Kobold and Pathfinder


Well, here goes nothing.

I'm wanting to make a Kobold character. Doesn't matter what, as long as it's on the d20pfsrd.

I'm wanting to lean away from magic as well, more wanting to try and play a Kobold that wants to be seen as a great warrior, despite his small size and lack of strength. Ambitious? I want to see how well we can do with him.

First: 22 point buy, starting at Level 6 with full WBL

Second: Must be Melee-oriented. (I will go archer if no other choice... but no spells)

You might consider a Derwish Dance or Agile weapon build to make strength your dropstat.
You could then go and play a melee rogue or Derwish Dancing Bard. You could also try other melee characters like the Urban Barbarian putting your Rage into Dex.

Also go and take Prehensive Tail + Tail Terror or Dragon Maw for additional attacks.

Silver Crusade

One rather obvious/stereotyped choice would be a ranger with the trapper archetype.

Talk to your dm about using The Kobold Kings by super genius games. They have a number of their products on d20pfsrd, but I dont think this one is.

It provides rules for Kobolds that are balanced with the standard pc races. Use that and you can make a rather solid warrior. At least as good (if not better) then you could with a gnome or halfling.

Scarab Sages

Rework the Battlesnake as a kobold. Most of that bulid's damage is coming from static bonuses, so a slight drop from size won't hurt that much.

Prehensile Tail seems a little odd to me. Dragon Maw also runs off Strength, so I don't know whether it's off benefit to use that.

It's possible that I could maybe use Multiweapon Fighting with GM approval, using two Agile Weapons and the tail weapon... though that would get expensive really quickly.

I'm thinking about using the Battlesnake one now. Seems like it'll be pretty nice. I'll post the reworked build here once it's done

Scarab Sages

All natural weapons are eligible for weapon finesse, so dragonmaw is fine on a finesse build.

Kobold gunslinger... that wacky archetype with trembling grit. Get a long tail lash with reach and you're set.

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I rather liked the 3.5 web content for kobolds that WotC published.

Alright, so here's the first version of this:

LN Kobold Male MoMS 2 Brawler 4
Init +4
Senses: Perception +13, Low-Light Vision
AC 25, touch 17, flat-footed 20 (+5 armor, +4 dex, +1 size, +1 NA, +2 Shield, +1 Dodge)
hp: (2d8+4d10)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +5 (+6 vs Fear)
Armor: Brawling Chain Shirt +1 (+5 Armor),
Heavy Steel Shield (+2 Shield)
Defensive Abilities: Evasion
Spd 30 ft/x4
Melee: Unarmed Strike +11/+11 (1d6+9) 20/x2
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7
BAB +5, CMB +4, CMD 20
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist,
Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Snake Style,
Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting,
Snake Fang, Crane Style, Crane Wing
Languages: Draconic, Common
Brawling Chain Shirt +1, Ring of Protection +1,
Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Heavy Steel Shield
Craft (Trapmaking) +7, Heal +5, Perception +13,
Sense Motive +11, Stealth +13 (with -4 ACP)

It does have about 5780 gp unspent, so... extra items?

Grand Lodge

Kobolds of Golarion book is out.

Lots of options.

I do have access to the pfsrd, so I've probably seen it and gone eh.

One thing I am interested in however is traps. Can anyone direct me to the rules for making traps and such? I'm wanting to take advantage of my Craft skill

Grand Lodge

Trapper Ranger? Good, and thematically appropriate archetype.

Stacks with Freebooter, which work for it.

Also, this is a great race for the Reincarnated Druid archetype.

It's an archetype in Ult Magic.

Grand Lodge

Craig Frankum wrote:
It's an archetype in Ult Magic.

I know the archetype. That's why I suggested it.

Apologies. I should have quoted Valdast's post. Also was meaning there are more rules under the archetype for crafting traps. I did not specify.

Grand Lodge


Well, Kobolds of Golarion should be up on d20pfsrd eventually.

Very good resource for this PC.

If impatient, you can always buy the PDF.

In ethe Dungeoneer's Handbook, there's the Trap Breaker archetype for alchemists. I see that as the Kobold archetype. You get to lay land mines.

Scarab Sages

There are option from Kobolds of Golarion on pfsrd now.

Imbicatus wrote:
There are option from Kobolds of Golarion on pfsrd now.

Gah, that's hard to look at.

The 3.5 Kobold stuff is so much better overall.

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