GM DeathbySuburbs |

August 10, 1869
The journey west by train is exciting. Herds of buffalo roam the planes. The U.S. Calvary has had to escort the train through some territories because of concern of possible Indian attacks.
Heat has rolled through the plains.
The foot hills of Nebraska have delighted the easterners with herds of antelope popping about.
There have also been rumors of bandits and train robbers looking to finance themselves off of the valuables headed west to San Francisco, a town of great promise. Transfers of gold and U.S. mint to banks out west.
A new gold rush has been declared in the western mountains of the Wyoming territory. A new spur of the Central Pacific has been added to accommodate potential new commerce.
While many dangers are present out west, it is a welcome respite for many from the heavy toll of the war.
You have your own reasons for heading out west. The new start is exciting. Perhaps you will even strike it rich.
Character Creation
Begin at level 2.
20 point buy, minimum stat 9,
Two traits only, no drawback
Background skills allowed
1000 starting gold
Any race is ok, however, if not human, you will have to spend resources to appear human most of the time. 15 racial points maximum.
Guns are everywhere, but that does not mean that you must be a gunslinger.
Armor should be theme compatible.
Magic must be discreet. Use other explanations for it. No Detect Evil or Detect good. Also, no protection from alignment.
Any class* except for summoner. Psionics are okay. *Must fit in theme well. All pathfinder material accepted.
10 minute background preferred.
High role play campaign.
Play what excites you. Interesting and creative characters grab my attention first.
What this is.
Without giving too much away, it is a wild west homebrew campaign that also deals with the undead. Recruitment will close no sooner than on February 20th. Later if there is not enough interest.

GM DeathbySuburbs |

What do you mean by 10 minute background exactly?
Also, I assume we should use real life religions for characters?
There is probably a better link, but this link is where I discovered how useful the ten-minute background is.
Yes. I would like you too use real life religions if you don't mind.

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Currently working on Winona Concord, part-Lakota gambler who is looking to strike out and win some money in the lawless west, preferably from rich, drunk gold prospectors. Winona is a mesmerist, though she finds it instinctive - to her way of thinking she doesn't "cast psychic spells," she simply happens to be very good and lucky with certain tricks, really good at reading tells, and excellent at persuading people.
Question about firearms: You said firearms are everywhere, does this modify the cost? Otherwise just getting a revolver costs 4,000 gp and is out of reach for all of these characters.

GM DeathbySuburbs |

Currently working on Winona Concord, part-Lakota gambler who is looking to strike out and win some money in the lawless west, preferably from rich, drunk gold prospectors. Winona is a mesmerist, though she finds it instinctive - to her way of thinking she doesn't "cast psychic spells," she simply happens to be very good and lucky with certain tricks, really good at reading tells, and excellent at persuading people.
Question about firearms: You said firearms are everywhere, does this modify the cost? Otherwise just getting a revolver costs 4,000 gp and is out of reach for all of these characters.
A gun cost anywhere from $12-$20 in 1870, So let's say 200 gp for revolver, 300 for rifle and 10 gp for ammo, unless you get it free with class.

ShroudedInLight |

There are actually guns everywhere rules
Revolver is 400, rifle is 500, shotgun is 500, pepperbox rifle is 700, double barrel shotgun is 700 and alchemical cartridges cost 1.2 gold pieces.
Of course the GM can alter these, but that's the rules for guns everywhere as written in...I think UC?

