Chemlak |

I need to do a lot of work to get things updated so that the full UKing rules are implemented in the sheet. And there's a chance I broke something the last time I was fiddling with Armies anyway.
I'm trying to figure out when I can schedule some time to actually get some of the outstanding work done (the last year or so has been... difficult and not conducive to doing things on the sheet). I'm very hesitant to commit to anything on it right now, if I'm honest, but I'm still as dedicated to getting it done as I ever have been (I remind myself at least once a week that it needs to happen).
Saying that, though, actual bugs/errors and helping people with what the heck the sheet's doing are things I'm always happy to sort out.

Geralt_Bialy_Wilk |

Chemlak, past year couldn't be easy for anyone. Hope you're doing well.
Not sure if this is something you would like to include in the spreadsheet, but I created a simple sheet for Factions for personal use. I have it working on Google Sheets and can share if you're interested.
Don't want to promise anything, as I am not sure if my spreadsheet-fu is up to the task, but if I find some time to come up with Armies spreadsheet using UltKingdoms, I will definately share it!

AwesomenessDog |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi Chemlak, I noticed in the UCam but not URule sheet that forts/watchtowers are not adding their defense or stability bonuses (with lairs; watchtower without lair also does not work but fort without lair does).
I also made a monthly cost column for URule sheet and a program in the monthly log to keep a running monthly total expenditure on active buildings. There were a couple buildings whose normal UCam cost did not align with the total BP/month*month cost from URule, even after a rounding error, they are listed below. In general for those within rounding error, I rounded to give a discount in the BP cost that preserved the number of months of building otherwise. It works by simply listing the name of a building that you are working towards in a month and copy+pasting it vertically down for the number of months it will take so you can simply look at the total for all buildings being worked on every month and pay that at the end of the improvements phase each month. Note the new column in Buildings where it lists cost/month and month count.
Academy, 52BP, 6BP/4month=24BP, 6BP/8months
Caster's Tower, 30 BP, 6BP/6month=36BP, 5BP/6months
Castle, 54BP, 5BP/12months=60BP, as is
Cathedral, 58BP, 5BP/12months=60BP, as is
Forbiddance, NA, none listed, 20BP/1month
Garrison, 28BP, 6BP/5months=30BP, as is
Hallow/Unhallow, NA, none listed, 20BP/1month
Permanent Teleportation Circle, NA, none listed, 30BP/1month
Private Sanctum, NA, none listed, 50BP/1month
Tunnels, NA, 8BP; 8BP/2months=16BP, 4BP/2months
University, 78BP, 6BP/8months=48BP, 6BP/13months
Warehouse, NA, 8BP; 8BP/2months=16BP, 4BP/2months
Waterfront, 90BP, 6BP/12months=72BP, 4BP/24months
Windmill, NA, 6BP; 8BP/2months=16BP, 3BP/2months
As part of this updated URule sheet, there are also some of the missing tables for the new edicts and otherwise that should be useful, feel free to keep them or not.

Chemlak |

Well, that "few days" took a lot longer than expected. However, here goes:
I am unable to replicate the issue with forts and watchtowers, I've tried every combination I can think of for those terrain improvements and all of them are correctly reporting both Stability and Defense to the Overall worksheet, on both my test copy and the copy you linked above - please link me to a copy of the workbook that is showing this problem.
Thank you for the work on the build cost chart, that's hugely appreciated, and I will be grabbing those and the new edict charts that you put in, as well (those are SOOOOO awesome, thank you!). Expect a new version of the spreadsheet soon™.

AwesomenessDog |

Turns out my UCam that had the problem was a version from 2016, 5.3i, but even on downloading and opening 5.3m I get the same problem. I put a 1 in both Watchtower w/ Lair and Fort w/ Lair, and there is no change in the Defense/Stability/Consumption from not having anything at all.
If you can, it might make sense to shift the way I have the building costs and cost/turn all the way to the right on the buildings tab to be an earlier column, but when I had tried that on my own, it created a huge amount of cascading errors, as the cities pages (especially in regards to population) is not looking for a specific column so much as a placement of the columns. You would also have to adjust the Vlookup function I am using for the Monthly Log sheet.
Also more than happy to chat about other ideas for cleaning up that rather bulky log, such as similar to the hex claims per turn counter, potentially a Terrain Improvements and Buildings per turn counters (especially since there is the assembly bonus TI/Buildings per turn), but there are admittedly other QoL things that could be done else where.

