What is the DEAL with slings?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I think he was specifying that multiple throwing spears are fine at first level, but no longer worth it once magic comes into play?

Liberty's Edge

Jamie Charlan wrote:
I think he was specifying that multiple throwing spears are fine at first level, but no longer worth it once magic comes into play?

Well at first level, how many can you afford/carry.

At 2nd level, masterwork comes into play.

At 3rd level, we are starting to discuss magic weapon...singular.

Which is why it is nice to have one weapon you can pour all your investment into that does everything for you.

Also, to be clear for later, I'm shooting for the goal of "not suck" rather than "better than the best option"

That is where I think the line should be for a simple weapon vs a martial weapon with the same resource investment. YMMV.

Dark Archive

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It's not the same resource investment though. The halfling has to take an alternate racial trait just to reload as a free action, which means he can't take Fleet of Foot. In return he does less damage at a shorter range and with a lower critical multiplier.

A human has to spend two feats just to get the same benefits. What does the sling offer in return? The ability to use it as a melee weapon, but without any of your Weapon Focus feats attached. A-MAYZ-ing.

Liberty's Edge

Mergy wrote:

It's not the same resource investment though. The halfling has to take an alternate racial trait just to reload as a free action, which means he can't take Fleet of Foot. In return he does less damage at a shorter range and with a lower critical multiplier.

A human has to spend two feats just to get the same benefits. What does the sling offer in return? The ability to use it as a melee weapon, but without any of your Weapon Focus feats attached. A-MAYZ-ing.

Why wouldn't the weapon focus feats be attached? Weapon focus is a pre-requisite and nothing in the feat says it doesn't apply when it is used as a flail.

You can't use the bow in melee without provoking unless you are a 4th level fighter (5th actually, because you need to take the feat after weapon specialization) or 6th level ranger.

Dark Archive

You're misreading the feat ciretose.

Sling Flail:
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (sling), base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can make melee attacks using your loaded sling, using that weapon's normal statistics but treating it as a flail. Using a sling in this way does not expend mundane ammunition, but magical or masterwork ammunition loses its special properties after a single hit.
Special: Any feats you have that apply when you use a flail also apply when you use a loaded sling as a melee weapon.

So what does this feat give us? First off, we can use our +5 sling as a +5 flail, except it uses the statistics of a sling (1d3 or 1d4 depending on size). If we have feats that improve our abilities with a flail (Weapon Focus [flail], for example), we can use them when using our sling as a melee weapon. No mention of being able to use any of our abilities that improve slinging whatsoever. In fact, there is no mention of non-feat bonuses being useful to this, which means even weapon training with flails won't help our sling flail.

Therefore a fighter with weapon training, weapon focus, and weapon specialization in slings still gets no benefits for melee. Man, what a feat, right?

The builds I linked gave the longbowman a cestus, which has the same melee damage as a sling with Sling Flail. A fighter could also make use of his free retraining to grab Point-Blank Master and Weapon Specialization at level 4.

Liberty's Edge

No, I actually read the feat. Where in the feat does it say the bonuses do not apply.

It says.

"You can make melee attacks using your loaded sling, using that weapon's normal statistics but treating it as a flail. Using a sling in this way does not expend mundane ammunition, but magical or masterwork ammunition loses its special properties after a single hit."

You use the sling like a flail, but it is still a sling. All sling bonuses apply. Flail feats also apply.

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ciretose wrote:

So no, bow proficiency is not equal to a full feat investment.

For a rogue it is much much better to just use a shortbow.

A important question is, what number will convince you that the sling is terrible? does that number exist or whatever the outcome would you still saying everything is fine?

Dark Archive

ciretose wrote:

No, I actually read the feat. Where in the feat does it say the bonuses do not apply.

It says.

"You can make melee attacks using your loaded sling, using that weapon's normal statistics but treating it as a flail. Using a sling in this way does not expend mundane ammunition, but magical or masterwork ammunition loses its special properties after a single hit."

