Candide |

No one in my group took the Child of the Crusades trait OR the Heirophant one. I'm trying to bring those quest in somehow. The rift warden orphan could be the child of the crusades too. But no one really fits the other trait. I just think it's too cool to miss once the fallen fane is completed. Any ideas?

Candide |

Fighter has Champion/Stolen Fury,
Cleric has Heirophant/Stolen Fury,
Sorcerer has Archmage/Riftwarden Orphan,
Ranger has Guardian/Exposed to Awfulness
Paladin has Champion/Exposed to Awfulness
Slayer has Trickster/Chance Encounter
The Sorcerer's background works with child of crusades since it's about her family, trouble is going to be the quest starts from a letter from her parents ideally. Arivashniel could have known them and I could change it to where he is supposed to give her the letter at some point in her life. Given the start of the campaign, that could have been impossible, and once the queen's entourage comes to Drezen, so could Aravashniel's things(magic stuff). He gives her the letter talking of a family history, a family ghost, and pointing to the thing they killed them. Just spitballing right now.
I'm tempted to just have the one at the Fane just happen to the dwarf cleric or the aasimar Ranger. Both are Iomedaeans(the pally has Radiance which is special enough). But they wouldn't get the additional mythic trial benefit.

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To be perfectly honest, I'd just strip the quest out of Child of the Crusades, or use it for a cohort or something. It's the least interesting of the trait quests (in my opinion). If anything, rewrite it a little so that it points her in the direction of Xanthir Vang.
Alternatively, I might suggest just reassigning the quests regardless of trait. So for those six...
Fighter: Dreaming of Demons
Cleric: Stopping the Raids (change it so that Marhevok was put through a ritual as well. And make him Mythic. Seriously.)
Sorcerer: Child of Vengeance
Ranger: Reclaiming the Fane
Paladin: Finishing the Job (if you really must)
Slayer: Saving a Succubus
This way, everyone gets to have a quest all their own. It doesn't matter that the book didn't assign them those quests.
Thoughts so far?

Candide |

I think that can work. Thanks.
Also, tomorrow's session will be the Jeskar Helton battle. Preparing for the eventuality of my PCs failing sense motive checks, and the Shachath Demon appearing. What would his tactics be? Seems like Greater Invisibility, then Blasphemy could TPK the group, but I could be underestimating Mythic PCs. But at his CL, that spell, paralyzes, weakens and dazes. If they fail, I fear it makes sense for the demon to coup de grace everyone since he wants to make a good impression with Aponavicius. I generally don't pull many punches especially for demons.

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Sorry for the delay.
I'm not as familiar with your group's tactics; mine quickly faerie fired the demoness, so greater invisibility was right out. Quinarch might not know the PCs' tactics, but she has access to Jesker's knowledge - including the PCs' reputations.
-Her caster level is 13, so only 8th-level and lower characters should be paralyzed by her blasphemy. Also, mythic surges might help the PCs make their saves. Weakened is still bad news for them, though.
-I'd be more worried about suggestion - turning them against each other or trying to set someone up for a lava bath could be nasty.
-A major image to hide some lava might also deter the second person to charge her, or let suggestion walk someone into it.
-If the party is heavy on lawful-aligned aasimar and tieflings, a chaos hammer could do some real damage; they're "lawful outsiders", so they get the 10d6.
That's what I've got so far.

Seannoss |

That's how I played him. The cleric or wizard PC made their save and everyone teleported to safety. Jeskar died. I had the demon stay around for awhile but he was gone by the time the PCs came back.
Looking over your group, 2-3 PCs should make the save and that could easily be enough to take on a non-mythic opponent.

Candide |

Basically I have 5 meleers and a Sorcerer with Haste and some fire spells. Maybe half the group is optimized the other, not so much. I've suggested and dominated the fighter a lot, which is now a running gag that he always fails will saves. The paladin has huge saves, and has Radiance as a legendary weapon making it intelligent, and animated(/facepalm). The Slayer is invisible most fights and undetectable, so I've ignored him.
The party has 2 Aasimar, but only the Pally is LG.
I was looking at Blasphemy wrong. I'm glad that's cleared up.
Suggestion to walk into the lava, or any other harmful action fails, as per the spell. Chaos Hammer is going to work on the Paladin the most. I might add Unholy Blight to it's spells... I know it's not supposed to be a boss type, rip roaring encounter, but I don't want them thinking things are easy. Then again, the weakness on the Blasphemy will scare them a lot.

