Chemlak |

Okay, that should definitely have done it.
I'll do a test later today, and if that doesn't work I'll need you to email me your file.
And then, after all this, I'll make it easy to change because it's less than awesome the way it is now.
Mutters to himself... "Settlement rules worksheet, tick box for UCam or URule logic, threshold inputs that feed to the drop down worksheet table for settlements which then get queried by the city sheet vlookups. Yeah. That'll do it."

Chemlak |

Ooh, I'm thick.
Step 8: [...] Also, remove "IF(U8>1,'Drop Down'!Y17," from the beginning of the formula, and remove one ")" from the end.
I'll sort out the robust version next time I'm doing an update.
Wow, I've got lots of updates to do.

Ravingdork |

Hey guys, I'm going to be hopping into another Kingmaker game tomorrow afternoon and I intend to introduce this amazing tool to all of my friends. Thank you everyone for continuing to put so much effort into it. It's made such a huge difference for my past Kingmaker games.
Are there any bugs in the latest version, or anything else, that I maybe should be made aware of prior to telling them it's the best thing ever?
(FYI, we won't be using Ultimate Rulership, as they tend to distrust third party material.)

Chemlak |

Hey RD.
If you're not using URule, then grab the UCam one (linkeh to OO version since I believe you'd prefer that one). I am not currently aware of any bugs in it (if you find any, let me know!), and is currently in a "finished" state.
As usual, I welcome any suggestions for improvements or tweaks to make it better for people, but real life keeps interfering with me doing updates.
Not that I'm giving up, I definitely want to see this through, but finding time for updates is proving hard.

SilverHawknight |
I think I found it. I got mixed up with the edict sheet link. This tool is AMAZING. We started this part of the campaign last night and I was getting so flustered with all the data and have no good way to record it that would help tabulate the data, and wow...you guys did it. I would happily buy dinner for and high five all who were involved. Bravo.

Chemlak |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Gah, forums eating my posts!
Excel file for Ultimate Rulership.
I wrote a big reply to Silver Hawknight over a week ago and it seems the forums ate it.
The basic point was: thanks for the support, no need to buy me anything, I do this for fun!

Ademon |
Hi Chemlak I'm looking over the Ultimate Rulership 5.7a sheet.
I believe there are some errors on the Trade Routes sheet.
Trade Routes sheet, Column Z (hidden), appears to exist to check if Consumption is less than 0. But it is only checking to see if the consumption value listed on the Kingdom sheet (D14) is less than the number of Hexes (D2 on Kingdom sheet) + number of districts (E27 no hidden sheet City Overview).
This is erroneous since D14 is only counting consumption from Terrain Improvements and ignores the hexes themselves which each add 1 Consumption.
Wouldn't it just make more sense to check the actual Consumption value (P50) from the Overall sheet?
Trade Routes sheet, Column AA, this appears to check if a Granary or Stockyard is present in the settlement, but with the specified VLOOKUP array - column values 11 and 12 refer to Lore and Society. It should be 13 and 14 for Granaries and Stockyards.
That being said, City Overview sheet, columns N and O. These are looking at the wrong cells on the City sheets. For example Granary is cell M22 and Stockyard is cell U40.
(I didn't check all of the rest, but some of the other cell references looked OK)
(Likewise from #2) Columns AE, AI, and AM on the Trade Routes sheet. These are looking at the wrong column values from the array specified by VLOOKUP on the City Overview sheet.
On the Trade Routes sheet under column W ("Route Allowed?") there is a part at the end of the nested IF statements that checks the number of Quarries and Sawmills on the Kingdom sheet:
Wh at is the purpose of this as it pertains to checking if the route is allowed?
BTW, it looks like some of the erroneous values might just have gotten copied over from the Ultimate Campaign sheet.

Chemlak |

Thanks Ademon!
I'll take a look over the next couple of days at all those. I think I know why all of them exist/went wrong (copy/paste errors are us), and can easily fix the errors. As for #5, that one is tricky, since it looks like it might be wrong a couple of different ways, but I need to work through it in depth.
Regardless, I'm on the case!

Chemlak |

FYI: Ademon is an absolute legend and has begun the process of fixing numerous issues with the sheet.
I'll be reviewing them when I get home from my Easter break, and will hopefully have a lovely big update at some point on Monday.

Chemlak |

Ademon has been fantastic, so please find, for your pleasure:
5.8 Ultimate Rulership Update
Open Office
Numerous bugs squashed, references corrected, and some fantastic Quality of Life updates, I really can't thank Ademon enough for his work on this.

