2014 AP is Iron Gods

Iron Gods

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Australian joke "myth" about bears that lurk in trees waiting for someone to pass underneath at which point they "drop" on the victim and kill them. Here's an example: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2013/08/07



Kryzbyn wrote:



I have a lot of friends in Sydney and Melbourne AU that love getting tourists to pee their pants and put vegemite behind their ears. Apparently, so many people actually believe them because of the reputation that Australia has for its wildlife.

Odraude wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:



I have a lot of friends in Sydney and Melbourne AU that love getting tourists to pee their pants and put vegemite behind their ears.

That's ridiculous. Everybody knows you have to mix the vegemite with your shampoo (some Australian brands of shampoo come with it pre-mixed, though not the ones they give you in hotels, as a general rule). The resulting fragrance drifts up from the hair to the dropbear (they have very keen senses of smell), and warns them off.

Best defence* when camping is to always carry a fork held vertically above your head whilst outdoors.

'Best' as in 'funniest to watch'.

Haha, alright, as funny as this is, we are veering off topic a bit. Back to Numeria ;)

I'm personally hoping for some insight into the Technic League internal politics and hope it remains firmly rooted in Numeria rather than drifting into other planes/planets. Presumably at least one instalment will feature an extended exploration of a crashed fragment of spaceship. I'm hoping there isnt any actual space travel though (I'd rather have a Distant Worlds AP focus specifically on that idea).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Alleran wrote:
* More seriously, I would have much preferred an AP that takes the players extensively to Castrovel or Akiton (or elsewhere in the solar system) for the majority of it to one set in Numeria. We did a lot of hopping around in RoW, but Castrovel and Akiton are the places that I really want to see getting lots of attention.** Especially Akiton. John Carter of Mars, Dejah Thoris, Martians (Akitonians?)... I think there's a lot of mileage there for a great AP taking the pulp sci-fi angle to its logical conclusion.

Also, setting the majority of this one on Akiton would have the not insignificant advantage of "quarantining" the technology. As it is, after this AP it may be much more difficult to justify the stuff not leaking into the surrounding areas.

One idea would be to have the player's start in Numeria, get blasted into space at the end of the first or start of the second installment, and then crash on Akiton so they can't easily bring the stuff back to Golarion.

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I don't think there is much worry about the tech spreading, since unlike firearms, the alien tech is so far advanced that it would take a severe understanding of science that Golarion doesn't quite have, plus the resources, to replicate it. Unlike firearms, which takes some saltpeter, charcoal, sulfur, and something to put that in :)

Steve Geddes wrote:
I'm personally hoping for some insight into the Technic League internal politics and hope it remains firmly rooted in Numeria rather than drifting into other planes/planets. Presumably at least one instalment will feature an extended exploration of a crashed fragment of spaceship. I'm hoping there isnt any actual space travel though (I'd rather have a Distant Worlds AP focus specifically on that idea).

Wow. Pretty much my desire right here. ;)

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I could easily see the characters being teleported into a long-dormant space station in geosynchronous orbit over Numeria. A space tomb... *rapidly jots down notes*

Liberty's Edge

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I would like to point out that I finally understand the frequently stated animosity and feelings of resentment toward Paizo for the scam and hustle that is the Adventure Path subscription. I sign up because of the awesomeness of Wrath of the Righteous then they announce Mummy's Mask and now this. They lure me in with one awesome product then release more awesome products so they can keep on taking my money.

Not cool Paizo, not cool.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I could easily see the characters being teleported into a long-dormant space station in geosynchronous orbit over Numeria. A space tomb... *rapidly jots down notes*

Lost Tomb Aboard the Derelict Space-hulk? Sign me up DM!!!

Joshua Goudreau wrote:

I would like to point out that I finally understand the frequently stated animosity and feelings of resentment toward Paizo for the scam and hustle that is the Adventure Path subscription. I sign up because of the awesomeness of Wrath of the Righteous then they announce Mummy's Mask and now this. They lure me in with one awesome product then release more awesome products so they can keep on taking my money.

Not cool Paizo, not cool.

if you're not happy with it, you can cancel anytime:) also i found out with shipping its only an extra 80 cents to get from your friendly local game store:)

Scarab Sages

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Sure...I am sure I could quit...anytime...no problem...

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feytharn wrote:
Sure...I am sure I could quit...anytime...no problem...

I'm sure thats what Layne Staley said;) i agree tho the adventure paths are very addicting (i'm still in cold sweats because i don't have Rasputin Must Die! lol soon tho.. my birthday is this week:)

I can't say that Iron Gods would fit into any setting that I run with, since I don't run core Golarion at all. But I don't care. I want to read this. Will I run it? Doubtful. Though it could maybe, maybe fit into a setting that's got about 2 paragraphs written about it so far.

Tangent101 wrote:
I must admit no one thought of the perfect analogues for the Kaiju among Pathfinder: the Spawn of Ravanough. ;) Or however you spell that...


