>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:

Also, LLE, you need to work on an Enormous Schwanzstucker archetype.

Is this similar to the advice I once got to suck on a Fisherman's Friend if I wanted to get rid of my sore throat?

You see, it's not rude

Failing that, we'll soon have enough material to produce an even sweatier rival to 'Sisters of Rapture', 5% of all proceeds to go to Cosmo's Exploding Orphanage.

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I too Blame Cosmo for not going to GenCon this year.

I will also Blame Cosmo if Pazio does not do the 'I Blame Cosmo...' T-Shirts this year.

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I Blame COSMO for Windows 10! ... or is it thank?

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I blame Cosmo that some posters forget to change the stick up their butts every 3,000 posts.

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That stick has been with me since I was a wee gobshite, and it's got a good two or three decades in it still!!

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I blame Cosmo for the fact that the following argument was made at my game table, and I as GM, (thankfully this was alignment theorycraft, not in game) could not refute it.

Player name withheld to protect, well, everyone else form HIM. "Well, I could see the LN hobgoblin monk eating the now fire roasted human babies, because it would be very wasteful and disrespectful not to."

Seriously Cosmo, why in the name of all that is holy would you allow such terrible logic to actually make sense! COSMO!!!!!

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Gars DarkLover wrote:
I Blame COSMO for Windows 10! ... or is it thank?

Stockholm syndrome? And if it is, does it apply to Microsoft, Cosmo, or both?

I blame Cosmo that I'm old enough to have two kids in high school... heck, I just blame Cosmo for aging.

Silver Crusade

GM_Beernorg wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the fact that the following argument was made at my game table, and I as GM, (thankfully this was alignment theorycraft, not in game) could not refute it.

Player name withheld to protect, well, everyone else form HIM. "Well, I could see the LN hobgoblin monk eating the now fire roasted human babies, because it would be very wasteful and disrespectful not to."

Seriously Cosmo, why in the name of all that is holy would you allow such terrible logic to actually make sense! COSMO!!!!!

My refute would have been along the lines of "So it's more respectful to the children and their families to s@%+ them out than to give them a proper burial?"

That is a good call Rysky, I believe that may well have been mentioned during said discussion. (quite happy this at least did not happen IN game, proper burial and last rights were administered)

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Rysky wrote:
GM_Beernorg wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the fact that the following argument was made at my game table, and I as GM, (thankfully this was alignment theorycraft, not in game) could not refute it.

Player name withheld to protect, well, everyone else form HIM. "Well, I could see the LN hobgoblin monk eating the now fire roasted human babies, because it would be very wasteful and disrespectful not to."

Seriously Cosmo, why in the name of all that is holy would you allow such terrible logic to actually make sense! COSMO!!!!!

My refute would have been along the lines of "So it's more respectful to the children and their families to s%~@ them out than to give them a proper burial?"

If this leads to an "Ethics of Eating Babies" or "Babies: Grilled, Roasted, or Sous-Vide?" thread, I preemptively blame Cosmo.

Edit: I also blame Cosmo that my stomach just rumbled hungrily.

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I Blame Cosmo the heat....muscle cramps...and heat exhaustion.

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It has been raining. When it rains, it rains on everything that isn't under cover. The bench I just sat on was not under cover. It had been rained on. When I sat on the bench, I got a wet bum.

Cosmo's fault.

Silver Crusade

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I Blame Cosmo for the Social Justice Dumb###es that keep getting some of my favorite erotic artists kicked off of Tumblr for " posting porn, which promotes violence against women and minorities." (Their words, not mine).


Edit: Hmm, the profanity filter doesn't recognize dumb###. Must be a fan of Kurtwood Smith.

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I blame Cosmo for wanna be SJW (who are in reality, as Rysky points out, SJDA's) not knowing the difference between erotic and pornographic. Conversely praising Rysky for knowing the difference.

Silver Crusade


Yay! Thankies ^_^

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On behalf of myself and everyone to whom it applies, I blame Cosmo that I am not in Indianapolis right now getting ready for Gen Con tomorrow!

Silver Crusade

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I Blame Cosmo that my work has blocked the Paizo forums on the work computers :(

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rysky wrote:
I Blame Cosmo that my work has blocked the Paizo forums on the work computers :(

Good grief, just how often are you on these boards during a workday?

I blame Cosmo for Rysky not practicing self restraint.

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Rysky wrote:
I Blame Cosmo that my work has blocked the Paizo forums on the work computers :(

I Blame Cosmo that I can't find a proper work schedule so I can figure out when I will be free to romp around the messageboards without being glommed by a succubus!

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Rysky wrote:
I Blame Cosmo that my work has blocked the Paizo forums on the work computers :(

I Blame Cosmo for this too less Rysky is a bad thing that only Cosmo would be happy with.

Silver Crusade

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@Feros: ... dood, Succubus.

Also a multitasker.

@MP: *glomps the furtive Pugwampi while posting from iPhone*

@JK: Thank you 22 1/2 favourite stool.


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Gars DarkLover wrote:
I Blame COSMO for Windows 10! ... or is it thank?

All things considered...

I Blame Cosmo for Windows 10!

I blame Cosmo that fixing the problems made by Windows 10 was very costly.

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I blame Cosmo for more unneeded family drama from my sister crapping on my parents' vacation with northern family.

Edit: I blame Cosmo her mechanically incompetent husband ruined yet another good used car.

I blame Cosmo that my sister has blown up her 4th computer monitor in 3 years because she refuses to spend a few bucks on a decent surge protector. No, $4.99 to $9.99 at the dollar store does not buy a quality reliable surge protector.