Necroceine |

Sorry for the delay.
-If the party is heavy on lawful-aligned aasimar and tieflings, a chaos hammer could do some real damage; they're "lawful outsiders", so they get the 10d6.
Just gotta say that's not actually true. I had the same misconception which I nearly used with the angel slayer ranger "random" encounter. But aligned aasimar and tieflings don't gain alignment subtypes so it doesn't work that way. They are only native outsiders.
This does mean if you give an enemy native outsider bane or favored enemy it affects both races though.
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Kalindlara wrote:Sorry for the delay.
-If the party is heavy on lawful-aligned aasimar and tieflings, a chaos hammer could do some real damage; they're "lawful outsiders", so they get the 10d6.
Just gotta say that's not actually true. I had the same misconception which I nearly used with the angel slayer ranger "random" encounter. But aligned aasimar and tieflings don't gain alignment subtypes so it doesn't work that way. They are only native outsiders.
This does mean if you give an enemy native outsider bane or favored enemy it affects both races though.
Do you have any citations for that, please?
When the rules mean what you're saying, they generally refer to "outsiders with the lawful subtype". However, chaos hammer and its ilk only ask for "lawful outsiders"; e.g., an outsider that is lawful.
The ranger's favored enemy ability specifies that they must select a subtype of outsider: "If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table below."
If you have more info I should refer to, I'd be interested in seeing it; I could be wrong, after all.

Candide |

Well Blasphemy scared all of them but eventually the day was won. Afterward the party made a B-line for the Fallen Fane(an area I had not prepared) and crushed Zanedra, and company. They've heard about the Woundwyrm now, and can't wait to kill it(while being 9th level/3MT). I've half a mind to say are you sure? And then let them find it. 6 mythic PCs vs a CR ATLEAST 2 higher(9 levels plus 1.5-3 from tiers, plus 1 from larger party). Woundwyrm itself is CR 15.

Necroceine |

If you have more info I should refer to, I'd be interested in seeing it; I could be wrong, after all.
Sorry it's been a long time since I checked the forum, but the monster entry for Tiefling should tell you all you need to know if rangers being able to select Outsider (Native) as a favored enemy isn't enough.
As you can see, they only have the Native subtype despite being neutral evil.
Xanthir Vang...worthless foe after losing initiative to the witch and her feeblemind.
Yeah...he has a minor melee attack with the rod...
Ah well. An hour of preparation to feed the egos of my players. So much for a mythic trial.
Also, I realize this is too late, but worms that walk are treated as swarms for the purpose of spells. The feeblemind would've just targeted one of the many worms taking up his body. Maybe this'll help you in the future, and don't feel too bad. I've made my share of mistakes in regards to monsters during this campaign. Never going to such a high level again.

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Kalindlara wrote:If you have more info I should refer to, I'd be interested in seeing it; I could be wrong, after all.Sorry it's been a long time since I checked the forum, but the monster entry for Tiefling should tell you all you need to know if rangers being able to select Outsider (Native) as a favored enemy isn't enough.
As you can see, they only have the Native subtype despite being neutral evil.
I never said they had the evil subtype. I said they were evil outsiders, which is all those spells look for.
Are they outsiders? Y/N
Are they evil? Y/N
If the answer to both is yes, then they are indeed evil outsiders. This is not the same as outsiders with the evil subtype. But unholy blight and holy smite don't say "outsider with the good/evil subtype". They say "good/evil outsider"
Is the subject an outsider? Y/N
Is the outsider good/evil? Y/N
Does the distinction make sense yet?

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Kalindlara wrote:If you have more info I should refer to, I'd be interested in seeing it; I could be wrong, after all.Sorry it's been a long time since I checked the forum, but the monster entry for Tiefling should tell you all you need to know if rangers being able to select Outsider (Native) as a favored enemy isn't enough.
As you can see, they only have the Native subtype despite being neutral evil.
Nylarthotep wrote:Also, I realize this is too late, but worms that walk are treated as swarms for the purpose of spells. The feeblemind would've just targeted one of the many worms taking up his body. Maybe this'll help you in the future, and don't feel too bad. I've made my share of mistakes in regards to monsters during this campaign. Never going to such a high level again.Xanthir Vang...worthless foe after losing initiative to the witch and her feeblemind.
Yeah...he has a minor melee attack with the rod...
Ah well. An hour of preparation to feed the egos of my players. So much for a mythic trial.
except WtW are a have mind and effected. I gave him a ring of counterspell with feeblemind. I play wizards and this spell scares them big time.

