Help a newbie! PFS Feats and Traits for a level 1 inquisitor


Liberty's Edge

I've read and loved Bodhi's Guide to the Inquisitor, but I have a few questions about Feats and Traits.

My priorities are:
1) Have a character concept that will be fun to play and role-play.
2) Survive in PFS play.
3) Be flexible enough to help random, odd-ball groups complete their missions and faction missions. (This includes 'Face' skills.)
4) Do decent damage.

I've decided on a tiefling inquisitor, and want to try out both a ranged and melee build at level 1 to decide which one I enjoy more. I'll be using Conversion Inquisition, so I can dump Charisma (very appropriate for a tiefling) and still be strong in Diplomacy, Bluff, and Intimidate. I was tempted by the Travel and Liberation domains, but I think this fits my character better.

For the ranged build, an asura-spawn preacher inquisitor of Calistria. (Str12, Dex18, Con14, Int10, Wis16, Cha7) Point Blank shot is the obvious level 1 feat choice. I'm wondering about the traits, though. As a racial alternative, I'm grabbing 'Maw and Claw' so I have a natural melee attack and can automatically threaten squares next to me. I could take Scaled Skin and trade in 5 DR for cold and electricity for +1 natural armor. Is this a bad idea?

I could use a trait to gain a class skill. Both PFS games I've tried lacked a rogue, and one of the faction missions was impossible without Disable Device. The 'Vagabond Child' trait would let me open locks and disable simple traps, and use my 18 dex as a bonus. I do realize I wouldn't be able to disable magic traps, though, so it may not be worthwhile at high-level.

Since this char will be Andoran, I could take Hunter's Eye. Inquisitors already have proficiency with the longbow, but it would remove the penalty for the 2nd range increment. Useless in dungeons, but very handy outdoors, I imagine. How much does that tend to come into play in PFS?

Improving saves for will, reflex, and fort saves would all be solid choices, I think. Armor Expert for the -1 ACP also looks good. Reactionary seems a bit over-rated, since I'll already be boosting my init roll with dex+wis = +7. Advice?

My melee build is a glaive-wielding hell-spawn inquisitor of Shelyn. (Str16, Dex12, Con14, Int10, Wis17, Cha7) The reach weapon is intriguing, although I wonder if I need Combat Reflexes and a >12 dex to truly make use of its potential. This char is also taking Maw for the natural close-in attack. I'm considering Heretic, which fits with the character concept, but I'm thinking I'd miss Monster Lore quite a bit. I mean, how can you tell what Bane to use at level 5 if you can't ID the monster? Plus, there is no telling if there will be anyone else at the table with decent Knowledge skills in PFS play.

This character might grab a trait to give Knowledge(local) as a class skill. Inexplicably it's been left off the Inquisitor class list. Does anyone know if I can use Monster Lore to boost my Knowledge (local) for humanoid knowledge checks?

I'm stumped on Feats, though. Power Attack and the other juicy combat feats all seem to require BAB +1; they are out of reach until level 3. So I'd like to use my first feat for a defensive bonus. I can choose between Armor of the Pit for a +2 natural armor bonus, Dodge for +1 dodge (which could open up good feats later), or Toughness for more hp. Which one has the best pay-off, both at low-levels and over all 12 levels? Or is there another fantastic BAB +0 feat I'm missing?

Also, I'm wondering if medium armor is worth wearing at low level. The speed decrease to 20' is serious, you can't sleep in it, and the ACP would affect my already low-bonus acrobatics skill to move through threatened squares to flank.

I appreciate any advice or suggestions you might have!

If you are building a level 1 char, you're probably better off thinking in terms of feat trees when choosing your feats.

ranged build
point blank shot is the obvious choice as it open the way to every other archery feat ever - id be aiming for rapidshot because as a ranged character you are limited in the ways you can increase your damage per attack, so you want to make as many attacks per round as possible. Good choice for later levels is deadly aim.

I don't play PFS but I very much doubt there'll be many situations in which you are going to want to make a shot over more than 100ft - your longbow has you covered.

Also anything that increases your initiative is good, especially for a ranged character - you want as many turns of shooting before they get to you as possible. I'd take reactionary, and strongly consider taking improved initiative later on as well - you really really want to get the drop on anyone you fight.

If you want trapfinding your better off taking a level of rogue when you can, you'll get more from it, and even a little sneak attack is good for an archer - you may only get one round of shooting, make it hurt!

Melee build
Power attack is an unusual choice for an inquisitor, they arent typically front line characters. You do have the str and con though. But your right you cant take it at 1st level as an inquisitor.

Alternately you might consider bumping your intellegence and going for combat expertise - in combat inquisitors are all about battlefield control, and feats like improved trip work well with that. As you are the Face you could aim to use improved feint to take advantage of your bluff skill.

first level feat
With a glaive combat reflexes is a good choice - again it gives you a good deal of battlefield control.
Of the choices youve got there Id go for dodge and aim to get spring attack or lightning stance.

Id keep the monster lore, and ditch the medium armour - I prefer the mobility.
If you can Id be tempted to take a level of Cavalier at some point and take advantage of the tactician class feature - make the most of the inquisitors teamwork feats and ability to swap them as a standard action!

Grand Lodge

Inquisitors can make solid melee. I have a cavalier (genderma) 1/rogue(thug) 1/inquisitor x who is a tiefling in pfs. I took enforcer and bludgeneor to smack the fear down nearly every round on enemies. Maw is good, especially if using reach orranged weapons. If you want something easier for cornugun smash, you will have enemies shaken all around you. With the tiefling fc bonus you and inquisitor bonus you'll get a crazy intimidate by the time you get cornuguns at level 5. I opted for the 12 dex, and I'll probably still end up with combat reflexes, but for me its well worth it. Nothing lime taking an Aoo at an enemy moving in on you and watch him.retreat in flight

Oh and traits. Don't remember both of them, I think one gave me sone bonuses on knowledge, nut heirloom weapon dwarven longhammer!

Grand Lodge

Shoanti Tattoo will give you proficiency with Earth Breakers, Klars, and Shoanti Bolas.

Combine with Enforcer and Bludgeoner.

Choosing Venkelvore for the Torture Subdomain would be strong.

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