Dinosaur distribution

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Are dinosaurs capable of being found anywhere on Golarion, or are there specific areas Mwangi Expanse, Hidden valleys in Mammoth Lord Domain, etc. where they are most common? Just curious how evolution and magic mesh up and all that. Starfall was too recent to wipe them out right? Without a similar catastrophic event as on Earth, did they die out at all? Are packs of wolves and velociraptors competing for the same resources?

Devastation Bob wrote:
Are packs of wolves and velociraptors competing for the same resources?

They friggin' should be. That would be the most metal album cover in the world!

I think dinosaurs may be limited to tropical jungle climates of Golarion, so Mwangi Expanse yes. Realm of the Mammoth Lords, probably not.

Also, if you look up dinosaurs in the PRD you can see that they're only listed as being in either warm plains, warm forest, or warm coastal/aquatic areas. Which is what I was trying to convey with my earlier statement.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dinosaurs in the Inner Sea region are more common on Garund or in Deep Tolguth (which explains how they show up in hidden valleys in the Mammoth Lords regions now and then). but they can be encountered anywhere. Mostly as exotic imported guards and pets, but they can escape and acclimate to other terrains.

That's not even counting unusual examples of said species. Dires, Celestials/Fiends, otherwise Magically altered, etc.

Advanced giant fiendish dire T-Rex... Sounds good.

Drejk wrote:
Advanced giant fiendish dire T-Rex... Sounds good.

If by good you mean "horrific gaping maw of death", absolutely :D

Devastation Bob wrote:
Are dinosaurs capable of being found anywhere on Golarion, or are there specific areas Mwangi Expanse, Hidden valleys in Mammoth Lord Domain, etc. where they are most common? Just curious how evolution and magic mesh up and all that. Starfall was too recent to wipe them out right? Without a similar catastrophic event as on Earth, did they die out at all? Are packs of wolves and velociraptors competing for the same resources?

In a world with dragons, wyverns and manticores running around... the 'ecology' of the world is questionable to begin with. If there's enough food for wolves, mammoths and wyverns.... the velocirapters and t-rexs should be FINE....

I would say that dinosaurs should be... wherever the DM wants them to be.


James Jacobs wrote:
Dinosaurs in the Inner Sea region are more common on Garund or in Deep Tolguth (which explains how they show up in hidden valleys in the Mammoth Lords regions now and then). but they can be encountered anywhere. Mostly as exotic imported guards and pets, but they can escape and acclimate to other terrains.

Does this mean at various Royal zoos and managires in Cheliax, Taldor, brevory and other various lands. You can see 'exotic' dinos on show?

Lantern Lodge

vyshan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Dinosaurs in the Inner Sea region are more common on Garund or in Deep Tolguth (which explains how they show up in hidden valleys in the Mammoth Lords regions now and then). but they can be encountered anywhere. Mostly as exotic imported guards and pets, but they can escape and acclimate to other terrains.
Does this mean at various Royal zoos and managires in Cheliax, Taldor, brevory and other various lands. You can see 'exotic' dinos on show?

You should be able to, if it's a decent menagerie anyhow. Although it somewhat depends on the tastes of the proprietor.

My question to this effect is what about dinosaurs in Tien Xia?

Or more interestingly what about domesticated dinosaurs? Does anyone know of a place where a Compsognathus is a common house pet, or where you can see Tricerotops pulling wagons through the streets? and if not, what are those guys at Paizo doing?

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