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Rynjin wrote:Heh heh... who knows? those gods work in weird ways...Changing Man wrote:What about Wee Jas?Any relation to Hugh Jas?
She happens to be a goddess of beauty and vanity, too, so probably not (she's got enough pictures of her coming out of 3rd Edition books and magazine articles, and she's no Venus of Willendorf - an artifact commonly assumed to be somebody's object of veneration, but who's to say it wasn't somebody's idea of a gag gift?).
I'm still leaning toward melding Baron Samedi with someone else for various reasons - I wasn't thinking of making my character a lecher, but I rather like the idea of a necromancer with a silk top hat (to match the one I own and sport in real life!). Add a cigar and perhaps I could have some kind of "Necro Marx".

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Loki is a god of chaos who has magical abilities (shapeshifting and as a fire deity).
Odin is a god of Knowledge, Madness, Victory and Rulership (and I would say should be LN);
Hel is the Goddess of Disease and Death (she gets the people who die by sickness and causes other than drowning and combat) and should be NE in my view.
Despite the all too human nature of the Greek Gods they promoted a 'system' of order (with them at the top and punishments for those who go 'against the gods') so Hecate as LE I can see (as she regulated the role of 'female magic') and Hades is pretty much a full on keeper of dead souls/god of death (LN).
In Celtic mythology the Morrigan is a Goddess of War as well as collecting dead souls - probably CE. Probably your best fit. Ankou is a loccalised Breton God of Death and protecter of souls (probably NG) and there is a Welsh Hero/God Aeron who revelled in slaughter. An older god is Crom Dubh - who may have been a fertility god who accepted human sacrifice (a male equivalent of Nerthus).

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The game's begun at last, I have selected a somewhat adulterated Baron Samedi (a product of syncretism to begin with). DM considered him Chaotic Neutral, which is exactly what my character is. He has seen fit to teach me the way of the scythe (which I used to end today's big combat by offing the last wolf), and the domains of Death (Undead subdomain) and Luck (Curse subdomain), the level 1 domain spell of which (bane) the character managed to cow most of the pack and all 3 of the worg leaders in round 2.
Thanks for everything, folks! Gods bless us, every one!