Pathfinder Bundle of Holding: Pay What You Want

Product Discussion

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

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You may have heard of the humble bundles of indie games. The Bundle of Holding is the same sort of deal: A top-quality collection of DRM-free Pathfinder sourcebooks — pay what you want and support charity.

This Pathfinder Bundle offers an outstanding collection of Kobold Press Pathfinder sourcebooks — characters, locations, magic, and adventures.

For one price you set yourself, you can get the complete collection — over 500 pages of DRM-free watermarked PDFs including the bustling, ever-ticking Free City of Zobeck, heart of the Midgard campaign setting.

Though these ebooks include many details about Midgard’s deities, clockwork technology, and neighboring territories, you can easily transplant the Free City to your existing fantasy campaign with only slight modifications.

Every Bundle includes PDF versions of the 96-page Zobeck Gazetteer (retail price US$10) and the large Zobeck City Map (retail $4). And if you pay more than the current average price, you also receive these bonus ebooks:

* Midgard Campaign Setting (298 pages, retail $20) – the complete ENnie-nominated worldbook
* Streets of Zobeck (94 pages, retail $10) – dark and daring fantasy-noir adventures in the city’s seedy underbelly. ENnie Winner, Best Adventure 2012.
* Midgard Bestiary (109 pages, retail $10) – over 100 monsters and creatures suitable for any fantasy setting

If you paid full price for all these PDFs, you’d spend nearly US$74. But we let you set your own price for the entire collection. You can designate a portion of your payment for two of my favorite charities: Heifer International and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Act fast — this Pathfinder-specific Bundle of Holding is a time-limited offer.

Sovereign Court

That is a sweet, sweet deal.! Nice one Wolfgang!!!

All you folks wanting to know what all the Midgard Campaign setting fuss is about - well this is definitely the deal to get you in on the ground floor!!!

Purchased! I had been considering picking up Midgard anyway, so this just sealed the deal.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I picked up Streets of Zobeck before and really liked it. To get everything else included in this bundle is an amazing deal. I had to jump on this...

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I'm sure I'm missing the Bestiary, the map, or something...

:: Places bundle in portable hole ::

Liberty's Edge

Sweet! Sad enough to say I'd only just purchased the Campaign Setting and was planning to find time to pick up everything else. Sounds like this is the right time. :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Favoriting to buy when I get home from work. <EXCITEMENT>

Humble Tabletop bundles! The future is magic.


Liberty's Edge

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This tempted me into it. I paid more than the average, but it was still a steal, relatively speaking...!

Too much RPG material, not enough time. I need to win the lottery or something so I can spend all my time playing. Or something.

*Bows* This is one grand, cool offer for worthy charities. Kudos!

I'm not familiar with Heifer International, but I can tell you that AAAS is a fantastic organization, well worth everyone's support. Good idea!

Not working for me. I've tried three times to buy this bundle, and have had these issues:

* I can select "Other" as an amount but not specify what that amount should be.
* The sliding scale for distributing map payment between writers, charity and upkeep defaults to $24 even after I click "Other."
* When I select "Check Out With PayPal" there's a brief flash on the screen (a pop-up too fast for the eye to follow?) and then I'm right back at the Bundle of Holding screen. No indication there or at PayPal that a transaction was made.

Do you have an adblocker or something that might be interfering with the page, Damon? Selecting Other should pop up a box to the right of the Other dot, which defaults to the average amount donated (which I guess is now $24 - last night for me it was $18 and change). Try disabling any spam/adblock programs or addons and see if the page cooperates better.

Also what browser are you using? It might be a problem with compatibility.

Orthos wrote:

Do you have an adblocker or something that might be interfering with the page, Damon? Selecting Other should pop up a box to the right of the Other dot, which defaults to the average amount donated (which I guess is now $24 - last night for me it was $18 and change). Try disabling any spam/adblock programs or addons and see if the page cooperates better.

Also what browser are you using? It might be a problem with compatibility.

I'm at work right now, using IE 8. Ads pop up from other websites.

I'll try again when I get home, with Firefox 22 (although Firefox has been wonky for me since v20, known issues including having some kind of script trouble that keeps me from supporting Kickstarters via Amazon, and from inviting persons as guests or editors to my family tree at I can do both those things with Internet Explorer, and used to be able to do both with Firefox.)

Scarab Sages

Dotting this for later viewing.
I've seen samples of Zobeck material before, and liked what I've seen.