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Batsquatch |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey, guys. I wanted to post for anyone looking for a kingdom tracking spreadsheet that makes use of all the changes made in Ultimate Campaign. I've got a start on updating the sheet and you can download it here. I used Berhagen's wonderful sheet made for Kingmaker (later updated by Zoetrope) as a base for my sheet. I've asked Berhagen if I could update his sheet and this is posted with his permission.
My group is about to start book two of Kingmaker so, in my rush, I've had to ignore anything related to mass combat for now (as such, Defense bonuses may not be 100% accurate everwhere, although Settlements should be okay), settlements do not currently list slots for magic items, I've stripped out some of the special features (like Zoetrope's Event/Weather generators), and many of the "Optional" rules from Ultimate Campaign have yet to be implemented. Now that I have the minimum spreadsheet I'm needing for my personal campaign, I'll start working on finishing what I've started and I'll be sure to post updated versions in this thread.
For anyone interested in a (nearly) complete list of changes I've made, here is a list for you. Anything labeled as "personal preference" is merely a cosmetic change that I've made to suit my own tastes that you may or may not notice or appreciate.
** spoiler omitted **...
I get a 404 when I click the link...
Ok I got it 👍

VitamiinaC |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hey, guys. I wanted to post for anyone looking for a kingdom tracking spreadsheet that makes use of all the changes made in Ultimate Campaign. I've got a start on updating the sheet and you can download it here. I used Berhagen's wonderful sheet made for Kingmaker (later updated by Zoetrope) as a base for my sheet. I've asked Berhagen if I could update his sheet and this is posted with his permission.
My group is about to start book two of Kingmaker so, in my rush, I've had to ignore anything related to mass combat for now (as such, Defense bonuses may not be 100% accurate everwhere, although Settlements should be okay), settlements do not currently list slots for magic items, I've stripped out some of the special features (like Zoetrope's Event/Weather generators), and many of the "Optional" rules from Ultimate Campaign have yet to be implemented. Now that I have the minimum spreadsheet I'm needing for my personal campaign, I'll start working on finishing what I've started and I'll be sure to post updated versions in this thread.
For anyone interested in a (nearly) complete list of changes I've made, here is a list for you. Anything labeled as "personal preference" is merely a cosmetic change that I've made to suit my own tastes that you may or may not notice or appreciate.
** spoiler omitted **...
Does anyone have the spreadsheet? The link is broken =/

Chemlak |

killingdjef |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Ask, and ye shall receive.
Hi again,
So I liked your sheet that much that I made a small change to the "Diplomacy"-screen. I've added a'negotiation' dropdown box with the options 'balanced', 'advantage', 'disadvantage'. Based on the selection it either provides 5%, 10% or 15%.
A very small change and I only applied it to the first entry because I wasn't sure if it would be worthwhile: https://easyupload.io/gdtfsh

Laurent Bouchard |

Chemlak |

Chemlak wrote:A long time ago, you said that a Ultimate Kingdoms version would be avalaible. Any chance of that happening, Thank youAsk, and ye shall receive.
Ooh, sorry, thought I'd replied to this ages ago. Yes is still the answer to that.

Chemlak |

Wowzers. I was expecting a Kingmaker CRPG kingdom sheet. This is quite obviously more in depth and not so. I'd like to thank you in advance for when I do get into table top =)
You are most welcome. I will note that this sheet is specific to the PF1 version of the rules, so if you're looking for something that works for PF2, I haven't done that.

emky |
You are most welcome. I will note that this sheet is specific to the PF1 version of the rules, so if you're looking for something that works for PF2, I haven't done that.
I wanted to mention, bug found in the UCam Excel version: the edicts area aren't right. The calculation formulas refer to "City overview" (which is a totally busted sheet), and wrong cells. Especially Taxation.