4-23 Rivalry's End (spoilers probable)

GM Discussion

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Dark Archive 4/5

I've been looking forward to this scenario for months, and was very pleased with how it turned out.

I love the amount of subtlety utilized, as well as the nature of the introductory scene. One component that may go overlooked by many is the simplicity in the scenario allowing for so much more role-play - loved it.

I suppose the only nit-picks are that the Bard has one too many 1st/2nd level spells per day as eagle's splendor is temporary. I wish the metamagic feat had been a little more useful such as Heighten Spell.

I look forward to GM'ing it thrice over the next week. Very well designed Ron Lundeen!

Followup question:

I know "The Spider" is directly referenced/appeared in S4-14: My Enemy’s Enemy and S2-24: Shadow’s Last Stand Part 2... am i missing any direct reference/appearance?

Dark Archive

Andrew Torgerud wrote:

Followup question:
** spoiler omitted **


Shadow's Last Stand Pts 1 & 2, and The Mantis Prey... might be others too

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Is it out? I'm seeing "available tomorrow".

Shadow Lodge

I imagine those who are running it at PaizoCon got their hands on it a wee bit early.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

Andrew Torgerud wrote:

I've been looking forward to this scenario for months, and was very pleased with how it turned out.

I love the amount of subtlety utilized, as well as the nature of the introductory scene. One component that may go overlooked by many is the simplicity in the scenario allowing for so much more role-play - loved it.

I suppose the only nit-picks are that the Bard has one too many 1st/2nd level spells per day as eagle's splendor is temporary. I wish the metamagic feat had been a little more useful such as Heighten Spell.

I look forward to GM'ing it thrice over the next week. Very well designed Ron Lundeen!

Followup question:
** spoiler omitted **

Also in Severing Ties.
Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

July 5 is mega release day.

Grand Lodge 4/5

The Spider has been behind several scenarios..and appeared in one. (before RE)


She's a NASTY mind controlling wench. She is the sort that fighters should live in fear of. My tower shield specialist nearly beat the bard in our group to death.. with NON-lethal damage.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hmm.. Played this with a group and.....


I don't know if it's the personalities at my table.. which is an average spread of the Jax lodge..

but they gleefully ran circles around the clockwork soldiers, running in one door to search one room, bolt thru the secret door when they heard the clockworks leave the other room.

And back.
And back again..
I had scooby do flashbacks.

Other than that.. the player were both satisfied and upset by the events.


The betrayal by Torch and the fact that HE got to kill Spider upset the Goblin in our group immensely. He wanted to eat the Spider's face..again. (Yeah..he killed her once already, chewed her face off)

5/5 *

uploaded all the monsters and spell summaries to the GM shared folder. Enjoy.

Get to run this tomorrow!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Just Finished Running It. Loved It. Very Fast Even With A Healthy dose Of Roleplay And ShenaniganS.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Xar'z wrote:

Just Finished Running It. Loved It. Very Fast Even With A Healthy dose Of Roleplay And ShenaniganS.

So I'm not the only one with giggling players huh?


I can't wait to run this! Plan on starting a Play-by-Forum within the next week. I absolutely love the way the Shadow Lodge arc is coming to a conclusion, and I sure hope the player's get a kick out of it, too!

And thanks, CRo, for the summaries.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

I'm going to run this on Monday, but the conclusion really rubs me the wrong way.

Torch's betrayal seems ridiculous from what I know of his character. Is he really prone to burning his bridges in a such a straight-forward and public manner?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Ninjack wrote:

I'm going to run this on Monday, but the conclusion really rubs me the wrong way.

** spoiler omitted **

I would say that IF he thought he had the right leverage he'd do this.


My guess? He's got the names of the Ten and everything else he thinks he needs for what he has planned next.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Thomas Graham wrote:
Ninjack wrote:

I'm going to run this on Monday, but the conclusion really rubs me the wrong way.

** spoiler omitted **

I would say that IF he thought he had the right leverage he'd do this.