They're also not big enough - only 30x30 for Volnagur, for example. There are creatures around that are much bigger than that, with the largest as a giant turtle-thing that's about 150 feet long in what I think was one of the CoT bestiaries.

Alleran wrote:
Tangent101 wrote:
I must admit no one thought of the perfect analogues for the Kaiju among Pathfinder: the Spawn of Ravanough. ;) Or however you spell that...


They're also not big enough - only 30x30 for Volnagur, for example. There are creatures around that are much bigger than that, with the largest as a giant turtle-thing that's about 150 feet long in what I think was one of the CoT bestiaries.

oh! i know that one!!, its in "What Lies in Dust" or whatever the name of part 3 is. my favorite monster so far from CoT so far (i only have first 3 books so far)

Joshua Goudreau wrote:

I would like to point out that I finally understand the frequently stated animosity and feelings of resentment toward Paizo for the scam and hustle that is the Adventure Path subscription. I sign up because of the awesomeness of Wrath of the Righteous then they announce Mummy's Mask and now this. They lure me in with one awesome product then release more awesome products so they can keep on taking my money.

Not cool Paizo, not cool.

You are not alone my friend, you are not alone.


Digital Products Assistant

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Removed some posts. Please revisit the messageboard rules.

Shadow Lodge

This will be awesome.

Liberty's Edge

captain yesterday wrote:
I'm sure thats what Layne Staley said;)

Ouch, too soon.

Liberty's Edge

To get back on topic however, do we know anything else about this AP aside from the fact that it's Numerian based?

Liberty's Edge

captain yesterday wrote:
...also i found out with shipping its only an extra 80 cents to get from your friendly local game store:)

As the owner of a brand spanking new FLGS I can get it at cost plus some minor shipping so it saves about $10 off the subscription but I don't get that nifty .pdf so it works out pretty much the same for me. Plus I have that 'Adventure Path Subscriber' tag under my name. Or at least I would if I hadn't retired my primary alias and use this one for everything. I still imagine it's there and that's almost the same thing.

Joshua Goudreau wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
...also i found out with shipping its only an extra 80 cents to get from your friendly local game store:)
As the owner of a brand spanking new FLGS I can get it at cost plus some minor shipping so it saves about $10 off the subscription but I don't get that nifty .pdf so it works out pretty much the same for me. Plus I have that 'Adventure Path Subscriber' tag under my name. Or at least I would if I hadn't retired my primary alias and use this one for everything. I still imagine it's there and that's almost the same thing.

the pdfs are nice but i've found i almost never use them except for interactive maps which i get in one package at the end of the cycle (i care not for tags:) meanwhile i get to support you guys with my patronage:)

Joshua Goudreau wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm sure thats what Layne Staley said;)
Ouch, too soon.

Inappropriate i suppose;) i agree Layne Staley left too soon:(

Liberty's Edge

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When it comes to adventure material I'm almost the exact opposite. I run adventures almost entirely electronically and hand draw the maps. Ah what a varied audience we are. :D

I really wanted to show my support for Wrath of the Righteous given that I have been clamoring for high-level adventure material around the forums and thought a subscription was a great way to do that. Now that they have me hooked however...

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Odraude wrote:
...Unlike firearms, which takes some saltpeter, charcoal, sulfur, and something to put that in :)

You're also gonna need a vine fuse, some loose diamonds, and a bamboo trunk to put it all in.

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Professor Farnsworth, Scientist wrote:
Odraude wrote:
...Unlike firearms, which takes some saltpeter, charcoal, sulfur, and something to put that in :)
You're also gonna need a vine fuse, some loose diamonds, and a bamboo trunk to put it all in.


Sweet mother of mercy, I'm off for two days and THIS. YES! Awesome and win.


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

AI's becoming gods and granting spells, some good, some bad, and some undecided.

#1 Fires of Creation
Starts in the city of Torch,where there is a regular release of something that lights up the night sky, it suddenly stops and a door opens at the bottom of a hill.

#2 Lords of Rust

#3 Choking Tower

#4 Valley of the Brain Collectors
Dominion of the Black

#5 Palace of the Fallen Star
Go to the capital and have to deal with the Technic League

#6 The Divinity Engine

Marc Radle wrote:

Ya know, I love Paizo and I hope this AP is super popular, super successful and I wish nothing but the best, but ...

Personally, this is the first AP that holds literally no interest for me. Sure, I loved Expedition to the Barrier Peaks when I was a kid, but I just have no interest in lasers, robots or space ships in my game. Heck, in my version of Golarian, Numeria does not even exist at all.

Don't get me wrong - if we're playing a Start Trek, Star Wars, Gamma World etc RPG, then sure! Bring on the robots and lasers! But in my D&D/fantasy game? Nope, not for me. Sadly, I think this will be the first AP that I will have 0 interest in playing in.