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Necroceine wrote:except WtW are a hive mind and effected. I gave him a ring of counterspell with feeblemind. I play wizards and this spell scares them big time.Kalindlara wrote:If you have more info I should refer to, I'd be interested in seeing it; I could be wrong, after all.Sorry it's been a long time since I checked the forum, but the monster entry for Tiefling should tell you all you need to know if rangers being able to select Outsider (Native) as a favored enemy isn't enough.
As you can see, they only have the Native subtype despite being neutral evil.
Nylarthotep wrote:Also, I realize this is too late, but worms that walk are treated as swarms for the purpose of spells. The feeblemind would've just targeted one of the many worms taking up his body. Maybe this'll help you in the future, and don't feel too bad. I've made my share of mistakes in regards to monsters during this campaign. Never going to such a high level again.Xanthir Vang...worthless foe after losing initiative to the witch and her feeblemind.
Yeah...he has a minor melee attack with the rod...
Ah well. An hour of preparation to feed the egos of my players. So much for a mythic trial.

Candide |

Well my group of 6 level 9/tier3's took out the Woundwyrm in 5 rounds. I should have used the damaging breath and not the poison gas one. They all passed fort saves easily. I did kill the paladin but he was raised after the encounter. I added the loot from child of crusades to the dragons hoard since no one took that trait.
My party downsized 1. The Slayer's player switched to another group. Which means that I'm not sad if he dies. Might be interesting as he was the one searching for Arueshalae.
Next up on their tour of terror, Marhevok and his drake. Gotta make this guy mythic so he's not a pushover. Thinking Crossblooded Bloodrager(arcane/abyssal) to have some magical effects going, large size and wielding a nasty big weapon. Or changing archetype of Barbarian. Party has plenty of loot so giving him magic gear won't enrich them that much.

Nylarthotep |

Nylarthotep wrote:Also, I realize this is too late, but worms that walk are treated as swarms for the purpose of spells. The feeblemind would've just targeted one of the many worms taking up his body. Maybe this'll help you in the future, and don't feel too bad. I've made my share of mistakes in regards to monsters during this campaign. Never going to such a high level again.Xanthir Vang...worthless foe after losing initiative to the witch and her feeblemind.
Yeah...he has a minor melee attack with the rod...
Ah well. An hour of preparation to feed the egos of my players. So much for a mythic trial.
As noted, WtW have a hive mind and their entry specifically says:
Worm that Walks Traits: blah blah blahMind-affecting effects that target single creatures function normally against a worm that walks, since the creature’s individual components share a hive mind.
blah blah blah
I was all hyped up to tell the paladin his smite did not work and that the magic missile would kill a single worm...but feeblemind just borked the combat.

Candide |

Kalindlara, the trouble I'm foreseeing is that there are 6 PC's vs. 2 main enemies(Marhevock and Beverack, his drake) and a slew of low level barbarians that won't be able to touch the PCs. They are speedbumps maybe.
I've got two versions. Both rely on being large and hitting like a mack truck. Trouble is, the AC/Defenses of those are super low. One is barbarian, other is Bloodrager. Bloodrager has neater tricks like Mirror Image, Displacement, and Mirror Dodge. Hell even fly trumps most of my PCs(5 melee types(the cleric too) and a sorcerer)).
Depending on the height of the ceiling, fly could be used with a reach weapon. But I do like the idea of your grappler.

Ssyvan |

Just finished reading through this thread, and I can't wait until my group starts up on this book. We alternate APs after each book, and have two games running at once. We had been running Mummy's Mask, but our group was steamrolling the path, so we dropped that and started Iron Gods.
It actually works out rather well as I'll probably do the rebuilding of Drezen and give them 2 months of downtime through emails as we start to wind down on book one of Iron Gods.

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Kalindlara, the trouble I'm foreseeing is that there are 6 PC's vs. 2 main enemies(Marhevock and Beverack, his drake) and a slew of low level barbarians that won't be able to touch the PCs. They are speedbumps maybe.
I've got two versions. Both rely on being large and hitting like a mack truck. Trouble is, the AC/Defenses of those are super low. One is barbarian, other is Bloodrager. Bloodrager has neater tricks like Mirror Image, Displacement, and Mirror Dodge. Hell even fly trumps most of my PCs(5 melee types(the cleric too) and a sorcerer)).
Depending on the height of the ceiling, fly could be used with a reach weapon. But I do like the idea of your grappler.
Definitely use Marhevok as a Bloodrager. There are a few builds here on the boards that are nice. The ice drake is a pushover in the confined space of the Wintersun stronghold. Even using the decanter of endless water & the drakes breath weapon to freeze the floor my PCs had little trouble taking them out. It helped that the Inquisitor scouted the entire structure invisibly using his gloves of reconnaissance.