** spoiler omitted **

Completely baseless speculation ahead:

Stopping grandmaster torch is the next seeker arc.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Iammars wrote:
Thomas Graham wrote:
Ninjack wrote:

I'm going to run this on Monday, but the conclusion really rubs me the wrong way.

** spoiler omitted **

I would say that IF he thought he had the right leverage he'd do this.

** spoiler omitted **

Completely baseless speculation ahead:

** spoiler omitted **

Oh.. I like this idea.. LOTS..

Cayden's Crew (the planned group I'm going to take one of my Caydenite PCs thru) would LOVE to do this.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Saw this coming, but didn't want to believe it.

My GM ran the scenario expertly, and I look forward to trying my hand at it when I get home.

* Contributor

I'm glad to see so many people loved this...it's a chore to keep spoilers under wraps sometimes, and this was one of the hardest for me!

If you loved this, please post a glowing review. If you didn't love it, constructive criticism is always welcome!


Any tips on building excitement/keeping the players on their toes for this one?

MY Ideas:
I don't know what borders on going out of bounds for society play but I was thinking of having the PCs on a map grid for as much of the game as possible (using the final encounter map in the briefing as well, mapping the parlor and storeroom). I can also have the PCs venture to and from the parlor on a city streets map, ask for rolls at certain points to try to create the impression they are being followed (perception, knowledge local, sense motive, will saves might be too much). Any thing else I can add to make this all come together? Some nice scathing comments from our friend the spider? I figure she'll bargain and imply some associates of hers will be following sooner rather than later but what else even minor should I include to create atmosphere?

Shadow Lodge 3/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a question about B6:


Is the damage done by the touch of idiocy trap healable by lesser restoration? The trap and the spell both refer to a penalty to Int, Wis and Cha. Am I right in thinking that to get rid of all three penalties, you'd need three lesser restorations?

I ran this scenario yesterday and both players and I greatly enjoyed it.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have serious concerns about the first encounter. It would fit in Bonekeep, I think.

First encounter in Tier 6-7 discussion:
I'd like to hear how other parties faired in the first fight. We had two dead and one at zero after two rounds of actions by the clockwork soldiers near the top third of the order.

We were playing up, but two of the three were 6th and 7th level (5, 4, 4, 4 for the rest). The second death was due to a Shield Other on the 7th. There were also two crits involved: 3d10+39 each. One of those one-shotted the cleric with 22 AC. Invisibilities allowed the rest of the party to grab bodies and continue the scenario after raises at lower tier thanks to our generous GM (which was a cakewalk as expected).

Even without the crits, we couldn't imagine any parties coming away without at least one person dead or negative. Their to hits mean that even an AC 25 character is no better than 50% chance to avoid damage. The damage of 1d10+13 drops a 7th level barbarian in two or three rounds with little chance of being able to return the favor because of the very high CMB.

We compared them to Flesh Golems, and either Flesh Golems are over CR'd or these are under. We felt the soldiers should be more like CR 8.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant


ToI gives a penalty, not damage. They'd need to wait out the durration of 10 min./level.

Grand Lodge 2/5

I have a story of a TPK from this. We were 3 5s and 2 6s. My level 5 sorceror, a level 5 magus, another level 5 sorceror, a level 6 druid, and a level 6 fighter.We had started with a very optimized level 7 (mid 30 AC) but was taken away at the beginning after we had decided to go up (and subsequently forgot to tell the GM we should go down).

first fight:

This was brutal. the animal companion died in one round. After a while the Druid and I were the only ones up, the Druid flying around and me invisible. After slowly healing them and playing dead we destroyed the last two with almost all my 8 uses of grease used. The GM didn't have them patrol in once they had no remaining enemies (which I disagreed with)

Next Fight:
This freaking trap. I found it, but failed on the disable (seeker archetype at least let me try). A web plus creeping doom was very tough. We ended up running around and shutting the doors. If I hadn't made my last distraction check I would have not been able to shut the door and would've died. We let the spell dissipate, and quickly ran out to get restorations and such.

