Don't Know Where This Tower Goes

Homebrew and House Rules

Been a while since I posted on the boards, so I decided to go ahead and post here until someone can muster up the right spell to send this thing to the right place.

I recently met a fellow dwarf at a tavern that is a seasoned adventurer and he joined my party the week after I met him. I admit though, he's rusty but full of advice, insight, knowledge and ideas. I mentioned to him a goal that I had and he decided to jump right in there with me, so it looks like these two dwarves are going drinking together and getting into trouble!

Long story short: we want to play EVERY core, base and psionic class (as well as maybe the ninja and samurai, but not anti-paladin) so as to expand our horizons. We have both played a good share of the classes, but we want to see what else is out there. As such we have decided to sit down and play each class from levels 1 to 20 in a simple dungeon crawl. Do we realize that this is going to take a while, be monotonous and that by the time we get done we'll be so sick of dungeon crawling we'll fight tooth and nail to avoid it? Yes. Do we still want to do it? Yes.

My question to all of you then is this: are there any FREE adventures available that would take us from 1 to 20 in a relatively short amount of time? If not...I'm going to need help designing a freaking tower full of monsters! Not to mention a way of randomly generating each encounter so we don't run into a rut of wash, rinse, repeat style tactics and/or way of thinking!

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It isn't an AP - but you could design a tower with ALOT of monsters and a floor or two for each character level. You can even 'theme' dungeon floors. It may or may not work for what you need.

Sadly it only has the OGL monsters listed (since it is for 3.5) so it doesn't have all the monsters from the Pathfinder Bestiaries... which is sad.

EDIT: My bad - they DO have a Pathfinder specific random generator:

SWEET!! This is going to work just fine and monsters/themes shouldn't be too difficult to come up with!

Thank you for the quick response and thanks for the resource! This will come in handy in the future with other campaigns as well...

As thanks I grant you with this token of gratitude from my clan the Sky Hammers! *Gives you a necklace with a pendent shaped as a hammer with wings and a star above it.* Should you wear it amongst my kin you shall be treated with hospitality and aid shall be given should you request it!

That link is indeed really handy. Bookmarked for future use. My thanx as well M.C.!

Liberty's Edge

My advice - always destroy the tower.

I've never been in a game where towers are good things. Besides if you come with new ways to destroy the tower with each of the different classes, it would really bring to light what the brain can do with those powers.

The Exchange

FireKimagawa wrote:

My advice - always destroy the tower.

I've never been in a game where towers are good things. Besides if you come with new ways to destroy the tower with each of the different classes, it would really bring to light what the brain can do with those powers.

Rogue: "I use Sleight of Hand to steal the foundations of the tower!"

Fighter: "I sunder the supports!"
NPC: "I pay 1st-level adventurers 100 gp apiece for a stone from the tower, and keep doing it until there's no more tower!"

I seem to remember a gigantic mega-dungeon book/brick for 3.5 that was around $90...

RoninUsagi, you might be thinking of The World's Largest Dungeon, with something like 16 poster sized maps and every monster in the entire 3.5 SRD was in there at least once, some of them lots of times. Characters go in level 1 and exit level 20, if they exit at all.

Mead, that link to the Pathfinder random dungeon generator is pretty cool, but I noticed it doesn't seem complete. Lots of repetitive monsters as if they only used part of the first Bestiary and every treasure hoard I created, out of about 40-50, had coin, art, gems, potions, scrolls, and wands. That's in. No weapons, no armor, no wondrous items, staves, rings, rods. It's like only part of the treasure tables were completed.

It does make some fun maps, but it also has its shortcomings.

To the OP, did you want to "Play" the characters, or just level them through battle? If it's the latter, why not just go with an imaginary arena, maybe with time between to level up and buy magic items? If it's the former and you really want to play them, then I don't think there's a really fast solution for you other than running the same AP over and over, quicker each time you do it because you get familiar with it, but you wanted to avoid repetition, so a random tower generator and/or an arena, both seem to be about the same - endless fights to level your characters.

If you do want to speed things up, why not ignore the XP tables? Set a number of fights, say, 4, to have at each level. Spice it up, have two at your level, one a bit below, and one a bit above. Try to do them in one game-day (so your characters don't sleep and recover spells between fights). At the end of the 4 fights, level them up. Toss them a bit of gear to keep up with the Wealth-by-Level chart and you're set. You get to level up quickly but still get the challenge of learning your class and abilities and have to make an effort to spare your resources between fights, just like a normal adventuring party.

DM_Blake wrote:
Mead, that link to the Pathfinder random dungeon generator is pretty cool, but I noticed it doesn't seem complete. Lots of repetitive monsters as if they only used part of the first Bestiary

bestiary 1 is all there, spread across tables by dungeon level and motif, 2 and 3 are still to be done. hopefully before 4 is out.

DM_Blake wrote:
and every treasure hoard I created, out of about 40-50, had coin, art, gems, potions, scrolls, and wands. That's in. No weapons, no armor, no wondrous items, staves, rings, rods. It's like only part of the treasure tables were completed.

treasure generally follows the model presented in Ultimate Equipment, and so is based on the type and CR of its guardian monster.

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