Simeon |

Presenting John Boy Macnamara, banjo-pluckin', moonshine makin', no-good, rascal!
John Boy MacNamara
Human unchained rogue 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 109, Pathfinder Unchained 20)
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 14 (2d8+2)
Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +0
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee mwk short sword +6 (1d6+1/19-20)
Ranged sling +5 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks chemical weapons, sneak attack (unchained) +1d6
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Manipulative Agility, Weapon Finesse
Traits alchemical adept, criminal
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Appraise +6, Bluff +5, Climb +2, Craft (alchemy) +8 (+10 to craft alchemical items), Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +7, Disguise +5, Intimidate +5, Perception +5, Perform (string instruments) +5, Profession (brewer) +4, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +6, Swim +2
Languages Common, Creole, Shawnee
SQ rogue talent (poison use), trapfinding +1
Combat Gear acid (2), alchemist's fire (3), caltrops, flash powder[APG], poison, red tears (5); Other Gear mwk chain shirt, mwk short sword, sling, sling bullets (20), backpack, Banjo, chalk (10), flint and steel, mess kit[UE], mirror, soap, thieves' tools, 13 gp, 3 sp
Special Abilities
Chemical Weapons (Ex) Can draw alchemical items as a weapon, and adds Int mod to dam with splash weapons.
Manipulative Agility Use Sleight of Hand for body-language Bluffs
Poison Use (Ex) Can't accidently poison self when applying poison to a weapon.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
5 facts:
1. John Boy was born in a shanty on the banks of the Cumberland River.
2. His father was a bootlegger, and taught him the tricks of the trade.
3. His grandfather was a famed banjo player, and John Boy avidly took it up.
4. He spent a few seasons in New Orleans, tracking down a mesmerist from Baltimore that kidnapped his brother.
5. He's headed out west for two reasons. Last he heard, the mesmerist had fled to San Francisco with his brother. He's also determined to become the greatest banjo player west of the Mississippi.
2 goals:
1. John Boy would like to find his brother and bring justice to the mesmerist.
2. He wants to experience life outside of the Cumberland Gap.
2 Secrets:
1. John Boy believes that he can escape the law out west, as he killed another bootlegger over the rights to sell to a certain community.
2. His brother went with the mesmerist willingly, having fallen in love with him.
3 People
1. His brother Clayton, who was his best friend for years until he went away with the mesmerist.
2. His partner Asheseka, a Shawnee mercant who acted as his salesperson for moonshine.
3. His rival Cletus Smith, the partner of the moonshiner he killed in a feud of whiskey.
Three Memories:
1. John Boy remembers the first time he played the banjo, his fingers flying over the strings.
2. He remembers toiling away in a shack in the forest, making moonshine
for days on end.
3. The day when the mesmerist took his brother, the last words his brother said before leaving, "I gotta go, I'm sorry."

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One more gun question: There's a kind of holdout pistol (the coat pistol) in the early firearms category, but not in the advanced firearms category. Do you have anything in mind for how that might work? If I want a single-shot small pistol that can be easily concealed, but I want to to use a bullet instead of ball-and-powder, what would your ruling be for that?
I ask because the rules are a little weird; the coat pistol is listed as an early firearm, and in the description it says it uses ball and powder or alchemical cartridges. Technically "firearm bullet" is on the list of alchemical cartridges, so it should be able to use a bullet? But since it's an early firearm it still would have the misfire problem of exploding, instead of the advanced firearm problem of just getting the broken condition.
Basically I would like to get a coat pistol that is considered an advanced firearm for purposes of misfiring and ammunition (that is, one made with current technology, not 200 years out of date).

GM DeathbySuburbs |

One more gun question: There's a kind of holdout pistol (the coat pistol) in the early firearms category, but not in the advanced firearms category. Do you have anything in mind for how that might work? If I want a single-shot small pistol that can be easily concealed, but I want to to use a bullet instead of ball-and-powder, what would your ruling be for that?
I ask because the rules are a little weird; the coat pistol is listed as an early firearm, and in the description it says it uses ball and powder or alchemical cartridges. Technically "firearm bullet" is on the list of alchemical cartridges, so it should be able to use a bullet? But since it's an early firearm it still would have the misfire problem of exploding, instead of the advanced firearm problem of just getting the broken condition.
Basically I would like to get a coat pistol that is considered an advanced firearm for purposes of misfiring and ammunition (that is, one made with current technology, not 200 years out of date).
A derringer. We'll treat it like a coat pistol, but cheap, uses single shot bullet and no explosion on misfire.

GM DeathbySuburbs |

There are actually guns everywhere rules
** spoiler omitted **
Revolver is 400, rifle is 500, shotgun is 500, pepperbox rifle is 700, double barrel shotgun is 700 and alchemical cartridges cost 1.2 gold pieces.
Of course the GM can alter these, but that's the rules for guns everywhere as written in...I think UC?
Thank you for this. To make it simple , I'm thinking in this economy 1000 go = $100. Take the prices from this and multiply by .05 to get cost. For everything but magic items. Custom cost there.

