Ethereal Marauder

Halinn's page

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Ravingdork wrote:
Well, anyways, I was just saying that I thought there was a magical item that acted as ALL the artisan's toolkits. Sadly, I've been unable to find it.

Are you thinking of the Traveler's Any-Tool? It doesn't at all replicate toolkits in 2e, but the 1e version of it acted as MW artisan's tools for most uses

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

What are everyone's favorite natural attacks for Thaumaturges? I want to build a natural attack thaumaturge for PFS today, and I have the ACP for pretty much any ancestry I want.

I am thinking about making a xyloshi kashrishi so that I can hit things with my face, but I was also interested in other people's suggestions.

I'm a fan of Lizardfolk here, being able to get both a bite and a tail attack to cover different damage types

Lucy_Valentine wrote:


No seriously. You just have to play a small size wizard, and use a Mauler familiar with a decent Str. EG a Wayang with a Fox.

If you're small, you can take Undersized Mount and have a pig as your familiar. No need for Mauler!

Firebug wrote:
Just remember to read the contract before signing on the dotted line. Preferably, get a profession(Barrister or Lawyer) to look it over first. Wouldn't want to accidentally sign away you afterlife, after all!

But it might be an opposed check if they didn't deliberately make it easy to understand, in which case the Asmodean Advocate's high bonus to Profession (Barrister) is going to destroy you.

One option to consider is the Choral Support teamwork feat with a Valet familiar. Sonic damage is the least resistant damage type, after all.

Basically any druid/cleric/shaman/hunter could do it. Warded Against Nature drawback to not have to worry about fighting a lot of rats at once, and then take the slow way of resting when you take damage. Survive with Create Water, and you'll be eating a lot of rats that you prepared by way of Purify Food and Drink. For killing rats, grab yourself a club or whatever else free option you feel like using.

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@Zainale: This one's more up to date. The person who posted the other one stopped updating it.

Inner Sea Gods, p. 43 wrote:
A create water spell cast by [Cayden Cailean's] clerics or inquisitors can create simple ale or wine (1 cup per level), and create food and water spells cast by them can be used to make ale or wine rather than water (which spoils at the same rate the food does).

Claxon wrote:

However, Enforcer intrigues me. I'm currently using a nodachi as my weapon, what are my options to deal non-lethal damage?

Stage Combatant feat, Weapon of Peace trait (some flavor issues)

I think Fed-Up Citizen from Hell's Rebels deserves a mention. Skill trait for Disguise, it helps hide you from Detect Law and Detect Good, *and* +1 on saves vs. mind-affecting

SillyString wrote:
Aaaand finally, i can't check on the meteor hammer because it doesnt appear on the srd table as of this time. (although I can find its individual page) Is it a one or two handed weapon? If its two handed then yay, points to me for it conforms with pathfinder style weapons, if its not then thats a massive blow to my argument.

It's two-handed. You're having trouble finding it because it's an Eastern weapon.

Consider Student of Philosophy instead of Clever Wordplay.

Third Mind wrote:
I'm in the +21 to +23 range right now depending on if I have a masterwork instrument so if I hit a 17-20, I'm hitting 40 and up. My DMs added RP for going this far with it, having my character meet a Lillend who loved his music, which confused my character as he wasn't even on the same plane (she apparently could hear his heart in the music from her plane). She said she'd probably come some way or another to play alongside him if he played with his heart (hitting 40 on the roll).

Something to keep in mind: Lillends themselves only have +16 Perform, so you're already better at it than they are.

An emperor is supposed to have underlings. Perhaps have the crown give the ability to let a willing creature within LoS take the damage you were about to take (perhaps as an immediate action, if doing it all the time is too strong).

My personal go-to spell for countering armies is Spike Growth. With a few castings of it, you can cover a huge amount of area and make it more or less impassable for anything that walks.

Nobody here thought to mention Ultimate Mercy, aka how the paladin does the same thing at level 5?

LibraryRPGamer wrote:

Though, I'm not sure how to give your familiar skill points....

Don't familiars inherit your skill ranks?

It's his own power (like arcane magic is), but can only be expressed as long as he follows his own personal code/ideal. Psychology limiting it, rather than anything else.

Core only? Probably a druid. Grab a lance, get spirited charge and power attack. You + your pouncing tiger should be about as good as it gets.

Kudaku wrote:
Wouldn't a +2 slotless natural armor bonus be worth 16k?

Yes. Yes it would. I make the mistake of reading the wrong line for magic item costs far too much.

I've edited in a line to disregard my previous post.

I would go a different route than the others here, for the Barkskin pricing. I would base the cost on an amulet of natural armor +2, doubled for slotless (total of 8000 for that component), then add the 5400 for a 1/day Plant Growth CL 5. Due to the limited power of Plant Growth, I would not add any modifiers to that. Total cost of 13400.

In no way would I ever consider making Barkskin more expensive than an equivalent amulet of natural armor made slotless.

EDIT: Disregard this, I forgot how to read magic item entries.

Stabbald wrote:
VRMH wrote:
another issue to consider is: does the hit(wo)man expect to get out alive? Suicide murderers have a significantly higher success rate than professional assassins.


Professional Assassins will be significantly more successful than level 1 warriors with knives.

Just supply the level 1 warriors with a lot of alchemist fire (and similar stuff). Suicide charge against the target, get a good chain reaction of splash damage going

False Focus can provide the material component for Symbol of Mirroring, allowing you to set up a Book of Oh Shit. Get a few dozen symbols per page, and quickly read a page when you need to defend the party. Special triggering conditions should allow for it to only hit the group, but even if that doesn't work, it's a good method of getting out of a bad situation.

An Explosive Runes bomb is the more classic offensive variation of that trick.

Personally, I've always liked Glibness.

Reactionary and Focused Mind are the first two I consider for spellcasters. Simple bonuses to rolls that are often used.

If you want to use a lot of metamagic with a specific spell, the combination of Magical Lineage and Wayang Spellhunter might be interesting.

If you can swing Drow Noble, it's probably the most powerful race that has been statted out (Strix is really good too. Flight speeds are awesome). If you can build a race yourself with the Advanced Race Guide, even better (for example, a pre-defined feat is worth half as much as one you can freely choose, but you can just pre-define it to be the one you want).

Silent Saturn wrote:
I doubt I could bring myself to choose Evocation as my opposition school. Most of my wizards use Acid Splash or Ray of Frost as their back-up "weapon" for when they're out of spells. How would I get through Level 1 if I didn't have my cantrips to fall back on in combat?

The traditional way is to have a crossbow until you get to level 3 or so. Daze is also an option.

Having your own fortress isn't bad loot, either ;)

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Just a stray thought when I read thread title: I imagined hundreds of ioun torches floating around you like a shield.

If you want them magical, you could throw on a hefty discount for only allowing them a limited use of the prestidigitation/ghost sound spell. If the item is single charged (the candy), you're looking at a base cost of 10 gp, before throwing in any custom discount

Densities, for some reference (numbers from google searches).

Lead: 11.3 g/cm^3
Iron: 7.87 g/cm^3
Granite: 2.70 g/cm^3
Dirt: 1.92 g/cm^3
Oak: 0.76 g/cm^3
Water: 1.00 g/cm^3

While it does seem linked to density at a glance, there doesn't seem to be the correlation one would expect given their relative densities. Especially telling is the difference between wood and dirt, even though they're mechanically the same.

The rules as written do not say anything about water blocking detect magic, although it is not an unreasonable house rule.