The Spider:

This fight was the easiest. We spotted the trap and decided just to avoid it. This was very wise. We opened the door and apparently she had a readied action out of initiative, but we didn't even though there was definitely no surprise. She also apparently had a readied dominate... The fighter was dominated but made his second save to not attack allies, going against his morals. I cast my scroll of see invisible, and then glitter dusted. The magus was held for two turns, but by then we had her surrounded, grappled, and I had my last magic missile readied to hit her of she cast. (the GM abused my doing this with some BS here I think. She did a performance check, but claimed I couldn't discern it from a spell cast so had me cast anyways)

[spoiler=Final Fight]
Yea this was a slaughter. One glitter dust left and nothing on the other sorceror. Raging rogues who won initiative (what a bad time to roll a 1 with my +12 initiative) cleaned us up with flanking in a few rounds. I did get the glitter dust off, but the Druids and magus's dice went far south.


Mike Bohlmann wrote:

I have serious concerns about the first encounter. It would fit in Bonekeep, I think.

** spoiler omitted **

I am also a little concerned about it, but it is doable. I ran this twice at InCon tis past weekend. Both times the APL was somewhere in the 5 range, and they played up both times.

My first time, I had two deaths at this same point in the scenario. A7th level witch and 4/5th cavalier. Te witch just got stuck up front as the ony target after a lightning bolt in confined spaces. Three halberd hits later and she was gone. The cavalier went from nigh on full to dead with a timely times three crit...

The second time, the players had better positioning, and managed this fight with only an AC getting hit rather hard...of course this group had a death due to trap later on that level...

Som I had three deaths in two runnings of this one...much, much higher than my normal death rate.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Mike Bohlmann wrote:

I have serious concerns about the first encounter. It would fit in Bonekeep, I think.

** spoiler omitted **

I was at this table... it was a humbling situation. I felt like I was level 1 again.

My character was the level 7 knocked to zero, and killed the poor cleric (thanks to Shield Other). My melee character is built for options and situational control rather than super high AC or DPR. With my 20 AC, they hit me on anything but a 1 with their primary attack. They disarmed me of my adamantine weapon with a natural 1 check as well.

I believe the use of this type of creature is perfect from an RP perspective, but the CR of the creature is too low. This seems like a monster design flaw instead of a writing flaw. With a revision of this fight I'd have either edited the monster to make it staggered like a zombie (possibly with 40 movement?) or simply lower it's strength score from 28 to a manageable 20. Two of these would have likewise been much more manageable.

For the trap, an automatic reset is silly, it makes the middle of that room a no-go zone for parties without rogues, and actually weakens the effect of her readied confusion (at low tier).

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

Let me get this right. People are complaining that if you play up the scenario is dangerous?

Well, uh, duh. Good.

If you play up you should expect deaths a fair bit of the time.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5

pauljathome wrote:

Let me get this right. People are complaining that if you play up the scenario is dangerous?

Well, uh, duh. Good.

If you play up you should expect deaths a fair bit of the time.

The "complaint" wasn't from a playing up perspective because it was irrelevant for 2 of the 3 characters: a 6 and a 7. The creatures in question are not CR'd properly which means there are three instead of one or two. That has nothing to do with up or down. I was the third to go to zero or down (cleric 4/cavalier 2), and I had one action before I was dead.

creature details:
There are only two ways things would have had any chance of being different. One would be no crits by them and better init for us. The other would be if we knew what we were going to face including that they make two attacks at +18/+13 for 1d10+13 and disarm with a +19.

Grand Lodge

We also played high tier, but we were not playing up, that is just how the levels worked out and we had issues with the 1st fight.

Grand Lodge 2/5

The only thing I complained about was a few rulings and how intelligently the first fight was played. My summary was simply to describe the lethality of the scenario.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 ****

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
DLC ** spoiler omitted **

That is incorrect. The very first line of the spell is:

"Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the subject's ability scores..."
Grand Lodge 4/5


I only had four players, so aside from my usual 'Need to pay better attention to the encounter notes' bit (I ALWAYS double check now). So..


