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![]() 1) Martial Bard (dervish dancer/arcane duelist) 2) Zen Archer 3) Sound Striker Bard 4) Dragonblood Chymist (Using alchemy to make yourself more like a dragon is the best idea, and being forced to use bombs a little differently makes it feel pretty different from regular alchemists) 5) Feral Gnasher Goblin Barbarian (Goblins bashing their enemies with chair legs. What's not to like?) ![]()
![]() Kalindlara wrote:
No, I'm sorry but you're just wrong. The distinction works the other way around. They say "good/evil outsider" because they mean an outsider with the good/evil subtype. The spells do more damage because aligned outsiders are embodiments of their alignment, as evidenced by their stronger alignment auras. Native outsiders with an aligment have no more of an alignment aura than anyone else (unless it's from their class of course. Therefore there is no reason to believe an alignment based spell would hit them harder than an aligned human. ![]()
![]() Kalindlara wrote: If you have more info I should refer to, I'd be interested in seeing it; I could be wrong, after all. Sorry it's been a long time since I checked the forum, but the monster entry for Tiefling should tell you all you need to know if rangers being able to select Outsider (Native) as a favored enemy isn't enough. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/tiefling As you can see, they only have the Native subtype despite being neutral evil. Nylarthotep wrote:
Also, I realize this is too late, but worms that walk are treated as swarms for the purpose of spells. The feeblemind would've just targeted one of the many worms taking up his body. Maybe this'll help you in the future, and don't feel too bad. I've made my share of mistakes in regards to monsters during this campaign. Never going to such a high level again. ![]()
![]() Kalindlara wrote:
Just gotta say that's not actually true. I had the same misconception which I nearly used with the angel slayer ranger "random" encounter. But aligned aasimar and tieflings don't gain alignment subtypes so it doesn't work that way. They are only native outsiders. This does mean if you give an enemy native outsider bane or favored enemy it affects both races though.![]()
![]() What I did in a similar situation, is I gave my party of five four swarmbane clasps from Aravashnial, because he foresaw the party's lack of swarm-fighting capability as a problem going up against Deskari's forces. But then, Nurah found out about his plan and sneaked into his tent to replace two of them with fakes (using four castings of Magic Aura to remove the aura from the two real ones and place auras on the fakes). Then, aside from the ninja, everyone was knocked out by Soltengrebbe and thrown in the dungeon, where Nurah took the other two clasps and cast magic aura on all four fakes. They didn't find out until they convinced her to join them after killing Staunton (twice! because they didn't check his room for treasure), and they ran into a tick swarm when returning to the chapel, because it was only then that the paladin got the idea to restore it (I forgot they were compelled to). Nurah was with them, so she gave them a warning when ticks started to gather. They decided to stay anyway, and a few hours later the bard was dead from blood loss. She and the magus of Ragathiel didn't talk to her for a while after that. ![]()
![]() So I made a slight alteration to an enemy:
GM Eyes Only!: Kiranda. I just replaced her two levels in Duelist with levels in Swashbuckler. It seemed obvious, but this appears to completely break her.
With her Charisma she gets 8 Panache with the ability to get +8 AC vs one attack per round. And if you replace the weapon finesse feat she gets anyway with Combat Reflexes, as seemed, again, to be the most obvious choice, she can attempt to parry and riposte another six attacks. This will of course cost 7/8 of her panache if she does all that in one round, but she can. But then with a 25% crit chance, she has a pretty decent chance of regaining one panache per round, before considering the damage output she'd have potentially dropping some PCs. I thought it might be fun to try out one of the new classes here and it made sense. But I'm afraid I have to make this a "what if" scenario if anything because it just seems highly likely they'll lose, especially if they have to fight her alongside Staunton and Nurah (she got away) and their "mooks" which'll probably also happen with her ridiculous disguise bonus. ![]()
![]() My group just went up against Soltengrebbe, who I had enlarged and tripled her HP but halved her damage. She still took out an average of one PC per round and unfortunately the paladin had already used her smites on Moxsahbuul and the Bodak stalker I decided it made sense for him to team up with. It actually wasn't exactly a team but Moxsahbuul allowing the Bodak to stay in his crypt for the additional protection, which ended up not doing a lot of good when the paladin scored three crits in a round. They did not fight together. They had no con damage because of lesser restoration potions but the Bodak did manage four negative levels on the magus and ninja before they could avert their eyes; it stood right in front of the inner door as the opened it, as much for the creepy factor as for the gaze attack. Sadly their luck ran out against Soltengrebbe and they could barely touch her the first few rounds, and they had not fully healed because they weren't expecting the fight. The fight lasted somewhere between 15 and 18 rounds; I stopped paying attention to the count after the fleeing magus was caught and bitten to death. The ninja is the only one who got away with a potion of invisibility (thankfully choosing to trail Soltengrebbe so I don't have to get them back and they have an out), but I'm going to have Soltengrebbe bring them be placed in the dungeon in the antimagic cell. One of the PC's parents is captured there too, so along with Arushelae's cell it should be quite an interesting (though cramped) start to the next session at least. Specifically I plan on the PC's father shake them awake. Almost like it was all a dream for a second. And then another fakeout that they're dead because they think their father is dead. I doubt the player will believe either but we'll see! ![]()
![]() We just started this week, and will be hosting our second session tomorrow. Elisa - Agathion-blooded Aasimar Paladin of Sarenrae, self proclaimed rival of the same player's half-orc inquisitor from our Council of Thieves campaign. Child of the Crusades. She couldn't manage to be a dervish dancer, so she uses her scimitar with brute force. Lushita - Human Bard friend of Elisa dragged along from Varisia to record her sure-to-be epic tale of demon slaying. Chance Encounter, mostly support and skill monkey. Kasidra - Tiefling Magus of Ragathiel whose parents were slaughtered by half-fiend minotaurs during the attack on Kenabres that cracked the wardstone. Acquaintance of Aravashnial. Obviously altered Riftwarden Orphan. Very anti-demon focused in all possible ways. Phes - Human Cleric of Shelyn with an oversized family; living with 4 siblings and both parents, as well as being a cousin of Elisa's. Something of an apprentice to Sosiel. Touched by Divinity, glaive-wielding reach cleric. I intend to play it up as the favored weapon of both Shelyn and Baphomet, culminating in
the fight against the Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth. Sensu - Orphaned Kitsune Ninja living in the waller slums. Chance Encounter, and as such an old friend of Lushita's. Has yet to stand out in combat because of how cramped it's been with three or more other front line fighters. |