Don Juan de Doodlebug |
I forgot the best one:
I used to live with this sexy roller derby chick, Ariel, and she had a friend from the team--I can't for the life of me remember her name--who tried to pick her up.
My friend politely declined, but they had a lot in common, so they became friends and she would come over our apartment a lot.
So, it turned out that she was married to this older Swedish guy named Lloyd, IIRC, and had two adopted children with him. And as time passed, Ariel would come home from roller derby practice full of stories about the high drama that inevitably occured whenever ???? would make passes at the other women on the team. She would have girlfriends for a while, and then they'd break up, she'd move onto another one, high drama ensued, etc., etc., repeat.
So, whatever, it's none of my business, but I like salacious gossip as much as the next horny goblin, so I follow along, and then, one day, the question that I had never asked got answered.
It turned out that a previously totally hetero ???? had met Lloyd when she took care of him as a home nurse and they had fallen in love and gotten married. And, a couple of months into the marriage he stopped doing it with her, and ???? was like, "You know, this is great and all, but, um, there's some part of your marital duties that aren't being attended to." And, he was like, "Yeah, I'm not really that interested in performing those duties." And she was like, "Uh, well, then we've got a problem--"
And then, the story goes, and I can't for a fact that this is true, but this is how the story goes, Lloyd said to her: "Why don't we do it like they do it in Sweden?" Which, apparently, meant that she could go run around and sleep with any woman that she wanted and that was fine as long as she stuck to women. Which she took to with great enthusiasm.
Goblins do it in the streets and in all kinds of ways, many of which can be determined with a Diplomacy skill check!
The 8th Dwarf |
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Man my life is boring..... I should have been a communist, rather than a middle class Chardonnay socialist.
My great grandmother was a half French Mauritian (creole) half Scottish, Australian born communist that rode motorcycles and married a black man (Australian Aboriginal) in the 1930's. She then became a fire breathing baptist and things went downhill from there...
DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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Doodlebug, in my personal experience, two things:
1. Sometimes people are drawn to more than one gender than another... but still basically bisexual. I prefer women generally more than men, but I have fallen in love with men and can't deny that's as much as part of my sexuality as my attraction to women. Sometimes, though, it's really hard to figure that out--especially since the world tends to present the world in a straight/gay binary, that you can only be one or the other, and that there is no bi or pansexual or any other option (or asexual, for that matter). So many bisexual people tend to identify with whoever they tend to be attracted to more often, until they meet someone of the other sex they can't deny that they are attracted to, and have to deal with the sexual identity confusion there, finally realizing that, "oh, bisexuals, they are in fact real and I am one of them."
2. There are queer subcultural groups where homosexuals, and in my personal (anecdotal) experience, especially lesbians, who are actively and hatefully biphobic. They think bisexuals are gays trying to "pass themselves off as straight" rather than acknowledge that they are gay, and if they find out you are bi, want nothing more to do with you for being "dishonest" (I've directly experienced rejection because of this, and nastily so.) The irony of this is if you are a bisexual woman who wants to date a lesbian, you may feel socially pressured to pretend you are a lesbian. So rather than being a gay pretending to be straight, you are in fact a bi pretending to be gay. Not that bisexual women SHOULD do this, but it still happens because of this biphobia.
This situation, when it happens, then unfortunately helps perpetuate the stereotype that lesbians themselves aren't real, that any of them really will enjoy being with a man, which is not true, as we all know.
But it's not surprising if you know a few queer women, that at one point they identified one way and then later another, both as they had more experiences and became more comfortable or free to express their bisexuality.
Tangentially, I have a lot of friends, newer in my life, who are a lot more involved in what I call "queer subculture" than I am, and ask me why I don't have a lot of other friends in that group, but that my main social group are gamers (and they think automatically that all gamers are straight, oddly enough). I tell them it's because when I realized I was bisexual, the so-called TLGB Alliance at college wanted nothing to do with me and gave me the cold shoulder. When I told my gaming club the same thing, the gamers basically said, "Yeah, hon, we knew that. We love you, now roll the dice." In my current life, many years later, our gaming group (by which I mean my main social group of several dozen people) consists of a lot of people of different sexualities, it's just not the reason why we're friends with each other; we're friends with each other because we share mutual interests and hobbies, and it just so happens some of us are queer. I've realized I'm very lucky to have this in my life.