We only had to deal with two of the clockwork soldiers.. and in a moment of scooby doo like mirth, the goblin in the group followed the 'patrol bot' and ran back when it went into a room.
A combination of good luck and bad (for me) rolls made the clockworks not as dangerous as they could have been. Three very nasty near maximum hits in the first round dropped one..and then everyone dogpiled the other.
NO ONE failed their saves on the web/swarm trap and ran for the door and hit there for the time of the spell.
In fact..they spotted all the traps.. but were unable to beat the disable on the first one..and decided on the second.. not to TRY. Walked around it.. and when they fought the Spider (one of the players, the goblin, having encountered her before were ready for a dominate. The 'tanky' looking guys were all looking like the goblin, courtesy of the dust of illusion, moved in and made their save. The cleric popped in a silence and when they got done they threw HER on the trap.
Picture the image of 3 goblins bringing a woman wrapped up in a rug on the back of an axebeak coming out of the cellar into the casino.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

Everybody stating that there were deaths were playing with parties that were significantly below the expected 6 L6-7 characters which the sub tier is calibrated for. Of COURSE they have difficulties. They SHOULD have been challenged.

Lots of people are very wary about playing up with L5 characters in season 4. ESPECIALLY if there are 5 players (the worst number by far). For good reason.

Mike Bohlmann wrote:

The creatures in question are not CR'd properly which means there are three instead of one or two.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm just not seeing it as being that overpowered. CR is hardly an exact science. Eyeballing it, I'd say that it is somewhere between a high CR 6 and a low CR 7.

It ALWAYS sucks to be hit by a x3 or x4 weapon. But I've never seen anybody consider the halberd overpowered.

Compare it to a L7 barbarian or fighter (both also CR 6 and filling the same approximate type of role) and it seems fairly balanced. The soldiers have some tricks, the barbarian or fighter have theirs.


pauljathome wrote:

Everybody stating that there were deaths were playing with parties that were significantly below the expected 6 L6-7 characters which the sub tier is calibrated for. Of COURSE they have difficulties. They SHOULD have been challenged.

My two tables were both APL 5+ (5.4 and 5.5 IIRC), so were not significantly below the expected tier. To be able to play up, you are not significantly below the expected tier, you're slightly below one subtier and slightly above the other.

I'm not saying the first encounter was TOO hard. It IS hard is the thing I'd take from it. It's also significantly harder than the lower tier (as it should be), but going from 3 CR2's (being advanced slightly by a template to CR3) to 3 tough CR6's is HUGE step IMO. The damage potential between tiers is exponentially higher for this encounter.

I had one group stomp the encounter, as they were melee heavy and had them trapped coming out of a room. The other table was the group trapped in a room, trying to get out, and didn't have nearly as much luck due to lack of maneuverability.

I don't think the scenario overall is too hard for the level, it's just a hard scenario in comparison to what's currently out there IMO.

EDIT: And just to note, I'm just making these points known, so that GM's planning on running this, can keep an eye out for possible table issues, and know this is going to be a grinder fight overall.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5

pauljathome wrote:

Everybody stating that there were deaths were playing with parties that were significantly below the expected 6 L6-7 characters which the sub tier is calibrated for. Of COURSE they have difficulties. They SHOULD have been challenged.

Lots of people are very wary about playing up with L5 characters in season 4. ESPECIALLY if there are 5 players (the worst number by far). For good reason.

So we're supposed to always choose the boringly unchallenging option when APL is one level below the subtier? Our front line people had reasonable AC and hit points to stand in front with all the characters at 4 and 5 being ranged combatants. I even bought a breath of life scroll which I wouldn't normally do for 6-7. We were prepared to be challenged. Even if all of them had been 5th or even 6th level, the results would have been the same. That's the part you keep ignoring.

pauljathome wrote:

I'm just not seeing it as being that overpowered. CR is hardly an exact science. Eyeballing it, I'd say that it is somewhere between a high CR 6 and a low CR 7.

