Mithal's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Permanency shrink item on the weapon, as long as your the caster of the shrink spell you can change its size whenever you want.

thx ^.^

Hey all, I have some friends playing mounted characters starting in a new game. So my question is where is mounted combat covered in the rules? I don't have access to my books atm so I can't check it myself (and they cant find it)

Xaratherus wrote:
PapaZorro wrote:
Now imagine a Magus with his Keen Scimitar throwing out Spellstrike Disintegrates (can do so using the Close Range arcana). Only problem is the Save....
Make it a spell-storing keen scimitar and do it twice on a single hit. :P

Spell-Storing is only up to 3rd level

I'm looking for all the damage shield spells that are available, such as flame shield, thorn body, water shield, vitriolic mist, wreath of blades, deflection(spell), basically anything that can damage when they attack or hit me, casting class doesn't matter. My DM has no problem throwing an army at us, and expects us to respond with similar force >=D
3.5 spells are available to us as well so if you can point me to any of those that weren't included in PF even better =D