
FireKimagawa's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

You could also have a session for your players to create some of their own props for themselves. Like get some craft stuff together and have the players make their dagger/staff/wand/etc.

Liberty's Edge

Most of the land-based stuff is near or at least includes water for the first part. Later on it gets more on ships and land.

Liberty's Edge

For my group, we did go onto an island on the way to get some water barrels for the ship and upon returning found Plugg and Scourge waiting for us and ready to kill us.

One thing led to another and scourge ended up dead, Plugg abandoned ship and we followed him to make sure he died.

It didn't end well for him.

Liberty's Edge

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If a storm's about to hit
or something's gone a miss
Blame Harrigan!

Just look at his ugly mug
He was in love with Mr. Plugg
Blame Harrigan!

He isn't even a real pirate anyway!

The line about Mr. Plugg is due to our particular campaign having everything we did leading to Harrigan being gay.

Liberty's Edge

I'd agree with giving more details about the rooms because even if there's nothing in the room, if you give details it makes people pay attention and wonder why you are giving them details.

For example:
"This room looks like a dusty library with books askew on the shelves and paper scattered on the desk."

Naturally we want to know why the books are askew and what those papers might be. Draw their attention. :)

Liberty's Edge

My advice - always destroy the tower.

I've never been in a game where towers are good things. Besides if you come with new ways to destroy the tower with each of the different classes, it would really bring to light what the brain can do with those powers.

Liberty's Edge

In the back of the Animal Archive they have a list of the Deities and their "sacred animals". Although I have to question a few of them, for the most part they make sense.

Liberty's Edge

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Also if maps are not available for sale from Paizo there is also the option of getting a playmat and some dry-erase markers and drawing the maps themselves.