You use the sling like a flail, but it is still a sling. All sling bonuses apply. Flail feats also apply.

You're using it as a flail. In what way does Weapon Focus (sling) apply to the use of a flail? On the other hand, it's a sling, so it's lucky that they allow you to use flail-related feats on it at all.

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I agree with Mergy. The feat is pretty clear that the weapon is treated like a flail.

Liberty's Edge

Nicos wrote:
ciretose wrote:

So no, bow proficiency is not equal to a full feat investment.

For a rogue it is much much better to just use a shortbow.

A important question is, what number will convince you that the sling is terrible? does that number exist or whatever the outcome would you still saying everything is fine?

I ask the same questions about that number.

My rule of thumb for damage has consistently been DPR in excess of 1/4 of an equal CR opponent.

Or 4 players killing an equal CR creature in a round.

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As a person who likes to play halflings, I'm just going to say I am disappointed that a weapon they are supposed to be good at totally sucks in game. I have people telling me off right now for using a sling with my halfling divine hunter because its already a low damage weapon and I have to use it as a small creature. Not to mention that the amount of shots I can make is going to be a lot more less than anyone that uses a bow.

And then don't get me started on the sling staff. No feats for it and no way to use all the attacks afforded by BaB after level 6? Totally awesome. So much for an awesome halfling weapon.

At least elves get to use their bows awesomely all legolas style, and swords, and rapiers. Yes so many weapons to be awesome at, all that can be made even more awesomer at higher levels because they have so many feats to be used with.

Oh and half orcs too. Nice two handed weapons to bring in the pain.

As for the above two non halfling races, if that wasn't enough they have ALTERNATE racial traits to be good at even more weapons if they are not satisfied.

Yeah we halflings totally got the short end of the stick here. So happy :)

Liberty's Edge

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I agree with Mergy. The feat is pretty clear that the weapon is treated like a flail.

FAQ it. Here is what it says.

"Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (sling), base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can make melee attacks using your loaded sling, using that weapon's normal statistics but treating it as a flail. Using a sling in this way does not expend mundane ammunition, but magical or masterwork ammunition loses its special properties after a single hit.
Special: Any feats you have that apply when you use a flail also apply when you use a loaded sling as a melee weapon."

There is no reason to include the word "also" if the flail feats aren't in addition to the other feats that apply to the sling.

The sling is still a sling, you are just using it "like" a flail.

One of the benefits of slings and sling-staves is that you're always armed. To be really "always armed" means to invest a feat in Improved Unarmed Strike or to receive that feat as a class feature. Otherwise you have to pull a weapon to be armed.

"The sling is a strip of leather that costs nothing and can be worn like a bandana" is an advantage mentioned by this thread. Well...

- club and quarterstaff: sticks and big sticks
- cestus: stubbly wraps of metal and leather on the back of the hand
- dagger: a knife concealable on one's person with a skill roll

Still other weapons can justifiably meet the low price point or concealability. Several weapons resemble tools well enough to be employed in plain view as part of a disguise. All of this leads me to believe that the low cost/conealability of this weapon are of equal advantage of many other weapons and therefore this does not make the weapon appealing.

Finally there is the argument that a comp. longbow is so much more expensive to add str bonus to. I believe someone quoted the price as 200 GP. That IS a lot; you won't have a composite longbow during your very first adventure. You WILL however have the chance to invest a skill rank in Craft: Bow. After that first adventure, even if you don't have 200 GP, if you have 100 and some time on your hands you can use the Downtime system and make your own. Thus I submit that this is not such a great advantage of the sling as to make it appealing.

But I once again humbly submit that I'm not here to make the SLING better. Instead I'd like ways to make the SLING-ER better with their weapon. The slinger takes the same skills that ANY ranged build can. "But the bow is martial. The weapon is better and it gets feats that are more specialized to it's use. Martial weapons and their users are better in combat." Well, the weapons might be better but the bow, already a better weapon in combat, gets more feats.

