Samsaran Witch, Mystic Past Life


So I am working on a Samsaran Witch for a game I am going to be in, and I am allowed to take Mystic Past Life, so I now have 5-6 Spells (Depending on if I take a 19 or 20 int) to work with but I am fairly new to Pathfinder so I come here looking for some good suggestions. Due to being the only caster that can cast heals I will be learning the heal spells for my companions (Though I in no way am going to be a dedicated healer).

In essence, I am looking for 5-6 spells not on the Witch List (I will probably be Deception patron) that is not on the witch list already. I want to see some of the best choices that help a Witch do what a which does best which is debuffing and being a support caster.

I saw Summoner's Get haste as a 2nd Level instead of 3rd, which is real nice. And no they do not all need to be silly broken like having Haste at 2nd level instead of 3rd (My GM is asking that I play Fair and not be broken). I do not know exactly what the entails so I will see when I am done the build.

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Well if you're playing it by honor, you probably should only steal spells from other 9th level classes like the Witch, because the 6th level casters obviously get some spells at lower levels to keep up.

I would suggest that your spells not focus on debuffing and support, because as you said, the Witch is already excellent at that.

You want spells to fill gaps in your list. The witch has trouble against undead (or anyone immune to mind-affecting, pretty much limits the witch to Misfortune). The witch has trouble with groups of enemies, as hexes are single-target.

So pick spells that are good for that. A fireball wouldn't be amiss for one of your choices.

Check the Bard's spell list for some really awesome arcane spells.

(Mass) Cacophonous Call, Good Hope, Gallant Inspiration, Arcane Concordance, Bard's Escape, Deafening Song Bolts, Brilliant Inspiration, Fool's Forbiddance.

Other than that, a few solid blasts and maybe a couple of good defensive spells are the best things a witch can add to her spells.

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Here are some of the best spells on the Summoner Spell List
haste 2nd level
Create Pitt 2nd Level
Greater Invisibility 3rd Level
Stone Skin 3rd
Wall of Stone 4th
Repulsion 5th
Greater Planar Binding 6th

What do you want to do with your witch? Bearing in mind that RAW I think you can only choose from one list.

If you want battlefield control, you might as well just use the Summoner's list for your choices, it has most of the major ones, and often has spells at reduced levels.

Otherwise, you're probably better off w/ sorc/wiz list, just for the sheer variety.

If you want good blasting spells for dazing spell (so you have other save or lose options besides your hexes and mind-affecting spells that work on other creatures / saves), there's many good choices. I like Ball Lightning and Aqueous Orb, and Stone Call is great for dazing even though it would be will save instead of reflex.

If you're loosking for anti-undead/construct to cover up the witch's biggest weak points, you could pick up spells like Command Undead, Disintigrate, Bone Shatter, etc...

Personally, I've always liked Glibness.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Permanency, Wish, Greater Planar Binding, Resist Energy, Time Stop, A Magic Circle against an Alignment of your choice.

It might be worth asking yourself (or your GM) how fast you'll be levelling. If it's slow, skip any spells above 5th level or so and adjust accordingly.

With how things go with this Group, even though we are starting at 3 I doubt we will get past level 8. The first Pathfinder Game I did with this GM we got a months worth of sessions in before he decided to stop running because his life was to busy. Only reason I am bothering to put decent work into this character, is if this game fails I am going to use the Concept again.

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