Edit: If she has also blown up another desktop, I preemptively blame Cosmo that I will no longer help her carefully research a list of reliable PCs with the most bang-for-the-buck... so that she can again ignore all my work and just go down to the big box store and buy an underpowered overpriced replacement.

Edit edit: I also blame Cosmo for my swift mood swing into angry passive-aggressiveness.

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I Blame Cosmo because I am depressed...those wonderful 'friends' of mine did it again. So this Sunday with the GM being a way at GenCon I figured it would be nice to hang around with my fellow players in a non-gaming way. So I posted on our Yahoo group does anybody want to go see a movie maybe hang out at a dinner after. And I got no replies...now I can see it if they had made other plans and such...but you would think they would say that. Nothing...just as far as I know ignored. So now I am all depressed and feeling alienated just heading into my vacation. Thanks Cosmo.

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I Blame Cosmo for my Dad breaking the lawn mower twice today...once the blade came off...the other was the oil filter covering coming off...I don't know he did either...and of course I had to fix it both times.

Dark Archive

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I blame Cosmo for then new DnD movie being made

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ulgulanoth wrote:
I blame Cosmo for then new DnD movie being made

I wonder if this is an intentional attack by Cosmo in order to make Pathfinder look better and, by association, increase the money in his pocket through Paizo's boosted sales?

Grand Lodge

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Scribbling Rambler wrote:

I blame Cosmo for 13 more GenCon-less days.

I also blame him for the 5 subsequent hangovers.

I blame Cosmo that flight delays added an extra hangover.

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I Blame Cosmo for not having time to Blame Cosmo for the last several weeks, and not having time to write a Blame Cosmo list until I return home this eve.

For which, I Blame Cosmo.

So much Blame inbound for you tonight!

That sounds slightly naughty..ish. I Blame Cosmo.

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I Blame Cosmo that I won a $33 community writing contest, and the curtains I had been eye-ing the day before on Amazon price-jumped by 15 bucks and became unaffordable.... I'm getting tired of the tin foil on the window rattling with the wind man! (the blinds broke and the old curtains were horribly thin and useless)

I also Blame Cosmo that I've been distracted from writing prose to fiddling with my house-rules-that-might-as-well-be-a-new-game.... I have a FRIGGEN DEAD LINE HERE COSMO!

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I blame Cosmo for egotistical people existing.

I also blame Cosmo that I can't just push these people into incinerators because I could get in trouble if I get caught.

Silver Crusade

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I Blame Cosmo for Tels being afraid of if.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I Blame Cosmo for the couple downstairs very loudly arguing over stupid crap...

...when I am trying to sleep. >:(

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I Blame Cosmo that Game Master Scotty has not yet posted his post Blaming Cosmo as he said he would above.

Tels wrote:

I blame Cosmo for egotistical people existing.

I also blame Cosmo that I can't just push these people into incinerators because I could get in trouble if I get caught.

Destroying the Planet would be both Quicker and Nicer.

Gars DarkLover wrote:
Tels wrote:

I blame Cosmo for egotistical people existing.

I also blame Cosmo that I can't just push these people into incinerators because I could get in trouble if I get caught.

Destroying the Planet would be both Quicker and Nicer.

Ah yes... you see, but I live on this planet. So..

Silver Crusade

Tels wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Tels wrote:

I blame Cosmo for egotistical people existing.

I also blame Cosmo that I can't just push these people into incinerators because I could get in trouble if I get caught.

Destroying the Planet would be both Quicker and Nicer.
Ah yes... you see, but I live on this planet. So..

... destroy it with another ice age? You probably wouldn't notice much of a difference.

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I Blame Cosmo that this is the last day of my vacation.

Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Tels wrote:

I blame Cosmo for egotistical people existing.

I also blame Cosmo that I can't just push these people into incinerators because I could get in trouble if I get caught.

Destroying the Planet would be both Quicker and Nicer.
Ah yes... you see, but I live on this planet. So..
... destroy it with another ice age? You probably wouldn't notice much of a difference.

It would make this BS weather we've been getting more bearable...

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I blame Cosmo that pricing for a completely new magic weapon ability quite dissimilar from everything else published is a near-total shot-in-the-dark.

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Silver Crusade

Hold Shift?

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I've noticed that there are a lot of garage sales going on around my area this time of year. The signs on the side of the road directing people to them are somewhat annoying, but the biggest problem with them is all the false advertizing that goes on. I mean, I keep going to them, but nobody is ever selling their garages.

For that I blame Cosmo.

Dark Archive

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And those garage sales always say stuff like 'Saturday and Sunday,' and they are never actually selling any Saturdays or Sundays!

I could *totally* use some extra weekend days, yanno? The ones I've got always seem to go bye too fast!


Dark Archive

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Also blaming Cosmo because I just made a list of all the PF products I own using the list function, which took about an hour, and it didn't save and now I have to do it all over again.

Or not. 'Cause I think everyone at Paizo would prefer I keep accidentally buying multiple copies of the same product anyway. :)

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I Blame Cosmo that I just got a summons for jury duty.

Dark Archive

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John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo that I just got a summons for jury duty.

Just tell them that whoever it is on trial is innocent, because everything is Cosmo's fault. That should get you out of jury duty.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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I blame Cosmo for this thread: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2stw9?Aches-and-Pains-Complaint-Thread-I-guess.

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I blame Cosmo because if I blamed myself, then I would be wrong, and we can't have that.

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DragoDorn wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo that I just got a summons for jury duty.
Just tell them that whoever it is on trial is innocent, because everything is Cosmo's fault. That should get you out of jury duty.

I Blame Cosmo because of my sense of civic duty keeps from trying to avoid jury duty like that. I mean complain about how a jury screw up cases...and yet all the intelligent people avoid them like a plague.

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