Spiritstalker |
You are awesome Chemlak. Thanks to you and all of the others that have assisted you in any way. I have been playing Kingmaker, and we are about to begin Blood for Blood. My sheets have been fairly good, but tedious to use. I am now changing everything over to your sheet.
I do have a small problem, however. I am using the UCam sheet, but it only has 5 cities set up on it. I have been able to copy and paste the City Map sheets to make one for each of the Kingdom's maps, but Copy and Paste does not work on the City Sheets. How do I fix this?

Chemlak |

Also, is there a way on the City Map sheets to "check" the boarders to mark them appropriately? i.e. City Wall, Moat, Land, Water, etc.
Glad you were able to find the hidden city sheets!
In answer to the above question, not yet, but I'm aware of that, so it will become possible at some point.

Spiritstalker |
Chemlak. I love the sheet, but I'm having some more problems with it, and I don't know how to manipulate excel to help fix it. We are starting play at the beginning of Blood for Blood, so we are quite a ways into kingdom building. The bonuses for the cities are not adding up correctly. There are so many buildings that I don't know which are not adding right, but I have double and triple checked the totals. The UCam Kingdom Tracking Spreadsheet shows that my players kingdom should have the following from cities:
Economy: 45
Loyalty: 53
Stability: 50
But after multiple checks and double checks, I come up with the following for only the buildings in the cities:
Economy: 57
Loyalty: 66
Stability: 52
Perhaps I have an older copy of UCam Spreadsheet.
Also, I have looked at the other Sheet URul Spreadsheet you are making and I like a lot of the parts on it. Will it work for me, even if I am not using Ultimate Rules?

Chemlak |

Send me your sheet, please!
Chemlak at blueyonder dot co dot uk or a Dropbox link.
There are a LOT of reasons for the numbers to be a bit whacky, most of them user error, but diagnosing all of them is hard. If I look at the sheet I can figure it out.

Chemlak |

Either email me the file (my email address is in the second line of my last post), or if you use a file sharing site (such as Dropbox), put it into your sharing folder and PM me a link to the share.
If you have any problems with that, let me know and I'll sort something else out.

Chemlak |

In case anyone's wondering, Spiritstalker emailed me a copy of his sheet earlier today (well, probably yesterday to him!) and I checked it out. I'm pretty sure it was user error (an easy mistake to make involving hidden city sheets), fixed it all up for him, and sent it back.
I'm hoping I got it all right!

Chemlak |

Yes, they make up a huge chunk of the overall file.
Not sure if it's a file size issue, but if it is, try the Open Office version, which is about half the size of the Excel one.
I get people asking about a Google Sheets version fairly frequently, so if you do manage it, please let me know!

Kevinmcc |

Version 2 of my Build Timer Ver.2
I finally used this with my players a couple of weeks ago and discovered I needed some modifications. One BIG mistake was not doing the build cost as an "over time" calculation. Not sure how I missed that the first time around as it was a huge point in doing this in the first place. Guess I was just being thick! Since I was using Ultimate Rulership with the optional rule of increased cost for duplicate buildings I added that data as well.
I found I needed to keep track of which hex and settlements were being improved so I added a column to put that information into. I also found I needed to be able to track when I put the data into the Kingdom spreadsheet so I put in a column to mark when I did so treating it as a check box. I also wanted to keep track of costs each round as well so added columns to record BP expenditure, consumption, and Income for each turn. It then will calculate the BP total.
I would love to hear any feedback anyone might have.

Random Players |
The spreadsheet looks very neat and useful, but I am having a issue:
In the Buildings Sheet/Tab, every single building type has Err:509 (Operator Missing) in the Columns Economy/BP, Loyalty/BP, Stability/BP, Unrest/BP
The formula in them is each some variant of '=Table14[#this row,'Economy']/Table14[#this row,bp cost]'
If I'm reading that right for what it does, I should be able to fix it on my end by replacing it with a simple '=D2/B2' (The academy row's Economy Value / the BP Cost in that row) in the case of the Academy for Economy/BP for example? Don't want to make assumptions and break things horribly with it.

Minotaur of Justice |

It's been a long time since I've even looked at my kingdom's sheet. I got the city/metropolis thing squared away (thank you very much, Chemlak!) Now I want to tackle the army section. How would you go about adjusting the army size to match Ultimate Battle in that regard?
Also, how would I adjust the consumption for armies, if I were so inclined?