Browman |

Basic stats are done, more to follow
Human Paladin (divine Hunter)
12 Str
18 Dex
12 Con
11 Int
10 Wis
14 Cha
Fort +4
Ref +4
Will +3
BAB +2
Precise Shot
Point Blank Shot
Deadly Aim
Hardly a Fool
Diplomacy +7
Sense Motive +6
Heal +4
Ride +8
Background Skills
Handle Animal +7
Knowledge (Geography) +5

GM Mowque |

I present "The Impossible Sam Abrams" (Samuel Abramowitz )! Halfing rouge, escapologist, and stage performer. Coming to a city and stage near you! Thrill as he undoes impossible chains, slips the most modern handcuffs and escapes even the tightest sealed crates! Amazing and wonderful!
The Impossible Sam Abrams
Halfling unchained rogue 2 (Escapologist)
CG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 16
Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Dagger +5 (1d3+4/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack (unchained) +1d6, +1 to confirm crits
Str 9, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Weapon Finesse
Traits Helpful, Anatomist
Skills Acrobatics +10, Appraise +1, Bluff +7, Climb +1, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +10, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +10, Intimidate +5, Perception +5, Perform (stage magician) +6, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +13
Languages Common, Polish, Carny (Like a Thieves Cant?)
Rogue Talent: Underhanded Trick: You gain Improved Dirty Trick as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
Combat Gear To be filled out later
Special Abilities
Elusive: An escapologist adds 1/2 her rogue level (minimum +1) as a bonus on all Disable Device and Escape Artist checks. An escapologist can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.
This ability replaces trapfinding, but counts as trapfinding for the purposes of prerequisites and abilities that require trapfinding.
Evasion: At 2nd level, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Halfling Stuff:
Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Halfling Luck: Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Sure-Footed: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks.
Behind the Veil (1 RP): Characters with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks while benefiting from concealment or cover. Halflings can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity
Sam Abrams (Samuel Abramowitz )
1. Think up at least 5 things about the character and his background that are essential to the character. This is your foundation for the character.
- Samuel is the son of Polish immigrants to America, having grown up in the slums of New York City. While they call themselves 'dwarf' they are actually halflings.
- He spent his childhood on the streets on New York, a rough and tumble place but nothing extraordinary. One day, his family was taking a train to see relatives. There was a wreck and Samuel was trapped inside the burning wreckage for hours. Several other passengers died, including his younger sister. He was scarred and later in life terrifying of being trapped in such a situation again.
- He became interested in the world of stage magic in NYC and would often haunt the theater districts (as well as the seedy taverns and bars). Over his parents protests, he began to pick up a few tricks from other famed magicians. He called himself a 'freak' and used his halfling secret as part of his stage show. Hiding in plain sight, as he liked to brag to himself. His stage name is the "Impossible Sam Abrams."
- Samuel then joined a traveling circus act that took him all over the East Coast. He was a minor C-List act at best, but it was valuable training. Passing from card tricks, he moved quickly into escapology, slipping handcuffs and sealed boxes. Unlike some of his contemporaries nearly all of his 'tricks' were real and used sheer skill to escape. During this time he met many interesting and people and learned some of the trade as a stage performer.
- A few months ago however, he learned his boss had been stealing from his take and he left the act, furious and wishing to start his own show. The Wild West, flush with cash and no competition from other acts, seemed like a good bet.
- Samuel has spent a life hiding his Jewish roots. His stage name, Sam Abrams was part of that. Other then that, he is a bright, gregarious person with a flair for the dramatic and thinks he is smarter then just about anyone else around.
2. Think up at least 2 goals for the character. These are the things the character or you, the player want to see happen.
- Sam would like to become famous. He has spent his life as a B Act at best, making it to fame and success is his ultimate goal.
- Managing to re-unite with his family, who basically disowned him after he joined the circus, is another major life goal for him.
3. Think up at least 2 secrets for the character. 1 should be a secret that the character has, and 2 should be a secret that involves the character but the character doesn't know yet.
- His Jewish heritage is a deeply held secret
-Sam's younger brother, a veteran of the Civil War, is searching the West for him.
4. Describe 3 people tied to the character through blood, romance or honor. Two should be friendly, one should be hostile. Everyone has friends and enemies.
- Elijah Abramowitz: His younger brother who is currently combing the West for him. An ex-soldier down on his luck, he is looking to find his brother and reunite the family.
- Sarah Williamson: A on again off again girlfriend from Sam's later stage days. They got along quite well but between hiding his Jewish past and hankering for greater glory, they sometimes clashed. Sarah wants to be an author in her own right. The last time they met was in Chicago before Sam headed West.
- 'Alexander the Great' a rival magician from the circus act. Really named Alexander Grant, they have constantly been jostling for being headliners. Grant, a bigger, stronger man, has often resorted to violence or trickery to get what he wants. He and Sam have come to blows more then once and it is rumored Grant has connections to the criminal underworld.
5. Describe 3 memories the character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
- The tragic train accident. Being pinned by crumbled metal and wood, feeling the searing flames, hearing the crying people. And later learning his sister had died in the wreck.
-Leaving his parents to join the circus act. It was a painful scene at the train station, his mother tearfully begging him to stay, his father sternly disapproving. They really didn't think he would do it. After he hugged them one last time and climbed the train, he saw them both turn their backs, his mother reluctantly, his father firmly. Later he sent many letters, none of them answered (although his brother later found them and they inspired him on his current search).
- The first time he met Sarah Williamson, after one of his acts. She shyly met him after the show and asked how he did one of his trick. Entrance,d he broke his usual code and showed her how he had outwitted the heavy steel manacles. They spent the entire night talking and laughing. His most treasured memory.