The crossbow, a simple weapon, gets a feat the sling doesnt and is superior to start than the sling. Thanks to Mergy we know that Sling Flail does not necessarily give us an awesome flail. So we are left with an inferior weapon doing the same things that a crossbow can but minus one feat, a potentially middling melee weapon and trailing woefully behind the bow.

I don't need my halfling slinger to do the same damage as a human bowyer at the same level. He doesn't have to be "equal" to other ranged builds. Instead give him something unique and flavorful with with the sling; something the other ranged attackers don't already have.

I think you're on to something with Sling Flail though. Not in that it's a melee weapon; that ship has sailed. But the fact that, if it does in fact give you the option for +2 to Trip, this might be cool. But then if you're a halfling, you're already not built for CMB and if you're SOLELY focused on slings you probably haven't spent any feats on improving this detriment.

So why not some unique feat or chain of feats that uses extreme skill with a blunt object fired at high velocity by a person of honed accuracy to do something OTHER than murder (which the weapon's low damage output is not great at anyway). This leads me right back to ranged CMB attacks using the full ranged attack of the slinger as the CMB.

Ranged Disarm; Ranged Dirty Trick; Ranged Sunder or even Ranged Stun all seem like no-brainers. Most are not dependent on damage so the low damage w/the sling is fine. But while the bowyer dispatches foes quickly with devastating damage, the slinger instead uses precision skill to incapacitate foes or deter them from becoming a threat.

Also...stop giving spells to just bows and crossbows. We get magic stone. they get bowstaff, gravity bow, flaming arrow and if sure there's more I'm forgetting. C'mon, please? Stop punishing the sling already.

Dark Archive

16 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Sure! We might as get something done.

Question: Does the feat Sling Flail allow a character to use feats like Weapon Focus (sling) when wielding his sling as a melee weapon?

And if the sling flail still counts as a sling while used as a flail, can we use Rapid Shot to bash with it twice? ;D

(rapid shot only states it has to be a ranged weapon, not a ranged attack)

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Is there really confusion over whether the ability to use a sling more effectively as a sling grants the ability to use it better as a flail? Does the ability to fire into close combat and a bonus at close range really transfer to a melee weapon?

Or is it really just the last resort of the desperate?

Dark Archive

Hey, if they clarify or errata Sling Flail to work with all feats that work on a sling, it will have actually found a niche. One that requires a non-core book, but monks had to wait for that too.

The sling staff will still be terrible.

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While they are writing that, maybe they could write the rules for letting me parry with my spear after I've thrown it across the room.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Ilja wrote:

And if the sling flail still counts as a sling while used as a flail, can we use Rapid Shot to bash with it twice? ;D

(rapid shot only states it has to be a ranged weapon, not a ranged attack)

Do you remember when we had a similar discussion about off-hand?

I FAQ'ed, but the word "also" has a meaning.

Once the kid goes to sleep I'll work on my builds. I'm thinking of doing a full party of slingers a level at a time up to 10th.

ciretose wrote:

I ask the same questions about that number.

My rule of thumb for damage has consistently been DPR in excess of 1/4 of an equal CR opponent.

Or 4 players killing an equal CR creature in a round.

At level 10, I will change my opion from "it sucks" to "it is just slighly not optimized", if and only if all the following are true

A) At range, the DPR of the slinger user is least 90%(80%?) of the archer DPR.
B) The slinger is at least on par with e archer at "melee" range (less than 30 ft), and I mean defense and offense. (afther all the "I can use it as a flail" is stated as a adnvatage of the sling.)

Liberty's Edge

Nicos wrote:
ciretose wrote:

I ask the same questions about that number.

My rule of thumb for damage has consistently been DPR in excess of 1/4 of an equal CR opponent.

Or 4 players killing an equal CR creature in a round.