Chemlak |

Chemlak |

As might be apparent, I have a bit of time available, so I'm hoping to hit up the issues people have been raising.
Minotaur of Justice, please send me your sheet by email to chemlak (at) blueyonder (dot) co (dot) uk, because I'm not seeing any issues in the city sheets at all at my end.
Random Players, if you've attempted to filter or reorder the Buildings sheet it (for some reason that I haven't investigated in full) completely messes up the whole spreadsheet. Table14 is VERY sensitive. It's recoverable, but a pain to do, so if you're comfortable doing that, go for it, if not send me your sheet to the email address above, and I'll sort it for you.
Kevinmcc, I haven't been able to look at it, so far, but a build timer is a huge deal to me and I really really want to include one in the URule sheet, so I'll be checking it out soon™. Do I have your permission to steal (aka take with full accreditation to you) it?
That's all I've got for now, hope to hear from people soon!

Random Players |
Random Players, if you've attempted to filter or reorder the Buildings sheet it (for some reason that I haven't investigated in full) completely messes up the whole spreadsheet. Table14 is VERY sensitive. It's recoverable, but a pain to do, so if you're comfortable doing that, go for it, if not send me your sheet to the email address above, and I'll sort it for you.
I have not done so. To be safe incase I had clicked anything by mistake, I downloaded the 5.3 version above, opened it using OpenOffice Calc and went to the 'Buildings' Sheet.
This is what I see (One of the cells selected to display the error in the bottom right and the formula up top)https://gyazo.com/a9dc2093729dc124bf3e66007a50fb9e
I am running 4.1.0 currently, but this error occured originally with a older version and I updated to 4.1.0 to try to fix it.
As a random guess, could it be related somehow to that I'm swedish, with OS set up in swedish as a result? Open Office itself is set to be in english however.
I don't think sending mine over will help much, as Open Office registers no modifications to save. I can try to manually save it anyway and send it over if you think it will help however.

Chemlak |

Okay, leave that with me, I'll see if I can figure it out. Error 509 seems to typically hit due to syntax errors in non-simple formulae. Should be nothing at all to do with your language settings.
Sometimes I hate table14.

Random Players |
Uh.. slightly confused by what you said there, likely due to a translation issue to my language in short.
With 'leave that with me', do you mean I should do manual save and send it over, or should I just do nothing and you'll try to figure it out?
Figured best to be sure, rather than assume one way or another.

Chemlak |

Chemlak |

There are 25 city sheets and 9 army sheets already in the workbook, but most of them are hidden.
In Excel you're looking for the Format menu, Hide/Unhide, Unhide sheet. That will bring up a list of all the hidden sheets. Unhide any that you need (you have to do it one at a time). I'd recommend not messing with the Dropdown sheet.
Hope that helps. If not, just shoot me a PM (adding more cities and armies is technically feasible, but a bit of a pain to get right).

Liven |
Hi !
A huge thanks to you Chemlak and all the others who create this tools and help to correct it.
I had a question : on the Ultimate Campaign excel, when I add 1 castle in a city, the population added automaticly is 1000 (just for the castle). I don't find a way to reduce this amount (as it should be 250 if I understand the rules well).
Is it my mistake and the population should be 1000? Or is their a way to correct it?
Thanks again !

theunforgiving |

I think I spotted a bug in the Excel 5.8a version. The City Consumption sub-calculation on the Overview sheet uses "='City Overview'!G27+'City Overview'!F27". Column F on the City Overview sheet is for City Fame, according to the header, with F27 being the sum of the Fame scores for all 25 Cities. Column E is the number of Districts in each City, which is what affects a City's Consumption if I recall correctly.

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Good spot! It’s actually me being decidedly cheeky and lazy and using a shortcut. In URule there’s a big table of buildings, and some of them have asterisks next to the name. All of those buildings have +1 Fame. No other buildings alter Fame. The rules say that all buildings in that table with an asterisk increase consumption by 1.

Chemlak |

That’s exactly where it will appear, but since I don’t own the book it appears in and nobody mentioned it before now (as far as I know), I didn’t even know about it.
Excellent to know, and I’ll get it in as soon as I can, thanks!

Zaibusa |
Hey there!
First of all, a BIG, i mean, a MASSIVE thank you! This sheet is amazing, pure gold.
But I also have a question:
In the City tab, the city Type jumps from Village to Town to City, without the additional steps of small / large
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/kingdom-building/#TOC-Se ttlement-Sizes
Is this deliberate, or an oversight / bug? Don't know if it affects anything else as well, but I found it because of the thus missing danger modifier.
Also, because I read it further up, I have it running without any notable problems in Google Sheets
€: using 5.8a, which I think is the newest?