Raymond Lambert |
I would like to do 10 or so episodes of pod casting on both Pathfinder and 3.5. Maybe a bonus episode or two on board games and/or White Wolf.
I am strongly against doing a solo cast but would still be happy to do it with a different guest host each episode. So if you want to get your 2 cents out there, let me know by PM or replying to this post.
Currently, I was thinking about calling it Fair Play. Earlier today I thought it might be funny to subtitle it My 2 Cents Edition. Then I thought that might wave people off thinking it was specialized towards 2Ed or AD&D. What do you all think?
Elf_NFB |
Ivan Rûski |
I would like to do 10 or so episodes of pod casting on both Pathfinder and 3.5. Maybe a bonus episode or two on board games and/or White Wolf.
I am strongly against doing a solo cast but would still be happy to do it with a different guest host each episode. So if you want to get your 2 cents out there, let me know by PM or replying to this post.
Currently, I was thinking about calling it Fair Play. Earlier today I thought it might be funny to subtitle it My 2 Cents Edition. Then I thought that might wave people off thinking it was specialized towards 2Ed or AD&D. What do you all think?
Subtitle it My 2 Copper.
Tamago RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
Another really good gaming podcast is Fear the Boot.
It's more of a general gaming podcast, but they cover all sorts of things relevant to Pathfinder as well.
They also keep up a very regular release schedule (about once a week), and they try very hard to keep their episodes under an hour (in contrast with a behemoth like Chronicles with its 8-hour-long shows).