At level 10, I will change my opion from "it sucks" to "it is just slighly not optimized", if and only if all the following are true

A) At range, the DPR of the slinger user does is least 90%(80%?) of the archer DPR.
B) The slinger is at least on par with e archer at "melee" range (less than 30 ft), and I mean defense and offense. (afther all the "I can use it as a flail" is stated as a adnvatage of the sling.)

This is why I like you Nicos. Even though we quite often disagree, you strive for fairness and standards.

Mergy wrote:

Sure! We might as get something done.

Question: Does the feat Sling Flail allow a character to use feats like Weapon Focus (sling) when wielding his sling as a melee weapon?

maybe that needs another thread.

Liberty's Edge

ciretose wrote:
Nicos wrote:
ciretose wrote:

I ask the same questions about that number.

My rule of thumb for damage has consistently been DPR in excess of 1/4 of an equal CR opponent.

Or 4 players killing an equal CR creature in a round.

At level 10, I will change my opion from "it sucks" to "it is just slighly not optimized", if and only if all the following are true

A) At range, the DPR of the slinger user does is least 90%(80%?) of the archer DPR.
B) The slinger is at least on par with e archer at "melee" range (less than 30 ft), and I mean defense and offense. (afther all the "I can use it as a flail" is stated as a adnvatage of the sling.)

This is why I like you Nicos. Even though we quite often disagree, you strive for fairness and standards.

Level by level is taking to long. One at a time, or at least the basics of one at a time

Halfling Fighter (Warslinger)


18 Str
18 Dex
14 Con
10 Int
12 Wis
10 Cha

AC: 27 (+10 Armor, +4 Dex, +2 Shield, +1 Size)
HP: 89
Fort: 12
Ref: 10
Will: 7

Weapon Training 2
1: Halfling Slinger
Fighter 1: Large Target
Fighter 2: Weapon Focus
3:Sling Flail
Fighter 4: Weapon Specialization
5: Point Blank
Fighter 6: Precise Shot
7: Arc Slinger
Fighter 8: Deadly Aim
9: Rapid Rapid Shot
10: Greater Weapon Focus

Equip: Belt of Physical might (10k) +3 Sling (18k), Gloves of Dualing (15k), +1 Mithral Full plate (11500), +1 Buckler, .+2 Cloak of Resistance, 4k Misc.

+3 Sling Ranged: +25/+20 (1d3+13 (+1 for every size category above small, +1 within 50 feet)
Deadly Aim (+22/+17 1d3+19 (+1 for every size category above small, +1 within 50 feet)
Rapid Shot +23/+23/+18 (1d3+13 (+1 for every size category above small, +1 within 50 feet)
RS + DA Deadly Aim (+19/+19/+14 1d3+19 (+1 for every size category above small, +1 within 50 feet)

Sling Melee: +25/+20 (1d6+13 (+1 for every size category above small)

I'll work on the Human Fighter later. Possibly tomorrow after this gets checked.

Liberty's Edge

Sadurian wrote:

Is there really confusion over whether the ability to use a sling more effectively as a sling grants the ability to use it better as a flail? Does the ability to fire into close combat and a bonus at close range really transfer to a melee weapon?

Or is it really just the last resort of the desperate?

Weapon focus, not abilities that only apply to ranged attacks.

You can't add deadly aim, you can use weapon focus. It is still a +3 weapon either way.

Hafling archer:

Fighter 10
=== Stats ===
Str 14,Dex 18(20),con 14,Int 10,Wis 12, Cha 8
=== Defense ===
AC: 28 (+11 armor, +5 dex, +1 size +1 def)
Hp: 79
CMD: 27 (37 for grapple and trip, 35 for disarm and sunder)
=== Saves ===
Fort: +12
Ref : +11
Will: +8*
plus +5 agianst fear
=== Attacks ===
Speed: 30 ft.

