
Luecian's page

Organized Play Member. 72 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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So Aasimar can be from races other than humans, any humanoids really.

Well I was wondering, if through even a combination of feats or race, get Racial Weapon Familiarity on an Aasimar. Examples being Elves with weapons with Elven or Elf in their name, same for gnomes, orcs, that sort of deal. Usually making them.

Yes, I know it is not good, but it is a flavor thing here and I can not seem to find it but even with SRD there is much I could easily miss.

The Shifty Mongoose wrote:

In the Inner Sea World Guide, there's a feat called Secret Signs. In addition to a couple of other small benefits, it lets you cast a spell with only somatic components with one hand behind your back (at least, that's how I see it).

When you use it that way, you get to make Sleight of Hand, opposed by Perception from anyone looking at you at the time; if they succeed, they can then make Spellcraft to figure out what you're casting. If your Sleight of Hand beats their Perception, then they can't make Spellcraft.

A few spells (Forced Quiet, Mislead, and a couple others) have only S components by themselves, but Silent Spell can let you do that with any of them!

That is good enough for me, haha. Thank you so very much.

Thanks for the replies, it gives me ideas.

So I am trying to make a spell caster whose spells are hard to detect what they are as they are being cast or just hide the spell casting entirely, even in combat. (Sure the effect may be obvious in some cases, but not always)

Take some buff spells for example like Heroism. The components are verbal and somantic, so if I cast a silent and still spell there is no motions or words, just you concentrating on the spell.

Now by rules technically the other people can still roll a spellcraft to determine what spell was being cast even though there is no visible sign, is that correct?

One way I know to make that check harder is the book says anything that gives penalty to perception gives penalty to spell craft to determine spell cast. Now by that it should mean if no words or hand gestures were done (In the case of Silent Still Heroism), one should not be able to determine the spell cast at all.

The other method is Raksasha Bloodline for Sorcerers....but I want to do this for a Wizard.

If a Paladin were to be turned into a sentient Undead, most make you automatically evil. In this case it is Vampire; now in my mind when you become a vampire, you are more or less possessed by a dark spirit, or at least you psyche is changed in some way but you can still be redeemed. (If you were brought back to life, you would be back to the old you).

Now, if you become a Vampire as a Paladin, do you Automatically become an Anti-Paladin if your alignment is Chaotic Evil? I am just curious if the change would be more automatic.

Starglim wrote:

Note that magic aura allows a Will save and people who can cast detect magic tend to have decent Will saves. If the detect-er fails the save, the item appears to have only the aura or lack of aura that the caster desired.

Thank you very much.

Magic Aura: I know, it was just a curiosity on my part mostly.

When it comes to magic items they have an Aura.

If you have a magic item say

a +1 Called Frost Bardiche, is the Item Moderate Conjuration, Moderate Evocation, or both. Called is CL 9, Frost is CL 8. I am thinking just Conjuration but I am unsure.

When making magic items like that, is it just the strongest CL aura that shows for the item?

Also if you use the spell Magic aura to mask something's Aura...does an Aura of Illusion still show up on the caster since the spell is Illusion.

So the new Season of PFS is starting up soon and I was asked by a GM to make a cleric or Paladin. I am settling on Cleric for the moment

For Feats since I am first level I was thinking of
Heavy Armor Proficiency

Combat Expertise
Improved Trip

I have no opinion other than Destruction seems pretty good.

I am just not sure if I want to go for the wrecking ball of clerical pain or more of a Combat Maneuver using cleric. If I did wrecking ball of pain the trip feats would not be as helpful.

Basically, some general feat tips for the first few levels.

The reason I choose Zon-Kuthon is I kind of want to used to Spiked Chain even though it is no longer the beast of a weapon it used to be.

Either something along those lines or I may play a Dervish Paladin.

Frommhow I am reading it, with one of the requirements for the PRC being

"Special: Must have conjured a devil using lesser planar ally or lesser planar binding (or a similar spell) and successfully coaxed the fiend into performing a task longer than 1 day."

The earliest a Wizard could get into the RPC would be his 10th level since it too till 9 to get 5th level spells. Is there any other lower level spells that does simliar that would allow one into the prestige class earlier? This is a discussion between me and my GM, he likes the idea of my chracter in the party but we are only level 6. (Which other than that special requirement all others are met."

