Naming a character: why character names matter

Pathfinder Society

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Kahel Stormbender wrote:
Haven't had a chance to play John Lee Glaze yet. Kinda feel ashamed of the name, but it was almost a case of me having to do that name if I'm making a ghost rider. I mean, really. I had to.

inquisitor with a burning stare, mount, and chain ?

Dark Archive 1/5

No, cavalier using the Ghost Rider archtype. You basically get a ghost horse and penitence stare. Have to double check, but I think the flaming skull bit happens too. Can't remember off hand what you trade away for this.

Dark Archive

Righty - as I stand on the righty and you are on the lefty together we flanky.

Telessar Talimah- Dragon magazine blend of elven words.

Meri Doc - Your happy halfling Asmodean doctor.

Bob Dolon and Ogre Dolon, the real pathfinder (hero) is Ogre, bob is the sideline coward wearing the brown pants.

Dorian Grey - yeah I stole that one.

Bo Atlas - peace through horizontal blindness

Golden - the deluded aasimar druid with a celestial companion.

Silver - The real merchants count the silver. (Copper weighs too much)

Shayd of Nidal - Darkive Repoman

Mel the construction (and de-construction mage)

Lord Byron - yeah I stole this one too

Brandy Lion - A true Taldan son, of a reprobate father, see Righty.

Francisco de la Scaramanga - the tiefling with a golden gun. Yeah stole that one too.


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What, no name-theory here?

Most my characters have names that are a single hard closed syllables (Tem, Jet, Roc, Jack). The type of names that could be shouted across the battlefield and heard clearly in the din of battle. The more action orientated the character, the sharper the the name; while more reserved characters have longer, open, or softer names (Blue, VanViche, Joe).

The out of character logic is that GMs can fit these names on most initiative trackers and these names are easier to hear in a loud gaming room. Also it makes it easier for GMs to pronounce and remember the names while mentally juggling the scenario.


We have a local player with a character named Perception Check. I've been pushing to have him make a character named I Delay.


DM Livgin wrote:

What, no name-theory here?

Most my characters have names that are a single hard closed syllables (Tem, Jet, Roc, Jack). The type of names that could be shouted across the battlefield and heard clearly in the din of battle. The more action orientated the character, the sharper the the name; while more reserved characters have longer, open, or softer names (Blue, VanViche, Joe).

The out of character logic is that GMs can fit these names on most initiative trackers and these names are easier to hear in a loud gaming room. Also it makes it easier for GMs to pronounce and remember the names while mentally juggling the scenario.

Yknow I tried to do that with my ratfolk H'k but it seems to have generally had the opposite effect

Dark Archive 4/5

I really tried to NOT post. I didn't want to open myself up to ridicule and adoration. Hold onto your butts.

Artemis Arwenstar-female ranger styled on Paris Hilton, "You know my dad, Gandalf. Gandalf Arwenstar. Owns Arwenstar Inns."

Luka Brazzi-dwarf mobster

Ticotinnabulum Tind Fith-Fath Toccata AKA "Tic Toc"-gnome sorcerer

Dokken Skyrlock-human gunslinger

Tunguska "Tusk"-half-orc barbarian, Russian meteorite

Ling-Ling Tran-Tien halfling ninja

Vilka Arodenyara-elf magus

Aldous Snow-half-elf bard, homage to Russell Brand and allows me to use my British accent

Istvan "Uncle Istvan" Rasputin Bolvigar-human inquisitor, named after the Magic card and Russian charlatan

Essial "Essy" Sessarion-elf fop

Sknr Sknr Sknr Skrm and Hrk Hrk Hrrkk-halfling druid and AC, the wind, "Maria", took the vowels

T'virr T'vaar-tiefling rogue/wizard

Albericci Alighieri Montressor "Hound"-taldan ranger, names from construction company, Dante, and "The Cask of Amontillado" (Poe)

Padfrar Mayhem Follows "MF"-human fighter

Shirri and Shefanhow-human summoner

Pippingham "Pip" Shadrach Puppysbreath-halfling monk

Shikaku Kakaw Shikalaka Boom Shikalaka-tengu monk, partial name from Muppets Pirate movie song

Asa Matari Peshwar-asura-spawn monk

Tawnee Kitaen-rakshasa-spawn rogue

Slar, Rider of the Wastes-div-spawn paladin

Frikk Havershum-dwarf barbarian with a twin brother Frakk

Tholozan-wizard, named after a street

Kinsa "The Feast" Kyrin-oni-spawn hunter

Brings Awareness With Instant Thundering Death Above Blue Air "Bawitdaba"-Shoanti rogue, thanks Kid Rock!

Asgaardu Ragnarokison-aasimar skald from Iberia

Sabra Barsa-halfling dawnflower dervish

Titsin "T~#+" McGhee-human cavalier, built on a dare and proving that cavaliers are a worthless class

Captain Bricksteel Manhammer Tightpants-aasimar paladin

Annalyssabeth "Darling"-tiefling bard fighting her inner demons

Otsana Baiul-skinwalker ranger

MaHak DaKoWr-oni-spawn barbarian

Dirty Dingus Dogby-halfling cavalier

Felicia Kitty-aasimar monk, named after the anime fighter

Ssun yat Ssen the Risen-nagaji bloodrager, named after Chinese revolutionary

Ghail GholGotha "Wakened to War"-Tien magus

Cassie Vixa-kitsune swashbuckler

Feren Gi Azhat-elf alchemist, named after a figurine we called "ass-hat"

Nuckalavee the Skinless-tengu oracle, named after Irish monster

Ilsa Ivana Demon-Drewn-tiefling cleric

Hugh Jass-dwarf monk

Abraxus Thermidore T. Archaeleus-nagaji paladin

Arionnan-sylph druid

Punkinhead-wayang kineticest, wears a pumpkin on his head

Eve of Destruction-halfling swashbuckler, 60s song

Polli-tengu medium

All my "Core" characters: Corleon, Corweas, Corgilead, Corma'al, Corruscat, Cordon, Corbae, Coroniel, and Dobro

Iron Lion and Zion-half-orc brawler and AC

Mersa Mensa "F.C." Medina-half-orc rogue, names from disease, club, and song

Coming Down the Mountain-Kellid barbarian, think Buttonhole Surfers

Bodhi Siddharthur-vudrani warpriest

Talk-Stick-human occultist

John Carter of Golarion-kellid techslinger, homage to Edgar Rice Burroughs, the greatest author of all times!!

