably have to take the adopted trait or a get your GM to let you take a 'racial heritage' feat to count also as that race.

Or the GM can just handwave it.

mdt wrote:
You'd probably have to take the adopted trait or a get your GM to let you take a 'racial heritage' feat to count also as that race.

Why? Doesn't have a racial requirement. Just says you have to be a member of the mammoth lord tribes. Is there a rule somewhere that they're a human only group?

Of course if your outside of PFS you can just GM fiat it anyway. Reskinning wouldn't hurt it.

MrSin wrote:
mdt wrote:
You'd probably have to take the adopted trait or a get your GM to let you take a 'racial heritage' feat to count also as that race.

Why? Doesn't have a racial requirement. Just says you have to be a member of the mammoth lord tribes. Is there a rule somewhere that they're a human only group?

Of course if your outside of PFS you can just GM fiat it anyway. Reskinning wouldn't hurt it.

I don't run in Golarion, I thought Mammoth Tribe was a race, based on the way the OP posted the question. I just tracked it down on PFSRD20. Ok, yeah, as long as he's an official (and not ostracized) member of the tribes, he should be golden, even being a tiefling. If he's not a born member, the adopted trait would allow him to also take it (he's adopted by them) I would rule, although PFS would probably not allow it.

Ok, thanks guys!

Silver Crusade

mdt wrote:
although PFS would probably not allow it

It's just a feat (a pretty good one) that has a direct pre-requisite. Tribal Scars. There is nothing to exclude a tiefling from taking it. Why do you think it would be illegal in PFS? Society Play is very strict on the rules as written, but that's it.

ErrantPursuit wrote:
mdt wrote:
although PFS would probably not allow it
It's just a feat (a pretty good one) that has a direct pre-requisite. Tribal Scars. There is nothing to exclude a tiefling from taking it. Why do you think it would be illegal in PFS? Society Play is very strict on the rules as written, but that's it.

Because Adopted trait has one and only one listed use. It lets you pick another races trait. It doesn't let you pick another tribes feats. So if you aren't of the tribe, but were adopted by the tribe, then I don't think under PFS rules you could take the feat.

Well, I am planning on using it for a PFS game. They are running all the society legal parts of Reign of Winter and I wanted to get into the feel of the north. That feat is great in it's benefits and it fits in well with the adventure path.

Phithis wrote:
Well, I am planning on using it for a PFS game. They are running all the society legal parts of Reign of Winter and I wanted to get into the feel of the north. That feat is great in it's benefits and it fits in well with the adventure path.

Yep, so just make sure you're actually from the tribe, and not adopted, you should be ok.

Silver Crusade

mdt wrote:
Because Adopted trait has one and only one listed use. It lets you pick another races trait. It doesn't let you pick another tribes feats. So if you aren't of the tribe, but were adopted by the tribe, then I don't think under PFS rules you could take the feat.

I missed the part where you were suggesting to take it via Adopted for being adopted into the tribe. I had the impression you were saying that a Tiefling in PFS would probably not be able to take Tribal Scars. Glad to see I misunderstood.

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