My thought was through a scroll, casting the spells and doing the rituals.

Hand of Glory only lets you use see invisibility and Daylight, along with having an extra ring slot.

Or ways to get See in Darkness Monster power also work.

That will get expensive fast, I was looking for something like Lens of Fog-cutting or true sight Goggles but well, not that expensive. (As the truesight, Fog-cutting are n price range but they effect mists and obscurement.

I swear there was an item that was not Truesight goggles that could let you see through just Supernatural Darkness, does anyone know of an item, feat or way to see through Deeper Darkness since I can not seem to find it.

Artemis Moonstar wrote:

Speaking of inner sea magic...

Does the darkness effect of Shadow Barbs count as 'effecting an area'? If so, you can always use Shadow Grasp metamagic feat out of the same book... You're a mobile entangle effect! Not sure if it's pfs legal, or even raw, but I'd allow that in my games.

That said... I don't have anything to assist with the vicious quality outside of Shared Sacrifice and Shield Other. Sorry.

... Would Shared Sacrifice work with Shield Other? As written, according to the pfsrd.... Seems that it would.

OKay, I'm designing a Shadow Barbs wielding cleric that has some fun with Shared Sacrifice and Shield Other as well. Little more than a damage mirror, lol.

With how it is written in the book and the SRD (I own Inner Sea Magic), I would say yes since it has a 10 foot radius centered on you. That is kind of nasty and I like it. Not sure if it is PFS legal but that would be one of those rules questions I can not answer.

Imbicatus wrote:
Isn't Shadow Barbs a Zon-Kuthon only spell?

In Inner Sea Magic, it says it was developed by Priests of Zon-Kuthon, but others do use it, including Martially inclined Magi as they say.

Reynard_the_fox wrote:

Hmm, so if you make the will save against your own spell you don't take the damage? How curious... that means that a Cleric will always have even odds, since Wis is tied to both the DC and will saves, but a low-Cha high-Wis Oracle is much less likely to take damage than a high-Cha low-Wis one.

Anyway, Shared Sacrifice is definitely the spell you're looking for.

It is an odd beast, it can also be used by Inquisitors, and Wizards/Sorcerers though with Inquisitor being such a late entry spell wise not really worth it and not many Melee Wizards and Sorcerers.

Oh Shared Sacrifice is a good one, I did not see that spell till now and thank you for that Markov.

So far in my own hunting, I have not found any feats, domains or anything that is helpful sadly. If anyone has any ideas be good to know.

Going through spells and Domains at the moment, I have not see any real feats that seem to help with what I am looking for.

So, this all came about when I stumbled upon the Shadow Barbs spell

Shadow Barbs


School illusion (shadow) [darkness]; Level cleric 4, inquisitor 4, sorcerer/wizard 4

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a single link from a spiked chain)

Range 0 ft.
Effect spiked chain-like shadowy weapon
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance no

When you cast this spell, you create a shadowy spiked chain that shimmers and pulses with darkness. The chain exists as long as you carry it; if you ever drop the chain, give it to another, or are disarmed, it immediately vanishes and the spell’s duration ends.

The chain radiates darkness in a 10-foot-radius spread around you, reducing the illumination level in this area by one step, but not below the level of dim light.

You can wield the shadow barbs as a spiked chain as if you were fully proficient with spiked chains. Any additional abilities or feats that you possess that apply to spiked chains apply to the shadow barbs as well. The weapon functions as a +2 vicious spiked chain. Its enhancement bonus increases to +3 at caster level 11th, to +4 at caster level 15th, and finally to +5 at caster level 19th. When the spell effect ends, you can make a Will save against the spell—if successful, all of the damage caused to you by the shadow barbs’ vicious weapon quality vanishes, unless you are dead or unconscious at the time the spell ends, in which case you automatically fail this Will save and the vicious weapon damage remains.

Level 7 for Cleric and Wizard, 8 for Sorcerer and 10 for Inquisitor, I think it is an interesting spell for Zon-Kuthon Worshipers.

So I was wondering the thoughts of others on a Spiked Chain Cleric, or at level 7 would you probably have a better weapon if a Battle/Supporting cleric. And is there anyway to use the Vicious negative feature to your advantage.