When I tell the queer subculture folks, "hey, no, there are many gamers in my group who are gay, lesbian, and bi..." they don't believe it... and then especially because there's several opposite sex married couples, even though some of them consist of one or both being bisexual. And I feel weirdly pressured to prove how many queer folks are my friends... but then, I guess that just shows me who my real friends are, the ones I don't need to be any certain sexuality for and the ones that don't need to be proven anything.
I've seen a lot of gamers be intolerant on the Web, but I'm so glad the ones I know IRL are so open, welcoming, tolerant, and loving. The Paizo boards are generally welcoming too--there's some rocky bits, but it feels like it's always getting better.
Haladir |
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I'm a Dan Savage fan, and one of the things he mentions often is that female sexuality is far more fluid than male sexuality.
Back to the thread topic: I handle sexuality in my games pretty much as it happens in the real world. Most people are mostly straight, and some people are gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgendered, or hermaphrodites. Most "good guy" societies are generally tolerant of varied sexual orientations and simply don't care much. Compared to humans, in my world, elves are more likely to be bi, and dwarves more likely to be straight, and gnomes are more likely to be pansexual.
Matthew Morris RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 |
Rynjin wrote:The sad part? Some people honestly believe that.Brian E. Harris wrote:As you know, every lesbian is just waiting for a big, strong man to teach them the error of their ways.Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:We roll the dice to determine if an NPC is going to decide to ignore their sexuality?"No," I said, "She's not interested, she's gay."
"I believe," said my player, "That we roll dice to decide these sorts of things."
*shrug* And my (ex-)wife believed that every woman was bi on some level.
And one of my friends (who is bi) was told more than once that she's a lesbian in denial.
People believing what they want is not the problem.
Don Juan de Doodlebug |
Doodlebug, in my personal experience, two things:
1. Sometimes people are drawn to more than one gender than another... but still basically bisexual. I prefer women generally more than men, but I have fallen in love with men and can't deny that's as much as part of my sexuality as my attraction to women.
Thank you for sharing, DQ. Ilsa totally agrees. It just took a nat 20 for her to discover it.
Haven't picked up a paper with him in it in a while, but Dan Savage rulez!!
I would also like to point out, for my critics, that the original story also contained great big heaps of rampant white knightism. I will try to watch more Anita Sarkeesian videos...
Samnell |
I'm a Dan Savage fan, and one of the things he mentions often is that female sexuality is far more fluid than male sexuality.
Back to the thread topic: I handle sexuality in my games pretty much as it happens in the real world. Most people are mostly straight, and some people are gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgendered, or hermaphrodites. Most "good guy" societies are generally tolerant of varied sexual orientations and simply don't care much. Compared to humans, in my world, elves are more likely to be bi, and dwarves more likely to be straight, and gnomes are more likely to be pansexual.
For my current sandbox group, I told them in the player prep docs that elves have very little sexual dimorphism. Both sexes have largely the same body types and "they all look the same" to humans who don't have a lot of elf experience. (Conversely, that also gives some further explanation to why elves like to shag humans: something they don't get a lot of at home.) I thought about doing the same with dwarves, but didn't want to touch the dwarf women with beards third rail. Two of my players promptly opted for elvish PCs, one full-blooded and one his half-elf by-blow.
They land at an inn where the nice lesbian couple raise a small brood of adopted children, one of whom is a fairly nubile lass. The mothers believe elves are very lucky and want to have an elf grandkid. Nubile lass wants to oblige since why not and elf dudes are kinda hot. (There may be more going on here, but my PCs don't know it yet.)
Obviously she's a late teens human girl. To get a baby, she needs at least to have some boy-flavored involvement. She went right past the full elf for the half-elf on the assumption that the full elf was female, which I put into some dialog before the encounter.
I thought the PC might refuse but it actually turned into a very sweet scene where she explained her wishes and that any child would be well cared for, he had no obligations, etc. He went and took up some obligations. Fun times. While they had their fun times, the young paladin next door heard the festivities and decided he needed to go for a walk. :)
And they've yet to raise a sword or spell in anger. I love these guys.
Don Juan de Doodlebug |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Before the taming of Ilsa, two of my PCs distinguished themselves as fighters in a corrupt colonel's pit fighting enterprise.