Candide |

The encounter was a nail biter for the party as the Paladin and Marhevok the Bloodrager went toe to toe. They went in and weren't really sure of a plan other than to talk to him. I combined a few ways of interacting with him and he eventually felt like the paladin, who he saw as kin via the exposed to awfulness trait, was attempting to overthrow his rulership. I didn't have the frost drake since I made the Bloodrager more of a beast with dual path. It was a fairly even fight since none of the other PCs joined in(viewing it like the ancient trials of combat for sarkorans). Then when the pally needed to heal more Marhevok cast mythic Black tentacles(several levels higher than the PCs due to being a single threat). That occupied the party till the sorceress Dim Doored out and next round killed the Bloodrager with a mythic magic missile. I missed on a lot of attacks which was lucky for the paladin, but it's nice to see them act scared for the first time in awhile.
The palmas in player though has to drop the group for real life reasons. So I'm down to 4 players. Which is nice actually.

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My party fluctuates from 4-7 players, 20 pt buy, and they're all veteran players so the stock adventure is not going to challenge them. I have really enjoyed using sc8rpi8n_mjd's statblocks for the BBEGs and sub-boss monsters. I've also liberally used the simple advanced template on all the mooks to make them more than just a speedbump.
As you're still hexploring, I recommend using 15% per hex entered and 45% per day exploring or resting for random encounters, as well as using the weather (and tables) from the Worldwound setting book. I do not use straight xp (use SKR's step system, similar to Unchained staggered advancement rules) so I don't worry throwing to many or too few encounters. I really enjoy using the extra enemies in the bestiary of each adventure somehow.

Ssyvan |

Okay, to those that have run this:
-Is 5% per Hex entered and 15% per day/night in a Hex too little? Since it takes a day to traverse a Hex and two days to explore it, I highly doubt this would lead to anything other than slaughter. To those that have done it this way was it fun for your players?
-The bestiary back of the book says there is a 45% chance of an encounter for *every hour* exploring. That seems absurdly high. Has anyone done this?
-I bought the campaign setting for the worldwound and it has an entirely different list of monster encounters, should I use this as it is generally much harder than the one the AP presents.
-Or should I do some combination of the above? Other recommendations?

Necroceine |

Necroceine wrote:Kalindlara wrote:If you have more info I should refer to, I'd be interested in seeing it; I could be wrong, after all.Sorry it's been a long time since I checked the forum, but the monster entry for Tiefling should tell you all you need to know if rangers being able to select Outsider (Native) as a favored enemy isn't enough.
As you can see, they only have the Native subtype despite being neutral evil.
I never said they had the evil subtype. I said they were evil outsiders, which is all those spells look for.
Are they outsiders? Y/N
Are they evil? Y/NIf the answer to both is yes, then they are indeed evil outsiders. This is not the same as outsiders with the evil subtype. But unholy blight and holy smite don't say "outsider with the good/evil subtype". They say "good/evil outsider"
Is the subject an outsider? Y/N
Is the outsider good/evil? Y/NDoes the distinction make sense yet?
No, I'm sorry but you're just wrong. The distinction works the other way around. They say "good/evil outsider" because they mean an outsider with the good/evil subtype. The spells do more damage because aligned outsiders are embodiments of their alignment, as evidenced by their stronger alignment auras.
Native outsiders with an aligment have no more of an alignment aura than anyone else (unless it's from their class of course. Therefore there is no reason to believe an alignment based spell would hit them harder than an aligned human.

