Paladin advice - Optimize for roleplaying fun. WOT warning


I've come to respect the cleverness and creativity of the people on these forums, so I'm asking for some of that creative input.
Although a veteran 2nd edition AD&D player (actually started before it was 'A'D&D), I'm relatively new to Pathfinder and most of my group is the same. I have access to the Core Rules, APG, UM, and UC, but can only claim "good" knowledge of the Core. There's a lot there.
I'm making a Paladin for Carrion Crown and this is his concept:

When Lamont Cranston was a child, he was in an Orc raid (as so many adventurers seem to be). While the family retainers that were escorting him were brutally murdered before his traumatized eyes, he was spared. He "smelled right". It was in the aftermath that he discovered he was actually half-orc. There was a strain in the family bloodline and it sometimes manifested. His orcish features were very muted, but they were there. He was horrified. All of his anger and fear turned into self-loathing. He was a monster and anyone who saw him would know it. He took to hiding and wearing a mask. He rarely spoke.
His parents became increasingly concerned as this behavior got no better through the next two years. In desperation, they sent him to the Temple school of Iomedae. There, the stern but kind teachers finally got through to him. They told him that he wouldn't hate the evil of orcs if there wasn't also good in his soul. He clung to that hope like a drowning man to a float. When he was old enough, he petitioned for Paladin training and became a Paladin of Iomedae. Though the training largely healed the scars in his mind, he still feels uncomfortable without his mask and knows that a knowledgeable person may spot the orc features in his glowering forehead and square jaw. It's a rare companion who has ever seen him without the mask.
Until the start of the adventure, he has preferred to operate at night in the poorest (and most crime-ridden) parts of town. Nightvision, a black cloak, and a long developed skill at hiding, means that often the first thing an evil-doer sees is a silver mask appearing in the night before his eyes. With Detect Evil at will and +6 sense motive, he really does know what evil lurks in the hearts of men.
So they call him, "The Shadow".

(Yeah, laugh it up. I love Old Time Radio. Sue me.)

What I need advice with is how to make up this character in a way that is fun to play and helpful to the party without either powergaming or crippling himself. It looks like we are going to be short on fighters. The only other stand up fighter is a bladebound magus. Not sure how that's going to work, but if he can get a decent AC and keep the pointy end of his sword toward the monsters, I'll be happy. As such, I think it best to stick with the traditional 2h weapon Paly. The DM is giving the chars a starting "item" and gave him mwk Full Plate as soon as I described him. DM OKed these traits:
Reduced Orcish Features. Looks more human. Someone who is knowledgeable about half-orcs could get a perception check to figure out his heritage, but most people would just think him a bit "funny looking".
Sneaky. You spent your childhood playing hide-and-seek and, as an adult, still like appearing unexpectedly. Get +1 to stealth checks and stealth is a class skill for you.
Stat rolls (Given by DM to all players): 18,17,16,15,14,13. Don't even try to figure out what that is in points - you'll sleep better. With all those bennies, I see no reason to min/max, powergame, or otherwise try to take advantage of the system. I just want to optimize him for fun roleplaying. So far, I'm thinking this for stats:

ST 18 +2 (I need to keep the bad guys focused on me and making sure that ignoring me is gonna get them gutted like a Sturgeon seems a reasonable way to do that. Perhaps a weapon with reach? I mean. I do +7.5 damage with the jawbone of an ass, does the base dam matter much? (Unless the ass is evil, I make sure it's dead first))
DX 13 (It's plate. Whatever.)
CON 16 (I'm waffling on this one and INT. I have so few skill points and so many useful skills, is 1 HP or 1 Skill point more useful. I put it here because I know I'm gonna get battered like a piñata, but I suspect the skills are more fun.)
INT 14 ( Two skills + INT? Really? What turnip truck did Paladins fall off of? No wonder people think we're stupid.)
WIS 15 (I'm not a primary spellcaster and I'm immune to half the will saves anyway.)
CHA 17 (Shades of Old school. Paly prom queens. At least it has a use now. It seems most of my spells and abilities are CHA based. And people like me. They really LIKE me...)

At this point, I'm stuck. Archetypes, feats: no clue. I hope I've given you an idea of my vision for the character and my sense of humor/fun.

Any ideas? BTW: This is my first Pathfinder char.

