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James Jacobs wrote:The main reason printing presses exist in Golarion at all is to give us an excuse to make up cool flyers and other handouts as needed in adventures. A region like Taldor or Galt is VERY MUCH the type of place that would have stuff like that.Interesting,
I was thinking Taldor would be just the opposite, with any presses bieng 'underground'. The Bearded like their illuminated hand drawn manuscripts, and they don't care if the beardless can read.
Likewise, I was thinking that printing presses would be seized/destroyed as the revolutionar council shifted in Galt.
Andorans of course I assumed were churning away their propoganda.
Underground or not, they're still there! :-)

baalbamoth |
I'm pretty sure there will be vehicles, I read Tim's city of fallen sky JUST to get the lowdown on Numeria, the Technic League had all kinds of weird conveyances, that typically glowed yellow and made people who got near them sick (strontium 90 anyone?) and the numerian anti-hero assassin had all kinds of cyber-hightech-doo dads. but in that story, no, no giant robots...
I'm also kind of wondering how the faceless men fit in to all of this iorn gods business, they were always suspected of having a secrete agenda outside the Technic League... so did the faceless men raise the Iorn Gods when the Technic League wasnt looking?
BTW IF the ACG gives me a point based class creation system, AND the Numeria AP gives me the setting I want... the only thing pathfinder will be missing to draw me away from the other games I prefer more than PF would be a "low magic" tolken/gygaxian traditional setting...

Oceanshieldwolf |

...BTW IF the ACG gives me a point based class creation system, AND the Numeria AP gives me the setting I want... the only thing pathfinder will be missing to draw me away from the other games I prefer more than PF would be a "low magic" tolken/gygaxian traditional setting...
[Emphasis mine] Pretty sure they explicitly stated there WON'T be a point based class creation system - there will be a chapter that talks in general terms about the design path/guidelines for creating hybrids.
Also: how do you define "low magic" - from my perspective both Tolkien and Gygax/ODnD were fairly dripping with magic. Traditional I understand.

Kajehase |

Off topic, but I've started to feel there should be a second axis to the low/high magic scale dealing with the quantity of magic in the setting.
For instance, in Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey we get to see a grand total of zero spells cast (and when magic is worked in the sequels it's considered a big thing even when it's stuff that's fairly paltry by Pathfinder standards), but there's also a cursed half-angel hanging out on the Channel Islands making sure that it's impossible to pass between the European mainland and the British Isles without his permission, and later in the series we get to witness what in the Pathfinder rules would be a resurrection spell, a permanent mass modify memory spell (cast on a whole frickin' city), and someone making a season's harvest sprout and ripen in a week throughout most of the Inca Empire.
So that'd be an example of a setting with high but rare magic.
Golarion would be a high and magic rich setting.

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The main reason printing presses exist in Golarion at all is to give us an excuse to make up cool flyers and other handouts as needed in adventures. A region like Taldor or Galt is VERY MUCH the type of place that would have stuff like that.
Lovely. I'd love to see places in the Inner Sea where technology including the wonders of the Silver Mount, modern printing press and clockworks, navigation tools, Shield Marshall inovations, and other 'advances' beyond the Bronze Age norm.

Justin Franklin |
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Is it strange that I remember the exact spot where I learned that the AP was going to be Numeria?
I was out to lunch with coworkers. I excused myself so I could squee in peace.
I found out in the room when it was announced. Although when James told me I might want to be at the seminar for the announcement, I had a pretty good idea what it was. ;)

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Cheapy wrote:I found out in the room when it was announced. Although when James told me I might want to be at the seminar for the announcement, I had a pretty good idea what it was. ;)Is it strange that I remember the exact spot where I learned that the AP was going to be Numeria?
I was out to lunch with coworkers. I excused myself so I could squee in peace.
Found out in the same room while holding my phone with no clue whatsoever that it was coming. Was grinning like crazy when it hit. :D

Journ-O-LST-3 |

I'm a bit torn because I'm running a Numerian game now and the AP won't be anything like my Numeria. But I'll likely subscribe for it out of principle.
Nope; mutant PCs aren't really an option... although the ability to gain mutations later on as the AP progresses isn't completely out of the question.
So lick anything glowing for free powers? Got it.

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when does the first volume come out? will there be any mythic content?
This will launch at Gen Con. No mythic content for player characters in the AP. There MIGHT be some mythic content for a few (no more than 4) NPCs throughout the entire AP, but not to the extent that you as the GM will need the book or even know what those rules are like.

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To get your Numeria fix read City of the Fallen Sky. It will give you some glimpses into parts of Numeria along with technology used there.
I, myself, look forward to learning more about the Goddess Brigh. I love all things clockwork and can't wait to see more about her religion. I hope it's a lot more than the little burb given out in the 3.5 book Gods and Magic.

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Oh... we're not acting like that at all. Part of the reason it took us as long as it did to get to Iron Gods was girding ourselves against the anticipated increase in curiosity folks would have. ;-)
We'll start leaking more information about it later in 2014, certainly by the time Paizo Con is here and PERHAPS a little earlier as the product pages for the first few adventures go live. In fact, canny folks can track when we've been putting up product pages for the Mummy's Mask and then, knowing that this is a monthly product, should be able to get a pretty accurate guess as to when we'll reveal the mockup (and thus brief product description) for the first Iron Gods adventure.

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Mmm. Metal Gods!
But this is Golarion, so Skymetal Gods, for sure.
Separate (demi)gods for adamantine, abysium and noqual? Oh yes.

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A.I., in Golarion, could be short for 'Arcane Intelligence' and refer to those sentient magic items!
The problem arises when a long-lasting spell becomes sentient, or some unlucky wizard or sorcerer happens to prepare / know the exact configuration of spells that will combine within her to form a self-aware being of pure arcane power...
In Soviet Golarion, spell casts you!

Ashram |

A.I., in Golarion, could be short for 'Arcane Intelligence' and refer to those sentient magic items!
The problem arises when a long-lasting spell becomes sentient, or some unlucky wizard or sorcerer happens to prepare / know the exact configuration of spells that will combine within her to form a self-aware being of pure arcane power...
In Soviet Golarion, spell casts you!
Wasn't there a monster in 3.5 that was literally a spell made sentient?

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The Living Spell template turned a spell into an ooze-creature, but I don't recall if they were particularly intelligent...
The Scarred Lands setting had the notion that a 'locus' of spells could form within a spellcaster, that they could tap into for other effects, and, with levels in the right PrC, one could create an independent locus that would activate it's own abilities with its own actions, at your direction (basically allowing you to use locus abilities as a free action).

Journ-O-LST-3 |

Set wrote:Wasn't there a monster in 3.5 that was literally a spell made sentient?A.I., in Golarion, could be short for 'Arcane Intelligence' and refer to those sentient magic items!
The problem arises when a long-lasting spell becomes sentient, or some unlucky wizard or sorcerer happens to prepare / know the exact configuration of spells that will combine within her to form a self-aware being of pure arcane power...
In Soviet Golarion, spell casts you!
Living spell as said, no int unless awakened.