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Kalindlara wrote:Necroceine wrote:Kalindlara wrote:If you have more info I should refer to, I'd be interested in seeing it; I could be wrong, after all.Sorry it's been a long time since I checked the forum, but the monster entry for Tiefling should tell you all you need to know if rangers being able to select Outsider (Native) as a favored enemy isn't enough.
As you can see, they only have the Native subtype despite being neutral evil.
I never said they had the evil subtype. I said they were evil outsiders, which is all those spells look for.
Are they outsiders? Y/N
Are they evil? Y/NIf the answer to both is yes, then they are indeed evil outsiders. This is not the same as outsiders with the evil subtype. But unholy blight and holy smite don't say "outsider with the good/evil subtype". They say "good/evil outsider"
Is the subject an outsider? Y/N
Is the outsider good/evil? Y/NDoes the distinction make sense yet?
No, I'm sorry but you're just wrong. The distinction works the other way around. They say "good/evil outsider" because they mean an outsider with the good/evil subtype. The spells do more damage because aligned outsiders are embodiments of their alignment, as evidenced by their stronger alignment auras.
Native outsiders with an aligment have no more of an alignment aura than anyone else (unless it's from their class of course. Therefore there is no reason to believe an alignment based spell would hit them harder than an aligned human.
No reason to believe so... except for the rules, which make various distinctions between "good/evil outsider" and "outsider with the good/evil subtype". In addition, "stronger alignment auras" have nothing to do with these spells - a cleric or paladin does not take additional damage from these spells simply because of their aura class feature.
I'm sorry, but your position is still incorrect.
Please consider these previous discussions on this matter:
If you wish to continue this discussion, I recommend creating a thread in the Rules Questions forum, rather than clogging this thread up any further.

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Okay, to those that have run this:
-Is 5% per Hex entered and 15% per day/night in a Hex too little? Since it takes a day to traverse a Hex and two days to explore it, I highly doubt this would lead to anything other than slaughter. To those that have done it this way was it fun for your players?
-The bestiary back of the book says there is a 45% chance of an encounter for *every hour* exploring. That seems absurdly high. Has anyone done this?
-I bought the campaign setting for the worldwound and it has an entirely different list of monster encounters, should I use this as it is generally much harder than the one the AP presents.
-Or should I do some combination of the above? Other recommendations?
Look at my post directly above yours....

Ssyvan |

Ssyvan wrote:Look at my post directly above yours....Okay, to those that have run this:
-Is 5% per Hex entered and 15% per day/night in a Hex too little? Since it takes a day to traverse a Hex and two days to explore it, I highly doubt this would lead to anything other than slaughter. To those that have done it this way was it fun for your players?
-The bestiary back of the book says there is a 45% chance of an encounter for *every hour* exploring. That seems absurdly high. Has anyone done this?
-I bought the campaign setting for the worldwound and it has an entirely different list of monster encounters, should I use this as it is generally much harder than the one the AP presents.
-Or should I do some combination of the above? Other recommendations?
I'm oblivious... Thanks!

Seannoss |

Additionally I rolled up random terrain features for each hex and random encounters ahead of time to try and blend the two together for a more interesting feel. I would also only use extra encounters to extend an adventuring day, as noted throwing only one encounter at PCs in the wilderness is only a speed bump and usually not worth spending time on.
Especially for mythic types.

Ssyvan |

Yeah, I think that might be the best route to go. Still roll everything randomly, but pre-generate it so that it doesn't feel like a speed bump.
I also wanted to fill that map with some more POIs, so maybe that'll mix well?
But we'll see, I'm not sure how much time they will want to spend exploring.

Candide |

So in a random turn of events I am back down to 4 players. The paladin player had to drop due to work schedule.
So now my party is a ranger(guardian), sorcerer(Archmage), cleric(Heirophant) and fighter(champion). The damage dealers dropped(the slayer and pally) for life reasons. I'm completely stuck on getting them to the Succubus which is going to be this next session. I suppose she would reach out to the sorceress since she is more deifically similar to the Succubus. The story just doesn't have quite the punch that it would have given that the slayer had the chance encounter trait.

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So in a random turn of events I am back down to 4 players. The paladin player had to drop due to work schedule.
So now my party is a ranger(guardian), sorcerer(Archmage), cleric(Heirophant) and fighter(champion). The damage dealers dropped(the slayer and pally) for life reasons. I'm completely stuck on getting them to the Succubus which is going to be this next session. I suppose she would reach out to the sorceress since she is more deifically similar to the Succubus. The story just doesn't have quite the punch that it would have given that the slayer had the chance encounter trait.
Re-writing the adventures to fit your party is always going to be a given since the designers and authors can't anticipate every hiccup we experience at the table.
In my group we have a long history of planar adventuring from 2e Planescape and our group is a Golarion reimagining of that group of adventurers. The paladin from the old campaign met and fell in love with a demon (alu-fiend) and even though the current paladin (same player) has the Touched by Awfulness trait I re-wrote the mythic trials so rescueing Arueshalae was his campaign mythic trial (and the falling in love option of the succubus's redemption) and the rescue of possessed Jesker Helton was the trial for our tiefling inquisitor of Erastil because of shared god and the theme of an inquisitor casting out the demon from his fellow priest.
We're on the last set of encounters in the Ivory Sanctum and defeating Jerribeth will make up for our dwarven barabrian champion missing the night they faced the Woundwyrm. The glabrezu has not only already killed the dwarf once in the Sanctum, but it was her blood that gave him the stolen fury trait.
--Vrock and Awe