Shadow Lodge

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My only regret: I already own all this stuff.

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

I just confirmed the page works correctly with IE10, but I definitely appreciate the report.

I'll talk to the programmer and see whether something specific to IE8 needs to be addressed. Thanks!

Okay, got it with Firefox.

Paizo Employee Developer

What a great offer, Wolfgang, and for such a great cause. I've picked up a bundle myself and can't wait to dig in to all this new non-Golarion content (I get out of our own setting so rarely these days).

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

Thank you, Mark!

And I hope you enjoy visiting these exotic foreign lands before returning to the glories of Golarion!

As a farmer, I have heard of charities like Heifer International. In fact, this is the charity our truckers supported last year. I can tell you just how much farmers worldwide love and respect our animals.

As a gamer, I was going to buy Streets anyway, so now's the perfect chance!

This is a fantastic offer, Wolfgang! And for charity too?! Nice.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Midgard setting and its Ennie award winning adventures, you are in for a real treat. I was lucky enough to win an adventure writing slot for the upcoming Midgard Tales offering, so I had to study the campaign setting. And wow! The authors including Wolfgang Baur and Brandon Hodge invested a lifetime of creative ideas in this thing. If you're like me and you need a springboard for new ideas, look no further. I think I wrote more ideas in the margins as I read the campaign setting than I can ever possibly use. And Adam Daigle did a fantastic job compiling the best and most inspired creatures for the Midgard Bestiary. These beasties span the level spectrum and many have the dark, Old World feel of Eastern European folklore.
I'm bumping this thread because I personally enjoyed these products a great deal, but take a look at the reviews too where professionals and peers say it more eloquently that I ever could.

Grand Lodge

Man, I gotta check my library and see if I own all of this or not.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Done and done. Well done, even.

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

Thank you, Reckless! About 6 days left on the deal, then it is gone.

That's pretty awesome, indeed!!

Liberty's Edge

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

I just confirmed the page works correctly with IE10, but I definitely appreciate the report.

I'll talk to the programmer and see whether something specific to IE8 needs to be addressed. Thanks!

The addressing needed for IE8 is "make sure nobody uses it any more ever again".

IE8 and below have incomplete and microsoft-modified support for Javascript. It fails to implement parts of the spec that they were even involved in writing. I suspect it's because they were so addicted to their own "embrace and extend" model, where they could write MS-specific stuff that only worked with IE in the knowledge that websites would have to dance to their tune.

Still that's partly true, but at least Paizo has had the wisdom to realize it's not worth supporting IE-specific requirements any more (with Gamespace). Code to the standard, and any standard browser will work. Just document at the top of the page that users need to use a standards compliant browser, that there are multiple such browsers out there, and that IE8 and below aren't standards compliant.

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

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The Bundle just got bigger! The Player's Guide to the Crossroads is now part of the deal.

ALL previous purchasers of the bundle automatically receive the newly added book on their Wizard's Cabinet download page; EVERYBODY who bought the bundle gets all the books added after their purchase.

Might there be more additions to come? Why yes, yes there might.

Thank you all for your support!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Done! I like Golarion, but there's something about the European-analog settings that appeals. (Might be able to get my wife gaming again; she set her old campaign in ca. 1500's fantasy Europe (with digressions into fighting Aztecs in the New World), and I think she'd like Midgard.)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

\o/ W00t! I win!

It's awesome that you're doing this deal. I was already tempted by Midgard (having played one scenario with Chistina in it, and having heard good things about it), but this chance to buy all these PDFs at a price that was a steal -- I paid more than the average, but it was still a steal, if we're to be honest here -- is what got me to take the leap.

Dotting for when I get home.

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

And we've added a seventh PDF to the bundle, the rather gritty urban Alleys of Zobeck!

Everyone who already purchased a bundle gets this added automatically to their bundle, and of course everyone who picks it up before the deal ends on Friday also gets Alleys.

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As a heads up to anyone who missed it the first time around, this offer is available again, but only for little more than four more days, so don't wait! (If you already have them, you can also gift it to a gamer too.) Plus, a percentage of sales goes to support two important charities, Heifer International and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

For just $5.95, you get PDFs of the Zobeck Gazetteer, Streets of Zobeck, and the Zobeck City Map.

And if you pay more than the threshold price (currently a little over $14), you'll get five bonus PDFs: Midgard Campaign Setting, Player's Guide to the Crossroads, Alleys of Zobeck, Midgard Bestiary, and Your Whispering Homunculus.

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