Like I said though, more power to Paizo for doing this AP and I really do wish nothing but the best to them on this. I'm just personally not even a little excited about it (or the supplimental material, including maybe even the Numeria-centric Bestiary that might be on the horizon :(

I am in no way trying to be mean or call you out, but rather I have a suggestion. You said you have no interest because it's fantasy, but why not run it AS Gamma World ish, or something akin to Thundarr the Barbarian? just a suggestion as to how you could potentially get use of the AP...

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Justin Franklin wrote:

AI's becoming gods and granting spells, some good, some bad, and some undecided.

#1 Fires of Creation
Starts in the city of Torch,where there is a regular release of something that lights up the night sky, it suddenly stops and a door opens at the bottom of a hill.

#2 Lords of Rust

#3 Choking Tower

#4 Valley of the Brain Collectors
Dominion of the Black

#5 Palace of the Fallen Star
Go to the capital and have to deal with the Technic League

#6 The Divinity Engine

Are these confirmed or just speculation?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Odraude wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:

AI's becoming gods and granting spells, some good, some bad, and some undecided.

#1 Fires of Creation
Starts in the city of Torch,where there is a regular release of something that lights up the night sky, it suddenly stops and a door opens at the bottom of a hill.

#2 Lords of Rust

#3 Choking Tower

#4 Valley of the Brain Collectors
Dominion of the Black

#5 Palace of the Fallen Star
Go to the capital and have to deal with the Technic League

#6 The Divinity Engine

Are these confirmed or just speculation?

All came from James mouth during the seminars.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:

AI's becoming gods and granting spells, some good, some bad, and some undecided.

#1 Fires of Creation
Starts in the city of Torch,where there is a regular release of something that lights up the night sky, it suddenly stops and a door opens at the bottom of a hill.

#2 Lords of Rust

#3 Choking Tower

#4 Valley of the Brain Collectors
Dominion of the Black

#5 Palace of the Fallen Star
Go to the capital and have to deal with the Technic League

#6 The Divinity Engine

Are these confirmed or just speculation?
All came from James mouth during the seminars.

Nice. Although I'm sure my players will snicker when they read "The Choking Tower" ;)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Maybe Mikaze will have more info. If he survived after hearing all this news, that is. :)

He's probably still in a happyness induced coma after reading the first volume of Wrath of the Righteous. ^^ After turning into Foaming Mouth Guy, of course. :p

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Maybe Mikaze will have more info. If he survived after hearing all this news, that is. :)
He's probably still in a happyness induced coma after reading the first volume of Wrath of the Righteous. ^^ After turning into Foaming Mouth Guy, of course. :p

He was walking around yesterday, so no coma. I figured out who he was when James mentioned he was a reason they did a "good guy" AP.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Justin Franklin wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Maybe Mikaze will have more info. If he survived after hearing all this news, that is. :)
He's probably still in a happyness induced coma after reading the first volume of Wrath of the Righteous. ^^ After turning into Foaming Mouth Guy, of course. :p
He was walking around yesterday, so no coma. I figured out who he was when James mentioned he was a reason they did a "good guy" AP.

He's one of the main persons from this board whom I'd really like to meet and have a chance to chat with. :)

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Yeah, it'd be cool to high five Mikaze. And Orthos and Gorbacz and TOZ.

I think we should have, like, a Paizo meet up sometime

Silver Crusade

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Odraude wrote:

Yeah, it'd be cool to high five Mikaze. And Orthos and Gorbacz and TOZ.

I think we should have, like, a Paizo meet up sometime

You can start saving for my airplane ticket to the next PaizoCon right now. Heck, we could even kickstart it. I'm sure people would throw stupid money for the opportunity to punch me in the face in person. ;-)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Odraude wrote:

Yeah, it'd be cool to high five Mikaze. And Orthos and Gorbacz and TOZ.

I think we should have, like, a Paizo meet up sometime

Didn't we just have 2 meet ups, PaizoCon and GenCon? ;)

Grand Lodge

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You'd be surprised. SKR has had two opportunities to deck me and abstained both times.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
You'd be surprised. SKR has had two opportunities to deck me and abstained both times.

Third time's the charm, so they say.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
Odraude wrote:

Yeah, it'd be cool to high five Mikaze. And Orthos and Gorbacz and TOZ.

I think we should have, like, a Paizo meet up sometime

Didn't we just have 2 meet ups, PaizoCon and GenCon? ;)

If only I could have gone. Alas, I had life issues get in the way. But next year... shall be different :D

Gorbacz wrote:
Odraude wrote:

Yeah, it'd be cool to high five Mikaze. And Orthos and Gorbacz and TOZ.

I think we should have, like, a Paizo meet up sometime

You can start saving for my airplane ticket to the next PaizoCon right now. Heck, we could even kickstart it. I'm sure people would throw stupid money for the opportunity to punch me in the face in person. ;-)

Well, it wouldn't be the first time I've flown a Polish friend to the USA :D

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know! I'll come to PaizoCon wearing Australian dropbear-hunter attire and speaking with strange accent, so that folks will confuse me with 3.5 Mineralogist or Sincubus.

Wait, that's not THAT stellar of an idea, isn't it?

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