One of them, Kormackr Ogdenson, had been shaved by the guards a couple of days ago, and was suffering stiff penalties to Diplomacy skill checks with other dwarves due to his beardless condition.
In fact, he won the pit fight against Tregar the Foamer, dwarven barbarian, mostly because he cheated and attacked TtF before the bell had rung, while the latter was hunched over laughing in derision at Kormackr's downy cheeks.
Anyway, he won, and the corrupt Colonel Klink rewarded him with a basket of hair tonic that would speed up his beard growth, and a night of companionship with a beautiful dwarven woman.
Who's beard was more flowing and full than Kormackr's, which caused great issues of performance anxiety. Which caused him to decline the bearded dwarf lady's ministrations.
Poor Kormackr.
Vincent Takeda |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
How do you handle homosexuality in your campaigns?.
Haladir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Dwarven women don't have full beards in my game world... although the incidence of hirsutism in dwarven women is a bit higher than that in human women.
Oh, and on a coincidental tangent to Mr. Doodlebug... I recently picked up a Roku box, and, as a fan of terrible movies, I couldn't resist adding the Midnight Pulp channel.
And what movie did I just notice is available for free streaming under the "Exploitation Films" genre?
Mid-'70s sexploitation flick, here I come!
(That didn't sound right...)
Haladir |
3.5 Loyalist |
This is something that's been on my mind for awhile. While I am personally not gay, I do realize and accept that many people are. So, I try to be unbiased and do my best to represent them as best as I can, allowing any player in a campaign of mine to be gay, giving people in a single player campaign gay romance options, having gay NPCs, and even playing gay characters myself, all while not trying to shove it down the throats of the other players and/or the DM. I'm only asking this question because I'm curious as to how others handle it outside of my small group of friends, since (as far as I've seen) no one has talked about it on here. I'm not trying to start a huge argument or anything over it, I just want to know how you tackle the situation in your campaigns in a mature manner.
Placing in lgbt representations, I don't go overboard, but they do feature. The truth of the matter may be hidden, it may be obvious and out there. I try to keep it fun without real world politics of the present intruding too much (but oh how they nudge in, even when this is the path taken).
What I've also thrown in, are monsters/demihumans that are into plenty of weird stuff, like a naga that will help the boggard pc through its territory for a roll in the sack, (got to make this once in a while, don't want to make this, weird sexual encounters: the game), and some npcs that are not hete or hom, but are attracted to power, ability, wealth, brilliance, cruelty etc. It isn't all sex either, some npcs are set as very unwilling, damaged, asexual or a bit stuck up.
The dms I've played with have generally done a good job, and pursuing some relationships (or failing), through a character has been pretty fun. I had a cavalier that Stockholmed/dated a drow cleric, we got a lot of info out of her (if you know what I mean). A rogue that only cared about spending his wealth on ale and whores, and not on magic item upgrades (he would rock up after down time, drugged, drunk, half-naked and with a terrible headache). A warmage noble woman that didn't get her man (awww). Never played a gay character (except as a dm), no Loras Tyrell for me.
3.5 Loyalist |
Before the taming of Ilsa, two of my PCs distinguished themselves as fighters in a corrupt colonel's pit fighting enterprise.
One of them, Kormackr Ogdenson, had been shaved by the guards a couple of days ago, and was suffering stiff penalties to Diplomacy skill checks with other dwarves due to his beardless condition.
In fact, he won the pit fight against Tregar the Foamer, dwarven barbarian, mostly because he cheated and attacked TtF before the bell had rung, while the latter was hunched over laughing in derision at Kormackr's downy cheeks.
Anyway, he won, and the corrupt Colonel Klink rewarded him with a basket of hair tonic that would speed up his beard growth, and a night of companionship with a beautiful dwarven woman.
Who's beard was more flowing and full than Kormackr's, which caused great issues of performance anxiety. Which caused him to decline the bearded dwarf lady's ministrations.
Poor Kormackr.
Awwww, afflicted with beard obsession.
I am reminded of Ogami Itto in Lone Wolf and Cub, who said that a true warrior cares not for his appearance.Artisans, performers, women, they care about their face and looks. A bushi does not (it was that type of book, but I've heard this in regards to dwarves before).