It ALWAYS sucks to be hit by a x3 or x4 weapon. But I've never seen anybody consider the halberd overpowered.

Compare it to a L7 barbarian or fighter (both also CR 6 and filling the same approximate type of role) and it seems fairly balanced. The soldiers have some tricks, the barbarian or fighter have theirs.

Neither the barbarian or fighter are immune to mind affecting, can disarm with a +19, have DR adamantine, and +18/+13 with +13 damage. Hit points are the only comparable part.

We may simply have been victim of bad dice luck with low initiatives and two crits by x3 weapons, but I still don't think they are CR 6.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

Mike Bohlmann wrote:

So we're supposed to always choose the boringly unchallenging option when APL is one level below the subtier?

Up to you. But if you take the challenging option then you should expect occasional deaths. That is, to me, is pretty much the definition of the word "challenging". Things are sufficiently difficult that sometimes death or even TPK may be the result of some bad luck.


Neither the barbarian or fighter are immune to mind affecting, can disarm with a +19, have DR adamantine, and +18/+13 with +13 damage. Hit points are the only comparable part.

I'd expect a L7 fighter to have considerably higher AC and I'd expect a L7 barbarian to be doing more raw damage. Usually a LOT more.

I agree that its definitely at least a high end CR 6. Would you agree that it is at most CR 7? If you agree with that, then I think we're basically in agreement and quibbling over details. And you're probably expecting more of the CR system than I am :-).

Note that in this specific scenario it is quite likely that the PCs will have a round or 2 to prepare. Even a single round of buffs makes a huge difference at this level.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It occurred to me - is the first mod where Grandmaster Torch is not in a bathtub/spa of some sort?

Dark Archive 4/5

It is rated a CR 9 encounter.... that is completely avoidable. I think that is an appropriate rating for the level of difficulty it presented.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Iammars wrote:
It occurred to me - is the first mod where Grandmaster Torch is not in a bathtub/spa of some sort?

heehee I think so, my hope is we get to drown him in his hot tub next season.

Grand Lodge 4/5

samerandomhero wrote:
Iammars wrote:
It occurred to me - is the first mod where Grandmaster Torch is not in a bathtub/spa of some sort?
heehee I think so, my hope is we get to drown him in his hot tub next season.

Oh noes..


This is this one special bullet. It will be a +1 Human Bane Adamantine bullet.. my character WILL pay the 50 unit cost to get one JUST for you. The rest of them will be for folks who annoy me.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

Hey.. no hurts on the Torch. He's done a lot to show that the real way to power in the society is to backstab,lie, cheat , and give incredibly poor information to pathfinders about to go on adventures. Plus he chooses not to spend the pp on his curse removal and hes a Grandmaster.

Besides he made himself a scapegoat so that his Shadow Lodgers could prosper within the society.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Matthew Pittard wrote:
Hey.. no hurts on the Torch. He's done a lot to show that the real way to power in the society is to backstab,lie, cheat , and give incredibly poor information to pathfinders about to go on adventures.

When did he become a Venture Captain?

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

Im not sure he is a venture Captain. He has certain provided background information though, a certain one with a Minotaur and a maze comes to mind.

Lets not also forget the time some Mantis types wanted to gank him and how helpful he was in that endeavor.

(Ill be honest though, hes one of my favourite information providers because I KNOW each and every time that he is going to forget something or lie about something during his provision of information that is going to screw me over)

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5

pauljathome wrote:
I'd expect a L7 fighter to have considerably higher AC and I'd expect a L7 barbarian to be doing more raw damage. Usually a LOT more.

Right, but not all those things at the same time which is my point.

pauljathome wrote:
I agree that its definitely at least a high end CR 6. Would you agree that it is at most CR 7? If you agree with that, then I think we're basically in agreement and quibbling over details. And you're probably expecting more of the CR system than I am :-).