By your advantage I am talking about any abilities that kick off when you take damage, or any ways to channel the damage on myself back into the enemy. I know Vicious Damage goes over DR, and there may be a way to absorb it but I would rather do more than simply ignore the damage.

I will have to see if I can find any way to use the damage to oneself positively. I will probably see what the forums here say about the Vicious ability.

Luecian wrote:

The Spell Caught my attention, for those who do not know:

** spoiler omitted **

Level 7 for Cleric and Wizard, 8 for Sorcerer and 10 for Inquisitor, I think it is an interesting spell for Zon-Kuthon Worshipers in particular (Clerics getting diety weapon proficiency.)

So I was wondering the thoughts of others on a Spiked Chain Cleric, or at level 7 would you probably have a better weapon if a fighting cleric. And is there anyway to use the Vicious negative feature to your advantage.

Oh silly me, reading the spell it grants you the proficiency. So you do not even need to be a cleric of Zon-Kuthon though thematically it works well.

The Spell Caught my attention, for those who do not know:


Shadow Barbs

School illusion (shadow) [darkness]; Level cleric 4, inquisitor 4, sorcerer/wizard 4

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a single link from a spiked chain)

Range 0 ft.
Effect spiked chain-like shadowy weapon
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance no

When you cast this spell, you create a shadowy spiked chain that shimmers and pulses with darkness. The chain exists as long as you carry it; if you ever drop the chain, give it to another, or are disarmed, it immediately vanishes and the spell’s duration ends.

The chain radiates darkness in a 10-foot-radius spread around you, reducing the illumination level in this area by one step, but not below the level of dim light.

You can wield the shadow barbs as a spiked chain as if you were fully proficient with spiked chains. Any additional abilities or feats that you possess that apply to spiked chains apply to the shadow barbs as well. The weapon functions as a +2 vicious spiked chain. Its enhancement bonus increases to +3 at caster level 11th, to +4 at caster level 15th, and finally to +5 at caster level 19th. When the spell effect ends, you can make a Will save against the spell—if successful, all of the damage caused to you by the shadow barbs’ vicious weapon quality vanishes, unless you are dead or unconscious at the time the spell ends, in which case you automatically fail this Will save and the vicious weapon damage remains.

Level 7 for Cleric and Wizard, 8 for Sorcerer and 10 for Inquisitor, I think it is an interesting spell for Zon-Kuthon Worshipers in particular (Clerics getting diety weapon proficiency.)

So I was wondering the thoughts of others on a Spiked Chain Cleric, or at level 7 would you probably have a better weapon if a fighting cleric. And is there anyway to use the Vicious negative feature to your advantage.

Luecian wrote:

Half-elf Hexcrafter

** spoiler omitted **
At the moment that is what I have got going for me. My basic thought is a Melee support obviously with going a more debuff route with using Fridged Touch, Frostbite and Rimespell Metamagic. (And an obvious cold theme.)

I have never played the Magus and I love the idea of the class. This game will be level 3-4 starting from what I know and I have been poking my GM here and there about certain aspects of the character to make sure they are okay.

But I am drawing blanks on where I should go for my Arcanas and Feats beyond the point I have.

To add one, why yes I will use shocking grasp at points potentially for damage, I do not plan on doing the whole shocking Grasp Murder route. While it is most optimal it is meh to me at the same time.

Half-elf Hexcrafter

STR: 17 (15+2)
DEX: 12
CON: 12
INT: 16
WIS: 10
CHA: 9

Race: Half-elf
Exchanged Adaptability for Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Katana? I mean, sometimes you just want to use a Katana because they are pretty cool and have good stats in PF.)

Magical Lineage - Frostbite
Metamagic Master (Wayang Spellhunter) - Frigid Touch

1: Rime Spell
3: Power Attack
5: ?
B5: ?
7: ?
9: ?

Class Abilities
1: Arcane Pool, Cantrips, Spell Combat
2: Spell-strike
3: Magus Arcana
4: Hex Magus, Hex Arcana, Hex:
5: Bonus Feat;
6: Magus Arcana:
7: Knowledge Pool, Medium Armor
8: Improved Spell Combat
9: Magus Arcana:

3: Arcane Accuracy
4: Flight Hex
6: ?
9: ?