Grand Lodge

Have you seen the Inquisitor Class?

You may find it more fitting for this concept.

Also, create a bullet list of what you want your PC to be good at.

It will help for others to give advice.

Dark Archive

I'll get into it in detail further, but one thing to keep in mind is that pallies cast off of Charisma now.

Going by the comment for your wisdom score that might be one change you hadn't picked up on since making the switch. Also look at the wonderful changes to smite in detail!

Also, I agree with BBT that the inquisitor might be a great choice. The sin inquisiton, for instance, lets you see which sins dwell in the hearts of men. You will lose the ability to detect evil at will, though.

Going with the stealth as well you might want to look into the heretic archetype of the inquisitor.

Grand Lodge

Inquisitor can be much better at social skills, especially offensive uses of them.

Also, better at reading others, perceiving threats, and stealth.

Excellent point, blackbloodtroll. Unfortunately, we already have an inquisitor and the DM loves the half-orc Paladin idea so much he informed me that he would rip my head off and do something best left unsaid in my windpipe if I try to change.
We Have:
Inquisitor with some kind of Draconic Heritage thing I don't understand.
Bladebound Magus. Elric of Melnibone is the impression I get.
Druid. Player has never played D&D before.
Ninja. I don't have to adventure with her. I just walk through the dungeon and I find dead people. Stuff happens, Right? Traps are sprung when I get to them. Must have mice. A charging Orc falls over with a knife in his back. Sounds like a family curse. Sigh.

I mostly want to:
a) Be able to hold up my responsibilities in combat.
b) Be able to do something outside of combat besides preach and try to spot the Ninja (Perception isn't a class skill). Diplomacy, investigation, tame a Riding Squid. Heck! I don't care as long as it contributes and is fun.
c) As a player, I love to think, plan, strategize, and then grin like a maniac when it comes together. I still fondly remember the time we beat two Black Reavers by hiring a Dwarven Mining company to drop a Cliffside on them.
d) The Shadow as a Paly is definitely sub-optimal, but I still want to try to make him as psychological as possible. Beat them in combat, yes, but beat them in their minds first. It might not work, but it will be fun to try.

I was going to try the Paladin Gunslinger Archetype, but the firearm rules seem...peculiar. And we don't need another light armor ranged fighter anyway.

Tiems - Good point. Would that 15 be better used elsewhere? Perhaps on DEX? Someday I'll get mithril or magic armor (If I live that long)...

Dark Archive

Well are many things to be said for a ranged paladin, but it will become quite powerful damage-wise. So that would depend in whether it fits the theme. Id recommend Dex as you're not really using wisdom anyway, and you don't need it for the will save. And Dex will help you with sneaking of course!

If you're going with a twohander you won't have to worry about holding your own in combat if you're getting the chance to smite.

Don't forget the armour expert trait that lowers the penalty armor imposes on stealth etc, btw!

Grand Lodge

What about a Battle Oracle, or Paladin/Oracle mix?

Dark Archive

Or if you really like the idea of strategising or deviating from a standard paladin you might try the holy tactician archetype. It's closely related to the plan coming together, and having something more than just hitting in combat.

From a role playing perspective the paladin is a bit sub-optimal, but if you really want to stick to it there are still a lot of options available!

You could even look into some oaths that match your character's theme.

And lastly, always good advice when discussing paladins, talk with the GM about how he interprets the paladin code you have to follow.

Silver Crusade

From a character stand point i think taking Oath against Savagry (from UM) would be good for your Paladin. it gives bonuses against evil humanoids (such as orcs, thieves and other such suspicous and cowardly lots) and you can expend smites for a free lunge feat.
Or perhaps the Oath of Veangence instead, allowing you to expends LoH for smites and sharing them with your friends.
You could also take Eldritch Heratige Feats for the Orc Bloodline, this would allow you to give Morale bonuses to allies and gain inherent stength bonuses

As for other feats, go for one that increase your intimidate abilities and as for weapons.....i'd go for say a scizore for the disarm, trip ad ease of use. plus its slightly more frightening to those poor buggers in the back alleys than a sword. Flails are also good and you will probably need the bludgeoning damage. i'd also recomend Nets, you may not be proficient in them, but they apply to touch AC, are relativly cheep, good for when you dont need to kill, and easaly enchantable.

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