Deadly aim + rapid shot

+3 adaptative shortbow: +20*/+20/+15 (1d6+17 19-20/x3)

*2d6+34 on the first shot

(+10 Bab +5 dex +4 wt +2 wf +3 bow +1 bracers -3 deadly aim -2 rapid shot+1 size)

=== Traits===
Indomitable will
Defender of the society

=== Feats===
1. Weapon focus, Point blank shot
2. rapid shot
3. Precise shot
4. Weapon specialization
5. Point blank master
6. Manyshots
7. Deadly aim
8. Greater weapon focus
9. Snap shot
10. Improved snap shot
=== Skills ===

=== Special ===
Weapon training 2 (bows, close)
Armor trainin 2
Fleet of Foot
=== Gear ===
Belt of dex +2 (4k) +3 adaptative shortbow (18k), Gloves of Dueling (15k), +1 Mithral Full plate (11500), .+2 Cloak of Resistance (4K), Bracers of the falcom aim (4k), rind of def (2K), Misc.

So who does the DPR calculation?

by the way, the archer is probably doing much more damage at melee range than the sling-flail, adn the archer have more speed (soemthing good with armor training), and the archer also threatens much more squares.


Consider to change arc slinger or precise shot for risky striker, it would add a lot to damage in melee.

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Against a CR10 medium-sized encounter, assuming both uses Deadly Aim + Rapid Shot (and I think it's worth it in both cases) this is the DPR:
Calculation is (%ToHit * AvgDamage)+(%ToThreaten * %ToHit * AvgDamage * (CritMultiplier-1).

Sling shooting
.8*22+(.05*.8*21)+.8*22+(.05*.8*21)+.55*22+(.05*.55*21)= 49.56
If the enemy is within 50 ft. the damage increases to 55.54.
If the enemy is huge instead of medium the damage increases to 53.86.
If it's a huge enemy within 50 ft. the damage increases to 59.98

Sling melee range:
.95*16.5+(.05*.95*16.5)+.85*16.5(.05*.85*16.5) = 26.29
If Arc Slinger is swapped for Power Attack, DPR would instead be 38.92.

Note that this is with the most generous reading for how Sling Flail works in regards to sling-specific feats. I do not agree with that reading but whatever.

Archer shooting:
.85*41(.1*.85*20.5*2)+.85*20.5+(.1*.85*20.5*2)+.5*20.5+(.1*.5*20.5*2)= 71.55

Archer melee range:
.9*43+(.1*.9*21.5*2)+.9*21.5+(.1*.9*21.5*2)+.55*21.5+(.1*.55*21.5*2)= 79.98
If we assume that the archer does not herself try to enter melee and rather than that is charged/someone moves up to her to attack etc, she also gain an attack of opportunity, bringing up the damage to 103.2

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(Two post to keep the maths and the analysis/opinions split apart)

So in a very favourable scenario, where they are both attacking a Huge target at between 30 and 50 feet, the archer "only" does about 19% more damage. And that's kind of a best case scenario, and if the huge creature moves closer to them the archer will do a lot more damage.

At melee range, discounting AoO's, the archer does 204% more damage. I do think it's worth swapping Arc Slinger for Power Attack, and in that case the archer would only deal 105% more damage than the sling.

Other noteworthy stuff about the characters:
- The archer has slightly higher AC but noticably lower HP.
- They are about equal in saves.
- The slinger basically only has standard attacks/full attacks as a tactic. The archer however, has Improved Snap Shot, which means it has a certain degree of area control, and so if it keeps in one place it will have a really strong defense - anyone moving up to it will eat an arrow (90% hit chance against average CR10 monster) before it even reaches her. Sure, the slinger can make a weak 16.5 damage whack against anything within 5ft, but that kinda pales compared to a 21.5 damage arrow at anything within 15 ft.
- The archer is 50% faster at moving than the slinger.

