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My character died and was reincarnated. He was a halfling, now she is an elf.
I want to make sure I have everything straight.
1. STR, DEX, CON: This is straightforward per RAW. I lose the STR penalty, acquire a CON penalty and keep the DEX bonus.
2. INT, WIS, CHA: Mental stats do not change.
3. Hit Points: The spell description says hit points do not change. This makes sense to me only if die rolls, favored class bonus and the Toughness feat are unaffected, but the CON bonus changes "retroactively" to reflect my new, lower CON sore. I lose 1 HP per level.
4. Low Blow: Since I am now 5' 9" tall, this alternate race trait no longer makes sense. I lose this ability.
5. Outrider: This alternate race trait affects skills, so it is unchanged.
6. Weapon Familiarity: I maintain halfling weapon familiarity. I do not gain elf weapon familiarity.
7. Keen Senses, Low-Light Vision, Elven Immunities: These are physical traits of an elf, not learned or otherwise acquired, so I gain them.
8. Halfling Luck: I do not know.
9. My eidolon does not change. My repertoire of known spells does not change.
10. Favored Class Bonus: I do not know. It is irrelevant anyway, since I always took the hit point and I plan to continue doing so.

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Theconiel wrote:If he was straight, she isn't any more...He was a halfling, now she is an elf.
I want to make sure I have everything straight.
Well, she has a couple of centuries to become acclimated to her new gender. She is quite confused at the moment. Another party member has already tried to hit on her - fortunately (for him) he passed out drunk before her eidolon shredded him.

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Class features all stay, but mental traits also stay and there are some gray areas in what counts as a physical/mental trait. Is there something somewhere that specifically says that lucky is a physical trait? If not, it's up for interpretation. I would rule it a mental trait, and I think that most of the other GMs in my group would rule similarly.
On the other hand, I don't think I'd give elven immunities - resistance to enchantment sounds very much like a mental trait to me.
I am aware that class features are treated differently for reincarnation in that they all stick, even the ones that might be considered partly physical like bloodlines or poison immunity. I think the fact that these borderline class features stick like mental traits do is a good reason for saying "when in doubt, treat it as a mental trait." Class features are retained for balance, but that implies that by fluff being descended from dragons is a property of your soul rather than your physical body. Since mental/physical racial traits in reincarnation is about fluff rather than balance (not all races have a balance of physical and mental traits) then by the bloodline fluff logic I'm also fluffing racial luck as being a soul-property.

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I rolled gender randomly, just as I rolled race randomly. After all, per the spell description, the reincarnated soul enters the new body only after the new body has completed the "assembly process". Why should race be random, but gender not be random?
As for the Halfling Luck race trait, I think either position could be justified under RAW. The spell was meant to be open to GM interpretation. Since this is not PFS, there is no need for a definitive answer from the developers, or anyone other than the GM.

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Makes sense for gender to be random but some groups keep gender constant because many people find playing a different gender to be more uncomfortable than playing a different race. I figure if you're that worked up about it, just get yourself a fashionable belt.
Good luck finding it.
I'll punish you for that.

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Somewhere deep in my soul, I am actor. Doubtless, if I had requested that the character's gender not change, the GM would have honored that request.
I would not say that I am worked up about it. This is an interesting role playing opportunity. I have played characters of both genders before, but this is the first time I have had a character's gender change. Trying to imagine what the character is thinking and feeling under circumstances that would never happen to me in real life is one of my favorite aspects of the game.

Thymus Vulgaris |

Somewhere deep in my soul, I am actor. Doubtless, if I had requested that the character's gender not change, the GM would have honored that request.
I would not say that I am worked up about it. This is an interesting role playing opportunity. I have played characters of both genders before, but this is the first time I have had a character's gender change. Trying to imagine what the character is thinking and feeling under circumstances that would never happen to me in real life is one of my favorite aspects of the game.
I say chances are good she's feeling herself.
You sound like you're defending yourself, but I don't think anyone has actually said it was a definitively bad thing to include the chance of switching genders when reincarnating? It's been said that many players would rage over it, but that doesn't mean it's wrong to have random gender if the players are in on it.
When our aforementioned female elven monk was reincarnated, our GM just said hey, we should roll for gender too, and the player was in on it. The universe just really wanted her to be a female elf...
(We then went on to roll random height and find a table for random hair/skin/eye color. She grew about a foot and a half, got brown skin and green hair. Her player says she's a palm tree now.)

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Sorry, I was using the general "you" as in "if a player gets worked up about it."
I think it's fun, myself. For some reason my group has reincarnated three male half-orcs. One stayed a male half-orc (good thing - he was married), one became a male gnoll, and one... became a female elf. Later got turned back into a half-orc, but stayed female.

Thurazor |

Hah. Personally, I think it would be great to see alternate rules on Reincarnation. I actually remember an old GM of mine (pre-Pathfinder of course) taking the Reincarnation rules and trashing them before he made his own set. Of course, being extremely lucky, I ended up rolling (uncertain how I rolled that 1% chance) of being a Troll with my Reincarnated ex-Human Monk. That was fun. Troll Monk.

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My most recent home-brewed tables included gender, but had a bias in favor of your soul "sticking with what it knows," to the tune of 1-4 meaning the same gender and 5-6 indicating a gender flip. The only time I ever wound up using that table, though, resulted in human male => dwarf male that shaved daily (you can imagine the shudders of repulsion from other dwarves that he met. "Ach, 'e's face-nude!")