Yes, I don't think they are CR 8 but firmly think they should be CR 7. :)

pauljathome wrote:
Note that in this specific scenario it is quite likely that the PCs will have a round or 2 to prepare. Even a single round of buffs makes a huge difference at this level.

I don't know if it was because of our reaction to the initial noise, but we had no prep time. None of us succeeded at the Knowledge: Local check to know what we might be facing either.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Andrew Torgerud wrote:
I look forward to GM'ing it thrice over the next week. Very well designed Ron Lundeen!

Thanks for running! This was a great session, even with Sierra getting the crap kicked out of her.


Iammars wrote:
It occurred to me - is the first mod where Grandmaster Torch is not in a bathtub/spa of some sort?

The image that comes to mind, at least for me, is when Magnum (P.I.) would go to the sauna to talk with "Icepick"- the retired mafia guy.

I've also used the image of a blonde Ulfen girl rubbing ice cubes around his nubs of ears while he soaks in his tub.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

1 person marked this as a favorite.

At least he was wearing pants this time.

Anyways... wow. Just played through with 3 lvl 6, 2 lvl 7, and a lvl 5. And got creamed. Most of the characters were pretty casual builds, not at all optimized (including mine).

The constructs came around the corner and killed our paladin on the first round. We took some pot shots, but quickly decided to fall back. Everybody ran back onto the stairs, I had a nice internal debate and decided to try and get the Paly's body back. So I ran around the other way, covering my retreat with fireballs turned into cold and inflicting Slow. Got to the Paly and one finally caught up. Got a crit and dropped me to unconscious (4hp left!) The barbar finally came back, finished off another construct, and dragged us out. We managed to trap the final construct in one of the rooms. After healing and a very long debate, we decided to continue without the paladin.

Set off the trap. Most of use made the check against the web (except me). Bugs started dealing dex damage to everyone. 4 of us failed the save the first round, another failed the second round. Dropping a burning hands on myself got me out of the web long enough to drink the potion of levitate and stay above the swarm while everybody else booked it out of the room. The rogue got the worst of the dex damage - went from 18 to -1. Everybody else was pretty down on dex too, and we had no restoration type thingys, so we decided to call it quits.

GM told us about the rest of the mod. Taking her out with our party would not have happened - none of had very good will saves and most of us were down to 3-5 dex.

And the part with Torch... wth? That's just crappy. I can see the Andoran leader flipping out like that (he's been rather shifty lately), but Torch has always been about looking out for other members. For him to throw it all away like that is annoying, out-of-character, and disappointing.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Unlike the lantern lodge ending I can't say I'm happy with this one. Not wanting to die because the venture captain doesn't bother to inform you a day in advance or actually give you the pertinent information that they have right at their fingertips somehow makes you the bad guy? There's no possible way that anyone could actually want to improve the lot of the field agents, they MUST be the bad guy?

Dark Archive

Yeah the ending for the shadow lodge is kind of well bad I'm honestly suprised a lot more Shadow lodge players havent been complaining.


Personally, I love the ending! In my opinion, not only is it a great segway for future scenarios/arcs, but it shows just how far a man might go to make sure his ideals are met.

The way I see it, Torch is fed up with the Decemvirate. He's been working with them for two years, and seeing very little change. He's at his breaking point, ready to do something drastic in the hopes of getting them all to listen - and now he sees that opportunity. A chance to, more or less, blackmail them all into actually looking after the Pathfinders. After all, if you strove for something for so long, and felt that no one was taking your position seriously, and what point would you get fed up with it all? Especially when a means to an end presents itself so nicely!

Besides, who's to say we actually ever knew the real Torch and his character? Could he not have been playing everyone from the very beginning? Being an information broker, he's bound to be an excellent liar. To me, Torch has always been a little shifty and shady.

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

Ever since

this scenario:
Delirium's Tangle

I never trusted Torch, personally. And I told the other members of my group that, for a while after the scenario was run.

I enjoyed the looks on their faces at the end of this one.

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