Paladin Question

Rules Questions

Shadow Lodge

Does casting eagle's splendor on a paladin increase his number of lay on hands in a day?

Silver Crusade

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doc the grey wrote:
Does casting eagle's splendor on a paladin increase his number of lay on hands in a day?

The way to work it out is this:-

At the start of each day the paladin has used zero LOH. As he uses it, the number increases from 1,2,3 etc. (you get the idea).

At any point, if the number of times he has used LOH equals his daily allowance, then he can't use any more until the next morning.

With eagle's splendour, his uses/day may vary. It doesn't matter; you check your actual uses against his uses/day any time he wants to use LOH.

For example, a paladin has Cha 18 and is 2nd level, giving him 5/day. If eagle's splendour us cast on him his Cha becomes 22 and he has 7/day.

At any time, check the number of times he has used LOH. If he has used 5 then he can't use any more. If eagle's splendour is cast on him, he can use it up to twice more while the spell is in effect. Say he uses LOH once more; he has now used it 6 times. Then the spell wears off. Can he use LOH again today? No, because his Cha has dropped back to 18 and he can only use it 5/day, and he has used it six times.

If the spell is cast again today, his allowance is 7/day again and he can use LOH once more while this spell is in effect.

At the end of the day he may have used it 7 times. That's okay. Just keep track of his uses like this and you won't go wrong.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That's a good explanation Malachi. better then how my own would have turned out.

Silver Crusade

Rathendar wrote:
That's a good explanation Malachi. better then how my own would have turned out.

Cheers! : )

Does casting eagle's splendor on a paladin increase his number of lay on hands in a day?

No, because the bonus is temporary. It would increase with a headband of charisma worn for more than 24 hours though.

AVH is correct. Temporary bonus do not effect resources. This question has been answered by game designers in the past. A search should turn up the information you are looking for. I believe this information can also be found in the CRB.

Satchmo wrote:

AVH is correct. Temporary bonus do not effect resources. This question has been answered by game designers in the past. A search should turn up the information you are looking for. I believe this information can also be found in the CRB.

That sounds right. In a home game, one may be inclined to allow it anyway, just to make Eagle's Splendor somewhat useful (in my games, I never see it cast).

Well it still increase spell DC (for sorcerer, paladin and bards, amongst other classes), charisma-based skill checks (diplomacy, bluff, ...). It's not that useless.

Actually, a sorcerer or bard is really good with this spell in the first couple levels (from level 3 to 6).

Shadow Lodge

You can find the descriptions of what is increased by temporary and permanent ability bonuses here (link points specifically at Cha).

Temporary Bonuses: Temporary increases to your Charisma score give you a bonus on Charisma-based skill checks. This bonus also applies to any spell DCs based on Charisma.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks everyone. I was looking for an answer so that I might find a way to boost one of my players lay on hands uses per day so that he might be able to use his ultimate mercy ability. That being said does anyone know of any items that might boost your amount of lay on hands besides getting a headband of charisma?

doc the grey wrote:
Thanks everyone. I was looking for an answer so that I might find a way to boost one of my players lay on hands uses per day so that he might be able to use his ultimate mercy ability. That being said does anyone know of any items that might boost your amount of lay on hands besides getting a headband of charisma?

Are you looking for something PFS legal or is it a home game where you have some freedom?

TheRedArmy wrote:
Satchmo wrote:

AVH is correct. Temporary bonus do not effect resources. This question has been answered by game designers in the past. A search should turn up the information you are looking for. I believe this information can also be found in the CRB.

That sounds right. In a home game, one may be inclined to allow it anyway, just to make Eagle's Splendor somewhat useful (in my games, I never see it cast).

It IS useful, because a lot of Will save spells need higher DCs to be useful, therefore casting eagle's splendor to bump the dc by 2 is handy.

Shadow Lodge

doc the grey wrote:
Thanks everyone. I was looking for an answer so that I might find a way to boost one of my players lay on hands uses per day so that he might be able to use his ultimate mercy ability. That being said does anyone know of any items that might boost your amount of lay on hands besides getting a headband of charisma?

Bracers of the Merciful Knight treat you as 4 levels higher for both uses per day (2 extra uses) and damage healed (+2d6), and lets you add Lesser Restoration to Lay on Hands 1/day.

thanks for the posts above...I had seen the "temporary" notation in those spells but never understood the point that was trying to be made...makes sense.

I'm going to try to find out where "temporary" is mentioned and let my group know.


Shadow Lodge

Skylancer4 wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Thanks everyone. I was looking for an answer so that I might find a way to boost one of my players lay on hands uses per day so that he might be able to use his ultimate mercy ability. That being said does anyone know of any items that might boost your amount of lay on hands besides getting a headband of charisma?
Are you looking for something PFS legal or is it a home game where you have some freedom?

It's a home game. My player was wanting to build a paladin but hadn't sat down with me to bat it out so I was trying to get it finished and squared away so he can have a character ready to play by this week. Currently I have him as having ultimate mercy as an interesting new ability that the party and player will find compelling and giving the party some abilities they sorely lack. Unfortunately I'm still short a few lay on hands uses to make it usable so I was looking for ways to boost his uses per day.

You can always take the Extra LoH feat as many times as needed, but you may be tight on feats as it is.

doc the grey wrote:
Skylancer4 wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Thanks everyone. I was looking for an answer so that I might find a way to boost one of my players lay on hands uses per day so that he might be able to use his ultimate mercy ability. That being said does anyone know of any items that might boost your amount of lay on hands besides getting a headband of charisma?
Are you looking for something PFS legal or is it a home game where you have some freedom?
It's a home game. My player was wanting to build a paladin but hadn't sat down with me to bat it out so I was trying to get it finished and squared away so he can have a character ready to play by this week. Currently I have him as having ultimate mercy as an interesting new ability that the party and player will find compelling and giving the party some abilities they sorely lack. Unfortunately I'm still short a few lay on hands uses to make it usable so I was looking for ways to boost his uses per day.

If you are the GM and want them to have more uses, there was an item in 3.5 that just granted more 'turn attempts' per day called Night Sticks. Convert them over for channels or LoH's, between that and the bracers Weirdo linked you should have enough for the mercy.

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