3.5 Loyalist |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Icyshadow wrote:Rynjin wrote:The sad part? Some people honestly believe that.Brian E. Harris wrote:As you know, every lesbian is just waiting for a big, strong man to teach them the error of their ways.Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:We roll the dice to determine if an NPC is going to decide to ignore their sexuality?"No," I said, "She's not interested, she's gay."
"I believe," said my player, "That we roll dice to decide these sorts of things."
*shrug* And my (ex-)wife believed that every woman was bi on some level.
And one of my friends (who is bi) was told more than once that she's a lesbian in denial.
People believing what they want is not the problem.
I am fascinated that a gay friend of mine believes, that people are born gay, but also that with the right timing and ploys, almost anyone can be persuaded to try a gay old time (and dare I joke further, get sucked in).
Which is it I wonder? Both cannot be entirely true unless... everyone is really born gay, but they need a gay wizard to break the spell.
TheAntiElite |
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Vincent Takeda wrote:For the record dwarven women dont have beards.Damn strai-
Quote:They just have chest hair that goes all the way up.>:(
Last time I offered my happy counter-argument, my messages got removed by the STOP HAVING NAUGHT FUN Police.
Then again, a lot of my take is sprinkled, occasionally, with stealing from and modifying the real world countercultures.
Often in the form of the Country Codes.
Then again, that may be in part due ot the people I game with and play with.
When England, Greece, France, Japan, and Italy become as much code phrases as nations, or at least the adjectival form of their names for certain types of acts, it makes for rather entertaining variant shorthand references.
Tangentially, there's been a running theme in one of my games of recent about dwarven females, and the priestesses of the Hearth Mother in particular, having libidos that are outsized due to the nature of dwarven personae being larger than life to begin with, coupled with the males bad tendency to obsessive-compulsively fixate on everything BUT the horizontal lambada, resulting in a sorority of 'craft-widows' entertaining themselves as they see fit.
This was as much caused by dwarf fortress as one particular player who always plays dwarves of the most dwarfly dwarvenness bringing their significant other to the game, and myself making a spot check to realize that she was in fact typically a 'hobby widow'. Evidently, she was pleased with the pandering. And the two of them have already begun plotting characters for next campaign/eventual replacement in case of untimely demise.
3.5 Loyalist |
Of course, while some may go the full dire hog and throw in plenty of sex and sexual orientations, a few dms I know, avoid it entirely.
This is about dragons and bugbears damn it, it isn't about g** orc c****!
So I try not to go too far less I alienate my audience. Even though, when you are relaxing around a table and rolling some dice it can become frightfully obvious who watches a lot of porn of many varieties. Anyone else noticed pornspeak (porncant? pornistics? pornlance?) has crept into language?
Rynjin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Everybody watches porn 3.5, you won't get banned by using "porn language" unless you mean "Sexually explicit words" by that.
I figured you were just coming up with some turns of phrase or acronyms commonly heard in the porn industry, like MILF or BBW creeping their way into common consciousness, and wanted to hear which ones you'd heard in regular conversation.
TheAntiElite |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Everybody watches porn 3.5, you won't get banned by using "porn language" unless you mean "Sexually explicit words" by that.
I figured you were just coming up with some turns of phrase or acronyms commonly heard in the porn industry, like MILF or BBW creeping their way into common consciousness, and wanted to hear which ones you'd heard in regular conversation.
I think some confusion/detachment arises when parsed as such, because in my far from humble opinion a good amount of what is said will, naturally, vary with one's associations, both professional and casual. As an aspiring Professional Smutmonger of the written variety, I game with and associate with a discerning group of Elegantly Verbose Pornoscriptors.
I also associate with professional artists who draw content ranging from G-rated to explicitly erotic, and game with some of them. One might think, given that such is their trade, that they would not want to carry their work into their hobby - such is actually far from the case. I can relate, as I do server support for a living, but go home and dink about with my own workstations and server for 'grits and shins'.
That being said, I should spoiler for the forthcoming language abuse and neologisms.
...and I've gone off on a whole range of tangents, so I will turn this back towards the topic by noting that, among my group, 'twink' more often refers to someone over-geared in regards to wealth by level, in contrast to the adult cinema interpretation.