On-lee, the Loneliest Monk-human monk

Bangs Whitley-ifrit gunslinger

Duckromancer-tengu wizard, named after cartoon (here's the link

Delicate red flower the color of blood-tiefling paladin

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

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The only list of names you'll ever need.

4/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Belabras wrote:
The only list of names you'll ever need.

There's a character in our area named Gristle McThornbody.

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

Minna Hiltula wrote:
Belabras wrote:
The only list of names you'll ever need.
There's a character in our area named Gristle McThornbody.

If there isn't a Goliath Druid out there named Big McLargehuge I will eat my hat.

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Belabras wrote:
Minna Hiltula wrote:
Belabras wrote:
The only list of names you'll ever need.
There's a character in our area named Gristle McThornbody.
If there isn't a Goliath Druid out there named Big McLargehuge I will eat my hat.

Your hat is safe since Big McLargehuge was taken when I tried to make it :-)

Sovereign Court

I play a lot of half-orcs, and its not a proper half-orc name if you can't put an exclamation point after it... and nearly every syllable is emphasised.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Saphira Ainara Blair - Varisian pirate. Named after the high priestess of Cayden Cailean in Absalom and two names I liked.

Alma Makvala - Tiefling arcane trickster. I just liked the way the two names came together.

Shamira - Kellid Mammothrider. Shamira is hebrew for guardian or protector according to

Gudrun - Kellid lorewarden. Based on the old norse name whose meaning is god's secret lore. Found it very fitting for a librarian warrior :)

Kaja Astadottir - Half ulfen/half kellid life oracle. Kaja is derived from Katherine which could be coming from a greek word with the meaning of each of the two (the other one is based on the godess Hecate). For a character based on both ulfen and mammoth lord upbringing I found this to be very fitting.

Kiri - Oread summoner. I have no idea how I came to that name.

Magnhild - Ulfen paladin. Derived from Old Norse magn "mighty, strong" and hildr "battle".

Ragna (and Baldur) - Ulfen druid (and bear animal companion). Ragna is derived from old norse, with a meaning of counsel, advice. Baldur is a different spelling for the norse word meaning prince. I kinda liked that for a sage archetyped animal companion.

Zaafira the Redeemed - Vudrani amnesiac psychic. Name of an NPC in a certain module that I "redeemed". Used some boons to start a new character with that name, and with help of the amnesiac archetype I could explain why she was suddenly so much weaker than compared to the module NPC :)

Maela - Kellid evangelist of Erastil. Feminine form of the breton Mael,with the meaning of chief. (She's going to be a summoning based cleric).


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I want to create Foeslayer Rageheart Bloodaxe the asthmatic, short-sighted accountant, who is a terrible disappointment to his parents.

Yet another one that crossed my mind I may want to use at some point.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ****

Names are simple! Me pappy always told me that his pappy was told by his pappy... [this goes on a while] that a Taldan nobly type told him that you should always name your sons after you, so that your legacy will live on forever. Well, great great great great great great [goes on a while] grandpappy Thorval took that to heart, so we Sons of Thorval have followed that advice.

My name? Well of course it is Thorval son of Thorval son of Thorval son of Thorval son of ... [goes on for a while) ... son of Thorval!

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tamec wrote:
Belabras wrote:
Minna Hiltula wrote:
Belabras wrote:
The only list of names you'll ever need.
There's a character in our area named Gristle McThornbody.
If there isn't a Goliath Druid out there named Big McLargehuge I will eat my hat.

Your hat is safe since Big McLargehuge was taken when I tried to make it :-)

I am wanting to be meeting these peoples!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bolt Vanderhuge wrote:
Tamec wrote:
Belabras wrote:
Minna Hiltula wrote:
Belabras wrote:
The only list of names you'll ever need.
There's a character in our area named Gristle McThornbody.
If there isn't a Goliath Druid out there named Big McLargehuge I will eat my hat.

Your hat is safe since Big McLargehuge was taken when I tried to make it :-)

I am wanting to be meeting these peoples!

A David Ryder table would be awesome

Dark Archive 1/5

Big McLargehuge?! And I thought some of my pun names were bad.


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My Thunder&Fang Shoanti Fighter from the Shadde-Quah of the sea cliffs:
Ehmm Sea-Hammer
Named after his grandfather who saved many lives along the shore:
Ehmm Oceanal-Rescue

Dark Archive 1/5

Once played a rather stupid barbarian (all physical stats were the highest possible at char creation, all mental stats were 3) named Gor of Ugg. In actuality the name of his barbarian tribe was the Gore Tooth tribe, he could never remember his own name, and he kept getting his name and the name of the tribe confused. Of course, the Gore Tooth tribe were very very evil. Gor of Ugg got kicked out of the tribe for being too stupid to be evil. To prove how evil he is, he joined a group of adventurers who were going around righting wrongs. Yeah, as i said... too stupid to be evil.

As further proof he was collecting what was suppose to be a necklace of his enemies scrotum. But again, really incredibly stupid. His necklace had pine cones, rocks, nuts, and even a piece of dried out dung on it.

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