Liberty's Edge

I forgot to add the +1 to attack for point blank (only the damage), so all the point blank attacks (within 50 for arc slinger) should be +1.

So calculating it all out to make sure I got it correct.

Base is 10+4(Dex)+4(WT)+2(WF)+3(Weapon)+1(HS)+1Size for a total base of 25.

-3 DA, -2 RS, +1 Point blank (within 50) takes it to 21. So that changes the calculation significantly.

I think (check me please) that changes it to be base 50.72
Small Within 50 feet 56.6 (+1 Attack and +1 damage)
Medium within 50 feet 59.17 (+1 attack +2 Damage)
Large within 50 feet 61.74 (+1 attack +3 Damage)
Huge within 50 feet 64.31 (+1 attack +4 Damage)

If AC is an issue, I still can get a ring and an amulet (I have 4k left). Also, we have the same armor and he has a +11 while I have a +10, so base we should have the same AC, but one of us is not correct. Also Adaptive adds 1k to the bow.

I don't disagree risky strike is a way to go, but I like arc slinger for the 50 foot +1 to point blank. This is a ranged build with melee as a fall back or for AoO. If I were making a melee build with ranged back up, I would go that way (along with other changes)

I'll work on the fighter later.

Hum... Could you write out your numbers please? I see that you reduced attack bonus too much for DA/RS in your first numbers, but for Huge within 50 ft I get:
Sling +21/+21/+16 (1d3+23) (1d3+4Str+4WT+2WS+6DA+1PBS+3LT+3Magic)
.9*25+(.05*.9*22)+.9*25+(.05*.9*22)+.65*22+(.05*.65*22) = 39.98.
Large 61.495

You're right on AC though.

But I mean, at this point from what we can see here, it's an inferior build at range, and the argument you put forward was that it's great to have a melee weapon as a fallback - but in no way do you capitalize on it in your build (since that would give up even more ranged damage) and at short range the slinger is completely outshone by the archer.

Lemmy wrote:
I'm beginning to realize how limited are the options for martial characters. It's either 2-Handed , Archery, TWF (with 2 light weapons) or Sword & Board. With great effort, you can push "Combat Maneuvers" here too, but only at low/mid levels and against humanoids.


Unless you get a static damage bonus to all your attacks that with two weapons isn't the same as with a single two-handed weapon (such as sneak attack), all you will be doing with TWF is spending feats to try to keep up with how a two-handed weapon works for free, while you are more affected by DR than the Two-handed guy. And the only benefit is the ability to divide your damage between more targets which in turn is only advisable once an attack actually incapacitates one target.

Liberty's Edge

The argument I put forward is that you can make a viable build with it. It is a simple weapon, I don't personally have the goal of every simple weapon should be as good as every other weapon.

I'm sure your numbers are more correct than mine, I'm half asleep. Two years olds, man...

I met my goal (60+ hit points vs 130 hit points of an equal CR creature) but not Nicos.

Manyshot is basically the difference between the builds in damage. I'm pretty sure when I build out the human fighter, it will be the same thing.

I'm not sure if slings need a many shot or many shot needs a nerf. I'm not bothered by it, personally. But if I were I would add an attack penalty to many shot. Probably a -2 since it basically is adding another attack.

A lot of this can be tracked back to Full attacking being the go-to strategy. In fact, just about the only strategy available for martials. It's why archery is best; because you can full attack at any time (plus manyshot). Even if you use Maneuvers, you still want to full attack, you just get effects instead of damage (although, at least effects can be interesting).

Actually, if we removed Manyshot they'd be about equal on ranged damage (archer winning against some, slinger against some), but the archer would still be FAAAR better at melee range. And that's dropping the Manyshot feat, not replacing it with something else.

Liberty's Edge

Ilja wrote:
Actually, if we removed Manyshot they'd be about equal on ranged damage (archer winning against some, slinger against some), but the archer would still be FAAAR better at melee range. And that's dropping the Manyshot feat, not replacing it with something else.