Aarontendo |
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In answer the OP, I don't think it's really come up at all in games. Well, ok when I was a teen there were always the jokes about gay people, teen thing to do especially in the nineties I suppose. Then again, back in those days the campaigns generally had PvP within 10 minutes of starting so seems things change!
If an AP or mod has homosexual characters I wouldn't change it to hetero or anything like that, but at the same time I'd more than likely not go out of my way to introduce homosexuality if I'm making up my own stuff.
Don Juan de Doodlebug |
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"Joy Division this, you fascist!!"
You playing with sanity checks, or any sort of psychological trauma mechanic, Doodlebug?
"How do you handle post-traumatic stress in your campaign?"
I was actually thinking of this myself, especially after Pieter Smith, human fighter, got his left arm bitten off under the elbow by a giant praying mantis, was brought back to consciousness, spent 10 seconds emoting about his new, one-armed condition, grabbed his longsword, and jumped back into the fray.
He's already planning on replacing it with a blunderbuss...
LazarX |
White straight male is pretty much the stereotype of characters in roleplaying games. And somehow giving people British accents in movies makes it "historical" no matter what culture it's supposed to be.
How many non-whites were there in the Lord of the Rings movies? I honestly can't think of one...not one.
There were plenty.... they were all Orcs or the evil Easterling nations, which quite a few folks have made note of.
Pippi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I figured you were just coming up with some turns of phrase or acronyms commonly heard in the porn industry, like MILF or BBW creeping their way into common consciousness, and wanted to hear which ones you'd heard in regular conversation.
Those are pornography terms? I always just figured "MILF" (a term I despise) was typical stupid boys being typical stupid boys, and "BBW" (which I thought meant "big, beautiful woman"? I'm kind of afraid to ask, now), was an advertising phrase.
I haven't ever had homosexuality present in any of my games, that I'm aware of. The group I play with is pretty much garden variety heteronormative, and sad to say, it's never really come up. I think if my little brother were to play, our DM would gladly offer him a romantic option to match his RL orientation if he felt like pursuing it. I would, definitely.
On the other hand, if I really wanted to, I could easily imagine the gentlemen who jointly own a local tavern we patronize frequently could be a couple. It'd be a nice bit of inclusive head-cannon, I suppose.
Oh! I tell a lie! There was a brothel in Scuttlecove that featured in a session of the Savage Tides campaign I ran, a long time ago, that had equal opportunity employees. I wasn't very good at presenting the more lascivious elements of the establishment (I pretty much borrowed a lot of dialog from the "Heart of Gold" episode of Firefly at that point), but it wasn't anything I think the players would have been too interested in.
In game. :P
Anyway, I feel a little bad that I haven't been more inclusive in my gaming design and world building when I've DM'd in the past. It's something I believe I'll try to rectify in the future, just for the sake of a more fully developed campaign, if nothing else. It wouldn't necessarily even have to come up, I suppose, but I'd know. :P
Pippi |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Don't feel bad, or guilted or whatever, run for your audience, not another audience.
I don't feel guilted, but I do feel bad, mostly because it's such a silly over-sight. I'm not saying that I'm turning my next campaign into a pride festival, but I think having homosexual characters show up in a story (if the conversation ever comes round to that) just adds a certain level of verisimilitude.
I'm always looking for a way to have my stories ring more true, and having people of all shapes and sizes helps a campaign world feel a little more fleshed out. I've had lots of characters that are sort of "built" around people I know or admire or love. I think my little brother would make an AWESOME village smithy. And, just like IRL, I'd like him to have somebody to share that with. The players might never meet his S.O. Heck, they might not even ever come across him. But he's there, another facet of the world, repairing armor and making wonderfully creative weather vanes (which he'll spell whether vains, I'm just sure of it) and that, to me, only makes things that much more interesting.
I don't really think my audience will care much, one way or the other, but in my mind, at least, the world will seem more realized, and that makes me happy.
Steven Tindall |
I guess the fact that my group is half hetro and half homo isn't as unique as I once thought. I've read some of the responses here and for the most part I guess it's universal you either use sexuality as a role playing story aid OR you gloss over it to varying degrees.