At the moment that is what I have got going for me. My basic thought is a Melee support obviously with going a more debuff route with using Fridged Touch, Frostbite and Rimespell Metamagic. (And an obvious cold theme.)

I have never played the Magus and I love the idea of the class. This game will be level 3-4 starting from what I know and I have been poking my GM here and there about certain aspects of the character to make sure they are okay.

But I am drawing blanks on where I should go for my Arcanas and Feats beyond the point I have.

I am going with the Halfling Bard/Paladin, I think it will be enjoyable for me. And no, no slave background, not really my thing in this case.

Just looking at Feats now since my main weapon will be a Scimitar. So many to choose, so few feat slots.

Gwen Smith wrote:

If you want to do a Halfling Paladin, see if you can take your first level as Bard (Dawnflower Dervish). You get Dervish Dancer as a bonus feat at 1st level, and you can use inspire courage on yourself for +2 attack and damage. That lets you do a Dex/Charisma build for a frontliner, which capitalizes on the Halfing race traits.

Halfling cavaliers are pretty decent front liners, and the medium mounts can go anywhere without causing problems.

Don't ask me how I forgot about that Archetype, specially since the only non-core supplemental I own is Inner Sea Magic.

Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:

Not sure how the idea of having an Animal Companion being the front liner slipped my mind. Summoner, Druid or Fey Sorcerer could all do those well.

I have been giving Consideration to doing Cavalier or Paladin and using a Lance with a Medium Mount and charging. That is probably where I was going to end up going.

I may have to go with that Sorcerer Idea...I do love Sorcerers.

I know they do not make good melee characters, smaller weapon and -2 strength suck. I am not worried about speed since both my allies are a Gnome and a Halfling. (Party of short folk.).

So being a melee/close range character I was leaning towards Paladin or Fighter, I have never done a Paladin in Pathfinder so I thought it would be fun to try out.

I am probably going to go Weapon Finesse/Dervish Dance to be able to put out some damage. My planned job is to be the one taking/avoiding the hits so the other two don't get squished. One of them is a Rogue, so they need a melee, the other I do not know there class other than I was informed ranged.

I was going to write out some sort of explanation for this whole thing, but instead I went against it because I do not feel like spending time to explain.

Basically my choices are Gnome or Halfling and I need to make a front line fighter. Level 1, Pathfinder Society Rules and I do own the Core 5 (Core, UM, UC, APG and Race Guide.), so that is my limited material beyond whatever else PFS allows.

I was thinking Dip Paladin and then go fighter, or full in either/or. Though some feat and simple build suggesstions would be nice.

Also, for Halfling I was thinking of taking Fleet of Foot or whatever it is that raises your speed to 30.

XMorsX wrote:
Yes I see, it's been a while since I post here. Well, nice to hear it. Keep it like this.

I understand Mors. I am going over things now with my RP, should be a fun build.

Also, there really is not a lot of feats for mounted combat huh?

Also the Armor Check penalty is going to hurt, other than being a cavalier is there a way around this or lessen it (Well, also other than Mithril armor.)

XMorsX wrote:

Even better. What do you do better?

I was talking about my health, the post before you had hoped my health was doing better.

XMorsX wrote:

With the correct animal companion feat progression you should have. I will also suggest to ditch the charger archetype since you lose the share spells feature which is very useful to you:

1. Light Armor Proficiency
2. Power Attack
5. Improved Overrun
8. Improved Natural Weapon (bite)
10. Charge Through
13. Greater Overrun
16. Improved Natural Weapon (hooves)
18. Eldrich Claws

Remember to raise the Int of your horse to 3 so that it can learn all the feat and be able to understand you without tricks. I did not take the rage powers ferocious mount and greater ferocious mount because of the limited rage rounds that you have per day.

Bonded mount says they have at least an Int of 6 so that wont be a problem.

And I am doing a bit better.

Thank you guys very much for your input. I would have gotten back and thanked you sooner had it not been for some medical issues I was handling over the week.

I may comment again after reading through and absorbing the info more. I glanced and saw some interesting things though, some things I had clearly missed.

Also, lots of evil outsiders is very much a possibility.