And again, it is a simple weapon that you can fit in your pocket and that melee only works with 4th level fighters and 6th level rangers.

If I had my druthers, I would make deadly aim precision damage, meaning it didn't work with many shot and call it a day. But I'm also not bothered if the weapon that is more commonly used is better as long as both weapons are viable.

As I said, I more than made the goal I set, but I fell short of Nico's goal. I think because there is too much damage in the bow, not too little in the sling.

Thanks for posting the build Ciretose!

ciretose wrote:

As I said, I more than made the goal I set, but I fell short of Nico's goal. I think because there is too much damage in the bow, not too little in the sling.

Your conclusion that Many Shot was the cause of ranged damage discrepancy at later levels matched mine. I agree that the sling is viable in the hands of the halfling slinger.

I don't think the sling needs to change its stats at all, nor the bow actually.

Your build gave me some caution because it was low in the number of ranged attacks until level 9 (which would be part of my definition of sucky for a slinger). This should be readily fixed by swapping Halfling Slinger with Point Blank Shot and Large Target with Rapid Shot in the feat order. That should leave your end state the same and drastically increase the "slinger" ability of the lower levels.

That's just personal preference of course.

Liberty's Edge

@Rory - As you said I didn't need to wait until then to get rapid shot, I just was trying to get all the sling bonuses out of the way. If I were actually building it I would probably get Point Blank and Rapid Shot before halfling slinger and Large target.

Liberty's Edge

So now the Human


18 Str
18 Dex
14 Con
10 Int
12 Wis
10 Cha

AC: 26 (+10 Armor, +4 Dex, +2 Shield)
HP: 89
Fort: 11
Ref: 9
Will: 8

Weapon Training 2

Human: Point Blank
1:Rapid Reload
Fighter 1: Ammo Drop
Fighter 2: Weapon Focus (Sling)
3:Precise Shot
Fighter 4: Deadly Aim
5:Weapon Specialization
Fighter 6: Juggle Load
7: Point Blank Master
8: Arc Slinger
9: Greater Weapon Focus
10: Iron Will

Equip: Belt of Physical might (10k) +3 Sling (18k), Gloves of Dualing (15k), +1 Mithral Full plate (11500), +1 Buckler, .+2 Cloak of Resistance, 4k Misc.

+3 Sling Ranged: +24/+19 (1d4+13 (+1 within 50 feet)
Deadly Aim (+21/+16 1d4+19 (+1 within 50 feet)
Rapid Shot +22/+22/+17 (1d4+13 (+1 within 50 feet)
RS + DA Deadly Aim (+19/+19/+14 1d3+19 (+1 within 50 feet)

Sling Melee: +24/+19 (1d4+13 (+1)

Probably a small drop ranged, but now my ranged is melee.

Dark Archive

Ciretose, what point buy are you using? Are those stats including the belt of physical might?

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For all those new to the thread (or are evaluating this thread for any sling decisions), the non-halfling slinger is dependent upon using the feats Ammo Drop and Juggle Load. The halfling is either dependent on those feats, or the Warslinger trait found in the Advanced Player's Guide.

The Ammo Drop and Juggle Load feats are from a 2010 book entitled "Halflings of Golarion" (an official Paizo Pathfinder product). They aren't listed on the Paizo PRD. You can find them via the all-inclusive SRD version of the Pathfinder PRD.

If your game doesn't allow all the "companion" books, or anything outside of the PRD, the sling is not a decent weapon to build around as a non-halfling ranged character.

But, there is a saving grace for the open-minded!

Remember, all you need to make a "sling" work is to detach from the name and spend one feat. That's it. There is a very good chance you won't even need to spend the one feat.

Pick up the one feat Martial Proficiency Longbow and re-skin your "composite longbow" in your game as a "martial sling". Use ALL of the rules for a longbow, including the physical qualities/limitations. Just call your longbow a sling and rename your arrows as sling-bullets.

