Random Players's page

Goblin Squad Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Uh.. slightly confused by what you said there, likely due to a translation issue to my language in short.
With 'leave that with me', do you mean I should do manual save and send it over, or should I just do nothing and you'll try to figure it out?

Figured best to be sure, rather than assume one way or another.

Chemlak wrote:
Random Players, if you've attempted to filter or reorder the Buildings sheet it (for some reason that I haven't investigated in full) completely messes up the whole spreadsheet. Table14 is VERY sensitive. It's recoverable, but a pain to do, so if you're comfortable doing that, go for it, if not send me your sheet to the email address above, and I'll sort it for you.

I have not done so. To be safe incase I had clicked anything by mistake, I downloaded the 5.3 version above, opened it using OpenOffice Calc and went to the 'Buildings' Sheet.

This is what I see (One of the cells selected to display the error in the bottom right and the formula up top)
I am running 4.1.0 currently, but this error occured originally with a older version and I updated to 4.1.0 to try to fix it.
As a random guess, could it be related somehow to that I'm swedish, with OS set up in swedish as a result? Open Office itself is set to be in english however.
I don't think sending mine over will help much, as Open Office registers no modifications to save. I can try to manually save it anyway and send it over if you think it will help however.

The spreadsheet looks very neat and useful, but I am having a issue:

In the Buildings Sheet/Tab, every single building type has Err:509 (Operator Missing) in the Columns Economy/BP, Loyalty/BP, Stability/BP, Unrest/BP

The formula in them is each some variant of '=Table14[#this row,'Economy']/Table14[#this row,bp cost]'

If I'm reading that right for what it does, I should be able to fix it on my end by replacing it with a simple '=D2/B2' (The academy row's Economy Value / the BP Cost in that row) in the case of the Academy for Economy/BP for example? Don't want to make assumptions and break things horribly with it.