GM DeathbySuburbs |

I present "The Impossible Sam Abrams" (Samuel Abramowitz )! Halfing rouge, escapologist, and stage performer. Coming to a city and stage near you! Thrill as he undoes impossible chains, slips the most modern handcuffs and escapes even the tightest seal crates! Amazing and wonderful!
** spoiler omitted **...
YES! This is the type of flavor that I am looking for.

GM DeathbySuburbs |

Working out a concept for a character and just wanted to make sure- with Guns Everywhere, firearms are classed as simple weapons, correct?
That is what RAW states, but I have a hard time with this a bit. Anyone can fire a gun, but proficiency is something gained from experience. I personally feel that any character or real life person should not be accurate without spending some time in practice. I would say that if there is no investment in feat or class feature, then they should take a penalty on ranged attacks with guns. This is probably how I will play it. Hopefully, this was along your line of questioning and I didn't totally miss the boat about what you were asking.

Browman |

fbdaury wrote:Working out a concept for a character and just wanted to make sure- with Guns Everywhere, firearms are classed as simple weapons, correct?That is what RAW states, but I have a hard time with this a bit. Anyone can fire a gun, but proficiency is something gained from experience. I personally feel that any character or real life person should not be accurate without spending some time in practice. I would say that if there is no investment in feat or class feature, then they should take a penalty on ranged attacks with guns. This is probably how I will play it. Hopefully, this was along your line of questioning and I didn't totally miss the boat about what you were asking.
I assume martial weapon training would cover that?

GM DeathbySuburbs |

GM DeathbySuburbs wrote:I assume martial weapon training would cover that?fbdaury wrote:Working out a concept for a character and just wanted to make sure- with Guns Everywhere, firearms are classed as simple weapons, correct?That is what RAW states, but I have a hard time with this a bit. Anyone can fire a gun, but proficiency is something gained from experience. I personally feel that any character or real life person should not be accurate without spending some time in practice. I would say that if there is no investment in feat or class feature, then they should take a penalty on ranged attacks with guns. This is probably how I will play it. Hopefully, this was along your line of questioning and I didn't totally miss the boat about what you were asking.
I think that you would be correct here following my philosophy regarding the post above.

fbdaury |

That is what RAW states, but I have a hard time with this a bit. Anyone can fire a gun, but proficiency is something gained from experience. I personally feel that any character or real life person should not be accurate without spending some time in practice. I would say that if there is no investment in feat or class feature, then they should take a penalty on ranged attacks with guns. This is probably how I will play it. Hopefully, this was along your line of questioning and I didn't totally miss the boat about what you were asking.
Ok- this is what I was wondering, if a feat needed to be allocated to the proficiency. My short synopsis is this- a human rogue (sharper), he is a Gambler and proficient with firearms- I'm thinking along the lines of a Doc Halliday type.