You'll get a working "sling" supported with powerful feats and spells, and guaranteed agreement on balance and usage by GMs.

This trick works in PFS amazingly as well (technically, they might call your character "crazy" for calling your "composite longbow" a "martial sling", but let 'em).

Self Delusion is a powerful tool! (TM)

Dark Archive

It wouldn't fly with me in PFS, because of the rules about reskinning. The problem with a self delusion trick is that it invites a score of issues like "why did warp wood just break my sling?".

In a home game, you are perfectly right that a sling could just use the composite longbow stats. I'd like it a lot better if weapons in this game had a lot of the same stats with only slight differences (bludgeoning vs. piercing, for example).

Interesting rory. Verymuch so.

May post ideas for the sling in my home games later.

Liberty's Edge

Mergy wrote:
Ciretose, what point buy are you using? Are those stats including the belt of physical might?

They include the belt and +1 at 4 and 8. I actually shorted myself looking back as I only spent 17 in the rush. (3 14's and a 12)

Feel free to move numbers around

Mergy wrote:
It wouldn't fly with me in PFS, because of the rules about reskinning.

You misunderstand. The composite longbow is the weapon I'd be using.

Just because my character calls it a "martial sling", the most you should do as a PFS GM is call my character "crazy". We laugh a bit about it, and then we have fun and play the game.

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Here's what I'm thinking for the sling as a weapon. Since I don't do builds where you plan out feats by level, this may be stronger or weaker to the perspective of those who do.

Slings are simple weapons that do 1d3 damage for small versions and 1d4 for larger versions. Both versions add the wielders strength modifier to damage rolls. For shaped stone ammunition, the critical hit damage is 19-20 x2, for leaden bullets, the critical hit damage is x3. Other types of ammunition may differ, for example, normal rocks do damage as if the sling in question was one size smaller. The sling has a range of 60, but range increment increases beyond this have their penalty doubled, then tripled, then quadrupled, respectively. A loaded (i.e. has a bullet or stone in it and is prepared to fire) masterwork sling can be used in melee as if it were a flail, but does damage equivalent to a sling, and the sling must be reloaded if a 1 is rolled. A sling can also be used as a garrotte, but is treated like a normal garrotte when used in this fashion, even if the sling is masterwork or magical. A sling can be easily hidden on someone's person with a Slight of Hand check DC 10, or a Disguise check DC 15 if hidden in plain sight on someones clothing as an odd fashion statement, eyepatch or bandage. These checks are opposed by Perception as normal, but the sling does not grant a +4 bonus to Perception when being searched for like other weapons do- it is made out of a pliable material that is easy to twist and contort into a hiding space or around a body part. The ammunition is not so easy to hide, however, beyond a stone or bullet or stone or two(maximum of the wielders Dexterity modifier +1, minimum 1), and even these are treated like normal with respect to the aforementioned +4 bonus to Perception when searched for, and are a DC 20 to masquerade as an odd piece of jewelry using the Disguise skill.

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Then you're not playing a slinger, you're playing a madman. I don't really see how that helps. ;P

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Then you're not playing a slinger, you're playing a madman. I don't really see how that helps. ;P

easy kc, you know how sensitive the character is about their "sling"!

"Nice..uh, sling you got there [insert character's name here]."

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Then you're not playing a slinger, you're playing a madman. I don't really see how that helps. ;P

Well, I'm originally pretending I'm a warrior able to slay dragons while adventuring for gold and drinking magical draughts that heal the wounds received from animated plantlife and alternate planar beings. I'd say that I'm two steps past a madman already and just go ahead and have fun playing my slinger. But, that's just me. *grin*

Me, I don't like that for the same reason I hate episodes of shows where it's implied the whole show is a hallucination, like in the sixth season of Buffy (and parodied expertly on Community). I'm already suspending my disbelief. Don't make me suspend it twice. ;D

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