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No one in my group took the Child of the Crusades trait OR the Heirophant one. I'm trying to bring those quest in somehow. The rift warden orphan could be the child of the crusades too. But no one really fits the other trait. I just think it's too cool to miss once the fallen fane is completed. Any ideas?
I'm adding a druid (Menhir Savant) sibling of my Riftwarden Orphan, who is trying to keep the local Ley lines clear of abyssal corruption. It will allow me to include Greengrave Keep and get the players exploring the Worldwound a bit.
Not decided if Palura's Fall will make an appearence.
I found the Worldwound book really helpful with this book in particular, the weather stuff in particular just isn't messed up enough for the worldwound and the descriptions of the plantlife etc, are really cool.
Going to be fun having my players defend the Spiral hill from waves of Daemonic minions

Ssyvan |

So I'm starting this rather soon and to get ready I wanted to print out a blank Hex map with all of the locals the player's are aware of. I thought I recalled a blank hex map in the player's guide, but I looked and there wasn't one.
So does anyone know if there is one and if so where?
Also Mrs Camelot,
I second your comment on the Worldwound book being really helpful!

Nylarthotep |

Drat, I guess I'll end up drawing it on the back of our battlemat then, thanks!
If you are an adventure path subscriber you get access to the interactive maps pdf. You can turn off labels on that. It still shows all the terrain for the area around drezen, but does not have all the labels of where stuff is. I am not sure if that is what you meant by "blank hex map."
If you are not a subscriber I am not sure how to tell you to get access to the pdf.

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Ssyvan wrote:Drat, I guess I'll end up drawing it on the back of our battlemat then, thanks!If you are an adventure path subscriber you get access to the interactive maps pdf. You can turn off labels on that. It still shows all the terrain for the area around drezen, but does not have all the labels of where stuff is. I am not sure if that is what you meant by "blank hex map."
If you are not a subscriber I am not sure how to tell you to get access to the pdf.
I'll have to look into this - if it clears off all signs of where encounters are, that would be really useful. Thank you! ^_^

Nylarthotep |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Cool, I'll look into that. Thanks!
I am not trying to be a total Paizo pimp, but here is link to product (and by link, I mean URL):
http://paizo.com/products/btpy94r4?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Wrath-of-the-R ighteous-Interactive-MapsIf it is inappropriate to post such commercial links in this thread, I apologize.

Ssyvan |
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Okay, after having run the opening session of this I wanted to drop in here and get some feedback and offer some of my own for everyone else.
We didn't get too far, but I did run the Drake Rider encounter, and I cannot caution against this enough.
He's listed as doing +21 d8+11+d6, but this adds up too fast when you start taking everything into account.
Using Power Attack - +18 d8+20+d6
Using Alter Self - +19 d8+22+d6
Charging with Spirited Charge - +21 3d8+66+d6
Higher Ground - +22 3d8+66+d6
Not to mention the Rift Drake who has Pounce gets (applying Charge, Power Attack, Higher Ground, etc)
+18 2d8+19 plus Bleed
+12 d10+12 plus Trip
I don't know about everyone else, but most in my party don't have 90+ HP and their ACs run from 25-30.
The Drake Rider alone is hitting for 83 damage on average, which will knock out 3 of 5 of my PCs, causing the Rift Drake's attacks to kill them.
Anyways, to anyone running this I would say make sure to review the encounter and run it at an appropriate time. I did it while they were traveling from Drezen to the Lost Chapel, so they were caught in the open which was a huge advantage for the Drake Rider. I actually goofed on a number of things, and as is they didn't actually defeat the Drake Rider, just scared him off. Had I not goofed, two of my players would've died, one of them before *anyone* had a chance to act in initiative (thought about granting the Drake Rider a Sinful Medal of Agility for that).

Ssyvan |

Quick question about the Shachath. I see it is listed as having Change Shape, but the keyed spell is Alter Self. The weird thing is it lists "medium or large humanoid", but as far as I know you can't use Alter Self to turn into a Large humanoid.
Anyone know what they mean by this?
Did they mean to give it Giant Form I? Because if so that changes its prowess rather substantially...