GM DeathbySuburbs |

GM DeathbySuburbs wrote:Ok- this is what I was wondering, if a feat needed to be allocated to the proficiency. My short synopsis is this- a human rogue (sharper), he is a Gambler and proficient with firearms- I'm thinking along the lines of a Doc Halliday type.That is what RAW states, but I have a hard time with this a bit. Anyone can fire a gun, but proficiency is something gained from experience. I personally feel that any character or real life person should not be accurate without spending some time in practice. I would say that if there is no investment in feat or class feature, then they should take a penalty on ranged attacks with guns. This is probably how I will play it. Hopefully, this was along your line of questioning and I didn't totally miss the boat about what you were asking.
You could go unchained rogue and select the firearms rogue talent. We are starting at level 2.

servant6 |

I'm still working on a character sheet, but here is Samuel Levins, a Half-Nosferatu Dhampir Psychic.
5 Essentials
-Samuel’s birth was the result of an experiment conducted by an ancient vampire on a young immigrant girl in New York.
-His mother was too young to care for him and left him at orphanage. He has no idea who she is or if she’s even alive.
-A pale, gaunt man, Samuel looks human enough. Despite being only twenty-three, he appears to be in his mid to late forties. However, the average fellow on the street would not suspect anything supernatural just from his appearance. Though his front incisors are rather pointed.
-He possesses a slight air of superiority, due in part to his vampiric heritage. This bloodline grants him wisdom and patience beyond his years, approaching conflict with careful planning and calm precision.
-Samuel makes a living doing discrete PI work. Nothing official, as he’s afraid to bring too much attention to himself.
2 Goals
-Samuel would like to meet his “Father” one day. He views the man with a complex mix of adoration and anger. On one hand, the only reason he’s done this well for himself is due to the magic inherited from his father. On the other, he was abandoned and he can’t imagine what was done to his mother to result in his conception.
-Similarly, Samuel is curious if there are others out there like himself.
2 Secrets
-He engaged in a short romantic relationship with a married woman, Patricia Dines. He lost consciousness one night and (he thinks) drank her blood.
-The Nosferatu who made him knows where he is. He knows where all his “children” are. Samuel only realized what he was through the covert psychic prompting of his father.
3 Relations
-Patricia Dines. He helped prove her husband was unfaithful after she requested his assistance. They were temporarily romantically involved, but Samuel cut it off abruptly, too afraid of himself to let her get close. Samuel simply left without a word, westbound.
-Rodney Dines. Patricia’s husband. He’s understandably not on good terms with Samuel.
-Jonny. A slightly older gentleman that was homeless before Samuel invited him to stay in his tenement apartment. Jonny is, for lack of a better term, slow. They met when Samuel was just a young boy living on the streets. Jonny never judged the strange pale child and was the closest thing to a father Samuel ever had. As Samuel grew up, he managed to scrounge enough cash to rent them a place to stay and eventually helped Jonny get his own job. He’s the only person Samuel really misses.
3 Memories
-Meeting Jonny for the first time. The simply joy in the man’s eyes, despite the suffering around him.
-Coming to an epiphany as to his lineage. It was a clear moment seared in his memory amidst an otherwise dark and uncertain life.
-The first, and only, time he became intimate with Patricia. He felt a bestial hunger overtake him and he lost control. That moment convinced Samuel he could never let anyone he cared about close to him. He was cursed. He was dangerous.