Well, Nature mystery can be changed but I wold have to edit the character background slightly (My Gm already knows I will be a rage Prophet and little late for me to go back now since I gave him an outline for my background). I love the idea of the Rage Prophet and the background I am going with is a Tribal Society. Do to being the only divine caster (This will be interesting) and the only frontline fighter (Oh lord) this will be an interesting game to say the least. Party is a Gunslinger, a Fighter (Using Bows), a Summoner, and myself. So me and the Eidlon are the front liners, the Summoner will also said he is investing in UMB and will have wands of Cure LWs (We are level 3)

My thought was Barb-Oraclex4-Barb-Rage Prophet 7. My race, Suli (Ehehehe), though I am not sure what to do for feats. I am seeking advice on how to do this.

Also, sorry if this is very jumpy, forgot to take my meds plus I had coffee today (Mistake on my part).

Also 20 Point buy attributes, I also no traits no matter how much I tried, I get to play a suli though (And it is background important at this point so it wont be switching). 3rd level again to repeat that.

You two are awesome, thank you.

Is there a spell that lets you get around these effects. I have a Vampire NPC that my players are very found of Detect Undead, but for Plot, and the fact I want to stick within the rules I was wondering if there was a spell or even magic item that could be worn that would mask the Evil and Undead presence. That a simple Detect Undead or Evil wont pierce through.

So still best to be good at being Sorcerer, even with Dragon Disciple losing 3 levels.

Well, I have been looking through and normally I do not use the advice guides on here, but for once it was sort of helpful

I am looking to do as the title says and for me this is stepping into something I normally rarely do. I am mostly Wizard or Fighter (Or Rogue, Barbarian, melee with no Spellcasting. Witch also, that was interesting)

So, I know for DD it's first level will be your 6th. This character is starting at level 3 (Oh fun) and for the group we have two Melee (Full up Barbarian) And a Ninja, then we have a Gunslinger and the last person is an unknown but they want to be ranged.

I liked the idea of the Magically augmented melee fighter, and well Dragons cause Dragons.

So would a 4/1 with 1 being Sorcerer and 4 Being Barbarian or Ranger (I saw the claws and the other goodness there in Ranger). I plan to be clawing things to pieces really.

Looking for some tips, not opposed if people throw some low level builds out at me.

20 Point buy is what we are most likely going for, if he raises it to 25 I will be pleasantly surprised.

The other potential thought was an Angel-Blooded Aasimar. But I personally, even with the -2 int, prefer to Suli. My friends would think me not minding -2 int Heresy, I am a big component for skillful or Intellectual classes

I was going to post up a build but really I got nothing.

mplindustries wrote:
Yes, being Crossblooded is terrible if you intend to level as a Sorcerer. It's really best for taking a 1 level dip in Sorcerer to grab two arcana for your other spellcasting class (orc/draconic for blasting wizards or magi, or something like undead/serpentine for an enchanter).

Thanks, may still work for the idea I was going for..Just only probably 1 level of Sorcerer instead of 4 now.

So, to quote Cross-Blooded

"Drawbacks: A crossblooded sorcerer has one fewer spell
known at each level (including cantrips) than is presented
on Table 3-15: Sorcerer Spells Known on page 73 of the
Core Rulebook. Furthermore,..."

Everything after the furthermore I am understanding. I got confused since that means, and I will use 4th level as the example, even though I can cast at least 3 times for level 2 spells (Higher based on Cha of course) I know 0 Level 2 spells, since at 4th level I would only earn 1, and I know one fewer which is 0.

I am understanding that correctly, right?

With how things go with this Group, even though we are starting at 3 I doubt we will get past level 8. The first Pathfinder Game I did with this GM we got a months worth of sessions in before he decided to stop running because his life was to busy. Only reason I am bothering to put decent work into this character, is if this game fails I am going to use the Concept again.

So I am working on a Samsaran Witch for a game I am going to be in, and I am allowed to take Mystic Past Life, so I now have 5-6 Spells (Depending on if I take a 19 or 20 int) to work with but I am fairly new to Pathfinder so I come here looking for some good suggestions. Due to being the only caster that can cast heals I will be learning the heal spells for my companions (Though I in no way am going to be a dedicated healer).

In essence, I am looking for 5-6 spells not on the Witch List (I will probably be Deception patron) that is not on the witch list already. I want to see some of the best choices that help a Witch do what a which does best which is debuffing and being a support caster.

