Dragon Magazine # 39

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Sovereign Court

A few years ago I picked up this gem at a CON but have been doing less and less gaming these past 5 years.

My question would be does anyone know what something like this is worth? I know that on Ebay something is only worth what someone is willing to pay.

I don't remember what I paid for it originally

Your thoughts?

Sovereign Court

It would depend entirely on the condition ... and ultimately what someone would be willing to pay for it (that holds true outside of Ebay as well).

Amazon has used for $19.
Ebay has one for $25.

*holds onto his copy until the end of the world, when any reading material will be used for either entertainment or starting fires for warmth. Or toilet paper and will thus be considered currency*.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Or toilet paper and will thus be considered currency*.

Now I have vague idea for post-apocalyptic setting...

Also toilet paper was luxury product at various times during Communist regime here in Poland. I recall occasions when properly crumpled newspaper was in high demand...

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