fbdaury |

Albrecht "Professor" Hutton (Hauptmann)
5 Facts:
1. Born and educated in Germany, he came to America to escape an unfortunate murder charge after killing a minor noble's son for cheating in a game of cards.
2. His father was a University Professor and up until he discovered cards and the 'rowdy' lifestyle it was thought that he too would go into academics.
3. Due to his education and upbringing, he still acts refined and civilized, even when he's cheating at cards or nicking a man\s pocket watch.
4. He has only ever loved one woman and she died giving birth to his stillborn younger brother when he was 7.
5. Decided to head out West because of the allure of the wide open spaces, the thrill of untamed (less-tamed?) territory, and of course all the money to be made fleecing marks out there.
2 Goals
1. Albrecht seeks to make his fortune so that he can then settle down to a sedate life of comfort.
2. Wants to be a writer- seeks to pen the 'Great American Novel'.
2 Secrets
1. Secretly a romantic who feels that he cannot survive in this new world unless he appears to be much harder and crueler than he is.
2. He is being pursued by a bounty hunter sent by the father of the man he killed back in Germany.
3 People
1. "Tookie"- his sometimes partner in his criminal and gambling enterprises.
2. Eden Armitage- heiress to a steel fortune and the only woman to not only refuse his charms but also beat him at cards (it would be fair to say she'll be the second woman he ever loves).
3. Dennis 'Deadstare' Dawson- the bounty hunter that has been sent after him, he would have killed Albreacht already but there is a HUGE bonus for bringing him back to his employer's men in New York alive.
3 Memories
1. The last time he ever saw his mother, as she was being wheeled into a hospital to give birth to his brother.
2. The first hand of cards he ever won, and he's been hooked since.
3. The fight that started with an argument over cheating at cards and that ended with him shooting a young noble between the eyes.
Still working out all the details of the character but will post once done.

fbdaury |

Albrecht "Professor" Hutton (Changed from Hauptmann when he arrived at Ellis Island)
Human Rogue (Sharper) 2nd
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
hp 12
Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Deft Hands, Martial Proficiency: Firearms
Traits Deft Dodger, Suspicious
Skills Acrobatics +3, Appraise +5, Artistry (Literature) +5, Bluff +8, Climb +1, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +9, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +3, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (History) +5, Knowledge (Local) +5, Linguistics +5, Lore (Shakespeare's Writing) +5, Perception +6, Perform (Sing) +6, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +7
Languages English, French, German, Latin, Russian, and Spanish.
Sticky Fingers (Replaces Rogue Talent)- Receives Improved Steal
as Bonus feat.
Gear To be filled out later
Special Abilities
Scam Artist- A Sharper gets 1/2 their level added to all Bluff and Sleight of Hand skill checks.
Evasion: At 2nd level, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
I will add gear and adjust AC and attacks accordingly then.

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My character submission (Winona, the half-Lakota gambler) is partially inspired by someone I know and partially by The Quick and the Dead, which you should check out if you haven't seen it yet.

GM DeathbySuburbs |

My character submission (Winona, the half-Lakota gambler) is partially inspired by someone I know and partially by The Quick and the Dead, which you should check out if you haven't seen it yet.
I will do, thank you.

Simeon |

I've actually been brainstorming a game set around the same time period as Blood River, so it's great to see that there's other people out there who see the potential in a western style game. As for my character, John Boy was inspired first by an NPC that I made for a western setting, along with family stories about past generations who crossed the Cumberland Gap to get to Mississippi.

thunderbeard |

Haha whaaat. If I have time I'll have to try writing something up. Thinking either a man-of-science-atoning-for-past-mistakes type, a la Frankenstein (or the "experiments of Galvan" type thing) based on a very 19th-century understanding of alchemy, maybe a Necroccultist or Investigator or some sort—or maybe going with some sort of musician-with-a-sad-past bard, playing period-appropriate music.

GM DeathbySuburbs |

Haha whaaat. If I have time I'll have to try writing something up. Thinking either a man-of-science-atoning-for-past-mistakes type, a la Frankenstein (or the "experiments of Galvan" type thing) based on a very 19th-century understanding of alchemy, maybe a Necroccultist or Investigator or some sort—or maybe going with some sort of musician-with-a-sad-past bard, playing period-appropriate music.
The galvanic grabs my interest.

GM DeathbySuburbs |

Haha whaaat. If I have time I'll have to try writing something up. Thinking either a man-of-science-atoning-for-past-mistakes type, a la Frankenstein (or the "experiments of Galvan" type thing) based on a very 19th-century understanding of alchemy, maybe a Necroccultist or Investigator or some sort—or maybe going with some sort of musician-with-a-sad-past bard, playing period-appropriate music.
Galvanist. Apologies

servant6 |

Question, GM DeathbySuburbs. Thanks to a positive INT bonus, Samuel can learn additional languages, but in this setting, that doesn't make much sense to me. Why would a someone born in New York City know anything other than English? I was just thinking of just dropping his bonus languages. /shrug
Oh, and should we roll for HD or take the average?