For my group a lot of it has to do with the setting were in as well as the GM. I have played straight characters and the DM has used my love interests as a plot device(damsel in distress much) while another DM used sexuality as a tool to advance the evil side by having a half orc barbarian attempt rape while his minions engaged us the party. I as a human male druid gave him an eye for an eye by tying him down and then raping him as a man and then shape changing into a horse to kill him as he deserved.
I have played in most all of the classic settings; greyhawk, forgotten realms, home brewed and now we are in the realm of Thedas as my DM is using D&D rules for that setting. There sexuality isn't a big deal. I'm a human noble wizard of the tevinter imperium and according to the dragon age wiki as long as a noble does his duty to continue his line whatever else he does is nothing to be bothered with. While in orlay their "nobles" are known for hedonistic behavior that would make a demon blush.
None of the other settings like realms etc have ever really bothered with overt sexuality preferring to leave it to the individual DM's which is where I think it should be.
Mikaze |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
kmal2t wrote:There were plenty.... they were all Orcs or the evil Easterling nations, which quite a few folks have made note of.White straight male is pretty much the stereotype of characters in roleplaying games. And somehow giving people British accents in movies makes it "historical" no matter what culture it's supposed to be.
How many non-whites were there in the Lord of the Rings movies? I honestly can't think of one...not one.
Thankfully, later fantasy works would be far less shy about featuring non-white protagonists. Fantasy audiences were certainly open to these protagonists when they finally made their appearances the movie adaptations of Earthsea and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Good God I just made myself sad.
Freehold DM |
LazarX wrote:kmal2t wrote:There were plenty.... they were all Orcs or the evil Easterling nations, which quite a few folks have made note of.White straight male is pretty much the stereotype of characters in roleplaying games. And somehow giving people British accents in movies makes it "historical" no matter what culture it's supposed to be.
How many non-whites were there in the Lord of the Rings movies? I honestly can't think of one...not one.
Thankfully, later fantasy works would be far less shy about featuring non-white protagonists. Fantasy audiences were certainly open to these protagonists when they finally made their appearances the movie adaptations of Earthsea and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Good God I just made myself sad.
I just ran into a problem with racial inclusion in my Darklight Sisterhood game. I wouldn't call it a problem so much as an issue where I was being slow/coy as a DM and a PC called me on it. I have hence sped up something that was going to happen in the world anyway- originally I wanted it to happen as a result of something the PCs did, so they could see the subtle influence they were having on the world- to correct this issue. Due to addressing of some other issues they had with a combination of my playstyle and my failings as a DM, we did not get a chance to get to this reveal, but it's a-coming.
Mikaze |
I just ran into a problem with racial inclusion in my Darklight Sisterhood game. I wouldn't call it a problem so much as an issue where I was being slow/coy as a DM and a PC called me on it. I have hence sped up something that was going to happen in the world anyway- originally I wanted it to happen as a result of something the PCs did, so they could see the subtle influence they were having on the world- to correct this issue. Due to addressing of some other issues they had with a combination of my playstyle and my failings as a DM, we did not get a chance to get to this reveal, but it's a-coming.
See, now I'm curious. :)
(don't beat yourself up on pacing, I still trip myself up over it!)
edit-Just remembered that I meant to ask you for advice on a Darklight Sisterhood-related NPC I'm fleshing out for Shattered Star, but by this point she's mutated into something different from what she started as.
Vincent Takeda |
We had a gm at our table who was homosexual in a very extroverted way... He definitely had a voice that I would characterize as 'sassy'... He's proud of his sexuality. He wears it on his sleeve.
He was running a campaign that involved jumping back in time 3000 years in pursuit of a demon. During our jump back, one of the party members died. We were in a harrowing situation so we had to leave the character behind without a proper burial. We defeated the demon but when we jumped back forward 3000 years the world had been turned upside down anyway!
Turns out the demon took that character who died and somehow resurrected/corrupted/turned him into a vampire off screen before we were able to kill the demon off, and the now ex-pc's mind was corrupted by the demon, so when we went into town to try and figure out what was amiss, the town had been taken over by a powerful vampire. We tracked him down, and upon seeing him face to face, discovered it was the dead player from 3000 years ago.
Now the original player who ran that character was not homosexual and definitely not 'sassy', but now that the character is being run by the gm, the newly added 'sassiness' was just too hard to overlook. As stark a difference as if you spent every day of your life around paul teutel sr from orange county choppers, then when you ran into vampire paul senior 3000 years later, if you closed your eyes you were talking to Michael Kors on project runway.
