Paizo podcast?

Paizo General Discussion

Grand Lodge

is there a good paizo/pathfinder podcast out there? or do you have one? looking for something to get good info about GMing and just generally playing pathfinder. funny stories or useful advice, that sort of thing.

You can try the Chronicles live podcast over at d20 radio. They are overdue for a new episode.

Grand Lodge

Cool! I'll check it out. Thanks!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also Know Direction is great. Its a news, reviews, and interviews. It can be found at 35privatesanctuary, which is also a great podcast btw.

Sovereign Court

Phistophilus wrote:
You can try the Chronicles live podcast over at d20 radio. They are overdue for a new episode.

They are ALWAYS overdue for a new episode.

Dark Archive

I would like to do 10 or so episodes of pod casting on both Pathfinder and 3.5. Maybe a bonus episode or two on board games and/or White Wolf.

I am strongly against doing a solo cast but would still be happy to do it with a different guest host each episode. So if you want to get your 2 cents out there, let me know by PM or replying to this post.

Currently, I was thinking about calling it Fair Play. Earlier today I thought it might be funny to subtitle it My 2 Cents Edition. Then I thought that might wave people off thinking it was specialized towards 2Ed or AD&D. What do you all think?

Sovereign Court

I'll second Know Direction. It is a solid, regular podcast. I am constantly amazed at how much information they out.

Know Direction.

Shadow Lodge

Know Direction also regularly gets Paizo staff/writers on their podcast too!

Raymond Lambert wrote:

I would like to do 10 or so episodes of pod casting on both Pathfinder and 3.5. Maybe a bonus episode or two on board games and/or White Wolf.

I am strongly against doing a solo cast but would still be happy to do it with a different guest host each episode. So if you want to get your 2 cents out there, let me know by PM or replying to this post.

Currently, I was thinking about calling it Fair Play. Earlier today I thought it might be funny to subtitle it My 2 Cents Edition. Then I thought that might wave people off thinking it was specialized towards 2Ed or AD&D. What do you all think?

Subtitle it My 2 Copper.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Another really good gaming podcast is Fear the Boot.

It's more of a general gaming podcast, but they cover all sorts of things relevant to Pathfinder as well.

They also keep up a very regular release schedule (about once a week), and they try very hard to keep their episodes under an hour (in contrast with a behemoth like Chronicles with its 8-hour-long shows).

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