Taijutsu |

Somebody's probably come up with these already, but hey :) What do you think?
Feat: Monk Weapon Training (Combat):
You have trained extensively with the weapons of your order and wield them to great effect.
Prereq's: Wisdom 13, flurry of blows class feature
Benefit: When wielding a melee monk weapon, that weapon is considered to have the same damage dice as your unarmed strike, provided that your unarmed strike damage is higher.
You have trained extensively with the weapons of your order and wield them to great effect.
Prereq's: Wisdom 13, flurry of blows class feature
Benefit: When wielding a melee monk weapon, that weapon is considered to have the same damage dice as your unarmed strike, provided that your unarmed strike damage is higher.
You want your monk weapons to scale, but you don't want to use brass knuckles? Sure, spend a feat.
Feat: Ki Weapon Training (Combat):
You have learned to channel your ki through the weapons you wield
Prereq's: Wisdom 13, Ki pool class feature, Monk Weapon training
Benefit: As long as you have at least one point in your ki pool, any melee monk weapons that you wield are considered as unarmed strikes for the purposes of feats, ki abilities, other class features, etc.
Also, you may spend 1 ki point as a swift action in order for said weapons to use your unarmed strike damage dice ~and~ their normal damage dice for one round. This stacks with the benefit from Monk Weapon Training
You have learned to channel your ki through the weapons you wield
Prereq's: Wisdom 13, Ki pool class feature, Monk Weapon training
Benefit: As long as you have at least one point in your ki pool, any melee monk weapons that you wield are considered as unarmed strikes for the purposes of feats, ki abilities, other class features, etc.
Also, you may spend 1 ki point as a swift action in order for said weapons to use your unarmed strike damage dice ~and~ their normal damage dice for one round. This stacks with the benefit from Monk Weapon Training
I was going to specifically state that this feat does not apply to style feats, but I changed my mind. It was def. a knee-jerk response as it really wouldn't change too much.
The broken styles would stay broken and the non-broken feats would stay unbroken.
I considered having this also grant unarmed strike damage to ranged attacks, but that'd make the Zen archer archetype a bit obsolete.
I also considered making a ranged monk weapon feat and set it to later level so that the Zen archer has early entry vs. someone using the feat, but then I realized that the next feat already covers that.
Feat: Focused Monk Weapon Training (combat):
You have learned how to apply your monk techniques to a weapon not typically used by your order.
Prereq's: Wisdom 13, Ki class pool feature, Ki Weapon Training, Proficiency and Weapon Focus with selected weapon.
Benefits: So long as you have at least 1 point in your Ki pool, you may consider the selected weapon as a monk weapon. As such, you may apply the benefits of Monk Weapon training and Ki Weapon Training to the selected weapon, in addition to being able to use said weapon in conjunction with your flurry of blows class feature.
You have learned how to apply your monk techniques to a weapon not typically used by your order.
Prereq's: Wisdom 13, Ki class pool feature, Ki Weapon Training, Proficiency and Weapon Focus with selected weapon.
Benefits: So long as you have at least 1 point in your Ki pool, you may consider the selected weapon as a monk weapon. As such, you may apply the benefits of Monk Weapon training and Ki Weapon Training to the selected weapon, in addition to being able to use said weapon in conjunction with your flurry of blows class feature.
Aka "flurry with a greatsword!" :P
This definitely steps on the Zen archer's toes, but they still get most of the advantages of these feats for free and earlier, so whatever.
4/5 feats is a lot of feats to emulate 1 class feature so I'm cool with it (Proficiency(?), Weapon Focus, Monk Weapon training, Ki weapon training, Focused Monk Weapon Training).
You can get to the feat pretty early if you focus entirely on this tree from the get go. This is intended. This way you can get a slight boost to your damage until your unarmed strike catches up 5-7 levels later.
I might want to change this to include melee weapons only, as the capability to use style feats and such (see Ki Weapon Training) with a ranged weapon might allow for some rather silly shenanigans. On the other hand, I am a firm believer that Martial Characters Can Have Nice Things Too so maybe not :)