I saw Summoner's Get haste as a 2nd Level instead of 3rd, which is real nice. And no they do not all need to be silly broken like having Haste at 2nd level instead of 3rd (My GM is asking that I play Fair and not be broken). I do not know exactly what the entails so I will see when I am done the build.

Blueluck wrote:
Luecian wrote:
Blueluck: That...that is terrifyingly beautiful.

^_^ Thanks.

Here's the same character with the Weapon Master archetype instead of Free Hand Fighter. I like this version a bit more. It has -1 AC, +1 Hit, +1 Damage, and gets two rerolls per day. Considering the defensive capability of Crane Style, I think that's a good trade.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Looking over weapon master Willie there I do have a question, where is his dodge Bonus of +2 coming from, I know one is from Dodge itself but I can not place the other. I know when fighting Defensively because of crane Style the Dodge bonus from FD is one higher (Also with having 3 ranks in Acrobatics, we get a +4 Dodge bonus to AC while fighting Defensively.) The only other sources of AC that I can see beyond armor and Dodge is the natural Armor from Amulet and the Deflection from Ring. I could just be missing something though.

lemeres wrote:


I wouldn't necessarily discount getting your own fly speed when you have all your basic feats down. Besides the fact that it would save your Wizard a spell slot, you can fly all day. That means you also do not have to wait for the wizard to cast it before you go charging off against that passing dragon. You do not have to rely as much on scouting to know when you need to fly. Heck, depending on the terrain, you might be faster than some mounted characters while traveling.

But I guess that by the time you have two level up feats to dedicate to this endeavor would be around the time that flight is so much easier to use. Ce la vie.

Heh, wow, Iforgot feats were the odd numbers...that is kind of awesome and I have another feat slot.

I have looked it over, I have at level 7 I have 7 feat slots to work with (1,3,6) and for fighter 1,2,4,6.

I am thinking I am not going to bother with the slyph racial feats even though they are nice. I have heard our wizard is a fan of the fly spell.

Blueluck: That...that is terrifyingly beautiful.

lemeres wrote:

well, I'm not necessarily knocking dervish dance. It can be nice just to be restricted to a specific type of weapon rather than a +2 enhancement cost one. I was mostly speaking against throwing in other type of attacks since they would require you to use both methods at once to be effective, and that can be a waste.

To get all crane style, you will need about 5 feats (improved unarmed strike, dodge, crane style, crane wing, and crane riposte.) This can.... be somewhat steep, but if you went a couple levels of fighter and a few level up feats, you could handle it. It is highly suggested, both because it is one of the few tricks that support the one handed style and because of its natural synergy with duelist style. It is also a bit funny: if you went with only full BAB classes, the earliest you could qualify for duelist would be the same level you could take crane riposte (need +6 BAB to enter duelist, you will have the +7 BAB needed for crane riposte as a non monk, and it will be an odd level so you can take it)

And Mercurial, the question on improved unarmed strike can be a bit funny. I know for a fact that monks can use their legs for the attack, which would get around the issue. But I worry that the class ability specifically mentions that they can make an unarmed strike with any part of their body, which could imply limited ways to attack normally. I am probably looking into it too much, since it probably just added in things like elbows and headbutts.

So if I did fighter, any particular archetypes you would recommend, I am looking them over and if I do fighter, be 7 levels of fighter(I will save Magus for another time, we are not doing traits I learned today)3 Duelist. I refuse to do a paladin because the group is the middle on alignment, I just can't see a Barbarian Duelist at the moment and I do not actually want to do a monk, so I have cut most options. (Except maybe Cavalier?). So what are your thoughts on class, fighter would give me a good amount of feats to work with, and going into Crane style is going to take some real feats.

wWhat do you guys thing of a Free Hand Fighter(APG) Duelist, using a rapier(With Agile, of course) The free hand fighter looks nifty

I dropped being a Rogue a while ago and I am now most likely going to be a Fighter or Magus, I need to see if the GM is doing traits or not.

ZanThrax wrote:
You don't actually have to be a Monk to get the style feats, just Improved Unarmed Strike.

I get what he is saying now, Drop Dervish Dance, Use a Rapier with Agile, and pick up Crane Style which will gugment fighting defensively...I just need to pick up the Unarmed Strike Feat instead of Dervish Dance so I can take Crane Style.

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