Mechanical Pear |

So, basically, I'm wanting to carry around two weapons. A throwing weapon for normal size, and a throwing weapon for when I enlarge myself. If I just put a larger throwing weapon in a handy haversack, would it not get enlarged (and therefore, not get smaller when I throw it)? Or does everything in this extra-dimensional space get enlarged as well?
Of course, all of this can be avoided if I can just find some "Sizing" weapon ability, or whatever (a weapon that I can, as a command, make larger or smaller). But I can't find such a thing within Pathfinder main rules. I would really, REALLY like to not have to pay for two separate weapons, identical in every way except size. But I dunno what else to do.
I realize I could always just drop the larger weapon, Enlarge, then pick it up, but I'd rather not use that many actions, and provoke.
And while I have your attention: If Lead Blades is cast on a melee weapon, does it temporarily lose the spell benefits if I throw it?

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Okies. Everything enlarges with you. Your throwing weapon would be appropriate for your size (and gain the increased damage of it as well), until you threw it - in which case it reverts to its normal size.
The only way around two weapons, that I can think of, is to use a throwing weapon one size larger. Most of the 'throwing' weapons are light, so next size up they count as One Handed.
Ofcourse you'd have to deal with the -2 inappropriately sized weapon penalty...
Lead Blades is not lost if you throw a melee weapon. It just needs to be a melee weapon to have the spell cast upon it. This applies to Agile as well.
EDIT: Lead Blades cannot be used with a thrown weapon, I was thinking of the weapon enchantment Impact - but it cannot be used on Light Weapons, which excludes most thrown weapons...unless you're throwing a Trident...

Kazaan |
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The mechanics of throwing a weapon while enlarged is not in question here. If you are Enlarged to Large size, and you were holding a dagger, it does Large Dagger damage in melee but drops back down to medium size and does medium damage if you throw it. If you Enlarged and then picked up a Large Dagger, it can be thrown and remain a large size and deal large damage. The question at hand here is whether a large dagger kept in an extradimensional space (ie. Bag of Holding, Handy Haversack, etc.) is considered part of your gear for whether Enlarge Person will enlarge it along with your body. If it is part of your gear, it gets enlarged with you and this strategy won't work as intended. If it isn't part of your gear, this strategy will work; you keep your Large-sized throwing weapon in an ED space and pull it out after you grow to have a weapon that won't shrink back down when thrown.

Mechanical Pear |

That's exactly it, Kazaan. I want a Huge weapon stored somewhere that I can get to after I enlarge; somewhere I can get to quickly. I don't want it to enlarge with me, because then I couldn't throw it. But I also don't want it to shrink in size after I throw it.
So, yes, the question is, do things in extra dimensional spaces get enlarged with me? I would think so, but I'm making sure.
If so, how long would it take draw a weapon out of a Polymorphic Pouch that the mount is wearing? Would it still be a move action, even though it's on the mount?
PS: Actually, hopefully, the contents would change size with it. Otherwise, potions and tankards of booze would no longer be considered enough (a full serving), or whatever, I imagine.
So, I could say that the Polymorphic Pouch is attached to the saddle. That would keep it a move action, right? A move action that provokes AoO's?

Mechanical Pear |

And Claxon, this strategy of mine isn't too bad.
If I have the room, my mount (a wildshaped druid) will be Huge sized, with me riding on a War Saddle, medium sized. I will be carrying a potion of Accelerate, and a Huge Aklys (that I can't currently use). Turn 1, I drink the potion of Accelerate as a move action. Swift action to pull out a potion of Enlarge. Drink it as my second move action. Standard action to cast Lead Blades. My next turn, the mount moves closer to the enemy, double move if necessary. My swift action is used to pull out a tankard of booze, free action to rage, move action to drink the booze (making this round not expend a round of rage), standard action to Vital Strike + Furious Finish any enemy within 30 feet (anything past 10 feet is a ranged attack that I would use my last move action to retrieve). Since I'm immune to fatigue, I can do this every turn from here on out, drinking either booze to extend my total amount of rage that day, or healing potions as needed. The base damage of the weapon would be: 1d8 > 2d6(Large) > 3d6(Huge) > 4d6(Lead Blades) > 6d6(Enlarged). Vital Strike would turn that into 12d6, and Furious Finish maximize the damage to make 72 automatic damage, before any modifiers. Improved Vital Strike would be 108, Greater Vital Strike would be 144.
I would be using Power Attack on these attacks.
On the enemies turns: When an enemy attacks me, I would use a combo of "Come and Get Me" with "Pushing Assault" to smack the enemy out of melee range (usually), before it gets to even attack me.
This build relies on a great deal of potions and booze. I would have three levels or Wizard, four of Oracle. I could brew all the potions I need myself, and would have two levels of Souleater (and a Conductive weapon) to turn enemies life energy into potions. I would also know the level 1 Cleric spell, "Enhance Water", so I never have to pay the incredibly cheap cost of buying booze (or I would have access to alcohol in places I normally wouldn't, as long as I have access to water).
And that's not including whatever the Druid Cohort of mine is casting while he's running me around the battlefield.
This build won't work in very small dungeons as well. I wouldn't be able to enlarge, and the Druid mount would have to stay Large sized. If it can't even do that due to size limits, I'd be riding around on a 5 x 5 Carpet of Flying, while my cohort did his own thing.
Against enemies with Crane Wing or Deflect Arrows, he wouldn't Vital Strike anymore (once he sees them deflected). He'd just swing multiple times against them.
And he'd be quite good at every level. He gets better and better as he levels, but he would never really crappy. Even at level 1.
While he's not absolutely optimal, he's still strong enough to hold his own, I think.