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If I were running it, the NG Oracle can use the spell occasionally without consequence, but if you were to do it daily then you might become TN. A Paladin would be an ex-paladin until Atonement if they cast it.
Undeath is desecration of the body if not the soul, and makes it far more difficult to raise someone back to the living. It's not something you can do and remain a Paladin.

Claxon |

Orfamay is right. A paladin/oracle character who casts a spell with the [Evil] descriptor would lose all paladin powers immeaditately under the normal game rules.
If you game master thinks that necromancy and undead aren't evil then you might be alright, but that isn't the way the game normally works. Regardless of if it's "normal" in your society. A society like that exist in Golarion, the nation of Geb. They're also completely evil, and if you were a paladin from that nation you would likely be looking to destroy it, not embrace it.

Orfamay Quest |

Oracle.....cast away. You don't have an aura so don't worry. You didn't ask for these weird powers so how can the gods complain
Although even then, the repeated use of evil spells may cause long-term alignment drift for an oracle, in the same way that repeatedly beating baby whales to death with the dead bodies of baby harp seals would.
You may still be an Oracle, but not necessarily a lawful good oracle. So if being good is important to you, it's still an issue.

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London Duke wrote:Well its an Ebberon game and he would be coming from Karrnath. They have several undead paladins within their elite military.I'm not all that familiar with Eberron, but undead paladins....just....no.
Maybe a Neutral Evil Warpriest of Urgathoa that calls itself a Paladin, preaching the Whispering Way at the end of a Scythe, trying to enlighten the poor misguided fools who believe death is a just and natural end. Why die when you can carry on forever?
I think this may be my next BBEG.

Orfamay Quest |

Well its an Ebberon game and he would be coming from Karrnath. They have several undead paladins within their elite military.
Shrug. At this point you are so far into homebrew territory it's a long distance phone call to get back to the actual core books. So it's up to your game master.

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I'm not all that familiar with Eberron, but undead paladins....just....no.
Oh, I don't know. 3.0's The Standing Stone had a paladin ghost whose existence made sense. But then, ghosts have special dispensation for that sort of thing. I agree with your wider point. Eberron tried to de-emphasize alignment and to loosen the "always alignment X" that most D&D worlds had, but I agree that when it reaches the level of gold dragon blackguards and death knight paladins, it's become a parody of its own concept.
emacleric: No rule is actually stopping you from using Evil spells. No rule is preventing your alignment from getting shifted, either. If you're concerned at all about keeping your Good alignment, I'd recommend restricting such use to scrolls and such, not taking an [Evil] spell as one of your spontaneous spells. Oracles are built around the notion of heavy sustained use of only a few spells, and habitually casting a spell that inflicts an alignment hit every single time won't help your effort to remain Good.

Zhayne |

Well its an Ebberon game and he would be coming from Karrnath. They have several undead paladins within their elite military.
Those undead paladins would be LG, though ... the method for creating the free-willed Karrnathi undead is significantly different from your normal mindless shambling hordes, and such a spell/process would not have the evil descriptor.
In other words, time to do some research and see if someone can teach it to you.

Zhayne |

London Duke wrote:Well its an Ebberon game and he would be coming from Karrnath. They have several undead paladins within their elite military.I'm not all that familiar with Eberron, but undead paladins....just....no.
Karrnathi undead are completely free-willed, and thus can choose their own paths in life, plus Eberron loosens alignment stuff considerably (clerics are able to cast opposite-alignment spells, f'rex).