I didn't want to give him a hard time about it so when he see's my character and says 'oh, its you....' the only thing I could respond with was 'my how you've changed!' Because at least he could interpret that as 'yes, i'm a 3000 year old vampire now...' instead of 'yes... i'm now fabulous!' which was the thing I couldn't help focusing on, heheheh.
It was more a criticism of his 'not being able to get the voice right when he gets into character' than it was a criticism of his 'sassy voice' and he never found out what was going on in my head but I still feel bad. Even as extroverted as he is I still don't know that he'd have taken it well even if i'd have explained it properly so I guess its just as well I didn't...
Vincent Takeda |
What I find really surprising is despite the diversity I am surrounded by...
I have homosexual friends...
and I know at least 2 transgendered folks personally...
Looking back on it, I don't think i've ever known a lesbian. I might have met them in passing, but I know no lesbians personally.
I was thinking back on it and thought I knew a pair from work, but as it turns out one of them was female but going through the transgender process to become a male... so thats kind of a gray area... At the end of the day that pretty much makes them hetero... In retrospect I wonder if they'd each identify as heterosexual if you asked them... If there's a different word to label that scenario I'm not aware of it, and I'm almost absolutely sure they prefer it that way ^_^.
That being said... I know of lesbians... But I know no lesbians personally. Which is kinda odd now that I think about it.
LazarX |
LazarX wrote:kmal2t wrote:There were plenty.... they were all Orcs or the evil Easterling nations, which quite a few folks have made note of.White straight male is pretty much the stereotype of characters in roleplaying games. And somehow giving people British accents in movies makes it "historical" no matter what culture it's supposed to be.
How many non-whites were there in the Lord of the Rings movies? I honestly can't think of one...not one.
Thankfully, later fantasy works would be far less shy about featuring non-white protagonists. Fantasy audiences were certainly open to these protagonists when they finally made their appearances the movie adaptations of Earthsea and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Good God I just made myself sad.
The Avatar movie brought the term "Race-bending" into play as it's choice of actors pretty much undid the depiction progressiveness of the cartoon. I won't go into the ugly story here, feel free to google it. Take a very very close look at the casting of the Water Tribe characters. Them be the whitest looking Eskimos I've ever seen. The only "oriental" looking characters are the heavies.
I almost suspect it was deliberate, so that we could overlook the generally horribly choreographed bending fight scenes. Samalyan's obsession with soft focus really doesn't help in a 3D movie either.
3.5 Loyalist |
We had a gm at our table who was homosexual in a very extroverted way... He definitely had a voice that I would characterize as 'sassy'... He's proud of his sexuality. He wears it on his sleeve.
He was running a campaign that involved jumping back in time 3000 years in pursuit of a demon. During our jump back, one of the party members died. We were in a harrowing situation so we had to leave the character behind without a proper burial. We defeated the demon but when we jumped back forward 3000 years the world had been turned upside down anyway!
Turns out the demon took that character who died and somehow resurrected/corrupted/turned him into a vampire off screen before we were able to kill the demon off, and the now ex-pc's mind was corrupted by the demon, so when we went into town to try and figure out what was amiss, the town had been taken over by a powerful vampire. We tracked him down, and upon seeing him face to face, discovered it was the dead player from 3000 years ago.
Now the original player who ran that character was not homosexual and definitely not 'sassy', but now that the character is being run by the gm, the newly added 'sassiness' was just too hard to overlook. As stark a difference as if you spent every day of your life around paul teutel sr from orange county choppers, then when you ran into vampire paul senior 3000 years later, if you closed your eyes you were talking to Michael Kors on project runway.
I didn't want to give him a hard time about it so when he see's my character and says 'oh, its you....' the only thing I could respond with was 'my how you've changed!' Because at least he could interpret that as 'yes, i'm a 3000 year old vampire now...' instead of 'yes... i'm now fabulous!' which was the thing I couldn't help focusing on, heheheh.
It was more a criticism of his 'not being able to get the voice right when he gets into character' than it was a criticism of his 'sassy voice' and he never found out what was going on in my head but I still feel bad. Even...
3000 years of fabulousness.